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Quote Episode
T'Pol : 
"My experience with Humans is limited, but I've come to learn that they are quite resourceful."
to Archer
ENT : Terra Nova
T'Pol : 
"I'm sorry, I don't know which child is named Nadine."
to the Boomer child; practicing the Vulcan art of lying with complete honesty
ENT : Fortunate Son
T'Pol : 
"There's a difference between keeping an open mind and believing something because you want it to be true."
to Trip
ENT : Cold Front
T'Pol : 
"With respect, captain, I wonder if you would be so determined to find this apparition if it were a scantily clad man?"
to Archer
ENT : Rogue Planet
T'Pol : 
"Polarize the hull plating."
Tucker : 
"I'll do what I can but keep in mind we're missing some of it."
ENT : Minefield
Archer : 
"Is there anything specific you and Travis are going to need?"
T'Pol : 
"Cold weather gear, restraints, and phase-pistols."
ENT : The Seventh
T'Pol : 
"You don't have to leave technology behind to contaminate a culture."
to Archer
ENT : The Communicator
T'Pol : 
"How much do you weigh?"
Plinn : 
T'Pol : 
"Your weight?"
Plinn : 
"72 kilograms."
T'Pol : 
Plinn : 
"1.8 meters. Why are you asking these questions?"
T'Pol : 
"Does your culture observe any postmortem rituals?"
Plinn : 
"This is not fair! I demand to speak with someone from my government!"
pretending to be his judge and executioner
ENT : Precious Cargo
Tucker : 
"I don't like pushing the engines this hard. The injectors are running at 110 percent."
T'Pol : 
"They're rated for 120."
Tucker : 
"And my underwear is flame retardant. That doesn't mean that I'm going to light myself on fire to prove it!"
ENT : Cease Fire
Soval : 
"What is their fixation with our ears?"
T'Pol : 
"I believe they're envious."
ENT : Cease Fire
T'Pol : 
"I suppose we'll never know... who would have won."
to Archer; on his fight with Robinson. Given his track record with fights, I thought this was a nicely snarky comment for the writers to throw in
ENT : First Flight
T'Pol : 
"If I don't mate with a male, Vulcan or otherwise, I'll die."
ENT : Bounty
T'Pol : 
"Don't be frightened. I won't hurt you."
Phlox : 
"You're disturbing my serum!"
ENT : Bounty
T'Pol : 
"Delicate is not a word I associate with Mr. Tucker."
on Trip
ENT : The Xindi
T'Pol : 
"Some of our calculations may have been slightly off."
to Tucker; looking at the smoking ruin of the lab
ENT : Rajiin
Reed : 
"We've taken nine prisoners, but the brig was only designed for two. I'm not sure what to do with the others."
Tucker : 
"Blow 'em out the airlock!"
T'Pol : 
"Put them in crew quarters under heavy guard."
ENT : Twilight
Archer : 
"It couldn't have been easy for you, telling me the same story over and over again for twelve years."
T'Pol : 
"I don't always tell it in detail."
Archer : 
"I hope I've told you this before, but… I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me."
on her having to look after him
ENT : Twilight
T'Pol : 
"If the Xindi are on the way, there's very little we can do to stop them."
Tucker : 
"Well we can't just run up the white flag."
ENT : Twilight
T'Pol : 
"In one individual we've managed to find the worst qualities of this era. Greed, violence, moral corruption."
to Archer; regarding Loomis
ENT : Carpenter Street
T'Pol : 
"You've been abducting people for money and you're questioning our honesty?"
to Loomis
ENT : Carpenter Street
T'Pol : 
"You'll never fully recover. The emotions you've accessed will be with you the rest of your life."
to TPol
ENT : E2
T'Pol : 
"Over the centuries his followers made copies of his teachings."
Archer : 
"Let me guess, With the originals lost whatever's left is open to interpretation."
T'Pol : 
"You find this amusing?"
Archer : 
"I find it familiar."
ENT : The Forge
T'Pol : 
"It proves that even the most disagreeable species have some positive attributes."
on the Orion women being secret leaders of their people
ENT : Bound
T'Pol : 
"Hello... I'm your mother. You're going to need a name. We should discuss that with your father."
to Elizabeth
ENT : Terra Prime

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 30,567 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014