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Christopher Pike

Quote Episode
Pike : 
"Your father was captain of a Starship for twelve minutes. He saved eight hundred lives, including your mothers... and yours. I dare you to do better."
to Kirk
ST-XI : Star Trek
Kirk : 
"Well sir volatile is all relative, maybe our data was off."
Pike : 
"Or maybe it didn't erupt because Mr. Spock detonated a cold fusion device inside it right after a civilisation that's barely invented the wheel happened to see a starship rising out of their ocean!"
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Spock : 
"Had the mission gone to plan, Admiral, the indigenous species would not have been aware of our interference."
Pike : 
"That's a technicality!"
Spock : 
"I am Vulcan sir, we embrace technicality."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Pike : 
"That's your problem, you think you're infallible. You think you can't make a mistake. It's a pattern with you. The rules are for other people. And what's worse is, you're using blind luck to justify your playing god!"
to Kirk
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness
Pike : 
"You're going to be my first officer. Admiral Marcus took some convincing. But every now and then I can make a good case."
Kirk : 
"What did you tell him?"
Pike : 
"The truth. That I believe in you. That if anybody deserves a second chance it's Jim Kirk.
Kirk : 
"I don't know what to say..."
Pike : 
"That is a first. It's going to be okay, son."
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 26,387 Last updated : 25 Jul 2022