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Captain Ronald Tracey

Quote Episode
Tracey : 
"We've got to stay alive. Let the Yangs kill us and destroy what we have to offer and we'll have committed a crime against all humanity. I'd say that's slightly more important than the Prime Directive, wouldn't you, Jim?"
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"They sacrificed hundreds just to draw us out in the open! And then they came... and they came! We drained four of our phasers, and they still came! We killed thousands and they still came!"
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"You have a well-trained bridge crew, Captain. My compliments."
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"I caution you, gentlemen, don't fight me here. I'll win. Or at worst, I'll drag you down with me."
to Kirk
TOS : The Omega Glory
Tracey : 
"He was cast out! Don't you recognise the Evil One? Who else would trick you with your own sacred words? Let your God strike me dead if I lie. But he won't, because I speak for him!"
to Cloud William
TOS : The Omega Glory

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 12,368 Last updated : 1 Mar 2004