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Hikaru Sulu

Quote Episode
Sulu : 
"May the Great Bird of the galaxy bless your planet!"
to Rand
TOS : The Man Trap
Sulu : 
"I'll protect you, fair maiden!"
Uhura : 
"Sorry, neither!"
TOS : The Naked Time
Kirk : 
"Any chance of teaching me that body throw?"
Sulu : 
"I don't know. It isn't just physical you know; you have to be inscrutable."
Kirk : 
"Inscrutable? You're the most scrutable man I know!"
TAS : The Infinite Vulcan
Sulu : 
"Don't call me tiny."
to security guard
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Sulu : 
"The word, sir?"
Kirk : 
"The word is no. I am therefore going anyway."
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock
Sulu : 
"Come on, come on!"
Helmsman : "She'll fly apart!"
Sulu : 
"Well fly her apart, then!"
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country
Sulu : 
"Mister Tuvok, if you're going to remain on my ship, you're going to have to learn how to appreciate a joke. And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humour, because I know better."
to Tuvok
VOY : Flashback
Sulu : 
"You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. There is a sense of loyalty to the men and women you serve with, a sense of family. Those two men on trial... I served with them for a long time. I owe them my life a dozen times over. And right now they're in trouble, and I'm going to help them. Let the regulations be damned."
to Tuvok
VOY : Flashback

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 60,090 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014