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Beverly Crusher

Quote Episode
Crusher : 
"I fell in love in a day. It lasted a week... but what a week!"
to Troi; on love at first sight
TNG : The Price
Crusher : 
"The more unusual a life form is, the better he likes it. His personnel file shows that he's gravitated toward assignments that isolate him from other humanoids."
to Picard; discussing Tam Elbrun
TNG : Tin Man
Beverly : 
"They're brothers, Data. Brothers forgive."
to Data
TNG : Brothers
Beverly : 
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!"
to herself; The sheer chutzpah of this statement is staggering
TNG : Remember Me
Beverly : 
"Computer, what is the nature of the universe?"
Computer : "The universe is a sphereoid region 705 metres in diameter."
TNG : Remember Me
Crusher : 
"You're worried about Geordi, aren't you?"
Data : 
"I am an android; it is not possible for–"
 Crusher interrupts
Crusher : 
"… you to feel anxiety."
Data : 
"Starfleet personnel have vanished. Others may be at risk. We must do the best we can to find out why. However, I am... strongly motivated to solve this mystery."
TNG : Identity Crisis
Crusher : 
"You scare me, doctor. You risk your patient's lives and justify it in the name of research. Genuine research takes time, sometimes a lifetime of painstaking, detailed work in order to get any results. Not for you, you take shortcuts, right through living tissue. You put your research ahead of your patient's lives and as far as I am concerned, that's a violation of our most sacred trust. I'm sure your work will be hailed as a stunning breakthrough. Enjoy your laurels, doctor. I'm not sure I could."
to Russell
TNG : Ethics
Crusher : 
"When I look at my patient, I don't see a collective consciousness. I don't see a hive. I see a living, breathing boy who's been hurt and who needs our help. And we're talking about sending him back to his people as an instrument of destruction."
to Picard
TNG : I, Borg
Crusher : 
"What's your name?"
Taitt : 
"Taitt, sir."
Crusher : 
"I don't think I've seen you before."
Taitt : 
"I was just posted here six weeks ago."
Crusher : 
"Well, Taitt, I bet you never thought you'd be serving as Tactical Officer after only six weeks."
Taitt : 
"No, sir, I sure didn't!"
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Bartender : "I think you've had a little too much to drink. You better leave. On your way, Yranac."
 Crusher pulls a phaser on the bartender
Crusher : 
"I'm sorry, but I think he wants to stay. Sit down.'"
Riker : 
"That's my sister. She's angry. She's got a vicious temper. I wouldn't cross her."
TNG : Gambit, Part 1
Crusher : 
"I didn't know you felt that way."
Picard : 
"Didn't you?"
TNG : Attached
Crusher : 
"Why didn't you ever tell me you were in love with me?"
Picard : 
"You were married to my best friend."
TNG : Attached
Picard : 
"Now that we know how each of us feels, perhaps we should not be afraid to explore those feelings."
Crusher : 
"Or perhaps we should be afraid. I think I should be going now. Good night."
Picard : 
"Good night."
TNG : Attached
Beverly : 
"It's a family heirloom. It's been in the Howard clan for generations. It's supposed to symbolize the enduring Howard spirit. Wherever they may go, the shining light to guide them through their fortune. Nana always kept it lit. I remember sitting here listening to ghost stories with only the candle burning."
about the candle
TNG : Sub Rosa
Crusher : 
"You have been using me, Nana, my entire family for centuries!"
Ronin : 
"And I loved all of them! And they loved me."
TNG : Sub Rosa
Crusher : 
"Reg, you don't have Terellian Death Syndrome!"
Barclay : 
"Are you… you're sure?"
Crusher : 
"I'm sure."
TNG : Genesis
Crusher : 
"He transformed into a spider… and now he's had a disease named after him."
Troi : 
"I think I'd better clear my calendar for the next few weeks."
about Reg Barclay
TNG : Genesis

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 31,555 Last updated : 27 Jan 2025