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Female Shapeshifter

Quote Episode
Founder : 
"No changeling has ever harmed another."
to Odo
DS9 : The Search, Part 2
Female Changeling : 
Major Kira is down that tunnel, two hundred metres south of here. Save her, if it suits you, but it won't make any difference. She is never going to love you. How could she? You are a changeling.
to Odo
DS9 : Heart of Stone
Damar : 
"We spotted a Federation runabout spying on our base in the Olmerak system."
Female Changeling : 
"Surely one ship shouldn't be much of a threat."
Weyoun : 
"We'll have it destroyed within the hour."
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Female Changeling : 
"I have no idea what would please the Breen, nor do I care! All that matters is that they fight and win!"
DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil
Female Changeling : 
"Exactly. If our cloning facilities were operational, I would eliminate this Weyoun immediately."
DS9 : Tacking into the Wind
Female Founder : 
"I want the Cardassians exterminated."
Weyoun : 
"Which ones?"
Female Founder : 
"All of them. The entire population."
Weyoun : 
"That will take some time."
Female Founder : 
"Then I suggest you begin at once."
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"My loyal Weyoun. The only solid I have ever trusted."
to Weyoun
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Female Founder : 
"You may win this war, commander, but I promise you, when it is over, you will have lost so many ships, so many lives, that your "victory" will taste as bitter as defeat."
to Kira
DS9 : What You Leave Behind
Odo : 
"The Klingon and Romulan Empires are in no shape to wage a war against anyone. Besides, the Federation wouldn't allow it."
Female Founder : 
"The Dominion has spent the last two years trying to destroy the Federation, and now you're asking me to put our fate in their hands?"
Odo : 
DS9 : What You Leave Behind

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,157 Last updated : 1 Mar 2004