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Jonathan Archer

Quote Episode
Archer : 
"Come on, Travis. We've gotta find Mr. Reed something to blow up."
to Mayweather
ENT : Fight or Flight
Archer : 
"So if anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. No offense."
to Vulcans; commiting a faux pas
ENT : The Andorian Incident
Archer : 
"For those of you who aren't near a window, you might want to find one. There's something pretty amazing off starboard."
to the crew
ENT : Breaking the Ice
Archer : 
"Starfleet could have sent a probe out here, to make maps and take pictures, but they didn't. They sent us, so that we could explore with our own senses."
to T'Pol
ENT : Civilization
Archer : 
"This time we won't be leaving before we're ready."
Trip : 
"Are your ears a little pointier than usual?"
ENT : Silent Enemy
Archer : 
"Some day, my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine, something that tells us what we can and can't do out here, should and shouldn't do. But until somebody tells me that they have drafted that directive, I'm going to have to remind myself that we didn't come out here to play god."
to Phlox
ENT : Dear Doctor
Bu'Kah : 
"I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire!"
Archer : 
"From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do."
ENT : Sleeping Dogs
Archer : 
"I'm not asking anyone to pin a medal on her. All I'm asking is that she be given a second chance."
to Sopek; regarding T'Pol
ENT : Shadows of P'Jem
Archer : 
"They're really not all that interesting once you get to know them."
to Krem; regarding Vulcans
ENT : Acquisition
Archer : 
"You might think about putting up a no tresspassing sign."
to Grat; regarding his accidental intrusion into their space
ENT : Detained
Archer : 
"The irony is, I have the feeling his cause is worth fighting for."
to T'Pol; concerning his refusal to side with Zobral
ENT : Desert Crossing
Archer : 
"I said, you're an ugly bastard!"
to Silik
ENT : Shockwave, Part 2
Archer : 
"This isn't a visit to the principal's office, Malcolm."
to Reed; at his breakfast with the captain
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"If you plan to go to warp, sir, you'll let me know?"
Archer : 
"I'll try to remember."
ENT : Minefield
Reed : 
"Frankly, sir from my point of view that kind of socializing has no place on a starship."
Archer : 
"I had a C.O. once, felt the same way. 'They're your crew, not your friends.' I thought about that a lot... when I took this command but then I realized this is not a typical mission. We could be out here for years. All we have to depend on... is each other."
ENT : Minefield
Archer : 
"So how long was it?"
Reed : 
"I counted 10 seconds."
Archer : 
"10?! It was more like 20."
Reed : 
"Respectfully, sir, it was 10."
Archer : 
"I'm not going to argue with you, Malcolm… It was 20… That's an order."
ENT : Minefield
Archer : 
"There's a saying on my world: 'Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.'"
to Tressic
ENT : Marauders
Archer : 
"Is there anything specific you and Travis are going to need?"
T'Pol : 
"Cold weather gear, restraints, and phase-pistols."
ENT : The Seventh
Archer : 
"Come on, Travis. Let's see if we can find something to eat."
to Mayweather; when T'Pol asks to speak to Menos alone
ENT : The Seventh
Archer : 
"I don't trust this guy, Travis. Find something to tie him up with."
to Mayweather; on Menos
ENT : The Seventh
Phlox : 
"Sickbay is the most heavily shielded section. It's possible that some of the crew could survive there."
Archer : 
"We can't fit 83 people into sickbay... and I'm not about to draw lots!"
ENT : The Catwalk
Phlox : 
"Ironic... they weren't overly enthusiastic about you taking command of Enterprise in the first place, and now, your presence is... crucial to their interests."
Archer : 
"It's crucial to ours too... Maybe we're not out here to just scan comets and meet new species, maybe we're out here to prove that Humanity is ready to join a much larger community... I intend to do that... whether the Vulcans like it or not."
ENT : Cease Fire
Archer : 
"I imagined my first diplomatic mission would involve sitting around a big table, toasting with champagne, signing things with lots of pens…"
Shran : 
"The pink skin sense of humor."
ENT : Cease Fire
Archer : 
"I believe someone once defined a compromise as a solution that neither side is happy with."
Shran : 
"In that case, these talks have been extremely successful."
ENT : Cease Fire
Shran : 
"I think he likes you, pink skin."
Archer : 
"I wouldn't go that far."
ENT : Cease Fire
Archer : 
"If a Human and a Vulcan did have a child... I wonder if he'd have pointed ears?"
to T'Pol; a laugh-out-loud moment for Spock fans
ENT : Future Tense
Archer : 
"I hope they're not the jury."
Kolos : 
"There is no jury."
ENT : Judgment
Duras : 
"Identify yourself!"
Archer : 
"Captain Archer of the battle cruiser Enterprise."
ENT : Judgment
Archer : 
"What is it?"
Kolos : 
"Blood wine. It should help make the wait more pleasant."
 Archer considers the flask, drinks from it, then tries to control his negative reaction.
Archer : 
"What's it the blood of?"
 Kolos chuckles.
Kolos : 
"Don't feel badly if you can't stomach it."
Archer : 
"I didn't say that!"
ENT : Judgment
Kolos : 
"You didn't believe all Klingons were soldiers?"
Archer : 
"I guess I did."
Kolos : 
"My father was a teacher. My mother, a biologist at the university. They encouraged me to take up the law. Now, all young people want to do is to take up weapons as soon as they can hold them. They're told there is honor in victory... any victory. What honor is there in a victory over a weaker opponent? Had Duras destroyed that ship, he would have been lauded as a hero of the Empire for murdering helpless refugees. We were a great society, not so long ago. When honor was earned through integrity and acts of true courage, not senseless bloodshed."
Kolos : 
"For thousands of years, my people had similar problems. We fought three world wars that almost destroyed us. Whole generations were nearly wiped out."
Archer : 
"What changed?"
Kolos : 
"A few courageous people began to realize... they could make a difference."
ENT : Judgment
Archer : 
"I might have expected something like this from a first year recruit, but not you. You did exactly what I'd do? If that's true then I've done a pretty lousy job setting an example around here. You're a senior officer on this ship, you're privy to the moral challenges I've had to face. You know I've wrestled with the fine line between doing what I think is right and interfering with other species. So don't tell me you know what I would have done when I don't even know what I would have done!"
to Trip
ENT : Cogenitor
Archer : 
"Sounds to me like we have only postponed the invasion until... what? The 24th century?"
to T'Pol
ENT : Regeneration
Archer : 
"That species we became, they cease to exist the moment this virus is gone."
to Phlox; on his reason for not destroying the virus
ENT : Extinction
Archer : 
"It couldn't have been easy for you, telling me the same story over and over again for twelve years."
T'Pol : 
"I don't always tell it in detail."
Archer : 
"I hope I've told you this before, but… I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me."
on her having to look after him
ENT : Twilight
Archer : 
"You know... you'd make a wonderful nurse."
to T'Pol
ENT : Twilight
Archer : 
"They kidnapped the wrong people."
to T'Pol; Yay humans!
ENT : North Star
Archer : 
"Go ahead, try to blow yourself up. I'll wait."
to D'Jamat
ENT : Chosen Realm
Archer : 
"Your faith was going to bring peace. Here it is."
to D'Jamat; surveying the ruins of his home world
ENT : Chosen Realm
Archer : 
"Thanks for your help."
to Degra; sarcastically, after fooling him into revealing the location of the Xindi weapon
ENT : Stratagem
Archer : 
"The last thing I need is to hear is that two of my senior officers have been admitted to sickbay because they suddenly regressed to the level of five year olds!"
to Reed and Hayes
ENT : Harbinger
Archer : 
"The Xindi are trying to destroy Earth because they heard that Humans are ruthless, this is the chance to prove them wrong."
to Reed
ENT : Hatchery
Archer : 
"I don't know much about Vulcan ethics but Humans don't throw morality out the window when things start getting a little rough."
to T'Pol
ENT : Hatchery
Archer : 
"I'm going to ask all of you to think back to the day when this ship was first launched. We were explorers then. When all this is over, when Earth is safe, I want you to get back to that job. There are four hundred billion stars in our galaxy, we've only explored a tiny fraction. You have a lot to do. Of all the captains who will sit in this chair, I can't imagine any of them being more proud than I am right now."
to crew
ENT : Azati Prime
Trip : 
"You did the right thing."
Archer : 
"Seems the longer we're out here, the more I have to keep saying that to myself."
ENT : Damage
Archer : 
"We came into the Expanse not knowing what we'd find, with no one to rely on but ourselves. But we're going to succeed, to accomplish our mission, for everyone on Earth who's relying on us... and for the eighteen."
to crew; at the memorial service
ENT : The Forgotten
Archer : 
"When I was on the future Enterprise, four hundred years from now, there were Xindi aboard. Humans and Xindi were serving together in the Federation. That's a future worth fighting for."
to Degra
ENT : The Council
Archer : 
"Have these Guardians told you where you'll establish your new home world? The one Humans are destined to destroy? Is it here, in the Expanse? In case you haven't noticed, the Spheres are turning it into a trans-dimensional wasteland! None of you will be able to survive. You say the Guardians have helped you? Have they ever tried to disable the Spheres? Because we've found a way. Help me save my people, and I can help you save yours."
to Xindi Council
ENT : Countdown
Archer : 
"I've been told that people are calling us heroes. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me."
to well, just about everybody!
ENT : Home
Archer : 
"Why are you so surprised? Whenever a group of people start believing they're better than everybody else, the results are always the same."
to Soong; on the Augment's abandoning Smike
ENT : Cold Station 12
Archer : 
"'Superior ability breeds superior ambition.' One of their creators wrote that. He was murdered by an Augment."
to Soong
ENT : The Augments
T'Pol : 
"Over the centuries his followers made copies of his teachings."
Archer : 
"Let me guess, With the originals lost whatever's left is open to interpretation."
T'Pol : 
"You find this amusing?"
Archer : 
"I find it familiar."
ENT : The Forge
Archer : 
"Maybe you've evolved into beings with abilities I can't comprehend. But you've paid a hell of a price. You've lost compassion and empathy, things that give life meaning. If that's what it takes to be advanced, I don't want any part of it."
to the Organian
ENT : Observer Effect
Archer : 
"If you want to know what it means to be Human, you need to do more than observe."
to Organians
ENT : Observer Effect
Gral : 
"I'm told this ship is the pride of Starfleet. I find it small and unimpressive."
Archer : 
"Funny. I was about to say the same thing about you."
ENT : Babel One
Navaar : 
"I can see you're not very experienced at making threats."
Archer : 
"I'm a lot better at carrying them out."
ENT : Bound
Archer : 
"Up until about a hundred years ago, there was one question that burned in every human, that made us study the stars and dream of travelling to them, 'Are we alone?' Our generation is privileged to know the answer to that question. We are all explorers, driven to know what's over the horizon, what's beyond our own shores. And yet, the more I've experienced, the more I've learned that no matter how far we travel, or how fast we get there, the most profound discoveries are not necessarily beyond that next star. They're within us, woven into the threads that bind us, all of us, to each other. A final frontier begins in this hall. Let's explore it together."
to the conference
ENT : Terra Prime
Picard : 
"Space, the final frontier these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission..."
Kirk : 
" explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations..."
Archer : 
" boldly go where no man has gone before."
The last words spoken in the series
ENT : These Are The Voyages...

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 41,976 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014