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Quote Episode
Data : 
"Please continue the 'petty bickering'."
to the party guests
TNG : Haven
Data : 
"You are capable of great sadism and cruelty. Interesting. No redeeming qualities."
Armus : 
"So what do you think?"
Data : 
"I think you should be destroyed."
TNG : Skin of Evil
Data : 
"One is my name. The other is not."
to Pulaski; on her mispronunciation of his name
TNG : The Child
Data : 
"Sensors show life forms aboard, but I am unable to ascertain whether they are awake or dormant. However, the vessel's propulsion systems are inactive, so I would hypothesize that the crew is asleep."
 The Tong fires disruptors at the Enterprise-D
Data : 
"...however, I could be in error."
TNG : The Emissary
Data : 
"It is a matter of perspective Doctor. In the strictest sense, I did not win."
Everyone : "Data!"
Data : 
"I busted him up."
TNG : Peak Performance
Data : 
"This is just a thing, and things can be replaced. Lives cannot."
to Gosheven
TNG : The Ensigns of Command
Data : 
"Since there is no known natural phenomenon capable of travel at warp velocities, there are but two possibilities. Either it is a sensor malfunction, another ship is following us covertly."
to Picard
TNG : Tin Man
Data : 
"Is that the purpose of existence? To care for someone?"
to Elbrun
TNG : Tin Man
Data : 
"Through joining, they have been healed. Grief has been transmuted to joy. Loneliness to belonging."
to Troi
TNG : Tin Man
Data : 
"I've been delivered here against my wishes. I would like to know the reason."
Fajo : 
"Certainly. You have been brought here for my enjoyment and my appreciation."
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"Clearly, Mister Fajo has no moral difficulty with my imprisonment here."
 Varria "Mister Fajo has no moral difficulties at all."
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"I have been designed with a fundamental respect for life in all its forms and a strong inhibition against causing harm to living beings."
Fajo : 
"What a marvellous contradiction. A military pacifist!"
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"I cannot permit this to continue..."
to Fajo
TNG : The Most Toys
Data : 
"The Enterprise is not a ship of war. It is a ship of exploration."
to Ishara
TNG : Legacy
Data : 
"As I experience certain sensory input patterns, my mental pathways become accustomed to them. The input is eventually anticipated and even 'missed' when absent."
to Ishara; on his definition of friendship
TNG : Legacy
Crusher : 
"You're worried about Geordi, aren't you?"
Data : 
"I am an android; it is not possible for–"
 Crusher interrupts
Crusher : 
"… you to feel anxiety."
Data : 
"Starfleet personnel have vanished. Others may be at risk. We must do the best we can to find out why. However, I am... strongly motivated to solve this mystery."
TNG : Identity Crisis
Data : 
"Data to Lieutenant Worf. Priority one."
Worf : 
"Go ahead."
Data : 
"Take Commander La Forge into custody immediately."
Worf : 
Data : 
"That is an order."
TNG : The Mind's Eye
Data : 
"I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant I could taste my dessert."
to Timothy; Nice foreshadowing of Generations here.
TNG : Hero Worship
Data : 
"It is interesting that people try to find meaningful patterns in things that are essentially random. I have noticed that the images they percieve sometimes suggest what they are thinking about at that particular moment. Besides, it is clearly a bunny rabbit."
to Guinan; on the nebula cloud formations
TNG : Imaginary Friend
Data : 
"I have often wondered about my own mortality as I have seen others age around me. Until now it has been theoretically possible that I would live an unlimited period of time. And although some might find this attractive, to me it only reinforces that fact that I am... artificial."
to Geordi
TNG : Time's Arrow, Part 1
Data : 
"Felis Catus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,
An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature,
Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses,
Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.
I find myself intrigued by your sub-vocal oscillations,
A singular development of cat communications,
That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection,
For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.
A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents,
You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance,
And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion,
It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.
Oh Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display,
Connote a fairly well developed cognitive array,
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I none-the-less consider you a true and valued friend."
TNG : Schisms
Data : 
"It is true I am acting on my personal beliefs. But I do not see how I can do otherwise."
to Riker
TNG : The Quality of Life
Data : 
"I got angry."
to Riker
TNG : Descent, Part 1
Data : 
"Lore. I must deactivate you now."
Lore : 
"Without me, you will never feel emotions again."
Data : 
"I know. But you leave me no other choice."
Lore : 
"I... love you... brother."
Data : 
"Goodbye, Lore."
their last ever conversation
TNG : Descent, Part 2
Data : 
"If Captain Picard were here..."
Riker : 
"He's not."
Data : 
"I realize that, sir. But if he were and he wanted to lead an away team, you would tell him that the captain's place..."
Riker : 
" on the bridge. Not this time."
TNG : Gambit, Part 1
Data : 
"May I inquire as to your destination?"
Koral : 
Data : 
"May I ask the purpose of your journey?"
Koral : 
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Troi : 
"He's alright, he's only stunned."
Data : 
"I must admit, I am experiencing a similar sensation."
Riker : 
"This is going to take a little time to explain."
after the Riker was "killed" by Picard
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Worf : 
"It would take them at least 14 hours to reach that position."
Geordi : 
"We could be there in five."
Data : 
"Make it so."
Worf : 
TNG : Gambit, Part 2
Data : 
"He will need to be fed once a day. He prefers feline supplement number 25."
Worf : 
"I understand."
Data : 
"And he will require water. And you must provide him with a sandbox. And you must talk to him. Tell him he is a pretty cat. And a good cat."
Worf : 
"I will feed him."
Data : 
"Perhaps that will be enough."
TNG : Phantasms
Data : 
"Goodnight Spot."
Spot : "Meow."
TNG : Phantasms
Data : 
"Why is Spot under the bed?"
Geordi : 
"Probably because she knows if I catch her, I'm going to kill her."
TNG : Force of Nature
Geordi : 
"How about a phaser? A low stun setting at just the right moment might do the trick..."
Data : 
"Geordi, I cannot stun my cat."
TNG : Force of Nature
Juliana Tainer : 
"I helped create you and now… look at you."
Data : 
"You were a colleague of Dr. Soong?"
Juliana Tainer : 
"I most certainly was... and I was also his wife. In a way, I suppose you could say I am your mother."
TNG : Inheritance
Data : 
"The positronic matrix I designed for her was unstable. She only lived a short time."
Juliana : 
"I see."
Data : 
"In a sense, you were her grandmother."
TNG : Inheritance
Deanna : 
"Well… if you'll excuse me, um… I have the bridge this watch."
Data : 
"Counselor, have you been promoted in my absence?"
Deanna : 
"That's right. Which means from now on you can call me 'sir.'"
Data : 
"Yes, sir."
TNG : Thine Own Self
Data : 
"How can I reproduce a sound with clay?"
to Troi
TNG : Masks
Data : 
"Geordi, would you agree that the instinct for self-preservation is shared by most lifeforms?"
Geordi : 
"I'd say it's probably the most basic instinct, Data."
Data : 
"Hmm. That being the case, I find it difficult to understand why someone would deliberately terminate their own existence."
TNG : Eye of the Beholder
Data : 
"Unlikely as it may sound, I believe the Enterprise may be forming an intelligence."
TNG : Emergence
Data : 
"Q's interest in you has always been very similar to that of a master and his beloved pet. That was only an analogy, captain."
to Picard
TNG : All Good Things
Riker : 
"Data, we need you to scan the planet for lifeforms."
Data : 
"I would be happy to sir... I just love scanning for lifeforms."
Data : 
"Life forms... you tiny little life forms... you precious little life forms... where are you?"
ST-G : Generations
Queen : 
"Do you always talk this much?"
Data : 
"Not always. But often."
ST-FC : First Contact
Data : 
"The B-4 is physically identical to me, although his neural pathways are not as advanced. But even if they were, he would not be me."
Picard : 
"How can you be sure?"
Data : 
"I aspire, sir. To be better than I am. The B-4 does not. Nor does Shinzon."
ST-N : Nemesis
Data : 
to everybody
ST-N : Nemesis

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 36,396 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014