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Sir Isaac Newton

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Sir Isaac Newton [1]
Species : Humans

One of Human history's greatest scientists, Newton lived in the 17th century on Earth. His discoveries included calculus, optics, gravitation and the basic laws of motion. At one point he held the Lucasian Chair of mathematics at Cambridge University. Newton was inspired to produce his theory of universal gravitation when an apple fell on his tree. The tree in question had been jostled by Quinn, a member of the Q continuum. Q revealed that if not for Quinn, Newton would have died in a Liverpool debtor's prison as a suspect in several prostitute murders. [1]

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Associated with Voyager


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 2 Death Wish
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,239 Last updated : 29 Jan 2006