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Universe : Kelvin Timeline
Name : Scotty [1]
Species : Humans

Montgomery Scott was a Starfleet officer and engineer during the mid 23rd century. Scotty was a brilliant but somewhat unorthodox Engineer. When one of his instructors claimed that the range of transporter systems was limited to a hundred miles or so, Scotty claimed that his theory of transwarp beaming would allow people to beam from planet to planet. He tested his theory on Admiral Archer's prize beagle. Unfortunately, the animal vanished without trace. Scotty was subsequently posted to an outpose on Delta Vega with his assistant, Keenser - a posting he regarded as an ongoing punishment for the apparent death of the beagle. [1]

After six months on the planet he encountered James Kirk and the elder Spock. Spock showed him the equations for an advanced form of transwarp beaming, which Scotty used to beam Kirk and himself across interstellar distances back onto the Enterprise despite the ship being at warp - a feat he compared to hitting a bullet in flight with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold and riding a horse. The attempt was largely successful, though Scotty himself appeared inside a tank of water and almost drowned. [1]

Scotty remained on the ship, replacing the Chief Engineer who had been killed attacking Nero's drilling rig head earlier. He carried out another transwarp beaming, transporting Spock and Kirk from Saturn onto the Narada, a distance of well over one billion kilometres. He then beamed both Kirk, Spock and Pike back to the Enterprise, commenting that it was the first time he had ever simultaneously beamed three people from two targets onto one pad. When the Enterprise was caught in the pull of the black hole created by Spock's ramming of the Narada, Scotty suggested jettisoning the ship's power cores and detonating them so that the blast wave would throw the ship clear, which it did. After his promotion to captain of the Enterprise, Kirk kept Scotty on as Chief Engineer. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Crew of the alternate Enterprise 1701/1701-A

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
Simon PeggStar Trek XI
Simon PeggStar Trek Into Darkness
Simon PeggStar Trek Beyond


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek XI
Film: Star Trek XI

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 48,586 Last updated : 2 Apr 2014