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Gabriel Hwang

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Gabriel Hwang [1]
Species : Humans

Gabriel Hwang is a Human male. Born on Mars in Hellas Planitia. He is 5'9" tall, 175.26cm and weighs 185lbs, 84Kg. Husband of Pel, a Romulan female. Son of Raffaela Musiker. During his childhood Raffi was obsessed with the theory that Romulans were involved in the attack on Mars. This obsession led to her neglect of him and his father, eventually leading to the breakup of her marriage and separation from her son. He still blames her for this to this day. In 2399 Pel was pregnant with a baby girl, with the help of the Stardust City Reproductive Health Services on Freecloud. He was visited by his mother while Pel was undergoing a checkup at the facility. He was still bitter towards her and did not want further contact. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

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Associated with Star Trek : Picard

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
STP1Mason GoodingStardust City Rag


# Series Season Source Comment
1 STP 1 Stardust City Rag
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Stardust City Rag

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,107 Last updated : 1 Jan 2022