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Universe : Kelvin Timeline
Name : Gaila [1]
Species : Orions

An Orion female, Gaila was a Cadet at Starfleet Academy in 2258 when James T. Kirk attended. She was Uhura's roommate during that year; some friction developed between the two due to Gaila's habit of bringing men back to their room for the night. Kirk was one of Gaila's partners, and was caught hiding under her bed by Uhura when she came back early unexpectedly. Gaila had told Kirk that she was in love with him, and was disappointed when he replied "that is so weird" rather than returning the sentiment. [2]

Gaila was subsequently present during the next day's hearing into Kirk's actions in cheating to beat the Kobayashi Scenario. She was one of those assigned to a vessel as part of the fleet's improvised response to a crisis on the planet Vulcan. [3]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

Associated with

Associated with Star Trek XI

Played by

SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
Rachel NicholsStar Trek XI


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek XI
2 Star Trek XI The script establishes that Gaila works in the computer lab, and assisted Kirk in cracking the computer codes to reprogram the Koboyashi Maru test
3 Star Trek XI It is not known which ship Gaila was assigned to, or whether she survived the resulting disaster
Film: Star Trek XI
Film: Star Trek XI
Comment : The script establishes that Gaila works in the computer lab, and assisted Kirk in cracking the computer codes to reprogram the Koboyashi Maru test
Film: Star Trek XI
Comment : It is not known which ship Gaila was assigned to, or whether she survived the resulting disaster

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 29,608 Last updated : 31 May 2009