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Maat Al-Salah

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Maat Al-Salah [1]
Species : Humans

Maat Al-Salah was the son of Commander Hansen Al-Salah, commander of Outpost 4 on the Romulan neutral zone. By the age of nine, Maat had attended science camp at the Zephram Cochrane Science Institute, where he had an emphasis on inter-spatial mechanics. He was voted "most likely to cure the common cold". He had also been selected for the science and technology pre-training program in the disciplines of computer theory and applied applications. He received a second place award in the sector for implementing a matter synthesiser analyzing protocols, when he was able to increase efficiency by fourteen percent. At school, he was co-captain of the intramural water polo team and a mock-trial advocate for the Junior Judicial Association. [1]

He had always dreamt of joining Starfleet and owned a model of the USS Enterprise. He had always thought of Captain Pike as a hero of his. In 2258, Maat was able to meet Pike during mission of the USS Enterprise and USS Cayuga at the outposts to provide much needed upgrades. Pike, however, cut the meeting short when he realised that Maat was one of the Starfleet cadets that he saw die in a vision he had witnessed while using a Klingon time crystal. [1]

Maat did go on to join Starfleet, however, in 2266 he was involved in an accident during a training exercise. Pike would attempt to rescue him, but Maat died. Pike would also suffer massive delta radiation burns, leaving him alive but disfigured and in a wheelchair. [1]

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SeriesSeasonActorFilm / Episode Title
SNW1Chris RiverA Quality of Mercy


# Series Season Source Comment
1 SNW 1 A Quality of Mercy
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : A Quality of Mercy

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 3,390 Last updated : 4 Sep 2023