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Jeanne Vinueza

Universe : Prime Timeline
Name : Jeanne Vinueza [1]
Species : Humans

A Human female, Vinueza was a native of Earth's moon, Luna. As was characteristic for such natives she was tall and long-limbed. She had curly hair, chestnut in colour, and brown eyes. [1]

She was married to Commodore Diego Reyes, though the two divorced prior to 2260 and did not see one another again until 2266. In that year she passed through Starbase 47 (Vangaurd) on her way to become the Colony Leader for the New Boulder colony on Gamma Tauri IV. Prior to this, she served as the chief executive of an interstellar dilithium-mining corporation. [1]

Vinueza had a high esper rating for a Human. Although nowhere near as strong as a Vulcan, her ability did allow her to judge when a person was lying to her. However, she had much more difficulty in reading non-humans; Rigellian Chelons, for example, were very difficult to sense. [1]

Shortly after she arrived on Gamma Tauri IV, Reyes warned Vinueza that the colony was in imminent danger of being attacked. He did not, however, reveal the nature of the threat since knowledge of the Shedai was still classified. Sensing that he was holding information back, Vinueza refused to heed the warning. She was subsequently killed in the Shedai attack which destroyed the colony. [1]

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# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 3 - Reap The Whirlwind

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,951 Last updated : 3 Jul 2017