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Nebulae List

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Name Description
Vultera Nebula [1] Emission Nebula located near Hetemit IX. It had a radius of 8 light-years and an average composition of 79% hydrogen, 11% helium, 6% carbon, 3% oxygen and 1% of other gasses. [1]
Volterra Nebula [2] A stellar nursery which contains dozens of protostars in different stages of development. In 2369 the USS Enterprise-D did a three week analysis of the nebula. [2]
Vodrey Nebula [3] A nebula the border between the Klingon Empire and the Federation, near to the Maranga system. In 2370 the stellar dynamics department of the USS Enterprise-D conducted a study of the nebula after a rendezvous with the USS Kearsarge was delayed. [3]
Tong Beak Nebula [4] A nebula on the border between the Klingon Empire and Cardassia. In 2373 General Martok ordered the Rotarran to go around the nebula, fearing a confrontation with the Jem'Hadar. The diversion added a day to the ship's mission to find survivors from the B'Moth. The decision was unpopular with the crew, who correctly thought that it indicated cowardice on Martok's part. [4]
Tibor Nebula [5] A nebula located in Federation space. It was the site of a battle when Starfleet's 7th Fleet tried to close a Dominion supply line running through Betazoid space into the Argolis cluster. [5]
Ryton Nebula [6] A nebula situated on the edge of the the Ryton system. Its properties enable ships to hide by reducing their power signatures and disabling they warp drives. [6]
Rolor Nebula [7] A nebula located near the Demilitarized Zone between the Federation and Cardassia. It is between the Bajor and Dreon systems, requiring ships travelling between the two to detour around it. In 2372 Captain Sisko questioned Kasidy Yates on the routes she took around the nebula. [7]
Robinson nebula [8] A dark matter discovered by the NX-01 in 2153. It was named for A.G. Robinson, the first Human to travel at Warp 2. [8]
Paulson Nebula [9] A nebula located within Federation space near Zeta Alpha II. It is composed of 82% dilithium hydroxyls, magnesium, chromium and various other elements - components which make it difficult to operate sensors. In 2366 the Enterprise-D hid from a Borg cube within the Paulson Nebula, until it was forced out by magnetometric guided charges. [9]
Orpisay nebula [10] The Orpisay nebula is also a star nursery in the Delta Quadrant. In 2376 Icheb was able to enhance Voyager's long range sensors to detect a star forming in the nebula. [10]
Ordek Nebula [11] A nebula which is home to the Wogneer creatures. Captain Picard once risked his life to save the Wogneer. [11]
Omarion Nebula [12] A nebula in the Gamma Quadrant, the Omarion nebula was the home of a rouge planet which served as homeworld to the Founders. The Founders once sent a hundred of their infants out into the galaxy to explore, implanting within each a strong compulsion to return one day to the Omarion nebula. In 2371 Odo obeyed this compulsion, travelling to the nebula after the Defiant was captured by Jem'Hadar forces. [13] Later that year a Romulan-Cardassian fleet travelled to the nebula to attack the planet. The fleet was destroyed by a Jem'Hadar force hiding within the nebula. [14]
NGC-47 [15] The FGC-47 nebula was home to DITL Species No. 193. [15]
Ngame Nebula [16] A nebula which the USS Enterprise-D expected to pass on the way to the Evadne system in 2367. [16]
Necro Cloud Nebula [17] An unstable nebula on the edge of Federation space as of 2263. The nebula has a very large number of small asteroids contained within it, making it a difficult place to navigate safely. [17]
Necrit Expanse This large expanse lay at the edge of the area which Neelix was familiar with. [18]
Mutara Nebula [19] A nebula located in the Mutara sector, close to the Regula planetoid. It has sufficient static discharge and gas to prevent shields and tactical display systems from functioning. In 2285 the Mutara nebula was largely destroyed when the Genesis Device was detonated within it by Khan Noonien Singh. The matter of the nebula was converted into the Genesis planet. [19]
McAllister C-5 Nebula [20] A protostellar nebula located within Cardassian space some 7 light years from the border and 11 light years from Minos Korva. The particle flux inside the nebula is so severe that ships cannot remain within for more than 72 hours. In 2369 the Cardassians hid a fleet within the McAllister nebula in readiness for an attack on Minos Korva. Fortunately Captain Jellico was able to uncover the plot after detecting slight traces of damage on a Cardassian ship, and subsequently mined the nebula to force the withdrawal of the fleet. [20]
Mar Oscura nebula [21] A dark matter nebula explored by the Enterprise-D in 2367. Fragments of the dark matter within the nebula caused parts of the ship to phase as they passed through it. [21]
MacPherson Nebula [22] A supernova remnant located approximately twelve hours away from the Cordannas system at warp 9. The USS Enterprise-D used detonated a modified photon torpedo in the MacPherson nebula to produce a large quantity of vertion particles in 2370. [22]
Lantar Nebula [23] A Gamma Quadrant nebula which is near to the planet Hoek IV. Q offered to take Vash to the Lantar nebula in 2369, though she declined the offer. [23]
Kolarus III Nebula [24] A nebula in the vicinity of the planet Kolarus III. [24]
Klingon Border Nebula A nebula on the border of Klingon space in 2259, in the Kelvin alternate timeline [25]
Jonisian Nebula [26] Is a planetary planetary nebula surveyed in 2258 by the USS Enterprise. It is located at coordinates 2912.7736 and had a complex structure with a core radius of 0.28 light years and a density of 1.8 x 103 cubic centimeters. [26]

The nebula spontaneously developed a consciousness and interacted with the crew of the ship. Only Doctor M'Benga remembered the details of the encounter. His daughter named the entity Debra after her mother. [26]
Jenkata Nebula [27] A Gamma Quadrant nebula which is located near to both the Obatta cluster and the Teplan system. Major Kira avoided detection by a Jem'Hadar patrol by hiding in the Jenkata nebula. [27]
Hugora Nebula [28] A nebula located in the Demilitarised Zone between the Federation and Cardassia. Picard planned to hide ships within the Hugora nebula as part of a plat to ambush a Maquis force in 2370. [28]
Horsehead Nebula [29] A backup copy of Voyager's EMH once claimed that B'Elanna had a chip on her shoulder the size of the horsehead nebula. [29]
Helaspont Nebula [30] A nebula located near the Federation-Tzenkethi border. It was approximately twenty hours travel from Barisa Prime at high warp. The USS Ulysses studied protoplanetary masses in the Helaspont Nebula in 2371. [30]
Gamma Erandi Nebula [31] A stellar nursery, the Gamma Erandi Nebula generated high levels of subspace static and so interfered with subspace communications. In 2367 the USS Enterprise-D conducted a study of the nebula shortly after the trade agreements conference on Betazed. The subspace interference prevented the ship from picking up a distress call sent by Commander Riker when he was being held captive on a Ferengi vessel. [31]
DITL Nebula No. 61 [32] Unknown Nebula near the location of the Borg created spatial anomaly. [32]
DITL Nebula No. 60 [32] Nebula encountered by USS Avalon in 2401, near the location of the Borg created spatial anomaly. [32]
DITL Nebulae No. 57 A galactic nebula [33]
DITL Nebulae No. 54 This nebula was in the area where Spock's ship emerged from the black hole. [34]
DITL Nebulae No. 51 This nebula lies on the Romulan neutral zone. The Enteprise-E passed it whilst patrolling the border in 2373 during the Borg attack on Earth. [35]
DITL Nebulae No. 50 This nebula was encountered by Captain Sisko in 2374. It contained at least one Class M planet. [36]
DITL Nebulae No. 49 The Borg concealed a major transwarp hub within this nebula. [37]
DITL Nebulae No. 48 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2375. [38]
DITL Nebulae No. 46 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2377. [39]
DITL Nebulae No. 45 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2376. [40]
DITL Nebulae No. 44 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2376. [41]
DITL Nebulae No. 43 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2377. [42]
DITL Nebulae No. 42 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2377. [43]
DITL Nebulae No. 41 Voyager encountered this nebula in the Delta Quadrant in 2376. [44]
DITL Nebulae No. 39 The USS Voyager encountered this nebula in 2372. [45]
DITL Nebulae No. 38 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2375 after escaping from a vast region of empty space. [46]
DITL Nebulae No. 37 This inversion nebula was encountered by Voyager in 2373. Such nebulae had long been theorised to be unstable, but this was uncertain as none had ever been studied in the Alpha Quadrant. This one was centuries old, maintained by an alien species. [47]
DITL Nebulae No. 36 Voyager encountered this nebula in 2374. [48]
DITL Nebulae No. 35 Voyager encountered this Delta Quadrant nebula in 2374. [49]
DITL Nebulae No. 34 Voyager encountered this class one nebula in 2374. The nebula contained traces of protomatter which the ship attempted to harvest using a shuttlecraft. [50]
DITL Nebulae No. 33 Voyager encountered this Mutara class nebula in 2374. It spanned a minimum of one hundred and ten light years and emitted subnucleonic radiation devastating to organic tissue. Voyager's crew was forced to go into suspended animation whilst the ship crossed the nebula under the control of Seven of Nine. [51]
DITL Nebulae No. 32 Dark matter nebula containing several planets, once encountered by USS Voyager [52]
DITL Nebulae No. 31 The NX-01 visited this stellar nursery in 2151 to observe the Great Plume of Agasoria. [53]
DITL Nebulae No. 30 An Intrepid class vessel travelled through this nebula early in the lifetime of the class. [54]
DITL Nebulae No. 29 This class 17 nebula was discovered in the Delta Quadrant by the USS Voyager one stardate 50126.4. It contained Hydrogen, Helium and seven thousand parts per million of Sirillium, a highly combustible energy source. Bussard collectors were well suited to collect material from it, though plasmatic turbulence made for a bumpy ride if shield compensation techniques were not used. [55]
Crab Nebula [56] A nebula in the Alpha Quadrant. Data was once able to calculate the distance between the Omicron galaxy and the Crab nebula by a complex method which involved using the square root of pi and then multiplying it by nine to the third power. [56]
Coal Sack [57] A galactic nebula. [57]
Chamra Vortex [58] A nebula in the Gamma Quadrant, home to millions of asteroids. Croden hid his daughter in a stasis pod in the nebula whilst on the run from his people. [58]
Borgolis Nebula [59] A nebula investigated by the Enterprise-D in 2369 because of the unusual radioactive emissions which it produced. [59]
Betreka Nebula [60] A nebula which was the site of the 18 year long Betreka Nebula Incident, in which Klingon and Cardassian forces clashed. [60]
Bassen Rift [24] An area near the Romulan neutral zone. Long range communications were impossible within the rift, which prompted Shinzon to use it as a site to attack the Enterprise-E in 2379. [24]
Azure Nebula [55] A type 11 nebula on the border between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Captain Sulu attempted to use the Azure nebula to cross into Klingon space in 2293 so as to rescue Captain Kirk an McCoy from Rura Pente. The attempt was foiled by a Klingon battle cruiser. The Azure nebula contains significant amounts of sirillium gas. [55]
Arachnid Nebula [61] A nebula which the NX-01 charted in 2151. It was over eight billion kilometres in diameter, though an astronomy book which captain Archer had studied as a child had claimed that it was 6.5 billion kilometres across. [61]
Alawanir Nebula [62] A nebula located in Federation territory. The USS Enterprise-D conducted spectral analyses of the Alawanir Nebula on several different frequencies whilst travelling to the Gariman system. [62]
Aia nebula [63] Nebula that surrounds the planet Aia. [63]
Agrat-Mot nebula [64] A nebula located in the Delta Quadrant. Located in B'omar territory, the nebula was important in their negotiations with the Nassordin. The B'omar refused permission for Voyager to travel near the nebula when Captain Janeway negotiated for passage through their territory in that year. [64]

Name : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # All

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 SNW 1 Ghosts of Illyria
2 TNG 6 The Chase
3 TNG 7 Firstborn
4 DS9 5 Soldiers of the Empire
5 DS9 6 The Reckoning
6 STP 3 The Next Generation
7 DS9 4 For the Cause
8 ENT 2 First Flight
9 TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
10 VOY 6 Child's Play
11 TNG 3 Allegiance
12 Various Deep Space Nine episodes
13 DS9 3 The Search, Part 2
14 DS9 3 The Die is Cast
15 TNG 5 Imaginary Friend
16 TNG 4 Clues
17 Star Trek Beyond
18 VOY 3 Fair Trade
19 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
20 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 2
21 TNG 4 In Theory
22 TNG 7 Emergence
23 DS9 1 Q-Less
24 Star Trek : Nemesis
25 Star Trek Into Darkness
26 SNW 1 The Elysian Kingdom
27 DS9 4 The Quickening
28 TNG 7 Preemptive Strike
29 VOY 4 Living Witness
30 DS9 3 The Adversary
31 TNG 3 Menage a Troi
32 STP 2 The Star Gazer
33 TOS 1 The Cage
34 Star Trek XI
35 Star Trek : First Contact
36 DS9 6 Rocks and Shoals
37 VOY 7 Endgame, Part 1
38 VOY 5 The Disease
39 VOY 7 Nightingale
40 VOY 6 Life Line
41 VOY 6 Good Shepherd
42 VOY 7 Flesh and Blood, Part 1
43 VOY 7 Drive
44 VOY 6 The Haunting of Deck Twelve
45 VOY 2 Maneuvers
46 VOY 5 Night
47 VOY 3 Alter Ego
48 VOY 4 Hunters
49 VOY 4 The Gift
50 VOY 4 Mortal Coil
51 VOY 4 One
52 VOY 1 Cathexis
53 ENT 1 Cold Front
54 Various Voyager episodes
55 VOY 3 Flashback
56 TNG 2 Manhunt
57 TOS 2 The Immunity Syndrome
58 DS9 1 Vortex
59 TNG 6 Lessons
60 DS9 4 The Way of the Warrior
61 ENT 1 Fusion
62 TNG 6 Rightful Heir
63 STP 1 Broken Pieces
64 VOY 4 The Raven
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : Ghosts of Illyria
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Firstborn
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Soldiers of the Empire
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Series : STP Season 3
Episode : The Next Generation
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : For the Cause
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : First Flight
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Child's Play
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Allegiance
Series : DS9 Season
Episode : Various Deep Space Nine episodes
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Die is Cast
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Imaginary Friend
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Clues
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Fair Trade
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : In Theory
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Emergence
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Q-Less
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Film: Star Trek Into Darkness
Series : SNW Season 1
Episode : The Elysian Kingdom
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Quickening
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Preemptive Strike
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Living Witness
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Adversary
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Menage a Troi
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : The Star Gazer
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Cage
Film: Star Trek XI
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Rocks and Shoals
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Endgame, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : The Disease
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Nightingale
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Life Line
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Good Shepherd
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Flesh and Blood, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Drive
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : The Haunting of Deck Twelve
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Maneuvers
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Night
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Alter Ego
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hunters
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Gift
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Mortal Coil
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : One
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Cathexis
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Cold Front
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Manhunt
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Immunity Syndrome
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Vortex
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Lessons
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Way of the Warrior
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fusion
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Broken Pieces
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Raven

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 4,603,279 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025