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Moments List

Series : The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery |

Great moments

Moment Episode
McCoy's visit to the Enterprise. TNG : Encounter at Farpoint
Yar seducing Data. You go girl!

Since I'm complaining about the heat in space thing above, I suppose I should be balanced and give kudos to Data for correcting Riker and stating that people are blown out of a ship rather than sucked out of it.
TNG : The Naked Now
I love the way Picard's todying to Lutan about how much he respects his culture contrasts to his later assertion that it is a "pompous, strutting charade". Some claim this as a YATI, but really, did they honestly expect Picard to greet Lutan with "Hello you pompous primitive from a backward culture. Can we have some vaccine now?" TNG : Code of Honor
I love the character of Kozinsky, he's so wonderfully obnoxious. TNG : Where No One Has Gone Before
Data's Sherlock Holmes impersonation. TNG : Lonely Among Us
Gotta love those Edo costumes.

Also, there's a subtle bit of character continuity which goes on with Picard. This is one of three occasions where he shows somebody their planet from orbit - Rivan here, Nuria in "Who Watches The Watchers", and Lilly in "First Contact". That's fair enough, but why call attention to it? Because in "Star Trek : Insurrection", Anij asks Picard if he has ever experienced "a perfect moment", when "time seemed to stop", and he says that seeing Earth from space for the first time was such a moment for him. Clearly, then, he likes to give this opportunity to others as well.
TNG : Justice
Gotta be the Stargazer - the first four nacelled ship we've ever seen on Trek. TNG : The Battle
Picard gently chiding Riker for not realizing that everybody would refuse his gifts. TNG : Hide and Q
Data dismissing the mystical healing powers of Haven out of hand. TNG : Haven
I love the way Beverly gets all jealous when she finds out that Picard has been interrogated by the police. TNG : The Big Goodbye
When Lore is on the transporter pad he fires his phaser. Just at that instant Data activates the transporter, and the phaser beam is actually transported out along with Lore! TNG : Datalore
Yar and Troi laughing at Riker's outfit. These gals obviously don't care much about their promotion prospects! TNG : Angel One
The Enterprise arriving in Spacedock. There's just something stirring about seeing that huge ship heading into the barn like that. TNG : 11001001
Clayton Rohner does a pretty convincing job as an old man, with lots of help from good makeup. TNG : Too Short a Season
The description of the microbrain's component parts is actually technically correct, so kudos for that. TNG : Home Soil
Remmick's interviews with the crew. I love they way they cut the questions and answers together. TNG : Coming of Age
Worf's death howl over the Korris in engineering. TNG : Heart of Glory
Picard's gentle insistence that Geordi return the ship to him in one piece. TNG : The Arsenal of Freedom
I love the ending, with Picards disgusted 'I don't care where we go, just get us away from here' attitude. TNG : Symbiosis
Tahsa's goodbye scene on the holodeck, especially Data's reaction to it. TNG : Skin of Evil
The holodeck recreation of Paris. I believe this is actually the first time we've ever seen Earth depicted in The Next Generation! TNG : We'll Always Have Paris
Remmick's death, amazingly gory for Star Trek! TNG : Conspiracy
Definitely the huge Romulan warbird sweeping in menacingly towards the Enterprise. TNG : The Neutral Zone
I love Picard's discussion of death with Data and Troi, and his eventual realization that they are fakes. TNG : Where Silence Has Lease
The scene in which Data solves his first real crime as Holmes. TNG : Elementary, Dear Data
I like Okona, he's a welcome change from the usual stuffy Federation types. TNG : The Outrageous Okona
Riva's communication attempts with Troi at dinner, sans chorus. TNG : Loud as a Whisper
Data (secretly Graves) mouthing off to Picard on the bridge. TNG : The Schizoid Man
The destruction of the USS Lantree. So often the destruction of a Starship is treated as an everyday event, I love the way the E-D crew stand to salute the loss of this one. TNG : Unnatural Selection
Riker beating his subordinate up on the Klingon ship. TNG : A Matter of Honor
The look on Riker's face when he realizes that he has a good chance of winning the court case - smugness, followed almost instantly by the crashing realization that he may be about to kill a friend. TNG : The Measure of a Man
I love the holodeck scene in the neutrino clouds at Russo VI. I have no idea what this place is supposed to be, but it looks gorgeous. TNG : The Dauphin
The death of the Yamato is staggeringly well done considering the relatively poor special effects of the time. TNG : Contagion
I like Riker's little talk with Picard in the ready room - it's rare to see Picard get so down about something. TNG : Time Squared
The first time Data answers the question "Is there anybody out there?" - a question we'd all love to see answered for real... TNG : Pen Pals
The first appearance of the Borg cube, a sight which would soon become the most feared in Trek. TNG : Q Who
I love the Pakled, after all the super-aliens we see out there, it's nice to come across a species which is actually stupid. TNG : Samaritan Snare
When Riker finds out that Brenna expects him to "wash her feet" by starting at the top and working his way down. TNG : Up The Long Ladder
Picard's attempts to hide from Lwaxana. TNG : Manhunt
K'Ehleyr's warp 9 trip in the torpedo casing - what a wonderfully horrifying way to travel! TNG : The Emissary
Data beating the tar out of Kolrami. TNG : Peak Performance
It's nice to see Wesley screw up and have to go and ask the adults help for once. TNG : Evolution
Data's destruction of the aqueduct is a cool moment, somewhat spoiled by the fact that it still seems to be working fine in the next shot. When the episode aired, there was much speculation about what exactly Data did with that shot... best I can figure is that he blasted the water whilst leaving the aqueduct itself alone. Whatever happened, it certainly looks impressive. TNG : The Ensigns of Command
Uxbridge's confession of the true magnitude of his crime - a wonderfully chilling and sorrowful moment which John Anderson plays to perfection. TNG : The Survivors
My personal favourite is Picard's condemnation of religious belief as superstition. Yeah, I know, I'm biased. TNG : Who Watches The Watchers?
Worf's Klingon ceremony when he bonds with Jeremy. This is still very early days for the Klingons in TNG, and it was an interesting look into their culture. TNG : The Bonding
Geordi's holographic date. The poor guy has put so much work into it that it ends up embarrassingly cringe worthy. TNG : Booby Trap
I like the way Geordi handles the Romulan, especially the way he goads him into revealing his rank by continually calling him "Commodore". TNG : The Enemy
The look on the Ferengi's face when the wormhole vanishes on them. TNG : The Price
Although his actions don't make a lot of sense, I still like the scene where Riker has to kill Yuta. TNG : The Vengeance Factor
The character of Jarok TNG : The Defector
I like the way Picard just bows out at the end of this episode, leaving the locals to sort it all out for themselves. TNG : The Hunted
The creators do a good job of making Flinn an interesting and even sympathetic character, despite being morally reprehensible. TNG : The High Ground
Data enjoying his present from Q. TNG : Deja Q
I like the way the holo-recreation of the station explodes, leaving everybody on the holodeck afterwards. TNG : A Matter of Perspective
I love almost everything about this episode, but the Enterprise going down in flames has to be the best moment. TNG : Yesterday's Enterprise
Of the many Great Moments, my personal favourite is when Admiral Haftel comes out of Data's lab after they 'operate' on Lal and describes Data's frantic efforts to save her. TNG : The Offspring
Worf's discommendation. TNG : Sins of the Father
I love Picard's wooing and dumping of Beverly. The look on her face when he throws her out is hilarious! TNG : Allegiance
The crew's increasingly daring efforts to get Picard to go off on holiday. TNG : Captain's Holiday
Tin man's ripple weapon - a reuse of the special effects from the motion picture for V'Ger merging with Decker and heading off to higher dimensions, incidentally. TNG : Tin Man
I absolutely love the bit where Troi, Riker and Geordi come across the 'Goddess of Empathy', most epsecially Geordi's stunned reaction. TNG : Hollow Pursuits
Hard to pick. Data's apparent intent to kill Fajo, his subsequent dodging of Riker's question and his confrontation of Fajo in the brig are the highlights of an episode packed with excellent moments. TNG : The Most Toys
Patrick Stewart does an incredible job of portraying Sarek's emotions in this episode. TNG : Sarek
Picard professing his love for Lwaxana. TNG : Menage a Troi
None. TNG : Transfigurations
The scene where Riker orders Worf to fire on the Borg cube, with Picard still inside it. Perhaps the single greatest cliffhanger in Star Trek history. TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
The graveyard scene at Wolf 359. TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
Picard's fight with his brother, followed by their getting roaring drunk. TNG : Family
Finally meeting Data's creator, Noonien Soong. TNG : Brothers
Wesley getting smacked in the face with a bananna split. TNG : Suddenly Human
The whole concept of the episode is very intriguing. I especially liked Picard trying to justify a half mile long Starship with a crew of two! TNG : Remember Me
Beth Toussaint's performance as Ishara Yar. She's an excellent guest star and does really well in the role. TNG : Legacy
Worf killing Duras. I never thought the writers would let him go through with it! TNG : Reunion
It's fun spotting all the differences in the future Enterprise. TNG : Future Imperfect
Being rid of Wesley! TNG : Final Mission
Guinan needling Troi about applying for her job. TNG : The Loss
Data's dance lesson. I especially like his enthusiastic tap dancing, and the smile that could be used to frighten small children. TNG : Data's Day
This is the first sight of the Nebula class starship, which is one of my all time favourites. TNG : The Wounded
Ardra! I love the character and Marta Dubois plays her perfectly. TNG : Devil's Due
Data's constant 'I cannot confirm or deny that' attitude is nicely played. TNG : Clues
The woman who wants to have sex with Riker. TNG : First Contact
Geordi's face when he finds Brahms in the holodeck watching his holo version of her. TNG : Galaxy's Child
Crusher trying to convince herself that she's imagining things when all the bodies in the autopsy room sit up. TNG : Night Terrors
Geordi's analysis of the shadow on the holodeck is a creepy and highly effective scene, which even makes sense from a technical point of view. TNG : Identity Crisis
It was nice that the Cytherians turned out to have good intentions after all, though I'm a bit dubious about the morality of their methods - essentially they do pretty much what Voyager's Caretaker did. TNG : The N'th Degree
Worf smashing Geordi's musical instrument. TNG : Qpid
Picard's winding up of Satie during his hearing. TNG : The Drumhead
Picard nervously peeking out of the turbolift to make Lwaxana isn't around. Just a funny lighthearted moment. TNG : Half a Life
Frakes does an excellent job as Odan in Riker's body, but my favourite moment in this episode is Troi telling Crusher about her father. TNG : The Host
Geordi's last scene with Troi. TNG : The Mind's Eye
Data trying to pick a fight with his girlfriend. TNG : In Theory
Worf's walk to the turbolift. A superb sendoff. TNG : Redemption, Part 1
Data facing down the Romulan fleet and making them turn tail. TNG : Redemption, Part 2
Picard finally being able to talk to the aliens. TNG : Darmok
The entity wiping out the colony planet. TNG : Silicon Avatar
Worf having to deliver Keiko's baby. TNG : Disaster
Data arriving and de-programming everybody on the bridge. TNG : The Game
Spock appearing at the end of the episode. TNG : Unification, Part 1
The mind meld between Spock and Picard, to allow Spock to touch the part of Sarek's mind left from the previous meld between him and Picard. TNG : Unification, Part 2
The Enterprise pulling all the stuff out the atmosphere and spraying it into space. Cool bit of FX... TNG : A Matter of Time
Picard's hair in Beverly's flashback. TNG : Violations
Geordi realising that the solution to the settlement's problems stems from his VISOR - something they would never invent because they engineer out disabilities like blindness. TNG : The Masterpiece Society
Lots of great moments in this one - the Enterprise blasting through the Lysian defences, Riker and Ro getting together and Troi and Ro making fun of him about it later... but my favourite is how Worf automatically assumes that he is in charge after the crew lose their memories. TNG : Conundrum
I like Troi, and it's nice to see her with a tougher edge here. TNG : Power Play
Worf coming alive again. TNG : Ethics
An unhappy ending, makes a nice change from normal. TNG : The Outcast
The destruction of the Enterprise. TNG : Cause and Effect
Picard's verbal beating of Wesley in the ready room. TNG : The First Duty
The scene where Lwaxana talks to the holodeck computer; since Majel Barrett provides the TNG computer voice, she is basically talking to herself! TNG : Cost of Living
Riker deciding to go to the holodeck after talking to Kamala. Hmmm, what could he be off to do there...? TNG : The Perfect Mate
Picard pushing Hugh into rebelling against the Borg. It's a wonderful scene, and the moment when Hugh recognises Locutus and Picard goes along with it is chilling. TNG : I, Borg
Ro, first coming to believe that she is dead. TNG : The Next Phase
Patrick Stewart puts in one of his greatest acting performances in all of the next generation for this episode. It's truly wonderful. TNG : The Inner Light
Data beating the pants of everybody in the poker game. TNG : Time's Arrow, Part 1
Sam Clemens walking the halls of the Enterprise-D and finding out about life in the 24th century. TNG : Time's Arrow, Part 2
Seeing a transporter working from the inside! TNG : Realm of Fear
Scotty in the holodeck Enterprise, toasting his long dead comrades. TNG : Relics
The holodeck scene where everybody tries to piece together what happened to them. TNG : Schisms
Q turning Beverly into a dog and Amanda turning her back, all without the good doctor noticing. TNG : True-Q
The Enterprise riding off into the sunset at the end of the episode. TNG : A Fistful of Datas
I love the exocomps - they're so cute! TNG : The Quality of Life
Although he's too unwilling to listen to others to be a great Captain, it's great fun to watch Jellico shake things up on the Enterprise. TNG : Chain of Command, Part 1
Patrick Stewart's performance in this episode is simply amazing. TNG : Chain of Command, Part 2
Picard and Data's solution to the problem is very clever and well executed. TNG : Ship in a Bottle
There's little that is exceptional about this one, but it's nice to see a subspace relay at last. TNG : Aquiel
Troi finally getting something a little meaty to do! TNG : Face of the Enemy
Picard laughing to himself when he gets stabbed through the heart. TNG : Tapestry
None. TNG : Birthright, Part 1
I always love it when Klingons sing, and the look on the Romulan's faces when they realise that their prisoners are rediscovering their roots is excellent. TNG : Birthright, Part 2
Picard has such a wonderful time in this episode, it's hard to pick out any specific moment. My favourite is the way he cold-bloodedly lures his first victim into the baryon sweep to kill him - and to think there are those who claim Picard is too wimpy to use force. TNG : Starship Mine
Daren and Stewart really work well together in this episode, and their romance is very believable. TNG : Lessons
Alright the science is pretty bogus, but it's such an enjoyable romp that I just love this episode! TNG : The Chase
Frakes does an exceptional job of showing a half-nutty Riker in this episode. TNG : Frame of Mind
Like Troi in "Face of the Enemy", it's nice to see an episode that gives Crusher a little room to grow. TNG : Suspicions
Data talking about his 'leap of faith'. TNG : Rightful Heir
The special effects shots showing the two Rikers together are superb - especially the scene in which one Riker puts a trombone down and then the other picks it up in the same shot. TNG : Second Chances
Everybody does a superb job of standing very still in this episode - try it, it's not easy! TNG : Timescape
Data trying to reproduce his angry moment by killing holoborg over and over. TNG : Descent, Part 1
Beverly outwitting the Borg using the metaphasic shielding from a previous episode. TNG : Descent, Part 2
Finally, someone who can out chocolate Deanna! TNG : Liaisons
The interplay beteween Picard and Crusher is extremely good, even if they do kill off the idea of them getting together. TNG : Attached
The revelation of the truth about Data's mother. TNG : Inheritance
The scene where thousands of Enterprise-D's start appearing. TNG : Parallels
Picard's disapointment with Riker at the end of the episode. TNG : The Pegasus
Worf teaching Sito to stand up for her self. TNG : Lower Decks
If I may be a total techno-obsessive here for a moment, we finally get to see inside a nacelle! Yay! TNG : Eye of the Beholder
Barclay popping up in Engineering - made me jump a mile! TNG : Genesis
Finally, rid of Wesley forever! TNG : Journey's End
Where to start, a fitting end to the series. To choose one part I would have to go with Picard finally siting down at the poker game. TNG : All Good Things

Worst moments

Moment Episode
The Ferengi. How did they ever expect these guys to be taken seriously? TNG : The Last Outpost
Pretty much anything with Wesley in it. TNG : When the Bough Breaks
Take your pick... the whole premise sucks, but my personal most silly moment is the idea that the radiation is making the viruses more active. TNG : The Child
The acting of the Royale characters. I know these folks were supposed to be cliches, but that doesn't make it any easier to watch. TNG : The Royale
That silly game Riker and his dad play. TNG : The Icarus Factor
I hate the whole concept of clip shows. If I want to see previous episodes, I'll get the video off the shelf! TNG : Shades of Gray
The idea that this guy can go around abusing people this way without interference is absurd. Alright he may be immune to prosecution because of diplomatic immunity, but it strains credibility that the crew can't do anything to stop an ongoing assault. TNG : Man of the People
The Ferengi conquering the Enterprise so easily. TNG : Rascals
The whole 'technobabble as plot' syndrome which plagued later Trek is showcased here. The warp speed limit is an utterly silly idea, especially as they seem to ignore it at will in future episodes. TNG : Force of Nature
Those Scottish folk rival the Oirish of "Up the Long Ladder" for silliness! I've been to Scotland, and they are not like this! TNG : Sub Rosa
The whole premise of the episode is clearly an excuse to allow Spiner to act outside the limitations of the role of Data. Unfortunately, he doesn't do a very good job of it. TNG : Masks
The birth of the 'child'. TNG : Emergence

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