Moment |
Episode |
O'Brien "fixing" the Cardassian transporter by kicking it. |
DS9 : Emissary |
Sisko telling O'Brien he "forgot" how to catch him while he was on the run with Tosk. |
DS9 : Captive Pursuit |
Sisko shooting Verad. |
DS9 : Invasive Procedures |
Odo turning out to be the "baddie". They really had me sold on the idea that the monolith thing was a shapeshifter in disguise, so kudos for managing to fake me out. |
DS9 : The Alternate |
The relisation that Keiko's Big Coffee Clue was actually wrong, and he and Bashir were only saved by accident. |
DS9 : Armageddon Game |
The scene in which Sisko literally crawls back into the punishment box rather than give up his uniform. This is one of my all time favourite Sisko moments. |
DS9 : Paradise |
The destruction of the USS Odyssey |
DS9 : The Jem'Hadar |
Defiant strutting her stuff! |
DS9 : Defiant |
Odo working out that it's not Kira because she told him she loved him - which Kira doesn't. The easiest lie to sell is the one the person wants to believe. Given his feelings for Kira, Odo must have wanted to believe this one very much indeed. Yet he's self aware enough that he doesn't. It's a great moment for his character. |
DS9 : Heart of Stone |
The space battle - wow. I mean, WOW! Especially so when you consider that this episode was made without CGI - the entire battle with the Klingon fleet was done via model work. I cannot express sufficiently just how much kudos the behind the scenes folks deserve for their efforts in this episode. |
DS9 : The Way of the Warrior |
Almost the whole episode counts as a great moment. My personal favourite is when Jake tells Melanie that people recover from the loss of a parent in time; she asks if that is how is was for him, and the sadness in his face and voice when he says "no" is just... beyond words. |
DS9 : The Visitor |
It's nice to see that the Jem'Hadar aren't quite the empty machines we've been told they are. |
DS9 : Hippocratic Oath |
The kiss. Apparently Terry Farrel was less than enthusiastic about having to kiss another woman, but she pulls it off well. |
DS9 : Rejoined |
Okay, so the whole episode is an excuse to do a submarine episode in Star Trek. Well, I like submarine movies, so to me that's a good thing. |
DS9 : Starship Down |
The whole ear-banging thing. |
DS9 : Little Green Men |
As well as being a fan of submarine movies, I also like James Bond. This episode is just a hoot! |
DS9 : Our Man Bashir |
Armed Starfleet officers beaming down to the streets. Ooooo... scary... |
DS9 : Homefront |
Admiral Leyton's gradual slipping into ranting and raving as Sisko points out the stupidity of his plans. |
DS9 : Paradise Lost |
After the end of the trial, Sisko calls Worf to task for firing on the ship. It's a great moment, because it proves that Sisko actually didn't believe his initial defence of Worf in the trial, that he was trying to get a guilty man off - just what a good advocate is supposed to do. |
DS9 : Rules of Engagement |
The Defiant in battle. One tough little ship! |
DS9 : Shattered Mirror |
In "Way of the Warrior", Kasidy asks a casual question about all the activity on the docking ring. I was sure that she was Founder infiltrator. The writers pulled a fast one and made her a traitor instead. Nice little touch there. |
DS9 : For the Cause |
Seeing DS9 with a whole pylon blasted off. |
DS9 : To the Death |
It's a small thing, but I love the scene where Sisko and Bashir are waiting on a tiny rock island in the middle of the great link. The way Bashir goes to skim a rock across the surface of the great link without thinking about what he's doing, with Sisko's shocked "Doctor!" and Bashir's abashed "Ohhhh." It just cracks me up every time. |
DS9 : Broken Link |
I'm going to break with tradition and name an episode title as the best thing about it. It's not that there are no good bits in the episode, but "Apocalypse Rising" is just such a cool-sounding title! |
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising |
The scene where Sisko laments the loss of five people on the mission, and discusses with Dax whether the loss was worth the ship they recovered. It's a clear victory for 'our' people, and Dax is absolutely right when she says that those five deaths were worth it because they might wind up saving millions of lives - which they almost certainly did, because it was almost certainly studying this ship that allowed the Federation to improve their shield technology to resist Dominion weaponry. Yet at the same time, for once we see just how heavily the loss weighs on Sisko, and the fact that he takes time to talk to Dax about the people he lost and how he related to them in life really sells this point. It's a great scene. |
DS9 : The Ship |
Dax finally gets Worf to notice her! You GO, girl! |
DS9 : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places |
Dax in a TOS miniskirt! |
DS9 : Trials and Tribble-ations |
First we had Dax in a TOS miniskirt, now we get Dax in a bathing suit! Oh thank you DS9 writers, you wonderful guys, you! |
DS9 : Let He Who Is Without Sin... |
Worf refusing to conceed defeat to the Jem'Hadar pummelling him. |
DS9 : By Inferno's Light |
The Klingons singing together as they head into battle. |
DS9 : Soldiers of the Empire |
I love this episode. I love that we got a nice, lighthearted episode to - quite literally - relieve all the gloom and doom we've had of late. |
DS9 : In the Cards |
Seeing the Defiant and Rotarran join that massive fleet at the end. Go Starfleet! Go Klingons! Let slip the dogs of war! Yay! |
DS9 : Call to Arms |
The gathering fleet at Starbase 375. Impressive stuff... |
DS9 : Favor the Bold |
Dukat's crumbling from triumph through defeat and into despair within the space of a few minutes when the Dominion reinforcements fail to come through the wormhole. And Sisko and Martok walking back onto the station! |
DS9 : Sacrifice of Angels |
Several! O'Brien and Bashir having a "vision" of killing Worf during their preparation for the wedding is hilarious, and Sirella's description of the Klingon's religion is just the kind of thing we have come to expect from her people. |
DS9 : You are Cordially Invited... |
I love Sisko's attitude when Bashir tries to convince him to recommend surrender to the Dominion. Take no prisoners Ben! |
DS9 : Statistical Probabilities |
My personal favourite is the holodeck session when the Ferengi practice their rescue with less than perfect results. |
DS9 : The Magnificent Ferengi |
Marc Alaimo has always given Dukat a nicely ambiguous slant. Here he does a great job of showing us the truth beneath that civilised exterior. |
DS9 : Waltz |
Morn finally got an episode of his own! And a backstory! I love it when a minor character grows to become a significant element in a show, and going from background alien extra to having your own episode must be one of the best examples of the transition. |
DS9 : Who Mourns for Morn? |
Although it's a very serious and worthy episode in many ways, it's great fun to watch this one and try to work out who is playing who. All those actors out of their usual heavy makeup! |
DS9 : Far Beyond the Stars |
Seeing the little Runabout zipping around in side the Defiant. Seriously cool! |
DS9 : One Little Ship |
Nick Tate does a great job as Bilby, a man who is a bad guy without being stereotypically Evil. |
DS9 : Honor Among Thieves |
Worf turning back to save his wife. For him of all people, choosing family over duty must have been an incredibly tough decision. |
DS9 : Change of Heart |
I don't like the idea of Section 31 at all, so there isn't much to choose from this one for me. |
DS9 : Inquisition |
Sisko's claims that he can live with himself, when it's clear that he is having trouble doing just that. |
DS9 : In the Pale Moonlight |
Odo and Kira getting together at last! Way to go Odo! |
DS9 : His Way |
I didn't like this one much, but it's always nice to see Winn on DS9. She's so deliciously nasty. |
DS9 : The Reckoning |
The loss of the Valiant. It's always sad to see a Starship go down in flames, and this was gorgeously staged. |
DS9 : Valiant |
Michelle Krusiec really does a believable job as a teenaged Molly. I especially like the scene when she sends the younger version back, sacrificing herself so that a future version could live a better life. And yes, I do believe that she knew what she was doing! |
DS9 : Time's Orphan |
The new shuttle departing the Defiant! |
DS9 : The Sound of Her Voice |
Dukat blasting the Orb and shutting down the wormhole. |
DS9 : Tears of the Prophets |
Ezri. Nicole de Boer is so cute! |
DS9 : Image in the Sand |
Oh my! A holodeck story! And the holodecks continue to work properly, all the way through! Amazing! |
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite |
Jeffery Combs as Weyoun, especially since he has to play two different versions of him. |
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River |
Despite the numerous flaws, I love this whole episode. I love that it gives us a glimpse into the true horrors of war, something you don't often get when seeing ships blowing up on a viewscreen. |
DS9 : The Siege of AR-558 |
Kira letting Odo go. It's such a sweet moment, to see how much she loves him. And it's extremely telling that Laas so completely, utterly misses the point. |
DS9 : Chimera |