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Reviewer : MC
Ave Rating : 3.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek: Legacy Rating : 3
Platforms : Windows, Xbox 360 Year : 2006
Review : Having been promised a 'next-gen' game I was opptimistic about Legacy, featuring all the captains from every the series, high powered graphics, sounded too good to be was. Despite help from some of foremost modders from the Bridge Commander community, not everything is as good as hoped. Sprites for weapons? Come on! Simple things like glows showing through asteroids, ship models based on 4 year old BC mods. The Borg thread of the story isn't very plausible, and only based on the Enterprise captains. It seems Kate and Avery were forgotten about, then rushed in at the end (Avery Brooks sounds like he'd just got up!) Gameplay almost entirely combat based, so the clunky camera and ship controls are disappointing but you can get used to them. However, despite it's faults it does have its good points. Some of the ships do look impressive and with a good computer (something I dont have), some epic battles can be fought. The Captain Archer section also is without fault in my opinion as the Romulan war was something I hoped would come up in the series, but didn't come to fruition, and was fun to play out. Finally there's the games modding potential. As it's based on the Armarda II engine, it didn't take long for new and improved ships to appear (the filefront site mentioned above is the most useful). In conclusion a decent game, but not without many flaws. I don't blame the game team, Berthesda is more at fault. The lack of support and better development was probably due to Oblivion probably taking most of the attention at the time. If it was released on a budget, or even just £30 rather than the riddiculous £40, it's worth it. Now is the best time to get it if your thinking about it, the price has come down (pre-owned i've seen it for a tenner!), and the modding community is about to come into it's own. 7/10

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 2,747 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025