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Change a title
Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:07 am
by Graham Kennedy
Just for fun, add, subtract, or change one single letter of a movie title to change the feel of the movie...
The Filth Element
Planet of the Axes
The Dummy
Jurassic Pork
Re: Change a title
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:07 am
by Nutso
Graham, this is hard. I've never been good at puns. The best I can do is:
Re: Change a title
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:04 am
by Graham Kennedy
The secret, I find, is to write a title then start looking at the vowels. So for Jaws, look at the A and go through... A, E, I, O, U. If nothing fits, try a couple of consonants.
Jack to the Future - A story about Jack, and his trip in time.
Sean of the Head - No zombies, just disembodied heads.
Infinity Bar - Where the drinks go on forever!
The Germinator - Skynet sends a machine back in time to do some gardening!
Catman - It's Batman, but if Batman was the cat and catwoman would be batwoman.
Batwoman - It's catwoman, but if catwoman was the bat and batman was catman!
Rant Man - he's got super opinions, and he's going to yell them at you, dammit!
Re: Change a title
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:00 pm
by AlexMcpherson79
Star Bars - Return of the Jedi
At the end of the day, even a Jedi needs to relax, unwind and down a few pints.
Stab Wars - Revenge of the Sith
well... the emphasis on lightsabers does kind of fit...
Doctor How
'The biggest mystery isn't "Who the hell are you?" but "How did you figure it out/Do this/get here/etc", no literally How?
Lobot Chicken (Robot Chicken but every character is that Lobot guy at Bespin from Star Wars Empire Strikes Back)
Save the birds, Save the World.
The Fastest horror movie bad guy alive.
This murder mystery writer likes to solve crime, and working with the NYPD is an awesome opportunity, but to the incredulous Detective Becket, he's just a cow that says 'moo'.
His experimental engine/technique/whatever it was he was doing was a success beyond his wildest dreams, but now he's stuck in another part of the universe, with a bunch of alien criminals and misfits. He's doing all he can to survive in his new reality... Running an oddly-popular bar where the regulars are each others enemies. Will Scorpius Ever pay off his tab? Will Crais ever forgive crichton for spilling his brothers' drink?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerors Stone
...Wait a minute.!
Re: Change a title
Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:37 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Fiends - a group of nasty creatures live 20-something lives in New York.
Stab Trek - It's Star Trek, but with a lot more knives!
Cuts - A film about felines who meet the Stab Trek crew.
The Loon King - It's about Lions, but they're craaaaazy!
John Dick - His dog is dead. And he has a dick.
Poker - He's a mad clown, but he plays cards for money.
Rambo : Lost Blood - He swears, he had that blood just a minute ago...
Zombieland : Double Fap - well both those girls are pretty, what's a guy to do?
Re: Change a title
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:22 am
by McAvoy
Normalman. Watch Clark Kent do some investigating reporting as a man.
Wood Man. Watch Tony Stark creates armor out of wood and then die because he is stupid.
Fat Man - Watch Christian Bale as Fat Man tries to fight crime but is always winded!
North Park - A bunch of 4th graders going to school and nothing happens.
Start Trek - A group starts their hike through woods.
James Bondo - Watch as a secret agent man of mystery fills in your dents and scratches?!
The Big Bong Theory - A bunch of stoners try to explain science and pop culture.
Friday the 12th - Teenagers take showers but fall and break their neck! Teenagers have sex and have to deal with a baby!
John Pick - The best damn lock picker in the world.
Dogs - CGI dog people in a musical while they are doing it doggy style. Because I said so. Rule 34.