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Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:24 am
by MetalHead
It has no plot. I just felt like writing an exciting battle sequence - enjoy.

The U.S.S Infinity arced hard over to starboard, the sleek lines of the refit Excelsior glass flashing briefly in the light from the distant star of the Gammazol system. The ship arced through space at full impulse, her prow pulling her into a shallow power-climb, above the world of Gammazol-Prime. The ship shone in silent serenity for all of two seconds, before all hell broke loose. Her shields, set for conformal mode, absorbed a smattering of disruptor fire from an alien vessel. It was completely unrecognized, and according to surveys the system the Infinity was meant to explore was uninhabited...clearly not.

The vessel, while appearing of crude design, random components and substructres jutting out from everywhere, was fearsomely armed, and well protected. The vessel's disruptors fired a heavy barrage of pulses as the Infinity arced into an evasive pattern. The alien vessel continued to pour on the pain as the starfleet vessel powered her weapons. The tight turn at full impulse complete, and the Infinity lashed out in defiance. Bright blasts of starflame leapt from her phaser banks on the starboard side on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the primary hull and the secondary hull. The massive strike slammed home with mind-numbing force, but the silent enemy had plenty of shield power, and held steady under the assault.

The alien vessel began to turn hard to port as lateral distruptor cannons sent streaks of angry green energy to chip away at the Infinity's sheilds. As the two vessels began combat maneuvers, for several moments, they both faced each other for a starboard broadside at extreemely short range. Blasts of orange phaser fire mingled with the glowing green of alien disruptors, lines of burning energy ripped across the void to hammer away at the opposite's shielding. Aboard the Infinity, the deck rocked as the shields contained the onslaught, sparks flew from overloaded consoles, but the ship continued churning through space. The Infinity began a hard turn to port, mirroring the alien vessels maneuver, only, as the alien vessel began firing rear disruptors, the Excelsior class vessel lined up her aft torpedo tubes, and fired a full spread.

The warheads screamed out of their launch tubes and crashed, one by one, into the alien vessel. The first round slammed solidly into what appeared to be an engine cluster, the shield bubble glowing brightly. Half a second later, the second shot rammed into the shields only meters from the first round, causing an explosion against the shield as the warhead detonated. The third round smashed into the dorsal surface of the ship as its prow began to rise into a climb, the section appeared to be of some importance as a tower-like structure jutted out from the grabled hull configuration. The fourth and final round hit at a glancing angle that caused the torpedeo to oddly ricochet off the shields. Nano seconds afterwards, a computer made a decision based on the impact, and detonated starfleet's most notorious weapon. The blast caused minimal impact damage to the shields, but the results was still not a wasted torpedo.

To add insult to injury, the Infinity followed up with a few blows from her aft phaser banks, straining the enemy's aft shields even further. The giant vessel continued its turn to port as the enemy vessel did, and the range increased, but both ships faced each other broadside again. Not a shot was fire, as the alien vessel attempted to recover from such a ruthless assault, and the Infinity struggled to reload her aft tubes and redirect power to the shields after such a taxing assault.

The two ships came nose to nose, and began closing, the Infinity slowing to one-quarter impulse to have more power available for the shields and weapons. The alien vessel began firing at a fair range, two brief disruptor pulses flared and were absorbed the shields of the Excelsior class vessel. The attack itself was futile, but the idea behind it was far more sinister, it rattled the crew, and gave the alien vessel an exact figure for the forward shields of the Infinity. The range closed further, and power transfers finalzed as a swath of death was sent ripping across the space between the two vessels.

The alien vessel fired with all available weapons. Heavy disruptor beams, and a fusilade of pulses slammed into the Infinity, overloading power conduits, burning through the shields to scorch the hull in a few places, causing power loss throughout the ship. The most devastating part of the attack came from the most bizarre yet effective weapon aboard the alien vessel. Most vessels that carried projectile weapons in the form of torpedos or missiles had high-yield weapons designed to penetrate shielding and armor and cause maximum damage through a detonation. The weapon system deployed by the alien vessel was quite different. It fired atleast 50 micro-warheads, perhaps some kind of mass-rocket pod. The warheads were designed to overload the shield emitters as a whole. Dozens upon dozens of the rockets battered the shielding simeltaneously, and the coverage began to flicker.

The forward shields then failed all together, and several rockets slammed into the hull, blowing peices of the vessel into nothingness. But the Infinity hit back. As parts of her foward sections began to take hits, her giant forward phasers, drawing extra power from the impulse reactors, lashed out. The beams didn't fire briefly, the ship fired four sustained shots, raking the blasts over the shielding, carving a swath of damage throughout the alien vessel, whose forward shields flared very brightly against the assault. The forward torpedo tubes spat four rounds in rapid succession, each torpedo set for maximum yield. The shots pounded the forward weapon arrays and superstructure and multiple burn-throughs sent flaming chunks of debris into space as the tubes reloaded and fired yet ANOTHER four rounds. These four shots breached the enemy shielding altogether, and slammed into the hull without resistance. Explosions began rippling through the forward sections of the odd alien vessel, which, despite the catastrophic damage it was taking, continued firing its pulse disruptors.

More phaser fire burned angry trenches of damage into the hull as atmosphere began to leak out. Still the two ships lashed out at each other as their shield systems failed altogether. In the all or nothing onslaught, there was no room for weakness. Each ship took mounting damage as the captains refused to turn away, and let more protected sections of the ship shrug off any damage. Phasers and disruptors, rockets and photon torpedos, and still the vessels churned head on at each other. As the distance began to close, the Infinity increased her Z-Axis, flying over the top of the alien battle-barge. All her ventral phasers wrought havoc onto the hull of the alien ship. The phasers on both the primary and secondary hull ripped into exposed superstructure, and secondary explosions began to consume that section.

The damage finally began to catch up with the enemy vessel, whose weapon systems could no longer draw enough power to fire as damage control systems overrode the calls for additional power. More explosions continued throughout the ship, as one by one, critical systems began to fail. Shields long gone, weapons offline, engines failing, attitude control disabled, sensors sending in only grabled ideas about where the starfleet ship was, and life support leaking atmosphere in multiple the trial by fire, the fire won. Adrift and crippled, the alien vessel soon lost containment. The reactor sizzled once, and then the massive amount of energy it contained leapt for the freedom of space. The ship detonated in a giant anti-matter fireball.

Just another day as an explorer vessel, the Infinity made a note of the encounter, set her damage control teams to work, and began resuming scans of the system. Just another day of life.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:53 am
by Tiberius
Lots of action, very fast paced. :)