crew selection, USS Ark Royal
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:20 pm
So I think I have determined the best way to proceed how it was suggested for a Star Trek story, as Graham is quoted as saying this:
"What I'd really like to see? I've suggested it before. Jump ahead, show us a ship from a century after TNG. Make it a transwarp ship that can travel on an intergalactic scale. A mixed crew of Klingons, Federation, Cardassian, Romulans, even Dominion - the major powers formed an alliance. Go big or go home."
What do you think of this?
Andorian security officer
Arkenite geologist, physicist, and astronomer
Aurelian historian
Betazoid science and engineering officer. Maybe security officer
Bolian science and security officer
Bynars engineers
Bzzit Khaht medical scientist
Caitian science officer
Cardassian tactical and security officer
Catullan engineering officer
Deltan medical personnel.
Efrosian navigator or flight controller
Galifreyan tailor
Grazerites engineering, science, medical and security officer
Huanni counselor
Human commanding and/or first officer
Jem'Hadar tactical and security officer
Kaferian geneticist
Kazarite ecologist
Klingon tactical and security officer
Magna Roman tactical and security officer
Napean science and engineering officer
Osadjani science officer
Pahkwa-thanh medical and science officer
Romulan unknown as of yet
Saurian tactical and security officer
Tandaran science officer (were known for their research into time travel and temporal mechanics by the 24th century)
Tellarite engineering officer
Tiburon science officer
Trill unknown, possibly engineering officer or commanding officer
Vorta command division officer
Vulcan science officer
Xelatian tactical and security officer
Zakdorn tactical and security officer
Zaldans tactical and security officer
Zaranite weapons officer
"What I'd really like to see? I've suggested it before. Jump ahead, show us a ship from a century after TNG. Make it a transwarp ship that can travel on an intergalactic scale. A mixed crew of Klingons, Federation, Cardassian, Romulans, even Dominion - the major powers formed an alliance. Go big or go home."
What do you think of this?
Andorian security officer
Arkenite geologist, physicist, and astronomer
Aurelian historian
Betazoid science and engineering officer. Maybe security officer
Bolian science and security officer
Bynars engineers
Bzzit Khaht medical scientist
Caitian science officer
Cardassian tactical and security officer
Catullan engineering officer
Deltan medical personnel.
Efrosian navigator or flight controller
Galifreyan tailor
Grazerites engineering, science, medical and security officer
Huanni counselor
Human commanding and/or first officer
Jem'Hadar tactical and security officer
Kaferian geneticist
Kazarite ecologist
Klingon tactical and security officer
Magna Roman tactical and security officer
Napean science and engineering officer
Osadjani science officer
Pahkwa-thanh medical and science officer
Romulan unknown as of yet
Saurian tactical and security officer
Tandaran science officer (were known for their research into time travel and temporal mechanics by the 24th century)
Tellarite engineering officer
Tiburon science officer
Trill unknown, possibly engineering officer or commanding officer
Vorta command division officer
Vulcan science officer
Xelatian tactical and security officer
Zakdorn tactical and security officer
Zaldans tactical and security officer
Zaranite weapons officer