How would you uplift Earth?
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:13 pm
So I've been thinking about contact with aliens. Partly this was inspired by Archer's constant moaning that the Vulcans wouldn't do his homework for him as a kid or whatever, but it's applicable to general Trek, and general sci-fi for that matter.
Let's say aliens arrive to contact Earth and establish relations. You're the alien commander. There's no Prime Directive in this scenario, and your race are different humans but not TOO different - you're somebody like the Gorn or Vulcans, not some weird race of intelligent fractal equations that can't communicate with humans because their brain doesn't occupy sixteen dimensions.
Your tech is about what you'd expect from a typical sci fi franchise. Shields, beam weapons, FTL comms and drive, plus computers, materials, power generation, medicine, etc, etc that is all several centuries beyond anything we have on Earth.
You're fairly peaceful, though you are certainly well armed enough to demolish any Earth nation or combination of nations if you need to. Your mission is to welcome Earth into the Community of Sovereign Happy Affable Planets (COSHAP for short). And in doing so, you're to upgrade their technology base.
So my question is, how do you go about this? Because in thinking about it, pretty much anything I come up with immediately causes massive problems on Earth.
Example - You say "Hey, we have the tech for a practical fusion generator. Models about the size of a cigarette packet have an output of 1 MW, those about the size of a refrigerator about 10 GW. All you have to do is pour some water into it every few years. Here are the plans."
So... what happens now to the oil industry? The power generation industry? The countless industries that manufacture equipment like offshore oil platforms, oil tankers, oil refineries, wind turbines, furnaces... and probably about twenty more. I just put something like ten percent of Earth's entire workforce out of work, permanently.
How about "Hey, here's this thing called a replicator. You connect it to your fusion power system and shovel some dirt in. It will make anything from a nice steak to a handgun gun. Have fun."
There goes practically EVERY industry overnight.
Of course dishing out weapons is obviously problematic, but really it's unlikely to be avoidable since the weapons tech is going to be an offshoot of the civilian tech you're giving them anyway. But what about, say, shields? Would the world be better off if you gave shield technology to everyone? It's a purely defensive system, right?
So my questions are, what advanced tech do you think it would be a good idea to give to the Earthlings? What fallout do you foresee, and is it acceptable? Is there anything you'd hold back?
Let's say aliens arrive to contact Earth and establish relations. You're the alien commander. There's no Prime Directive in this scenario, and your race are different humans but not TOO different - you're somebody like the Gorn or Vulcans, not some weird race of intelligent fractal equations that can't communicate with humans because their brain doesn't occupy sixteen dimensions.
Your tech is about what you'd expect from a typical sci fi franchise. Shields, beam weapons, FTL comms and drive, plus computers, materials, power generation, medicine, etc, etc that is all several centuries beyond anything we have on Earth.
You're fairly peaceful, though you are certainly well armed enough to demolish any Earth nation or combination of nations if you need to. Your mission is to welcome Earth into the Community of Sovereign Happy Affable Planets (COSHAP for short). And in doing so, you're to upgrade their technology base.
So my question is, how do you go about this? Because in thinking about it, pretty much anything I come up with immediately causes massive problems on Earth.
Example - You say "Hey, we have the tech for a practical fusion generator. Models about the size of a cigarette packet have an output of 1 MW, those about the size of a refrigerator about 10 GW. All you have to do is pour some water into it every few years. Here are the plans."
So... what happens now to the oil industry? The power generation industry? The countless industries that manufacture equipment like offshore oil platforms, oil tankers, oil refineries, wind turbines, furnaces... and probably about twenty more. I just put something like ten percent of Earth's entire workforce out of work, permanently.
How about "Hey, here's this thing called a replicator. You connect it to your fusion power system and shovel some dirt in. It will make anything from a nice steak to a handgun gun. Have fun."
There goes practically EVERY industry overnight.
Of course dishing out weapons is obviously problematic, but really it's unlikely to be avoidable since the weapons tech is going to be an offshoot of the civilian tech you're giving them anyway. But what about, say, shields? Would the world be better off if you gave shield technology to everyone? It's a purely defensive system, right?
So my questions are, what advanced tech do you think it would be a good idea to give to the Earthlings? What fallout do you foresee, and is it acceptable? Is there anything you'd hold back?