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Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:31 pm
by Jim
I know that there were a number of personal ships specifically owned by one person... but were any of them of a larger size or decently armed? The largest that I can think of would probably be Neelix's ship, but that was not armed and wasn't really that big.
Did anyone ever just somehow end up with their own Miranda or something of that nature?
The question came to mind as I was thinking about old SW books that I had read and I remembered that Terrik had his own Star Destroyer. It made me wonder if anything like that had ever happened in Trek.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:02 pm
by McAvoy
No one had a Federation ship.
But we did see commercial ships and even personal ships the were somewhat large.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:54 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Mudd had a Federation ship :

Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:52 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Okona had a private ship, so did Kassidy Yates.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:12 pm
by McAvoy
Graham Kennedy wrote:Mudd had a Federation ship :

Was it called a Starfleet or Federation ship? Do we have a better picture than that? Just saying that could explained as having a resemblance to a Fed ship.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:20 pm
by Graham Kennedy
It wasn't a Starfleet ship, no. Why would it be, Mudd wasn't in Starfleet.
Given that Kirk charges Mudd with "galaxy travel without a flight plan, without an identification beam, and failure to answer a starship's signal, thus effecting a menace to navigation", then the ship was clearly under Federation jurisdiction. They didn't specifically say "This is a Federation ship", but there's really no reason to doubt it. Especially as the design is clearly Federation-influenced.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:08 pm
by Captain Seafort
Graham Kennedy wrote:Given that Kirk charges Mudd with "galaxy travel without a flight plan, without an identification beam, and failure to answer a starship's signal, thus effecting a menace to navigation", then the ship was clearly under Federation jurisdiction.
That says nothing about the origin of the ship (or Mudd himself for that matter). If the French skipper of a French built, registered and flagged ship, with an entirely French crew, was acting like a lunatic under the bows of a US carrier, I suspect the CO of said carrier would have something to say about that behaviour. It wouldn't suddenly make the offending vessel US.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:07 pm
by McAvoy
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:52 am
by Graham Kennedy
Captain Seafort wrote:Graham Kennedy wrote:Given that Kirk charges Mudd with "galaxy travel without a flight plan, without an identification beam, and failure to answer a starship's signal, thus effecting a menace to navigation", then the ship was clearly under Federation jurisdiction.
That says nothing about the origin of the ship (or Mudd himself for that matter). If the French skipper of a French built, registered and flagged ship, with an entirely French crew, was acting like a lunatic under the bows of a US carrier, I suspect the CO of said carrier would have something to say about that behaviour. It wouldn't suddenly make the offending vessel US.
Depends. Exactly what jurisdiction you're under on the ocean is a complicated business, and the rules that apply there only do because there are international conventions to say that they do. And in general, if you're in international waters, the laws of your home state apply. If your carrier CO sees me and Ian breaking US laws in a boat in international waters, it doesn't matter what he has to say about it because he doesn't have any jurisdiction.
So whilst certainly not solid proof, it certainly does indicate that it was a Federation ship.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:38 pm
by Captain Seafort
Graham Kennedy wrote:If your carrier CO sees me and Ian breaking US laws in a boat in international waters, it doesn't matter what he has to say about it because he doesn't have any jurisdiction.
If, on the other hand, you are breaching internationally recognised regulations and thus being a menace to navigation, I would expect him (or any other nation's warship in a similar position) to have jurisdiction. McAvoy may be able to expand further on the details.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:21 am
by Mikey
Certainly even private vessels would be constrained to follow UFP regulations within UFP space; I'm sure the initial question was one more of provenance of the actual ships than of overseeing governance. We've seen ships that seem to be privately-commissionned vessels - Mudd's ship, the Hansens' SS Raven, etc. - but is starship construction a small enough enterprise to be conducted outside of the auspices of the UFP government, a/o is there private enterprise large enough to do so?
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:33 am
by Graham Kennedy
Captain Seafort wrote:Graham Kennedy wrote:If your carrier CO sees me and Ian breaking US laws in a boat in international waters, it doesn't matter what he has to say about it because he doesn't have any jurisdiction.
If, on the other hand, you are breaching internationally recognised regulations and thus being a menace to navigation, I would expect him (or any other nation's warship in a similar position) to have jurisdiction. McAvoy may be able to expand further on the details.
But is there even any such thing as internationally recognised regulations in the context that Kirk and the Enterprise operate in? We have them because our world is an explored place, there's nowhere you can go that isn't covered by some jurisdiction or other. Not so for the Federation.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:28 pm
by Teaos
Raven was a decent size.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:57 pm
by Captain Seafort
Graham Kennedy wrote:But is there even any such thing as internationally recognised regulations in the context that Kirk and the Enterprise operate in?
Yes - the interstellar law Chang quoted when he arrested Kirk and McCoy in TUC.
Teaos wrote:Raven was a decent size.
Raven was an overgrown runabout, nothing more.
Re: Largest owned/personal ship
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:47 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Captain Seafort wrote:Graham Kennedy wrote:But is there even any such thing as internationally recognised regulations in the context that Kirk and the Enterprise operate in?
Yes - the interstellar law Chang quoted when he arrested Kirk and McCoy in TUC.
Oh? Who does that apply to? What does it cover? In what areas? At what times? We don't know.