Wolf 359, what next?
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:31 am
This may have been done before, it may have been done to death. I apologize if so.
Wolf 359 is a couple of months in the past, and the Federation President has come to you, offering to work towards a new future. He explains:
A Borg Cube is a nye unstoppable menace. The Federation has reason to believe the Borg have a very fast non-local FTL, and reside somewhere beyond Federation knowledge in greater numbers. The Federation has drawn their interest, and their ire.
The stagnating Cardassian Union is seeking to distract its domestic opposition by consolidating over extended forces, fermenting nationalistic fervor against the Maquis, and attempting to score easy victories against the Federation. It is expected that Cardassians will soon withdraw from the occupation of Bajor, who will look to the Federation for protection.
The Klingon Empire has maintained a peaceful coexistence with the Federation for several decades, and in that time have managed to grow their economy and military. Though they possess a large legacy fleet like the Federation, they are expected to begin fielding a new battleship presently. The High Council is split between quarreling factions: one led by a Romulan puppet, and another led by an aspiring nationalist. The sitting Chancellor is nearing the end of his life, and losing his ability to prevent a civil war. Klingon pop culture seems to be radicalizing.
The Romulan Star Empire has just reopened the most limited of diplomatic relations with the Federation. The Romulans are belligerent in their conduct, openly conducting espionage, and are competing with the Federation for influence. They have a fleet of large powerful battleships comparable to the Galaxy class.
The Federation has grown to such enormous size that current FTL speed has made defense against surprise attack impractical. Internally, a faction of the Federation's human populace is becoming disgruntled over the lack of martial assertiveness, depredations against the Maquis, and a feeling of stiffed-conformist culture. Starfleet's highest levels were recently compromised by alien infiltrators. Starfleet has a large legacy component, and many of the newer ships are multimission designs with heavy civilian priorities. But Quantum Torpedoes, stronger phasers, and the Sovereign class starships are in the works.
Given the above, how do you as the new Chief of Starfleet Operations proceed?
Wolf 359 is a couple of months in the past, and the Federation President has come to you, offering to work towards a new future. He explains:
A Borg Cube is a nye unstoppable menace. The Federation has reason to believe the Borg have a very fast non-local FTL, and reside somewhere beyond Federation knowledge in greater numbers. The Federation has drawn their interest, and their ire.
The stagnating Cardassian Union is seeking to distract its domestic opposition by consolidating over extended forces, fermenting nationalistic fervor against the Maquis, and attempting to score easy victories against the Federation. It is expected that Cardassians will soon withdraw from the occupation of Bajor, who will look to the Federation for protection.
The Klingon Empire has maintained a peaceful coexistence with the Federation for several decades, and in that time have managed to grow their economy and military. Though they possess a large legacy fleet like the Federation, they are expected to begin fielding a new battleship presently. The High Council is split between quarreling factions: one led by a Romulan puppet, and another led by an aspiring nationalist. The sitting Chancellor is nearing the end of his life, and losing his ability to prevent a civil war. Klingon pop culture seems to be radicalizing.
The Romulan Star Empire has just reopened the most limited of diplomatic relations with the Federation. The Romulans are belligerent in their conduct, openly conducting espionage, and are competing with the Federation for influence. They have a fleet of large powerful battleships comparable to the Galaxy class.
The Federation has grown to such enormous size that current FTL speed has made defense against surprise attack impractical. Internally, a faction of the Federation's human populace is becoming disgruntled over the lack of martial assertiveness, depredations against the Maquis, and a feeling of stiffed-conformist culture. Starfleet's highest levels were recently compromised by alien infiltrators. Starfleet has a large legacy component, and many of the newer ships are multimission designs with heavy civilian priorities. But Quantum Torpedoes, stronger phasers, and the Sovereign class starships are in the works.
Given the above, how do you as the new Chief of Starfleet Operations proceed?