Hmm... not overly sure about this one yet. I've seen it twice now and still not sure if I liked it. Good things:
- Pink is dead and isn't coming back. I've nothing against Pink but dead people should stay dead. Bringing them back at the last minute is so over used it's getting pointless to kill them in the first place. Trek is a prime culprit in this but Who is getting just as bad. See the talk here about Osgood.
- The doctor has finally worked out if he's good or not! Plus it was the best possible answer, no he's not (as clearly he isn't), but he's not bad either (again clearly he isn't). All good stuff.
- Loved that the brigadier showed up and got a salute from the doctor. A nice tribute to the man.
- Nice that the Doctor taunted the Master about ruling the world, easy
- The flying cybermen were cool if a little preposterous, where's the fuel kept?
- The Doctor bashing hell out of the TARDIS.
- The head of the old cyberman
- Osgood (well up until the last)
- The Doctor sky diving into the TARDIS
The bad:
- The whole thing seemed contrived, the Master really just did it to make the Doctor admit he was like him?
- The Cybermen took one hell of an age to dismantle that plane. I suppose they could have been waiting for the order to do it
- Osgood, the end.
- Cyber rain. OK, every piece of a cyberman has the blueprints to make another, but they don't have the material to do so and they certainly don't have them in a grave.
- Grave images, pretty poor. Since when are the people of London burried in photon torpedo casings and only one layer deep.
I'm sure there's more but I've go to go to work.