SFDebris: Fear Her
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:46 pm
Chuck lets rip
From the analysis of a sublime Voyager episode to good old fashioned venting at a shit Who episode. A couple of points though. Firstly, they can't take any credit for the logo - that was the one used by the original bid. Secondly, you can't blame the writers for Huw Edwards being an aggravating prat who makes everyone listening to his commentary want to strangle him. He's always like that.
From the analysis of a sublime Voyager episode to good old fashioned venting at a shit Who episode. A couple of points though. Firstly, they can't take any credit for the logo - that was the one used by the original bid. Secondly, you can't blame the writers for Huw Edwards being an aggravating prat who makes everyone listening to his commentary want to strangle him. He's always like that.