Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:27 am
This will be the general discussion for the Beta2.0 discussion thread.
some things I want to clear up:
For now all diplomacy must be conducted via PM's. The separation of different groups will make an IC thread containing everything impractical. Therefore diplomacy must be conducted via PM's. All IC PM's must cc myself.
Something I would like to see happen this SIM is how the IC thread, PM's and misc. other threads are treated:
PM's should be considered the normal method of communication between states. These conversations will exist on record if they cc myself. Each state is of course allowed to have off-the-record conversations at both parties discretion; however as these don't include the GM and therefore aren't part of public knowledge these conversatoins will not provide evidence for any course of action you may need evidence for.
The IC thread should be considered by all to be a public address. There is no ongoing conference where everyone is always assembled. Things like State of the Unions and public addresses it what should go up in the IC thread.
If it is desired to have conferences and summits I have no problem creating new threads for these. it'll also make it easier to separate that conversation and allow for the whole summit to be on a time limit of a day or two to simulate only a few months of work on an issue.
I am not starting everyone fair. Some are ahead of others, some are WAY ahead of others…however within your own starting ring things should be roughly the same, and from there it’s up to you to bridge gaps. I will be much more allowing of the weaker species to advance their tech than I will the more advanced ones in the beginning; however I will not hold one player back if another doesn’t expand; nor will I allow weaker players to simply grow without questions.
Since everyone knows all of the races I’ll just lay this out publicly:
Coaliton knows only of themselves and the Klingon Empire
The Klingons and Romulans both know of eachother and the Coalition
The Cardassians and Breen know about eachother
The Ferangi are alone
I have created this map from scratch and thus the layout is different from the A/B 1.0 maps or the A2.0 map. I am putting this up here because I know that, for instance, the Coalition Player will know there are Romulans OOC; however IC I want everyone to know that they have no idea the Romulans even exist, let alone what they may be like or how to strategically plan against them before first contact has been made.
I will also let everyone know that there are certain major systems from canon that were not part of the starting empires that are on the map. Places like bajor, chin’toka, narendra, etc are on the map. There aren’t many of these, however these systems will be much easier to locate than normal new planets. If you start exploring in the right area, I’ll give it to you.
Map expansion by exploration will be an ongoing source of frustration for everyone. I’m telling you that right now. There will be 4 maps used at the start of the SIM: Coaliton, Klingon-Romulan, Cardassian-Breen, and Ferangi. Some of the maps overlap a little bit, in those cases manual editing of the map is done to erase other powers.
3 things to note:
1. Until all 5 maps are unified onto the master map, planet positions not on the map at the start will change. Not by much, hopefully, but they will when I transcribe all the added planets onto the master map.
2. All expansions recorded by any race will be visible to all other races on their map. I’m sorry, I know this isn’t the way it would work, especially in the case of two dictatorial states; however I don’t really want to have to keep track of and modify eight maps and deal with issues of when to let other states know about these other things.
3. Map expansion will be slow to turn around. Rather than expand the map every turn with exploration, as of now, I plan on redoing maps once every set number of turns (depending on the length of the turn and the speeds reached IC). I can also tell you that the map will not expand by exact quantities. I.e. if you explore 3 LY in one direction the map will not move out 3LY worth of pixels in that direction. That’s due mostly to me not wanting to do some rather long and tedious calculations every time I redo a map because of the limitations in the system I’m using. This will be okay however because even if the map is over expanded there will be nothing but blank space there, anything already on the map that hasn’t been found will be manually hidden, as for other findable things they are done by random roll each turn and therefore aren’t even on the map yet.
With that said. Turns are due on Saturday. this will be a 1 year set-up turn.
some things I want to clear up:
For now all diplomacy must be conducted via PM's. The separation of different groups will make an IC thread containing everything impractical. Therefore diplomacy must be conducted via PM's. All IC PM's must cc myself.
Something I would like to see happen this SIM is how the IC thread, PM's and misc. other threads are treated:
PM's should be considered the normal method of communication between states. These conversations will exist on record if they cc myself. Each state is of course allowed to have off-the-record conversations at both parties discretion; however as these don't include the GM and therefore aren't part of public knowledge these conversatoins will not provide evidence for any course of action you may need evidence for.
The IC thread should be considered by all to be a public address. There is no ongoing conference where everyone is always assembled. Things like State of the Unions and public addresses it what should go up in the IC thread.
If it is desired to have conferences and summits I have no problem creating new threads for these. it'll also make it easier to separate that conversation and allow for the whole summit to be on a time limit of a day or two to simulate only a few months of work on an issue.
I am not starting everyone fair. Some are ahead of others, some are WAY ahead of others…however within your own starting ring things should be roughly the same, and from there it’s up to you to bridge gaps. I will be much more allowing of the weaker species to advance their tech than I will the more advanced ones in the beginning; however I will not hold one player back if another doesn’t expand; nor will I allow weaker players to simply grow without questions.
Since everyone knows all of the races I’ll just lay this out publicly:
Coaliton knows only of themselves and the Klingon Empire
The Klingons and Romulans both know of eachother and the Coalition
The Cardassians and Breen know about eachother
The Ferangi are alone
I have created this map from scratch and thus the layout is different from the A/B 1.0 maps or the A2.0 map. I am putting this up here because I know that, for instance, the Coalition Player will know there are Romulans OOC; however IC I want everyone to know that they have no idea the Romulans even exist, let alone what they may be like or how to strategically plan against them before first contact has been made.
I will also let everyone know that there are certain major systems from canon that were not part of the starting empires that are on the map. Places like bajor, chin’toka, narendra, etc are on the map. There aren’t many of these, however these systems will be much easier to locate than normal new planets. If you start exploring in the right area, I’ll give it to you.
Map expansion by exploration will be an ongoing source of frustration for everyone. I’m telling you that right now. There will be 4 maps used at the start of the SIM: Coaliton, Klingon-Romulan, Cardassian-Breen, and Ferangi. Some of the maps overlap a little bit, in those cases manual editing of the map is done to erase other powers.
3 things to note:
1. Until all 5 maps are unified onto the master map, planet positions not on the map at the start will change. Not by much, hopefully, but they will when I transcribe all the added planets onto the master map.
2. All expansions recorded by any race will be visible to all other races on their map. I’m sorry, I know this isn’t the way it would work, especially in the case of two dictatorial states; however I don’t really want to have to keep track of and modify eight maps and deal with issues of when to let other states know about these other things.
3. Map expansion will be slow to turn around. Rather than expand the map every turn with exploration, as of now, I plan on redoing maps once every set number of turns (depending on the length of the turn and the speeds reached IC). I can also tell you that the map will not expand by exact quantities. I.e. if you explore 3 LY in one direction the map will not move out 3LY worth of pixels in that direction. That’s due mostly to me not wanting to do some rather long and tedious calculations every time I redo a map because of the limitations in the system I’m using. This will be okay however because even if the map is over expanded there will be nothing but blank space there, anything already on the map that hasn’t been found will be manually hidden, as for other findable things they are done by random roll each turn and therefore aren’t even on the map yet.
With that said. Turns are due on Saturday. this will be a 1 year set-up turn.