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S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 6:31 pm
by Captain Seafort
Last week's part one was somewhat average. Let's see if part two improves on that or whether we'll have another "Cold Blood" on our hands.
Starts in fifteen minutes.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:42 pm
by Mikey
Bastard. BBC-America advertised the nest new ep after "The Rebel Flesh" as not being aired until June 4th.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:05 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5

Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:47 am
by Griffin
Whaaaaat thhhhheee fuuuuuuucccccccccck?
I believe this summarises my response to the ending.
I did not see that coming at all.
And, according to confidential (you may consider this a spoiler):
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:26 am
by colmquinn
Condan1993 wrote:Whaaaaat thhhhheee fuuuuuuucccccccccck?
I believe this summarises my response to the ending.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:01 pm
by alexmann
Thats What I Thought!
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:30 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Condan1993 wrote:Whaaaaat thhhhheee fuuuuuuucccccccccck?
I believe this summarises my response to the ending.
I did not see that coming at all.
And, according to confidential (you may consider this a spoiler):
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:34 pm
by Griffin
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Condan1993 wrote:Whaaaaat thhhhheee fuuuuuuucccccccccck?
I believe this summarises my response to the ending.
I did not see that coming at all.
And, according to confidential (you may consider this a spoiler):
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:36 pm
by Captain Seafort
Guys, I don't think you can really count those as spoilers.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:31 am
by Graham Kennedy
I liked it for the most part, but it had a few issues. This will have big spoilers! I thought of putting spoiler bits in tage, but really the whole thing is intermingled between spoilers and not. So don't read this if you want to avoid spoilers!
Spoiler space
Remember spoiler space was the standard thing to do with spoilers?
The SECOND Amy looked at the shoes on the two Doctors, I said to Ian "So the twist is going to be that they've swapped shoes, is it?" Soooo obvious.
The way I saw it, the episodes were about playing games with identity - what is it that makes you, you? Is a copy of you the same person as you? If it is, how does the idea threaten you? If you reject it as untrue, how does that feel to the copy? I found those questions interesting, and wanted to see them explored more. I also liked that the conflict grew out of a genuine horror on the part of the Humans, along with genuine fear on the part of the Gangers.
We got some of that... but then they went down the path of having a Ganger turn out to be a "bad guy", and then even to the extent of her literally turning into a monster. That was SO much less interesting to me.
Oh, and the Doctor suddenly grows the ability to point his screwdriver at somebody and tell if they are a Ganger because of a slight difference in the reading. Thus negating the entire premise of the episodes.
As for Amy as Ganger... well it finally makes sense of the face in the hole thing, along with the "pregnant/not pregnant" thing, all of which I was actually getting a bit bored with by this episode. Right now there's not a lot one can say about this ending. Ganger technology can apparently make a link across time and space, which is rather strange but I suppose it's reasonable, depending on who is using it. I'll decide if I like it based on how it turns out in future, I suppose.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:38 am
by alexmann
Maybe theyre using subspace!
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:15 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
GrahamKennedy wrote:
Oh, and the Doctor suddenly grows the ability to point his screwdriver at somebody and tell if they are a Ganger because of a slight difference in the reading. Thus negating the entire premise of the episodes.
He lost the sonic for a bit in Classic Who, right? Maybe he should lose it again.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:49 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Back in the day it became a major sore spot for fans. Writers just couldn't resist using it for ever more things, to the point where it just became a lazy solution. It became almost Star Trekkian in its "The TECH is going to TECH and kill us all, but I used the screwdriver to TECH the TECH and now we're saved!" sorts of scenes. They did write it out for a while, but in the end it reappeared and gradually resumed the power of plot control.
And yeah, it sure seems to be doing that again. Now it's become a multi purpose scanner. They use it even when they don't have to, which is even more annoying. Like when he "scanned" that acid pipe with it and said "there's some sort of corrosive inside"... well no shit Sherlock, it said "DANGER - CORROSIVE" on it! Then he scanned more and said "Oh, there's a ceramic inside." Well why not just have him rap on it with his knuckles and say "Oh, it's plastic, but there's a hard lining, sounds like ceramic." That's what I hate about the screwdriver, when it's there the writers just fall back on it time and time again whether they need to or not.
He even seemed to be using it as a weapon against the Silence, which is just a bizzare thing to see the Doctor doing. I actually don't like his disdain for weapons as it's horribly hypocritical given that he routinely kills anyway, but that's another matter. If you can point a sonic screwdriver at somebody and "fire" it, then it IS a gun.
Actually one of the things I truly loved about Matt Smith's first appearance was that they blew his damn screwdriver up and had to solve the problem without it. He even remarked on that, as I recall, and I hoped like hell we had seen the back of the thing. Alas he got a new one at the end of the episode.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:32 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Yeah. I saw those green flashes when River went Laura Croft and thought to myself, "What the hell... is that... how in the blue hell does that work?!" So now every time he disdains from using a gun, we can stamp 'hypocrite' in big red letters on his forehead.
Re: S32E6: The Almost People
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:19 am
by Captain Seafort
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Yeah. I saw those green flashes when River went Laura Croft and thought to myself, "What the hell... is that... how in the blue hell does that work?!" So now every time he disdains from using a gun, we can stamp 'hypocrite' in big red letters on his forehead.
Not much of a difference from his historical actions, especially as it's impossible to tell what exactly he was doing with the sonic. The Seventh Doctor was probably the most anti-gun of the lot of them, and look at some of the stunts he pulled.