First ep is called the "Impossible Astronaut" which has a few nice things about it imho, though some things I thought were a bit off (mainly the bit with the Doctor interfering with his past self though I can live with the limited way it was done).
I did like the new bad guys, the Silent. Their defense mechanism of making you forget them once you look away was pretty well done. No idea how its works but quantum is always good for me in these situations. Though if Amy can take a picture on her phone whats to stop any surveillance system capturing them?
Also the control room or whatever it was that River & Rory found reminded me of the "cloaked" ship upstairs in the lodger episode so looks like Moffet could've been linking things up between the series. Hell they could've been littered throughout the whole last series and the scooby gang just forgot they saw em & we just put it down to bad acting

It all depends on how the next episode or indeed episodes play out to determine how good this story plays out. (Remember the Pandorica Opens in the previous series started great but the story ended up total rubbish)