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So who are we?
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:39 pm
by Bryan Moore
I'll start with the introductions. Feel free to respond with as much or little information about yourselves as you wish.
I'm Bryan Moore (obviously).
I'm 24, from Enfield, Connecticut, USA. I'm a social studies teacher with a Bachelor of Arts in US History and am about to finish Masters of Science in Education. This coming year I'll be teaching global studies to 9th graders, US History to 11th graders, and contemporary issues (a.k.a. How We Farked up in Iraq: 101) to a class of seniors.
Why do I like Star Trek? I grew up on it, watching the Original Series and first few movies on TV with my dad at a very young age. I can vividly remember watching the premiere of TNG a few months before my 5th birthday. I could go on for paragraphs, but I love the themes behind Star Trek, the messages it sends, and the intricacy of its universe. The technology and exploration had always appealed to me. Moreover, the socio-political messages I find to be so wonderfully connected to real life that it constantly makes me appreciate social studies so much more.
Outside of the Trek universe and teaching, I spend a lot of my time in the gym, playing guitar, brewing/reviewing/collecting various craft beers, and spending time with my college fraternity.
As Stephen Hawking would say, thats my univers in a nutshell. What about you all?
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:13 pm
by The Wormhole
I'm 22, live in Canada, and work at a local grocery store. I've watched Star Trek since I was 8. Started with TNG, then moved on to TOS and DS9. Then Voyager when it premiered, and eventually Enterprise.
I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek. In additon to Trek I also watch the Stargates, new Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who and I enjoy the Star Wars movies. I also enjoy reading the Dune novels.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:23 pm
by Bryan Moore
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: The only other sci-fi I really enjoy is Star Wars and Firefly.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:19 pm
by Sionnach Glic
you like to know?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:30 pm
by IanKennedy
OK, I'm Ian Kennedy, 42, brother of Graham. I'm a computer programmer with 20+ years experience. I'm originally from Liverpool but have been in Oxford for over 20 years, where I work for the University in a medical trials unit that specializes in Diabetes (note we only to test on people, not animals, just in case anyone is interested).
I'm responsible for the technical aspects of the site, ie. I created the database that makes the website work the way it does. Graham does just about all the creative writing and also has a major say in the design and layout, we basically come up with new features between us and then I provide a framework to allow it to operate, Graham then provides the content. Occasionally, for items like lists I will also work on providing the content.
I do, however, lay claim to the idea of size comparison charts and the calculators section. Graham came up with the idea of colour coding the text but I turned that into our referencing system as it stands today.
As for Trek I've been watching it since the first/very early runs on the BBC in the early 70's and I've been watching it ever since. I own all the DVD's of every series and all the films.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:40 pm
by Varthikes
Joyful greetings!
I am Franz, and I hail from Fremont, California.
I'm aspiring to be a science fiction writer while, this coming September, I start to study to be a Pharmacy Technician.
I grew up around
Star Trek. I was born the year before TNG premiered, and my sisters were always watching it. But, what really drew me into the Trek Universe was the
Excelsior in TSFS and TUC.
I also enjoy
Babylon 5, and other science fiction shows. Books, too.
That's all for now.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:57 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Okay, here goes...
Graham Kennedy here. Brother of Ian above there; I'm the younger one, just 38 a few weeks ago. Also have a wonderful younger sister who lives in far off Australia.
I'm a science teacher in an Oxfordshire school; I've been a teacher for about ten years now, in various different places. But I feel pretty good about the one I am in - I just bought a house for the first time and am settling down.
Let's see... I am a fan of most sci-fi to one extent or another. In my DVD collection I have Dune, Buck Rogers, Babylon 5, six seasons of Stargate SG-1, A season of Doctor Who, Firefly, and a good many others. I enjoy science fiction worldbuilding, and have developed my own sci-fi universe complete with planets list, ship designs, maps, characters, timeline, weapons, politics, etc. Some of that is appearing here in the creative areas.
I also like to read, though I don't do it as much as I used to or would like to. I hang out on a lot of forums, under various nicknames. At one time I was a big poster to a couple of Trek newsgroups, but ISP problems made it difficult to carry on with that so I've been absent there a couple of years.
Of course, those here probably know me best for DITL. I wrote almost the entire creative content of the site; Ian does his share on things like the lists, where it's compiling basic data, but any page where there's real text, that was me. I also snapped around a third or so of the images on the site. Ian does all the nuts and bolts things which make it all work - I barely have a clue how half of it does what it does, for all his patient attempts to explain it!
We've been fretting over whether to have a forum for a long time... worried that it would explode our bandwidth, be invaded by hostiles, or any one of a dozen other things. But so far it's gone far better than my most optimistic hopes, so thanks everybody!
So, that's me.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:19 pm
by DBS
Well, I am a teacher as well, and I am currently getting ready to move a bit south for my first teaching position. I will teach strings/orchestra in Junction City, Kansas.
I play the violin and viola (my next step is to actually get a viola so I can work on it more regularly.), but I can make loud noises of various levels of tolerability on pretty much any instrument you put in front of me. I also compose. I just got married this summer, so we are marking time until we move. (Sarah is also a Trekkie, but for now has re-discovered her love of Anime, so we both now have ways of using up prodigious amounts of time

I got hooked on Star Trek since the first episode that I saw courtesy of my father, while TNG was still going. One of my life goals is to amass every episode and movie.
Other sci-fi that I like is the new Battlestar Galactica, anything Stargate, and Star Wars. I enjoy designing starships, both in the Star Trek universe and for my own sci-fi universes. I also have been working on a couple of fanfics, but so far they are mostly crossovers.
So that's me.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:40 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Why are so many people here teachers?
worried that it would explode our bandwidth, be invaded by hostiles, or any one of a dozen other things.
Just out of curiosity, who would want to invade us. We've only been up for a few days!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:42 pm
by DBS
Rochey wrote:
Why are so many people here teachers?
Summer Vacation...
Congrats on 100 posts!
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:51 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Congrats on 100 posts!
Thanks, now all I'd like to know is how the hell I managed to post that much in a few days!?! *Goes off to look for social life*

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:13 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Rochey wrote:
Why are so many people here teachers?
worried that it would explode our bandwidth, be invaded by hostiles, or any one of a dozen other things.
Just out of curiosity, who would want to invade us. We've only been up for a few days!

I know this will come as a shock, but... brace yourself... there are people on the internet who don't like me!
Hard to believe, I know.
And no doubt there are those who just plain don't like DITL.
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:42 am
by Varthikes
GrahamKennedy wrote:Rochey wrote:
Why are so many people here teachers?
worried that it would explode our bandwidth, be invaded by hostiles, or any one of a dozen other things.
Just out of curiosity, who would want to invade us. We've only been up for a few days!

I know this will come as a shock, but... brace yourself... there are people on the internet who don't like me!
Hard to believe, I know.
And no doubt there are those who just plain don't like DITL.
And, there are numbwits out there who seem to have nothing better to do than to make trouble. Hence, the problems that tend to have on their boards from time to time.
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:15 am
by Sionnach Glic
Hmm, good point.
Note to self, engage brain before typing.
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:44 pm
by Crushproof
Wow, completely missed this topic.
Well, I'm Ciarán, I'm 16 and one of the few young Trekkies you'll find out there.
I live in Dublin, and as far as I know Rochey is not my teacher =P
As far as my internet history goes, I've been on and run a few forums, but now I spend almost all of my online time on, a Flash Game website. I'm currently making a game for there too, and I've been brought on as a moderator for their chat rooms.
I'm also a /b/tard and have just broken rules 1 and 2. Crap.
Ah well, been a DITL lurker for a while now, posting terrible caption entries under the name Ciarán D, and thrilled to see you guys finally invested in a forum. (Although not as thrilled at your choice of forum, come on Invision Power Board)
Although I still offer my services if you ever need an experienced mod in the future (I am aware of ask and you shall not receive, but I've always been one for taking chances =P)
Anyway, that's me, or a part of me.