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AGT Enterprise
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:39 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
For those of you who don't know(shame on you), AGT stands for All Good Things, the last TNG episode. In an alternate future the Enterprise-D went through a major refit(no longer a possible future due to the E-D's destruction in Generations).
I think the design is one of those you either love or hate. Personally I love it. For starters the third nacelle gives it a cool look, the phaser cannon gives it enough fire power to pummel a pair of Negh'vars and it had a cloak. I love this beauty.
I don't understand why the Federation doesn't have cloaks. I know there was some treaty or something, but still a very big tacticle error.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:47 am
by Thorin
I like it - though I'm one who doesn't mind the look of the Galaxy.
We've had a debate on the cloaking matter, and in the end it was simply the dumbest move the Federation, as a whole, ever made.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:02 am
by Deepcrush
The cloak was from the treaty of Algeanon or what ever it is. As to why they they signed, well lets not start that one again as we have a thread for it already.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:04 am
by Teaos
Yes the in universe explanation is the treaty but the real out of universe reason is the good guys cant be seen to use cloaks. It is seen as dishonest and cheating which the Feds cant do. It also gives our enemies something we dont.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:10 am
by Graham Kennedy
I love the AGT Ent-D. Definitely love the third nacelle, and the fricken huge cannon. The other doodads are a bit much maybe, but I can live with them. And a cloaking device and warp 13 capable? What's not to love?!
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:20 am
by Deepcrush
Hey! What the hell! Someone said that they didn't like it! Who done it?
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:24 am
by Mikey
I did. The whole thing seems to be contrived completely for the sake of easing the task of the writers. Why are the Negh'Vars, or for that matter the Olympic, still substantively the same as the were in the "real" timeline, yet the Enterprise this uber-ship?
If there were some logical, time-based derivation, fine. But I don't like the feel of it being a facile contrivance.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:25 am
by Mikey
I did. The whole thing seems to be contrived completely for the sake of easing the task of the writers. Why are the Negh'Vars, or for that matter the Olympic, still substantively the same as they were in the "real" timeline, yet the Enterprise this uber-ship?
If there were some logical, time-based derivation, fine. But I don't like the feel of it being a facile contrivance.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:17 am
by Teaos
I did to. Slapping on a few extra bits and making it stupidly more powerful than everyone else does not a good ship make.
The third nacelle looked stupid and the idea of warp thirteen annoyed me. We can presume the third nacelle had something to do with it and we can assume that since they are past warp 10 that anything 10+ is some form of transwarp. Yet they still have the same style nacelle.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:47 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Well the AGT was Riker's personal flagship so it should be the most powerful ship in his fleet. The Olympic-class ship seen was a medical ship. No need for fancy stuff there. And the Negh'Vars in AGT are different from what we usually see. Plus AGT took place only twenty years after the Negh'Var was first seen in the current timeline. Hardly enough time to need a heavy refit.
And there's no proof that nacelle design affects a transwarp drive. We can't be sure that there is transwarp, or if there is, that warp nacelles play any part in it. Both the Delta Flyer and Voyager used a transwarp coil without any obvious modifications. A standard warp engine may be needed for low speed manuvers, or to push the ship to near-transwarp speeds so that they can engage transwarp(like how a plane with a scramjet engine still needs standard jets for take off and landing.)
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:58 am
by Teaos
And there's no proof that nacelle design affects a transwarp drive. We can't be sure that there is transwarp, or if there is, that warp nacelles play any part in it. Both the Delta Flyer and Voyager used a transwarp coil without any obvious modifications. A standard warp engine may be needed for low speed manuvers, or to push the ship to near-transwarp speeds so that they can engage transwarp(like how a plane with a scramjet engine still needs standard jets for take off and landing.)
The fact that they had a warp 13 would lead you to believe it is transwarp.
If it is transwarp then what the hell is the third nacelle for then since we've seen its not needed.
it was a stupid add on thats only purpose was to show a dramatic change to the GCS.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:14 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Warp 13 could also be a new warp scale. Most ships were reaching warp 9.9+ by the end of Voyager. It can be a hinderance in battle to just say Warp 9.969 and then to figure out how fast that is. A scale with integers and easy to remember formulas would make things easier.
As for why the third nacelle is needed if the nacelles aren`t used for transwarp/transwarp doesn't exist, that's simple. For starters all three running at once will be less wear and tear on the individual nacelles, which is good if you're on a long mission with a long time between refits. It may also increase engine overall performance. Or the third nacelle could run letting the other two rest to increase the time the ship can stay at maximum warp.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:23 pm
by Graham Kennedy
The warp 13 thing I liked; my working assumption is that it's a transwarp drive, and that outfitting the GCS for transwarp meant replacing the warp coils and adding a third nacelle. It would perhaps have been a bit more realistic to redesign the nacelle exterior as well, but I can live with the same nacelle having different systems installed.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:26 pm
by Captain Seafort
Overall, I liked it, but it would look a lot better if all the complicated junk on the top of the saucer was removed. It would need a massive refit to produce a ship like that, but probably no more intensive, relatively, than the Connie refit.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:31 pm
by Teaos
In universe they should have had a new ship but in reality budget wouldnt allow it.
The GCS was pretty old for a trek ship by that time. The ones that were out would be refitted but a new class of ship would also of been made.