SFDebris: Dalek

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SFDebris: Dalek

Post by Griffin »

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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Best Dalek story of the new show, bar none. And it should've been the only new Dalek story, too.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by kostmayer »

Agreed, the Daleks were so overused, they ceased to become scary, much as the Borg did.

I loved this episode. Wasn't too sure about how they dealt with the Dalek becoming more human at first, but theres so many great things about it. Ecclestone was terriic in this episode.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by Mikey »

I thought the "humanification" of the Dalek was dealt with nicely, even poignantly at the end when
the Dalek realized its own "flaw" and asked to be allowed to destroy itself.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Dalek: I have scanned your satellites and radio telescopes.
Doctor: And?
Dalek: ... Nothing. Where shall I get my orders now?!?
From the TVtrope review of it.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by Deepcrush »

Finally got to watch the whole episode and I have to say that I was really really impressed. Seeing the Doctor, who even in the bad times was repulsed at the thought of being a bad guy, honestly enjoy trying to murder another being and a helpless one at that was wonderful. Like the review covered, the Doctor was still in shock from the Time War and it shows through really well. Christopher Eccleston shows his talent in taking a play of the Doctor that has in the past come off cowardly or weak and turning it to burning hate. Since the reviews started I've started watching Doctor Who when I can and I'll admit to Christopher Eccleston being my favorite with Tom Baker coming in second.

The look on the Doctor's face when he hears "You would have been a good Dalek" was masterful. From there out his sense of hate was just broken as he had come to see what he had become.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by colmquinn »

Deepcrush wrote:Finally got to watch ... Christopher Eccleston being my favorite with Tom Baker coming in second.
I'll agree with you deep on what you said except for this line, other way about for me - but thats what makes Who great, different doctors = different interpertations but same basic idea. Means that it has something for everyone, you just might not be in the right time for it to suit you but its there :)
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by Deepcrush »

I've only watched five of the Doctors thus far, hopefully I'll catch more. Funny thing is that I haven't caught the latest Doctor yet.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by Mikey »

Deepcrush wrote:I've only watched five of the Doctors thus far, hopefully I'll catch more. Funny thing is that I haven't caught the latest Doctor yet.
Give him a chance. At first, I hated Matt Smith's Doctor, but he's grown on me considerably; first, like a fungus, but then in a more positive sense. He definitely isn't as readily likable as Tennant or Baker (from a Yankee perspective, anyway) but when you start to see his interaction with Song - which shows a very human fallibility, or at least an un-Gallifreyan lack of complete mastery of everything - along with his almost paternal (though sometimes tempted) interaction with Amy, the character gets much better. Also, he isn't an action-man type like Eccleston, but when he gets his Irish up enough, watch the f**k out. :twisted:
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by Deepcrush »

I think Eccleston impressed me not so much because of his action but the way he portrayed it. He reminded me of a friend who, no matter how hard he tried, just couldn't seem to get away from violence. It was Doctor Who finally paying for all the friends he's lost and we got to see the effects of living so long would have on someone.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by Mikey »

Yeah, I got that. It always seemed a bit "un-Who-ish" to me, but it was well done for all that. He certainly wasn't my fave, but some of the interaction between him and the Slitheen in "Boom Town" were true gold.
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Re: SFDebris: Dalek

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Eccleston always seemed, for the extreme lack of a better term, to be the most 'human' of the Doctors. Like I said, lack of a better term. Barely restrained fury and anger, and anguish.
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