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United Earth: Chapter 5 is finaly here!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:27 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Okay, those of you reading my Trek story may have noticed that there was a noticable drop in the regularity of updates. This was due to the creation of my own, unique universe which has currently hi-jacked MS Word for the last few weeks.
However, this does not mean I will be abandoning my other story. I plan to start writing more often again, so hopefuly there wont be long waits for the updates.
Anyway, enjoy, and let me know what you think. :)

United Earth Chapter 1

July Ninth, 2414, 12:32
Sirius system, spacedock facility 3
UE Controlled space

"This is Control, do you read us, Intrepid? Repeat; this is Control, are you receiving us? Over."

Jason Talin, one of the four communications operators on the bridge of the EUCC Intrepid, spun around on his chair and flicked the switch to patch the comms through to him.

"Control, this is the Intrepid. We are receiving you perfectly. All systems are running fine, awaiting departure clearance. Over."

There was a short pause, then the answer came back from the station.

"Intrepid, this is control. The word is go. Clearance is given. Orders are being transmitted now, security level Theta. We'll see you again in a couple of months, good hunting. Over."

Talin waited for a moment for the orders to download onto a memory chip, and then radioed a short acknowledgment back to the spacedock before closing the comm channel. Taking the memory chip from the console, he stood up, removed his headset, then walked over to the ship's captain.

"Sir." He reported after saluting. "We've just received our orders."

"Thank you, Ensign." Captain David Navarro answered, taking the small rectangular chip from Talin, who then saluted once more and returned to his post. Navarro withdrew a small Miniature Personal Computer from his pocket, and slipped the chip into the slot at the base. Entering a short, four digit code, the ship's deployment orders for the next month were displayed on the small screen.

"Our orders, Captain?" Asked Commander Yjsen, the ship's Executive Officer and an old friend of Navarro's who was standing behind the captain with a clipboard in hand.

"Patrol duty. Along the Cyrvin border. Nothing particularly exciting." He said, skimming through the file and handing it to Yjsen. "How'd the inspection go?"

"Fine, Captain. All systems are running perfectly. All crew and supplies are loaded and inventoried."

"Already?" Asked Navarro in surprise. That was more than two hours ahead of schedule. Yjsen nodded.

"Yes Sir. I told you; all the Navy needs is a bit of Sirian efficiency and we'd have massacred the Laithans and the Solorons during the war." Yjsen said with satisfaction. A native of Sirius Prime, the capital planet of the Sirius system, he took quite a lot of pride in Sirius' reputation as an excellent and highly efficient manufacturing system. Navarro just smiled.

"Does that mean we're ready to depart?" He asked. His XO consulted his clipboard before answering.

"Yes Sir. We can leave the moment we get clearance from Traffic Control."

"We're going now then." Navarro said, gesturing at the MPC in Yjsen's hand. "We just got clearance. Give the data on that file to the navigational operators, I want to leave as soon as possible." Leaving his second in command standing at the side of the bridge where they had been conversing, Navarro strode quickly to the centre of the bridge; a spacious, brightly lit room filled with computers, operators, read outs and display screens. Walking directly over to the communications terminals, he tapped the internal comms operator on the shoulder.


"Put me through to the ship. All decks." Navarro ordered.

"Yes, Sir." The operator said, then flicked a few switches and handed the microphone to the Captain.

"All hands; this is the Captain speaking." He said, and waited a moment before continuing. "We have just received our departure orders, and departure clearance. We're now heading for a four month long tour around the UE - Cyrvin border, which should prove uneventful if we're lucky. Just watch out for the person next to you, and we'll all make it back home again safely." With that, he handed the mic back to the operator, and walked back to the centre of the bridge, from which he could oversee all operations.

The bridge had just erupted into a flurry of movement: Helm Control was busy bringing the engines on-line. Administration personnel were running around like headless chickens, checking that everything was, indeed, on board and that all crew were accounted for. Flight Control was making sure the hanger bay doors were sealed. Communications was sending messages all over the ship and the system. Navigational operators had hi-jacked several of the large display screens that were mounted on the walls and had begun plotting the quickest course to their first port of call, the screens filled with complex portal charts, time estimates, and node locations. Officers were everywhere, snapping orders at the crew.

"Captain?" Called Yjsen from the Nav station. "We're ready to go. Awaiting your order." Navarro nodded in understanding.

"Take us out." He said simply. Yjsen nodded back, then turned to various senior officers and operators and began a tirade of orders.

"Admin; disengage us from spacedock. Helm; engage engines and take us out to area nine-two-one, one-quarter velocity. Nav, engine room; spin up warp generators one and two for immediate portal entry. Operations; set condition three throughout the ship, inform all crew of imminent subspace entry."

The bridge descended into yet more chaos, as officers and operators scrambled to get the massive kilometre long ship mobile. After a moment, Navarro could feel the faint vibrations through the ship that signalled the primary reactor's activation. He looked up at the banks of display screens along the walls of the windowless bridge buried deep inside the ship, one of which giving the crew a view outside from the external cameras the others filled with all sorts of read outs, status displays, power outputs, course plots, and reactor readouts.
The senior helm lieutenant, Joseph Rodgers, turned to face the Captain.

"Captain, the UECC Intrepid is now underway. Portal generators should be powered up within ten minutes. Our estimated time of arrival to Groombridge 1618 is two hours." He reported. Navarro nodded, then turned to Yjsen.

"Commander, I think I'll take a look around the ship. Would you care to join me?" Yjsen nodded, then turned to the Officer of the Watch, Jack Gass.

"Lieutenant; you have the bridge." Gass nodded in understanding, and Yjsen and Navarro strode of the bridge.

The massive cylindrical bulk of the United Earth Combat Carrier Intrepid flew past Sirius Prime and onwards towards the edge of the system, towards the Cyrvin border. The Intrepid's maiden voyage had begun.

So, what do you think? Good start? Or a complete waste of my time?
I'll be posting a tech/politics/history/discussion thread later on today, so save questions like that for there, if you don't mind. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:30 pm
by Deepcrush
You have a gift old friend, why on earth aren't you writing novels? I'd sure as hell buy them!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:00 pm
by Captain Seafort
Good start. :) Are you going to be putting up specs for the Intrepid, and any other ships that show up? Also, are the Laithans in this story the same as those in your Trek story?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:20 pm
by Sionnach Glic
You have a gift old friend, why on earth aren't you writing novels? I'd sure as hell buy them!
Thank you!
Are you going to be putting up specs for the Intrepid, and any other ships that show up?
I may put up specs for the Intrepid, and some other important ships that show up.
Also, are the Laithans in this story the same as those in your Trek story?
Basicaly they're the same race. They probably wont be turning up much though, I put them in becuase of their historical relevance in Earth's history, which I'll post in a few minutes.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:49 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Chapter 2

July Thirteenth, 2214, 15:19
Yanusa system
UE border

"That one do?"

"No, that one's far too small, we'd never be able to use that. I told you already, Nosa; we need a big ship. Like a bulk freighter or something."

"Yes, yes. Hmm .what bout this one? Suppose arrive in two

"Two what?"

"Uh three, maybe four, hours maybe."

"Right. Which one? That tanker?"


"Maybe. It's certainly big enough. What's it carrying?"

"Cannot tell."

"Right. Well, it'll have to do for us. Three or four hours, you said? Right. Wake me up when it arrives, I need some sleep."

are sure this safe, Steven?"

"No, I'm not sure that this is safe. I'm still not sure this is even smart, but I'm not being paid to think of anything other than getting this over with quickly. And
you, Nosa, are being paid to do whatever the hell I want. Capiche?"


"Do you understand me?"

"Yes, is fine."

"Good. Just keep an eye out that no one gets too close to use to bump into us, and I'll get home nice and quick and get my money, and you'll get home nice and quick and have your ship back to yourself again."

July Thirteenth, 2214, 16:23
UECC Intrepid
En-route to Groombridge 1618
UE controlled space

"She's a fine ship, Sir. No doubt about it." Commented Yjsen, as he and Navarro walked down the corridor towards Auxiliary Fire Control. "Reminds me a bit of the old Dauntless."

"It does indeed." Replied Navarro as he thought of the Dauntless, an ancient and massive carrier, both Navarro and Yjsen had served on together many years ago.
The Intrepid only vaguely resembled her, however, and only in the general layout of the ship. The Intrepid was centuries ahead of the Dauntless; far more heavily armed, with more powerful shields and attack craft, despite being nearly half the size of the ancient carrier. The Intrepid's crew was also far different. Products of the recent re-militarization of the United Earth Government's borders, these crewmen were some of the best trained Navarro had ever seen before.

"I'm looking forward to seeing just how well this ship'll do in combat. I'm particularly looking forward to trying out some of those MK VIII's."

"You do realise we only have ten of them onboard? And I hope you also realise that we're patrolling the borders of an ally?" Asked Navarro sharply.

"Of course, Captain. But you and I both know that that area is full of all sorts of scum. Pirates, smugglers, Cyrvin rebels. Particularly that New Sydney place."

"You might not want to let our new CMO hear you saying that. She's from there."

"Wait, the UEAF actually lets people from that shithole join up? As doctors?" Yjsen asked in mock surprise. "I'm not letting her anywhere near me, she'll probably fleece whatever's in my pockets before helping me."

"Now, Commander. A little respect, if you please." Chided Navarro, but he was grinning all the same.

"You know I'm right, David. Remember the first time we landed there, when we were with the UEGS Exodus? Cap'n Doran wanted to leave some of the crew on the ship, seein' as how there was only the fifty of us, or so. But no. 'Go on', the spaceport guards said. 'We'll look after it', they said. Then we came back three hours later, and the whole fuckin' ship was gone!" Yjsen's rant finally ended, and Navarro couldn't stop himself from laughing at the memory of the whole fiasco. The Exodus was the first ship the two of them had served on together, and, though a complete disaster at the time, Navarro found the memory of it to be one of the funniest things he had ever experienced. He knew he'd never forget the memory of Captain Doran flipping out and trying to strangle one of the spaceport controlers with a phone cord when the controler had suggested that Doran had simply forgoten where he'd landed.

"You have to admit it though; they were damn smart to steal a military gunship."

"They weren't smart. They just had the whole spaceport crew being paid to look the other way while they nicked the damn ship." Yjsen sighed, and shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, Yjsen, look on the bright side."

"And just what would that be, David?"

"This time, we know where not to land."

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:57 pm
by Tsukiyumi
You have a clear aptitude for humor, Rochey, and certainly a talent for character backstory. Keep it up, and we'll be rival sci-fi writers in a few years' time.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:00 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Wow, thanks! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:40 pm
by Mikey
Very nice. Better than C. S. Goto - you forget to warn me off his books! :x
...the windowless bridge buried deep inside the ship...
Nice touch. :lol:

Is this an example of the Maelstrom- class you posted?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:24 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Very nice.
Thank you. :)
Better than C. S. Goto - you forget to warn me off his books!
Sorry about that. I'm still trying to finish his first Dawn of War novel. Have a look for anything by Dan Abnett. That guy is great.
Nice touch.

Is this an example of the Maelstrom- class you posted?
Thanks, putting bridges out in plain view always annoyed me in sci-fi.

And yeah, the Intrepid is a Maelstrom class combat carrier.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:37 pm
by Mikey
Since your recommendations, I've read the whole Eisenhorn omnibus by Abnett, which I devoured; Grey Knights by Ben Counter, which I enjoyed; and jsut finished Warrior Brood by Goto - I enjoyed the story, but his writing is technically unsound, and his editors seem completely non-existent - there are many examples of the use of the wrong homophone, poor grammar, and simple misspellings.
Thanks, putting bridges out in plain view always annoyed me in sci-fi.
I know - in this forum, at least, I think you may have mentioned your unhappiness with Fed designs once or twice. :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:28 pm
by Sionnach Glic
You should keep an eye out for Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts series, they're really good.
I know - in this forum, at least, I think you may have mentioned your unhappiness with Fed designs once or twice.
I'm sure I have. :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:40 pm
by Deepcrush
Horus Rising is by far the best book for 40k!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:23 pm
by Sionnach Glic
That was Abnett's contribution to that series, right?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:25 pm
by Deepcrush
Yup yup! I like his writing style. So much more flavor when he writes.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:38 pm
by Mikey
I just bought, but didn't start, The Founding which is a collected printing of the first three "Gaunt's Ghosts" novels. Next in line is the Ravenor series.

I take it Horus Rising is part of the Horus Heresy series (duh?)