Galaxy Class "Warp Core" problems?
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:49 pm
First Time: USS Yamato ("Contagion" - TNG)
Reason: An Iconian (think "Ancient race") computer virus took control of the system and whilst deleting / re-writing the software, caused component failures throughout the ship. Lights, life support, turbo lifts, replicators etc. Unfortunately, one of the systems affected was the containment field / warp core and it catastrophically blew up. It didn't spontaneously explode, an alien computer virus caused it to shut down (and then explode).
Second Time: USS Enterprise ("True Q" - TNG)
Reason: Q wanted to test Amanda's powers, and created a warp core breach by removing the containment field (IIRC). Amanda contained it and restored the core to normal. Act of Q.
Third Time: USS Enterprise ("Timescame" - TNG)
Reason: Whilst performing a power transfer from the Enterprise to a Romulan warbird, alien lifeforms living in the Romulan's warp core (an artifical quantum singularity - don't ask me, I'm just going by what the episode said) caused a power surge which created a "short circuit" so to speak, overloading and overheating the Enterprise's warp core and making it explode. The crew prevented it by reversing time (or something).
Fourth Time: USS Enterprise ("All good things..." - TNG)
Reason: Three Enterprises from three time frames merged into one, in the middle of a Q created anomaly involving time travel and all sorts of weird stuff. The crew realised what would happen but did it anyway, to save the universe. Act of Q (kinda).
Fifth Time: USS Enterprise ("Star Trek: Generations" - TNG)
Reason: A Klingon bird of prey's torpedo impacted in the Engineering hull (they could shoot through the shields - again, don't ask) and ruptured the coolant tanks. Uncertain as to exactly what happened, but presumably with no coolant, the core overheated. A saucer separation was performed and the stardrive section was destroyed.
Sixth Time: USS Odyssey ("The Jem'Hadar" - DS9)
Reason: 3 Jem'Hadar ships attack the Odyssey with the ability to penetrate the shields directly. After a prolonged battle, one of the Jem'Hadar kamikazed itself into the Odyssey's star drive section. Uncertain what happened, but I'm sure it's pretty much due to a battle-bug exploding whilst inside the engineering section. A chunk flew off of the warp naecelle and ... well, boom.
I can't think of any more times? ("Disaster" ?)
Possibly in Cause and Effect, when the Boseman collided with the Enterpise's warp engines? I can't remember if that was a breach.
I am uncertain why many people consider galaxy class ships to have a design flaw in the warp core. With the exception of Generations (which had mitigating circumstances, and to be fair, if Riker had been competent and, I dunno, fired more than once in the entire battle instead of sitting there looking brave, the ship would have survived), and possibly Timescape (although how they were meant to know the Romulan black hole had aliens giving birth in it is beyond me) every other instance has been very exceptional circumstances and certainly not what the ship was designed for (2x Q, ancient computer virus and a ship colliding with the warp core etc).
One big design flaw that I will acknowledge is that a lot of the time, the ejection system seems to be offline / go offline right when they need it.
IMO, Galaxy class ships in TNG (it seems to be a "TNG" phenomenon) were the "big thing". Of course it happened to the Enterprise more often than would be normal - that's the point of the show - put the ship and crew in danger etc.
I do not accept the "sneeze and it'll blow up" attitude a lot of people show on some websites.
Total Galaxy Class ships in canon destroyed by Warp Core Breach: 3
USS Enterprise: Torpedo (effectively with "shields down") disabled the coolant system. Warp Core overheated.
USS Yamato: Ancient computer virus removed / deleted / re-wrote (whatever) the computer's programming. The containment field system was removed / deleted/ re-written. Uncontrolled matter/anti-matter reaction explodes in the Warp Core.
USS Odyssey: Jem'Hadar ship collides with Engineering section (warp core?). Combined warp cores (or just one) detonate. Both ships destroyed.
That's three. Three in... (does maths... 2002 [has it been 5 years since Nemesis???] - 1987 = 15 years.
Reason: An Iconian (think "Ancient race") computer virus took control of the system and whilst deleting / re-writing the software, caused component failures throughout the ship. Lights, life support, turbo lifts, replicators etc. Unfortunately, one of the systems affected was the containment field / warp core and it catastrophically blew up. It didn't spontaneously explode, an alien computer virus caused it to shut down (and then explode).
Second Time: USS Enterprise ("True Q" - TNG)
Reason: Q wanted to test Amanda's powers, and created a warp core breach by removing the containment field (IIRC). Amanda contained it and restored the core to normal. Act of Q.
Third Time: USS Enterprise ("Timescame" - TNG)
Reason: Whilst performing a power transfer from the Enterprise to a Romulan warbird, alien lifeforms living in the Romulan's warp core (an artifical quantum singularity - don't ask me, I'm just going by what the episode said) caused a power surge which created a "short circuit" so to speak, overloading and overheating the Enterprise's warp core and making it explode. The crew prevented it by reversing time (or something).
Fourth Time: USS Enterprise ("All good things..." - TNG)
Reason: Three Enterprises from three time frames merged into one, in the middle of a Q created anomaly involving time travel and all sorts of weird stuff. The crew realised what would happen but did it anyway, to save the universe. Act of Q (kinda).
Fifth Time: USS Enterprise ("Star Trek: Generations" - TNG)
Reason: A Klingon bird of prey's torpedo impacted in the Engineering hull (they could shoot through the shields - again, don't ask) and ruptured the coolant tanks. Uncertain as to exactly what happened, but presumably with no coolant, the core overheated. A saucer separation was performed and the stardrive section was destroyed.
Sixth Time: USS Odyssey ("The Jem'Hadar" - DS9)
Reason: 3 Jem'Hadar ships attack the Odyssey with the ability to penetrate the shields directly. After a prolonged battle, one of the Jem'Hadar kamikazed itself into the Odyssey's star drive section. Uncertain what happened, but I'm sure it's pretty much due to a battle-bug exploding whilst inside the engineering section. A chunk flew off of the warp naecelle and ... well, boom.
I can't think of any more times? ("Disaster" ?)
Possibly in Cause and Effect, when the Boseman collided with the Enterpise's warp engines? I can't remember if that was a breach.
I am uncertain why many people consider galaxy class ships to have a design flaw in the warp core. With the exception of Generations (which had mitigating circumstances, and to be fair, if Riker had been competent and, I dunno, fired more than once in the entire battle instead of sitting there looking brave, the ship would have survived), and possibly Timescape (although how they were meant to know the Romulan black hole had aliens giving birth in it is beyond me) every other instance has been very exceptional circumstances and certainly not what the ship was designed for (2x Q, ancient computer virus and a ship colliding with the warp core etc).
One big design flaw that I will acknowledge is that a lot of the time, the ejection system seems to be offline / go offline right when they need it.
IMO, Galaxy class ships in TNG (it seems to be a "TNG" phenomenon) were the "big thing". Of course it happened to the Enterprise more often than would be normal - that's the point of the show - put the ship and crew in danger etc.
I do not accept the "sneeze and it'll blow up" attitude a lot of people show on some websites.
Total Galaxy Class ships in canon destroyed by Warp Core Breach: 3
USS Enterprise: Torpedo (effectively with "shields down") disabled the coolant system. Warp Core overheated.
USS Yamato: Ancient computer virus removed / deleted / re-wrote (whatever) the computer's programming. The containment field system was removed / deleted/ re-written. Uncontrolled matter/anti-matter reaction explodes in the Warp Core.
USS Odyssey: Jem'Hadar ship collides with Engineering section (warp core?). Combined warp cores (or just one) detonate. Both ships destroyed.
That's three. Three in... (does maths... 2002 [has it been 5 years since Nemesis???] - 1987 = 15 years.