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ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:33 pm
by Deepcrush
The Klingon Empire welcomes all who wish to attend this most glorious of gatherings! Warriors, Diplomats, speakers of all are invited to join us! Here we ask questions, gain answers and leave our enemies at the door. Let us drink in memory of those of the past and tell their tales, THE TALES OF OUR PEOPLES! Then we shall feast that we might grow strong because the tomorrow is only a day away.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:53 am
by Nickswitz
The Sheliak's Government is based on small clans that all work together towards the greater good
Socially we have a caste-like system with multiple levels, although each level are officially at the same level, so they are officially not castes, more like specific clans that deal with different things. The ruling class is actually a compilation of selected representatives from each of the clans, there are currently 35 different clans, so the ruling class has 35 members. That is the extent we will reveal about our governmental setup.
In our history we have gotten into many inter-clan wars, because of this we all decided at one point that the best way to rule was through representing all equally. After this happened the system ran significantly better, and for the most part all parties were happy with their ruling class. We have had this setup for more than 100 years. This is a relatively old system as before this it was mostly rogue clans who ruled over their planet or their area on the planet, so there was no real system of government before then.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:52 am
by Mark
I am here at the behest of my government. I represent the Mininstry of Education, and have been ordered to formally declare I have no ammbassadorial authority whatsoever. We were made to understand this is a historical and cultural exchange, and thus we'd be best suited to the role of these talks.
To understand Cardassia you must first understand family. The family unit is the most important thing to any Cardassian. It is normal for four generations of Cardassians to gather round the dinner table. We also come from a reletively poor world, which lacks in basic resources. It is this more than anything that drove us to the stars. We were a very peaceful people at one time, and have been compared to the people of Bajor at one time. But this stong bond of family, and the drive to care for them and thus aquire resources are what directly led to the High Command taking control of the government, and began what we have now begun to refer to as the time of the "Cardassian Empire".
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:57 am
by Deepcrush
Let it be known now that no action here is meant to come under the authority of any government. We are here to speak of deeds... past, present and future.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:16 am
by Mark
I would share a brief history of Cardassia from a recently re-released record.
Cardassia's early history, its inhabitants were a peaceful and spiritual people. In the days of the First Hebitian Civilization, the Cardassians collected works of art from all over the Alpha Quadrant and the planet boasted a vast wealth of art and culture; the people were said to have elaborate burial vaults with unimaginable treasures. However, Cardassia's lack of natural resources caused terrible famine, and the Hebitian civilization fell into decay. Its ruins were plundered by starving Cardassians who sought to sell whatever they could to provide for themselves. A military dictatorship soon came to power, building fleets of warships and invading nearby worlds. Of particular note is Bajor which was occupied for fifty years, and the end of whose occupation destabilized the Cardassian government.
Another examination of our culture was sensored by the government for many years is as follows
Cardassians tend to be predatory in nature, like wolf packs, always seeking out the dominant position in any social gathering. In normal courting behavior, Cardassian couples routinely act bitter and snap at each other. Cardassian society generally exhibits little or no gender bias; for example, both men and women can rise to high ranks in the military. However, some fields are not so diverse, as the scientific community is mostly female.
Cardassia's educational system is legendary throughout the quadrant. From a very young age, Cardassian children are trained in techniques such as photographic memory which allow them to retain vast amounts of information. Cardassian mental disciplines are rumored to be so complete that a Cardassian will prove almost totally resistant to torture; a Vulcan mind meld is also usually ineffective against a Cardassian who is properly trained.
Cardassians are generally cunning and suspicious. This is evident in battle, as evidenced on several occasions in which a Klingon speaks admiringly of Cardassian adversaries who always had 'a plan within a plan within a plan leading to a trap'. A popular Cardassian board game is 'Kotra', which, as was discribed by a Cardassian to a young Starfleet Cadet, favors bold tactical maneuvers over defensive play; hence the Cardassian' criticism of that Cadet's attempts to regroup his pieces during a game they played.
In Cardassian criminal trials the defendant is presumed guilty and in fact the punishment is already decided before the trial begins; the purpose of the trial is merely to help the defendant acknowledge his wrongdoing. In Cardassian mystery novels, everyone is always guilty, the puzzle being to work out who is guilty of what.
In Cardassian mythology the Galor deity was a helmeted, warrior demi-god of antiquity. Tribute is paid to the vessel class of the same name as well as the likeness seen in the national symbol.
I hope you have found this enlightening.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:32 am
by Nickswitz
We do find this very interesting, we sadly do not have nearly the sort of information that you seem to have available, not because we don't keep records, but because before we became a clan based republic there was no official language, and only a handful of records even exist from that time, and what records do exist are of a language that we cannot decipher. We are currently looking to decipher the symbols and language of that time, and hopefully that will give us much more insight into our past.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:41 am
by Deepcrush
In the Klingon Empire, Honor is above all. We live and die with a single hope in our hearts. To die with honor for the good of the Empire! People often think of the Klingon Empire as nothing but warriors. While battle is our most respected field and without doubt that respect is well earned! Our people are also well educated in religion, industrial services, habitation designs, energy production and control as well as exploration and law.
Our religion is that all Klingons who live with and die with their honor are led to Stovokor. A realm of eternal battle in which they may stand by the sides of Kahless and all those friends who have fallen before them. To stand by honored friends, family and even former enemies is the greatest Glory any Klingon can earn. To this end, we give our every breath to reach.
Our culture is heavily based on our religion. A Klingon, while not required to be a warrior, must fight for whatever path they take in life. If they are a warrior, they must seek to serve the Empire as such. To protect the people within and their allies without. If they are a lawyer, they must seek justice, no matter the risk or price they may have to pay. We instill zeal and courage within our population. The hearts of our people are strong, without fear, without doubt. When a Klingon speaks, their words are their bond. To violate that bond is to be dishonored and bring shame on their family for seven generations. For this time they may hold no titles, own no land and earn no rank. Only through the blessings of the Emperor or the High Council may their honor be returned before the end of seven generations.
Our government is broken up between the local governors who watch each planet within the Empire. The High Council, made up of the most respected Houses (clans) in the Empire who advise the Chancellor. Finally is the Chancellor, the head of our government and the final power in all things.
Our laws are ancient and well versed. Broken down into three levels for basic introduction they are Minor Offenses, Major Offenses and Capital Offenses. Minor Offenses are such things as thief or brawling in restricted zones. They are handled by public lashes and fines. Major Offenses such as lying or striking a superior without cause are handled by lashes, demotion and sometimes reduction in honor. Capital Offenses are treason, cowardly behavior, violation of orders or shameful acts against the Klingon people. For such crimes punishment is self disembowelment if the offender accepts their shame, dishonor of them self and their family for seven generations if they do not.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:00 am
by Reliant121
The Turei Assembly is structured into a clan system, each of the clans coming from one of the many hundreds of spires in which we live. Along the central tropical band of our world, where most of us live, there are hundreds of towering mesas which are hollow and provide the foundation for our cities. Each has an abundance of raw materials, geothermal energy for power and finally water springs for clean and efficient sources of power. Each Turei can be identified by his skin markings, which denote which "Hive Spire" or "Kayre Liirvoht."
Each yeah, a representative of each spire meets in the "Assembly of the Spires" or Mit Kar'lym rae Kay'ren". This is where any decisions concerning policy are made.
In the past, going back to the first days of the sapience of our people, there has always been competition between spires. Each one operated on a separate basis and often conflicted with one another for resources, land and hunting grounds (Think like the Na'Vi). Once the renaissance age of expansion became, outright wars and politics began to take over. The world was split into feudal oligarchies, with few of the spires retaining any semblance of a republic mentality. Several Spire's were utterly eliminated during this period, the most famous being one of the largest of its day, The Ah'meay Spire. This only progressed further once the world had reached what would be considered 20th century stage, and this is where the world wars occured. They were even more bloody and horrible than the humans could imagine, and cultivated in wide scale glassing of several regions which are now left desolate wastelands. Nuclear weapons were used.
Finally, one power gained the upper hand and suppressed the other spires under their control. It has taken around 500 years to remove this oligarchic government and install a republic of sorts, with the current Regent-Incumbent being the first female in power since the original shaman style days.
Turei people are thinkers, tinkerers, engineers and creators. We have a huge, but highly clean and environmentally friend, industry, as well as a huge culture of art and music. We also have an inbuilt sense of aggression. Competition for resources has always been high, as each hive may have more than another. As the hives grew, desperation has caused innumerable war and conflict. In recent years, great strides have been made to rectify this issue.
Turei people, as you may have noticed, stand between 5ft 4 and 5ft 7 (on average) making them one of the smaller races in the larger galactic spectrum. Ker'Mayd features a higher gravity than Earth, meaning each Turei is generally around 124% strong (where a human would be 100%). The Turei are cold blooded, and have large "warming balconies" upon most of their cities, however modern technological advances have created nanite technology capable of warming the blood if necessary. The Turei prefer very bright and airy areas, meaning corridors, bridge spaces and observatories are a little larger than those of the Federation and much larger than those of the Klingons. They also tend toward warmer temperatures, average room temperature being around 39 degrees centigrade.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:53 pm
by Deepcrush
I believe we are awaiting the arrival of the Breen for our conference. After they have presented their introduction we will open the floor to questions.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:15 pm
by Nickswitz
Since the Breen have seen no need to come in a timely matter, I would like to open the floor to questions.
My first question to the Klingons, what sort of Entity is Khaless, I have seen much about him from your dialougue but do not have much information from your general records, either military or civilian that you have. So who is he? We know he is the "divine entity" of sorts, but we know little of why you attach such importance to him.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:43 pm
by Deepcrush
Kahless is no God. He is Klingon, above all others he is the greatest Klingon. He is the founder of our Empire and teacher of our ways. It was his leadership that brought out people from darkness and civil war. Through him we have learned Honor and Glory. While Klingons make the body and blade of the Empire, Kahless is the heart and soul of the Empire. His words are engraved within our very being and carry a weight only he could lift.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:10 pm
by Nickswitz
Ah, this makes sense, so although no diety he is on a higher plane of existence than the average Klingon if I am understanding correctly. And how does your afterlife work? Is it a final working of the people where they no longer need to worry about the difficulties of life or something similar to that?
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:30 pm
by Tsukiyumi
The Breen Confederacy meant no disrespect by our silence; we have simply been observing.
We already know of the great commitment to honor the Klingon Empire has, and their steadfastness in battle. We also know of the desire to maintain order the Sheliak Corporate possesses. We find both of these traits admirable, and respect both of your cultures.
Anyone with questions about our culture will be granted a response suitable to the question posed.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:33 pm
by Deepcrush
Perhaps the Breen would be so kind as to introduce us to their culture as we know very little about it.
Re: ST Sim Khitomer Conference
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:36 pm
by Nickswitz
Yes, although you seem to know a fair amount of our culture, the Sheliak have found little to nothing about the Breen culture, and would be very interested to understand the culture of one of our allies.