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Eminence Class

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:48 am
by DarkOmen
Hi everyone... i've been coming to DITL for a long time now, and a while ago, it inspired me to make my own starship design.

I call it the eminence class, and it is my design for the Enterprise F. It obviously borrows heavily from the Sovereign, but is significantly bigger.

Im not done with the model yet, the bottom still needs some work as well as some of the texturing. Tell me if you like it :)

The second pic is supposed to be the E-F coming across the lifeless carcass of its predecessor the E-E which had been lost and never recovered.


Type: Enhanced Battleship

Unit Run: NCC-1701-F USS Enterprise NX-94833 USS Eminence

Commissioned: 2387 - present

Dimensions: Length: 1051m
Beam: 490m
Height: 132m
Decks 35

Mass: 6,200,000 metric tons

Crew: 1210

Armament: 18x Type XIV phaser arrays, total output 470,000 TeraWatts
2x Rapid Fire Transphaisic torpedo tubes
4x Type II Quantum torpedo tubes
6x Type V burst fire Photon topedo tubes

Defense Systems: Dual Auto modulated shield system, total capacity 8,560,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Tritanium Double hull with 10cm static Ablative armour and auto regeneration nodes
Adaptive Ablative Armour Generator
Quantum-Level Structural Integrity Field

Propulsion: Quantum Slipstream Drive Mark I
Warp Equivalent: 9.99975 Sustained
9.9999 For Limited Time

Strength Idecies: Beam Firepower: 9400
Torpedo Firepower: 13500
Weapon Range and Accuracy: 3100
Shield Strength: 6170
Hull Armour: 7010
Speed: 40434
Combat Manuverablity: 2000

Overall Strength Index: 11105

Diplomatic Capablility: 5

Expected Hull Life: 150

Refit Cycle: Minor: 1 year
Standard: 4 years
Major: 15 years

I made this a while ago, and it could probably use some work. Of course, since its my ship i wanted it to be as awesome as possible so i gave it all the best (but i tried to be reasonable) tech possible. Cosidering the new technology voyager brought back, plus some stuff that 7o9 could provide of borg technology, the strength indecies got a little bloated and i had to take some liberties on the numbers, but i tried to stick to the DITL ship strength formula. Things like shields and phasers and manuverabiltiy i just gave a "small" time=better boost. The quantum level SIF is to make up for Federations starships inablity to remain intact during a slipstream flight. I added some what i call auto regeneration node that the Feds took from some Borg tech. While not as advanced as the borg equivalent, it can automatically replace via replicators/transporers some major components of hull and other systems when damgaged. I tried to keep all of the dimensions proportional to that of the Sovereign so i wasn't just making stuff up.

EDIT: the most recent version:



Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:50 am
by Sionnach Glic
All I can say is you have a lot of talent.
It looks pretty nice, have you got any info on the ship worked out?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:34 am
by Voyager
Oh yeah , The flaw is the cut off section infront, otherwise you can call it X-Enterprise F Like the Q episode

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:56 am
by Atlantians
Make the secondary hull far bigger and beafier, change the central areas of the saucer section around a bit more.

Make it look "different".

It is an amazing start though!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:32 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Hmm.... yeah I agree the secondry hull could be bigger.
Other than that its pretty good.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:02 pm
by DBS
I've seen a lot of these designs (that have what look like stock diagrams that have been stretched and changed), and this one looks great!

What program do you use?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:49 am
by DarkOmen
Thanks for the ideas guys!

I use Photoshop CS3 and Ligtwave 9

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:15 am
by DBS
Thanks for the info. Someday I need to upgrade up from pen, graph paper, and scanner! :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Luna-class design I posted used Freehand, but I have since gotten rid of that, and even though I really should get back on that, I am slow enough with technology I find it faster (and still kinda sorta legible) to draw them out myself (see the NX concept).

Sadly, that percludes me from ever seeing the ships in 3-D :cry:

Well done!

Eminence Class

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:18 pm
by Handel
I for one think it's an excellent design as is, with the exception of the larger nacelles being too far out-if you can bring them more in line with the saucer, that would be great

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:22 pm
by DarkOmen
yeah, my original was pen and paper, but i wanted a digital version so i redid it. I've done some with CAD but it was too cumbersome and took longer roll:

Heres a WIP of the model in lightwave (i run dual monitors, thats why its so wide) sp you can sort of see it at some different angles. The details on the right are pretty much exactly the same as the sovereign, but it gave me something to start with. you can see my "blue print" underlayed on the top left frame.


I'll post some more renders soon, i still need to finish the main deflector and underside of the saucer.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:48 am
by Monroe
Awesome ship. Not only does it follow the trend of ship design in Star Trek but it also can be used as a main ship for a TV show (i.e. looks great at any angle). My only suggestion is that the front of the ship have what could be seen as mandables curving outwards instead of a flat nose. The points would curve in towards each other.. and uh.. wouldn't serve any purpose but make it cooler looking.

Eminence Class

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:32 pm
by Handel
on second thought, maybe it would be better to enlarge the saucer (with the same dimension ratios) to come in line with the nacelles-that might be easier to get the same thing I was going for

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:29 pm
by Teaos
It looks amazing.

I will wait for the specs on it before saying to much more but I wonder why the front has quite so much cut out of it. It is such a big chunk.

Also the history of the second pair of naccels would be cool so long as its not "they look cool" which they do.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:54 am
by DarkOmen
well, i dont have a very good technical reason for the missing front, but looking at Enterprise (nx-01) and the enterprise-j which both have the flat front (granted that is where the main deflector is on both ships) i thought it might be cool to add to the E-F. In my original drawings, the vertical wall of the flat part was all window so it could make for a nice observation/ "10 forward" area.

and the reason i added the second set of warp nacells was not to have them work in conjunction with the main two, but as a backup... The firs thing the ships in the show always loose when they get into a skirmish or a bad spot is their warp drive. So, i added a second, smaller warp core and set of nacelles as a back up for when the main is offline. I would offer limited speed but still allow the ship to get away from whatever situation they were in. I was also thinking about incorporating the multi vector assault thing like the prometheus has, but i dont think it would work well with the overall layout of the E-F.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:12 am
by Dean Martlou
i like it. it's quirky, but i happen to think that if it's named Enterprise, it's gotta have two nacelles, a saucer, and a stardrive.

i'm a traditionalist like that.
and only like that.