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RT: CS and Game Related Info (Maps etc)

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:34 pm
by Aaron
This thread is for the PC Character sheets and game related info such as maps, enemy stats and ship stuff.

Name: Jon Ozbourne ("Ozzy")
Appearance: Tall, thin, long dark hair
Nature: Foul mouth, often drunk, habitually wears dark eye glasses, favours dark clothing
Age: 62


Fate Points-2
Insanity Points-1

Origin Path:
Hive World
Child of the Creed
Dark Voyage

Skills: Speak Language (Hive Dialect)(Int)(Untrained), Tech-Use (Int)(Untrained), Accustomed to Crowds, Hivebound (-10 to Survival tests, -5 to Int tests "outside hab"), Wary (+1 to Initiative), Common Lore (Imperial Creed, Imperium)(Int), Forbidden Lore (Heresy)(Int), Medicae (Int), Scholastic Lore(Imperial Creed)(Int), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic)(Int)

Talents: Child of the Creed (Unshakable Faith, +3 Willpower, -3 to WS), Blessed Scars (+10 to Intimidate Tests, -10 to Charm tests, 1 poor quality bionic), Resistance (Fear), Air of Authority, Basic Weapons Training (Universal), Melee Weapons Training (Universal), Pure Faith

Gear: Ecclesiastical robes, aquila pendent, sepulchre, censor and incense, microbead, medikit, shipboard emergency kit, lamp pack, Environmental Body Glove (AP 1 All, Rare, includes rebreather, comm-bead and photo contacts), rotgut booze x 5, backpack, re-breather, data-slate

Good-craftsmanship chainsword: (+5 to tests made to attack) Melee 1d10+2 R Pen 2 Tearing, Balanced
good craftsmanship flamer: Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+4 E Pen 2 Clip 6 2Full Flame Reliable (2 reloads)
best craftsmanship guard flak armour: AP 5 ALL
Shotgun: Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10+4 I Pen 0 Clip 2 Full Scatter (12 rounds)

Starting XP: 500
XP Purchases:

-Upgrade bionic right arm to "good quality" (+10 on Ag tests requiring delicate manipulation, +10 St tests with arm)-300
-Awareness -100
-Literacy -100

Edit: Choose my common and 1 rare item.

Re: RT: CS and Game Related Info (Maps etc)

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 5:45 pm
by Mikey
Name: Nils Vellberg
Career Path: Seneschal
Rank: 1
Home world: Imperial; Birthright: scholar; Lure of the Void: Chosen by destiny (Seeker of Truth); Trials and Travails: Dark voyage; Motivation: Pride
Description: medium height, lean build, close-cropped sandy hair and beard, pale skin, pale blue eyes

WS: 35
BS: 40
S: 32
T: 37
Ag: 41
Int: 42
Per: 43 (simple advance taken)
WP: 37
Fel: 43

Wounds (total/current): 10/10
Corruption Points: 0
Insanity Points: 3
Fate Points (total/current): 3/3

Basic Skills: Common Lore(Imp. Creed, Imperium)(Int); Speak Language(High Gothic)(Int)

Trained/Advanced Skills: Awareness(Per); Barter(Fel); Commerce(Fel); Common Lore(Underworld)(Int); Deceive(Fel); Dodge(Ag); Evaluate(Int); Forbidden Lore(Archeotech)(Int -5); Inquiry(Fel); Literacy(Int); Logic(Int); Security(Ag); Silent Move(Ag); Speak Language(Low Gothic, Trader's Cant)(Int)

Talents: Basic weapons training(Universal); Pistol weapons training(Universal); Foresight [+10 to Int tests with 10 min. prep]; Resistance(Fear); Enemy(Academics)

Unspent XP: 0
Spent XP: 5000

Movement: 4/8/12/24

inferno pistol... 2d10+8 E pen 13... 10m...S/-/-... clip 3, reload Full
hellgun... 1d10+4 E pen 7... 110m...S/3/-... clip30, reload 2 Full; best craftsmanship, 10kg backpack charge pack
bolt pistol... 1d10+5 X pen 4... 30m...S/2/-... clip 8, reload Full; best craftsmanship, tearing

Gear: Best-craftsmanship enforcer light carapace armor (AP 6 all,) autoquill, dataslate, micro-bead, multi-key, 2x robes, synskin (AP 2 all,) cameleoline cloak, chrono, filtration plugs, photo-visor (good craftsmanship,) 2x smoke grenades

Nils was born and raised in the family of an Administratum adept on Tephaine Minor. His youth and early adulthood were spent training to follow in those footsteps, during which time he showed a propensity for economics, finance, and commerce. Late in his schooling, however, Nils exhibited a drive to move beyond these things, and took up a study of archeology. During this time he was doing fieldwork while apprenticed to a trading guild involved in archeotech margins; the subsequent discovery of some interesting pieces caused a local cult to rise up on nearby Siculi after Nils decided to share his research with the Ecclesiarchy rather than hoard it - a decision which earned him an unfavorable reputation with local academia. The cult believed (and Nils' research showed) some of these pieces to be possible Chaos relics, and the Inquisition soon involuntarily volunteered Nils as an advisor to a search-and-destroy team. It was alongside these Inquisitorial stormtroopers that Nils was gifted with his armor and hellgun, and he acquired his inferno gun after retrieving it from the recently-deceased inquisitor and using it to kill the mutant who had attacked. While one may think the Inquisition had cause to be thankful for his help, Nils was simply sent on his way after a series of less-than-pleasant purging and purity-ensuring operations and rituals. Determined to prove his value further than the Inquisition or his previous employer had admitted, Nils went on to make his mark among the staff of a Rogue Trader.

In conversation, Nils is easy-going and facile. However, he tends to be taciturn and stoic about private and/or personal matters - especially his time spent with the agents of the Ordo Hereticus. In addition, he will become as unyielding as rockcrete when dealing with his own areas of expertise - one professor had joked that Nils "would argue logistics with the High Lord of the Munitorum," to which Nils answered, "I would if I was right."

Re: RT: CS and Game Related Info (Maps etc)

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:05 pm
by Reliant121
Aestaban Caraille

Name: Aestaban Caraille
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5ft 10, Slender, underweight, Medium Length Black Hair, light brown eyes
Nature: Quiet, Composed, very respectful and polite, maybe a little sycophantic

Weapon Skill (WS) - 41
Ballistic Skill (BS) - 43
Strength (S) - 35
Toughness )t) - 30
Agility (Ag) - 39
Intelligence (Int) - 45
Perception (Per) - 39
Willpower (WP) - 32
Fellowship (Fel) - 45

Wounds: 4
Fate points: 2
Insanity points: 1

Origin Path
Noble Born
Duty Bound - Your dynasty

Skills (Starting): Common Lore (Machine Cult, Tech) (Int), Forbidden Lore (archeotech, Adeptus Mechanicus) (Int), Literacy (Int), Logic (Int), Speak Language (Explorator Binary, Low Gothic, High Gothic, Techna-Lingua) (Int), Tech-Use (Int), Trade (Technomat) (Int).

Starting Trait: Mechanicus Implants.

Talents (starting): Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Logis Implant.

Starting Gear: Best Craftsmanship Lasgun, Best Craftsmanship Shock Staff, Enforcer light Carapace, Multikey, Void Suit, Injector, sacred unguents, micro-bead, combi-tool, dataslate.

Additional: Rare or below: Long-Las Rifle.

Common or below: 1 x Glow globe, Pict recorder, 5 x Recaf, 3 x basic charge pack, 2 x pistol charge pack

Re: RT: CS and Game Related Info (Maps etc)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:11 am
by Coalition
Oops, I'll put my Astropath here:

Homeworld: Void Born: (St -5, Wil +5; Fate Points: 3 (1-5), 4 (6-10))
Birthright: Scavenger: (Wil +3, Trauma: 1d5 Insanity, d5=3)
Lure of the Void: Tainted: Wyrdling
Trials & Tribulations: Hand of War
Motivation: Endurance (+1 Wound)
Career: Astropath Ascendant

Name: Malakar
WS: 31 (25+6)
BS: 33 (25+8)
St: 33 (25+13-5)
To: 35 (25+10)
Ag: 24 (25+9)
Int:40 (25+15)
Per:40 (25+15)
Wil:44 (25+14+5)
Fel:32 (25+18)
Wounds: 10 (4+6+1)
Fate: 3 (d10=4)
Insanity: 3

Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica)
Forbidden Lore (Psykers)
Scholastic Lore (Cryptology)
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Speak Language (Ship Dialect)
Navigation (Stellar) Untrained
Pilot (Spacecraft) Untrained

Heightened Senses (Sound)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Psy Rating 3 (starting 2, +1 from Wyrdling)
Resistance (Fear)
Void Accustomed
Melee Weapon Training (sword) (I added this because the Astropath gets a weapon, but not the skill to use it)

Hatred: (Chaos Worshippers)

Special Abilities:
Soul-Bound to the Emperor
Psychic Powers
See Without Eyes (can effectively see, is immune to stuff that affects sight, but cannot see Untouchables)

Psychic Talents:
Astral Telepathy (send/receive telepathic messages, cannot send if fighting, can barely receive if fighting)
2 from Telepathic Discipline:
Mind Link
Mind Scan

Free: 2 Psychic Talents choose from any one Discipline (from Wyrdling)
Force Shards
Telekinetic Shield

XP spent:
200 XP - Selected Mutation: Wyrdling
200 XP - Augury
100 XP - Invocation (Skill)

best-craftsmanship laspistol (with SCARCE red-dot Laser Sight)
best-craftsmaship mono-sword
Guard Flak armor
void suit

Malakar grew up scrounging for anything he could use to live off of on board a deep space station. His favorite items were a pair of earrings his mother had made for him. When he was a young teen, Raiders attacked the station he was on, and boarded it. Although he manifested powers in an attempt to defend his gang, his skills were not good enough, and the power attracted the Raiders' attention. They noticed the connection he had to his mother, and proceeded to slowly torture her to death in front of him. After she died two days later, they noticed he was holding the earrings tightly in his hands. Taking the earrings, they took one at a time, and began to slowly crush them in one hand.

When the first one was gone, and the second was being held, Malakar's anger cut loose. Rather than the unfocused anger the raiders had anticipated, his rage had been honed by his mother's stories of the vengeance and Justice of the Emperor, where the evil were destroyed, and the righteous would live with him. All he could see in his rage was a mental image of the Emperor protecting him with one hand, and gesturing with the other hand, destroying all those who opposed Him.

When he finally recovered, the Raiders were piles of shredded meat, and dozens of bullets were around him, their noses flattened as though they had run into a solid wall. Now surrounding him were an Imperial Marine unit, troops who took him as a lucky charm, given that while around him he could get rough ideas of what would happen next. This allowed them to be prepared for a Chaos uprising on board the ship, and they were able to kill all the followers. Seeing the insidious nature of Chaos, as well as the overt threat they represented, fostered a deep hatred within him.

However, his psychic powers had also come into attention of the Psyker attached to the regiment, and he was sent for testing. Surviving the test, he returned, but with a new mission. He would be a combat Astropath, using his powers to maintain communications with other forces, while being able to defend himself as well. His unique set of skills were needed by the Rogue Trader setting out, and he was attached to the retinue.

(OOC: if anyone can see any problems with my character, feel free to tell me)

Some notes from a my copy of Rogue Trader are:
Astropaths increase strength easier than Weapon Skill or Ballistic skill.
Astropaths start with Psy Rating of 2, but one of the upgrades Rank 1 is Psy Rating 2.

Re: RT: CS and Game Related Info (Maps etc)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 4:57 am
by Deepcrush
Name: Enrick Von Hayden
Class: Arch Militant
WS: 34 (49) Trait +15
BS: 42 (67) Stub jack +5, Trait +20
Str: 41 (51) Trait +10 / Unnatural Strength
T: 32 (42) Trait +10
Ag: 37 (27) Synthetic Muscle Grafts
Int: 41
Per: 35 (40) Trait +5
WP: 30 (33) Homeworld +3
Fel: 31 (26) Stub jack -5
Wounds: 14/14 (Base wounds 12)
Armor - 6 all
Fate Points: 3
Current Thrones: n/a

Origin Path
- Homeworld - Imperial - (+3 willpower), Blessed Ignorance (-5 Forbidden Lore tests), Hagiography (added traits), Liturgical Familiarity (added traits),
- Birthright - Stub jack - Intimidate (basic), Quick draw, Minus 5 to fellowship, 3 insanity points
- Lure of the Void - Chosen by Destiny - Xenophile (+10 fel with outsiders)(-5 WP with alien powers)
- Trials - The Hand of War - Ashes of War (Hatred Chaos)
- Motivation - Endurance - Gain one wound.

Rank: 1

Earned XP: 5000
Open XP: 0
Spent XP: 5000

Basic Skills: Intimidate, Common Lore (Imperial Creed 'int'), Common Lore (Imperium 'int'), Common Lore (War 'int'), Literacy (Imperial 'int'), Dodge (basic), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis 'int'), Secret Language (military), Speak Language (Low Gothic 'int'), Awareness,

Advanced Skills:

Talents: Quick Draw, Basic Weapon Training, Pistol Training, Melee Training, Thrown Weapon Training, Sound Constitution, Heavy Weapon SP

Traits: Xenophile, Hatred of Chaos (-10 to all dealings), Toughness x2, Strength x2, Weapon Skill x3, Ballistic Skill x4, Perception x1

Weapons: Heavy Stubber (200/200), Bolt Pistol (8/8) Great Sword (Good craftsmanship), 3 frags, Synthetic Muscle Grafts (Unnatural Strength, -10 Agl, Best Quality)

Gear: Enforcer Light Carapace (Best Quality)(6AP all), Rebreather, personal vox, Imperial Guard Uniform, greatcoat, Tactical Vest, Dataslate of Wanted Bounties, Manacles, micro bead, void suit, medical kit.

Bio : As of late, Enrick was recently released from service with the Inquisition. However this is not just for him but of all his people. Every unit from his world that was in the service of the Inquisition has been disbanded. This action has left Enrick, like so many others, stranded far from home and with little purpose. Rather then trying to barter his way home. Enrick has chosen to stay out among the stars and earn honor, glory and profit for his family.

Enrick is a monster in human form. Massive in both body and mind, he is a born and bred killing machine. It is well believed that if he were born on a world not bound to the Inquisition he would have been recruited to the Adeptus Astartes. He feels no pity or fear in battle. He cares nothing for living or dying. Those senses of being having left him long ago. He has only one friend with him, that is the Ogryn named Buck Org. The two having met on an unknown battle field, to which they don't speak of, have formed a bond that even few brothers can claim. Where one goes, the other follows.


Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 12:22 am
by Tyyr

General Info
Name: Calliope
Career Path: Rogue Trader
Rank: 1
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Build: Svelte
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 61kg
Skin Color: Tanned
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Quirk: You have huge knockers

Weapon Skill (WS) .... 34
Ballistic Skill (BS) ..... 40
Strength (Str) ......... 31
Toughness (T) ........ 39
Agility (Ag) ........... 40
Intelligence (Int) ..... 44
Perception (Per) ...... 39
Willpower (WP) ....... 37
Fellowship (Fel) ...... 42

Wounds ......... 7
Injuries .......... 0
Fatigue .......... 0
Corruption Points ..... 3

Fate Points ...... 3
Profit Factor .......... +1

Movement(Meters per round)
Half ...... 4
Full ....... 8
Charge ... 12
Run ...... 24

Armor and Toughness
Head: 7 + 3 = 10
Body: 7 + 3 = 10
Arms: 7 + 3 = 10
Legs: 7 + 3 = 10

Air of Authority
Peer (Nobility)
Peer (Military)
Peer (Mercantile)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)

Basic Skills
Literacy (Int) +10

Advanced Skills
Dodge (Ag)
Awareness (Per)
Inquiry (Int)
Command (Fel)
Charm (Fel)
Evaluate (Int)
Pilot (Space Craft) (Ag)

Lore (Int)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)

Languages (Int)
Low Gothic
High Gothic

Item ......................... Location .................. Qualities
Bolt Pistol ................ Carried .................... Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4Pen 8r Full Tearing
5 Clips (1 Loaded) ........ Leg Holster
Plasma Pistol .............. Carried .................... Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+6E 6Pen 10r 3Full Overheat
2 Casks (1 Loaded) ......... Belt
MIU Weapon Interface ......... Right Shoulder
Auto Pistol .................. MIU ....................... Pistol 30m S/-/6 1d10+2I 0Pen 18r Full
4 Clips (1 Loaded) ........... Wwaist
Power Sword (Common) ....... Waist ......................... Melee 1d10+5E 5Pen Power Field, Balanced
Whip ......................... Waist ....................... Melee 4m 1d10-2I 0Pen Unbalanced, Primitive
Knives (4) ................... Waist, Boot, Lower Back, Shoulder Blades ..... Melee 1d5R 0Pen Primitive
Storm Trooper Carapce (Best) ... Worn (All) ............. 7AP
Micro-bead ..................... Worn (Earing)
Void Suit ....................... Worn
Fine Clothing (Sort of) .......... Worn

Total Received 5000
Total Spent 5000
Remaining 0

Noble Born
Chosen By Destiny -> Xenophile +10 Fellowship with Alien Races, -5 Willpower when dealing with alien artifacts or powers.
High Vendetta
Rogue Trader

Born into wealth and privelage Calliope is the youngest of four, legitimate siblings, born to a Rogue Trader and his wife. She's spent almost her entire life aboard her father's starships walking the decks and savoring the opulence around her. Like all the children Calliope spent many hours in the ship's librarium learning from scholars, visitors, and often the distinguished guests who booked passage. Between these classes their father would instruct them on the finer arts of commanding a ship and take time to allow them to view various astronomical phenomena, or field trips as some of the crew called it. At the age of nineteen Calliope was sent to the schola at the seat of the Calix sector for more formal education. Her father asigned one of his ship's priests, Jon Ozbourne, to accompany her and protect her. While Calliope never found herself in any serious danger to life and limb during her time at the schola her morals were another matter.

As the youngest of the, legitimate, family Calliope is her father's favorite, something he is notoriously horrible at concealing. Calliope had the run of the ship's from an early childhood and the crew was even more attentive to her wishes than her father. Making Calliope angry or, God-Emperor help you, cry usually meant you left the ship, immediately and with nothing but the clothes on your back. Being doted on and having her every whim indulged became something of a lifestyle for Calliope who during her time a the schola would often spend as much on one dinner for her friends as the average man would earn in a year, or throw parties that would bankrupt a fuedal lord.

Calliope has returned from the schola to her father's ship a somewhat different girl than she left. While still a spoiled brat she has found a taste for fermented beverages of all flavors and makes. Her previous love of dresses has met with a profound interest in the early days of the rogue traders to create a rather distinctive pattern of dress involving billowing white shirts, corsets, and a side split dress over a very finely wrought set of carapace armor and breeches. All of this topped off with a wide brimmed leather hat with a red bandanna tied around it's center and a pair of knee high leather boots. Red, white, black, and brown are common colors in Calliope's wardrobe. Modeling herself after the afectations of early rogue traders Calliope carries several weapons on her person, a finely wrought bolt pistol on her right hip, a similarly fine plasma pistol on her left, and a hidden auto pistol slaved to an MIU on her right shoulder. A long elegant power saber is kept sheathed on her left hip above the plasma pistol while a simple leather whip hangs from the holster on her right. Most of Calliope's clothes are simple and quite plain by normal standards with the only artistic embellishments being on her weapons, weapon belts, and the necklaces, rings, ankles, braclets, and all other manner of jewelry she wears.

Rank 1 (5,000 XP)
Pilot (Space Craft)

Re: RT: CS and Game Related Info (Maps etc)

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:19 am
by Tsukiyumi

WS: 43
BS: 44
Str: 29
T: 46
Ag: 41
Int: 41
Per: 44
WP: 50
Fel: 30
Wounds: 13
Armor: 4 (arms, legs, body)
Fate Points: 3
Insanity Points: 1
Corruption Points: 0

Homeworld: Void Born
Birthright: Scapegrace
Trauma: 1d5 insanity - 1
Lure of the Void: Renegade
Trials: The Hand of War - Ashes of War (Hatred: Imperial Navy)
Motivation: Pride

Void Accustomed

Special Abilities:
Warp Eye
The Boons of Lineage: (Nomadic - House Xan'Tai: Lore of the Wanderer, A Taste For the Warp, Scorn of Dirt Dwellers)
Navigator Mutations: Eyes As Dark As the Void (gain Dark Sight trait: sees normally even in areas of total darkness, and never takes a penalty for fighting in areas of dim or no lighting)

Basic Skills:
Slight of Hand (Basic)

Advanced Skills:
Navigation (Stellar, Warp) (Int)
Pilot (Spacecraft) (Ag)
Psynicience (Per)
Common Lore (Navis Nobilite)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)
Forbidden Lore (Navigators, Warp)
Speak Language (Ship Dialect)
Speak language (High Gothic, Low Gothic)

Talented (Navigation (Warp))
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Basic Weapon Training (Las) (Ashes of War)
Resistance (Interrogation)
Enemy (Adeptus Arbites)

Navigator Powers:
Lidless Stare
Void Watcher

Best-craftsmanship Hellpistol (Lucius-type): 35m - S/2 - 1d10+4 E - Pen: 7 - Clip: 40 - Rld: 2 full - 4kg (+10kg) (attached to MIU)
Lasgun and 2 charge packs (basic): 100m - S/3 - 1d10+3 E - Pen: 0 - Clip: 60 - Rld: full - Reliable - 4kg
Stub Auto w/silencer: 30m - S/3 - 1d10+3 I - Pen: 0 - Clip: 9 - Rld: Full - 2kg
3 Frag Grenades: SBx3 - 2d10 X - Pen: 0 - Blast (4) - 0.5kg (1.5kg)
2 Smoke Grenades: SBx3 - Smoke - 0.5kg (1kg)
Best-craftsmanship metal staff: 1d10 I - Balanced, Primitive - 3kg

Best-craftsmanship Xeno-mesh armor: 4 (arms, legs, body) - 1kg
Survival suit
Backpack (1kg)
Silk headscarf
Nobilite robes
Filtration plugs
Glow-globe (0.5kg)
Pict Recorder (1kg)
Ration packs x6
Data slate
Emperor's tarot deck

Rare choice:
MIU Weapon Interface: allows user to fire an additional ranged weapon as a Free Action using full Ballistic Skill.

Total Received: 5000
Total Spent: 5000
Remaining: 0

XP purchases: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Awareness, Simple Intelligence Advance, Simple Perception Advance, Simple Willpower Advance

Career: Navigator
Gender: Male
Build: Gaunt (1.85m/65kg)
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Age: 30
Quirk: Attractive women like you for no apparent reason.


Julian was born on a nomadic scavenger vessel on the fringes of Imperial space; his entire extended family aboard. After generations of traveling the void, his family decided to finally settle on Falia: a beautiful agricultural planet they had run across during their travels. After only eight months planetside, the rulers of Falia ran afoul of the Imperium after protecting a group of native rogue psykers, and rebelled when the Inquisition came for them. Julian was one of the few who helped defend Falia, and was in orbit when the Inquisition's Black Ships executed Exterminatus on the planet.

His entire family was killed to the last, and he only escaped by sheer luck, hiding his vessel in some of the planetary debris flung from the surface until he could flee into the Warp.

Since then, he has harbored an immense hatred of the servants of the Imperium, especially the Navy, and has taken every opportunity to lash out at them, joining several rogue and pirate crews.

Recently, the Navy boarded the ship he was serving on, and when his improvised self-destruct device failed, he escaped to a nearby planet via shuttlecraft.


Considering his background, Julius is rather lighthearted, cracking jokes when appropriate, and sometimes when not. He's loyal to people who respect him, and always prefers to act with honor. He's been a voice of reason on some crews, but his vendetta against the Imperial Navy has caused a good deal of trouble for him, as his temper flares at the very mention of them. Overall, he is a stable person, but once angered, he stays angry until he is satisfied that a wrong has been righted.