Leviathan Class
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:34 am
Role: Enhanced Deterrence Cruiser
Unit Run: USS Leviathan - Active
Deployed: 2380
Mass: 7,215,000
Crew: 2000
Defensive Systems:
24 x type XV Phaser Arrays, total output 240000 Terawatts
2 x Rapid fire Quantum torpedo tubes
8 x type 4 Burst torpedo tubes
Defensive Systems:
Regenerative1 shield system, total capacity 6,720,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 32 cm Ablative armour
Beam Firepower: 4800
Torpedo Firepower: 10200
Weapon Range Accuracy: 2500
Shield Strength: 2489
Hull Armor: 5000
Speed: 1600.617
Combat Manuverability: 500
Total Strength Index: 5321.432
Diplomatic Capability: 3
Ship Motto: Si vis pacem para bellum(If you want peace, prepare for war)
With the ending of the Dominion war, and the Conflict with Praetor Shinzon. which possibly left the Romulans with the scimatics for the Scimitar Class warship and the Klingons with their Negh'Var class ship. The Federation felt it had no choice but to devolop and build a new line of ships.
One of these Designs is the Leviathan Class Warship, Utilizing the latest technologies gathered from the Sovereign, the Intrepid and the USS Voyager. it is the largest ship class constructed by the Federation ever; a truly mammoth vessel, plans had already been drawn up shortly after the second borg attack in sector 001, but shelved because it was deemed unnessicary like many other projects brought on by the borg.
Very unlike the Federation philosophy it is truely a warship in design; Utilizing the latest in quantum torpedo technology, and a experimental phaser array system thus dubbed Type XV. Regenerative shielding based upon reverse engineered borg technology, much like the ones used on the Prometheus.
At this current time there is only one of these ships that have been constructed, the USS Leviathan commanded by Captain Alekzander Konig. due to the immense amount of resources and time it takes to construct one of these behemoths, only 2 more are scheduled to be constructed in the next 5 years. With the looming threat of the Borg, the superior power of the Dominion, and the Potentially lethal threat that the Romulans could deploy the Scimitar on a large class, have made this vessel a nessecity.
Notes: This was done at 4:30 AM, it is a VERY ROUGH draft, leave comments, i'll modify as i see fit.. ..
Unit Run: USS Leviathan - Active
Deployed: 2380
Mass: 7,215,000
Crew: 2000
Defensive Systems:
24 x type XV Phaser Arrays, total output 240000 Terawatts
2 x Rapid fire Quantum torpedo tubes
8 x type 4 Burst torpedo tubes
Defensive Systems:
Regenerative1 shield system, total capacity 6,720,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 32 cm Ablative armour
Beam Firepower: 4800
Torpedo Firepower: 10200
Weapon Range Accuracy: 2500
Shield Strength: 2489
Hull Armor: 5000
Speed: 1600.617
Combat Manuverability: 500
Total Strength Index: 5321.432
Diplomatic Capability: 3
Ship Motto: Si vis pacem para bellum(If you want peace, prepare for war)
With the ending of the Dominion war, and the Conflict with Praetor Shinzon. which possibly left the Romulans with the scimatics for the Scimitar Class warship and the Klingons with their Negh'Var class ship. The Federation felt it had no choice but to devolop and build a new line of ships.
One of these Designs is the Leviathan Class Warship, Utilizing the latest technologies gathered from the Sovereign, the Intrepid and the USS Voyager. it is the largest ship class constructed by the Federation ever; a truly mammoth vessel, plans had already been drawn up shortly after the second borg attack in sector 001, but shelved because it was deemed unnessicary like many other projects brought on by the borg.
Very unlike the Federation philosophy it is truely a warship in design; Utilizing the latest in quantum torpedo technology, and a experimental phaser array system thus dubbed Type XV. Regenerative shielding based upon reverse engineered borg technology, much like the ones used on the Prometheus.
At this current time there is only one of these ships that have been constructed, the USS Leviathan commanded by Captain Alekzander Konig. due to the immense amount of resources and time it takes to construct one of these behemoths, only 2 more are scheduled to be constructed in the next 5 years. With the looming threat of the Borg, the superior power of the Dominion, and the Potentially lethal threat that the Romulans could deploy the Scimitar on a large class, have made this vessel a nessecity.
Notes: This was done at 4:30 AM, it is a VERY ROUGH draft, leave comments, i'll modify as i see fit.. ..