This is insanely powerful! The speed, torpedos, and hull bring it up insanely. Be warned. I also took a little artistic licence with the phasers and quantum torpedo (upgraded the phasers a little and changed quantum launcher from a pulse to rapid fire). I made the transphasics about as powerful as 40 quantum torpedos. Hull and slipstream is pretty simple, we know the strength of both. However, for the slipstream, I took the maximum cruise as the "comparison velocity", as opposed to maximum rated, because it can only be held for 1 hour (the reason for this is because warp 9.99999 is about 3 times faster than 9.99998). Though I don't understand the point of having a quantum torpedo launcher when you've got 5 transphasis torpedo launchers, even though I did make the transphasic torpedos fire 4 times slower than the quantum torpedos.
Ship: USS Infiltrator
Length : 304 m
Beam : 102 m
Height : 57 m
Decks : 9
Mass : 600,000 metric tons
Crew : 112
Phase Cloaking Device
External Holograhic Generators
Quantum Slipstream Core
Ablative Armour Emitters
5 x Transphasic Torpdedo Launchers
1 x Rapid Fire Quantum Torpedo Launcher
2 x Type XIV Phaser Arrays
8 x Type XIII Phaser Arrays
4 x Type III Pulse Phaser Cannons
High level shield system, total capacity 8,310,000 terajoules
Standard duranium/tritanium double hull, plus 35 cm ablative armour and 500 cm ablative system
Heavy Structural Integrity Field
Normal Cruise : 9.9
Maximum Cruise : 9.99998
Maximum Rated : 9.99999 for 1 hour
Beam Firepower : 10,800
Torpedo Firepower : 137,000
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 3800
Shield Strength : 3078
Hull Armour : 75,100
Speed : 893,216
Combat Manoeuvrability : 12,100
Over all: 107,722