Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
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Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
This thread is for folks to maintain their own sheets. If we can get a lock on the other when it's done that'd be great.
- Lighthawk
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Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
Career: Tech-Priest
Rank: Secutor
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Divination: A suspicious mind is a healthy mind.
Insanity Points: 1
Corruption Points: 0
Home world: Void Born
Ship Tradition: War Ship
Fate Points: 3/3
Thrones: 25
Income per month: 195
Unspent XP: 0
Total XP: 2167
Traits: Roll 1d10 when using a Fate Point and on a 9 the point is not used up, -5 to Fel tests with non-void born, can use Navigation(stellar) and Pilot(Starcraft) as basic skills, immune to spacetravel sickness, low and zero grav conditions do not count as difficult terrain
WS: 35, simple increase
BS: 40, simple increase
S: 27
T: 32
Ag: 24
Int: 40, simple increase
Per: 44, mechadendrite enhanced
WP: 44
Fel: 32
Literacy (Int)
Secret Tongue (Tech) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int)
Tech-Use+10 (Int)
Trade (Scrimshawer) (Ag)
Basic Weapons Training (Launcher)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)
Chem Geld: Seduction attempts auto fail, and all Charm Tests increase by one difficulty.
Electric Graft Use: Use electric graft to access data ports and commune with machine spirits. Grants +10 to Common Lore, Inquiry, or Tech-use tests when connected to data port
Exotic Weapon Training (Shock Blaster)
Luminen Charge: Make toughness test to recharge or power machinery, requires 1 minute. Gain 1 level of fatigue per use.
Mechadendrite use (Ballistic)
Mechadendrite use (Optical)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Rapid Reload
Sound Constitution (x3)
Carapace helm
Data-slate: 1 recording - Crazy man:"He's here, he's here again, the Crow Father come
to drown us in lies!" "False, false, the two faces he has! First of three has two!" "His hill shall run with blood!" "They have grasped a serpent to their hearts, fools! Pity the damned fools!"
Enforcer Light Carapace Armor
Glow lamp
Grenade Launcher
Mechadendrite (Ballistic) (Right shoulder)
Mechadendrite (Optical) (Left shoulder): 3 meters long, pencil thick. +10 to all perception tests. Can view microscopic or telescopic and in IR. Suffers no penalties due to darkness and grants +20 to Per at night. May be used as a Sight (Ignore range penalties when taking a full action aim)
Mechanicus implants
Electro-Graft: Allows interface with data ports(Electro-graft use), Finger probe model, left index.
Electoo Inductor: Used to siphon or emit power(Luminen Charge). Located on the back of right hand.
Respirator Unit: +20 bonus to resist airborn toxins and gas weapons. Purifies air, and contains vox-synthesiser. Covers lower half of face. (Intigrated gas mask)
Cyber-Mantle: Framework of metal, wires, and tubes bolted to spine and ribcage.(No current game mechanics, no talents)
Potentia Coil: Power unit attached to Cyber-Mantle.(Luminen Charge)
Cranial Circuitry: Processors, implants, and circuits within and without the skull. (Intigrated micro-bead)
Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good Quality Clothing): Red with gold trim
Shock Blaster
Spare parts: 20
Movement(Meters per round)
Half: 2
Full: 4
Charge: 6
Run: 12
Grenade Launcher(Upgrade:Laser sight, +10 to BS on single shot): Range 60m, S/-/-, Damage and Pen by ammo type, Clip 6, Reload half, Load: 4 fire bombs and 2 frags
Frag Grenadex4: 2d10(Explosive), Pen 0, Blast(4). Consult Pg 199 on a miss.
Fire Bombx4: 1d10+3(Energy), Pen 6, Blast(3). Consult Pg 199 on a miss.
Mechadendrite (Ballistic): Range 15 m, S/-/-, 1d10+4 E, Pen 4, Special: Accurate (Extra +10 for aimming), Tearing (Roll 2x for damage and take highest), may be used as a reaction.
Shock Blaster: Range 20m, S/2/-, 1d10+2 E, Pen 4, Clip 7, Reload half, Special: Shock: A target that takes at least 1 point of damage after T and AP must make a toughness test (+10 per AP at struck location) or be Stunned (+20 to BS and WS against, target can not use any actions) a number of rounds equal to half the damage taken.
(Loaded)Laspistol charge pack: 7/7 shots
Laspistol charge pack: 7/7 shots
Knife: One handed use, 1d5(Rending), Primitive(nonprimitive armor points count double against)
Armor and Toughness
Head: 4+3=7
Body: 5+3=8
Arms: 5+3=8
Legs: 5+3=8
Wounds: 11/11
Fatigue: 0
Career: Tech-Priest
Rank: Secutor
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Divination: A suspicious mind is a healthy mind.
Insanity Points: 1
Corruption Points: 0
Home world: Void Born
Ship Tradition: War Ship
Fate Points: 3/3
Thrones: 25
Income per month: 195
Unspent XP: 0
Total XP: 2167
Traits: Roll 1d10 when using a Fate Point and on a 9 the point is not used up, -5 to Fel tests with non-void born, can use Navigation(stellar) and Pilot(Starcraft) as basic skills, immune to spacetravel sickness, low and zero grav conditions do not count as difficult terrain
WS: 35, simple increase
BS: 40, simple increase
S: 27
T: 32
Ag: 24
Int: 40, simple increase
Per: 44, mechadendrite enhanced
WP: 44
Fel: 32
Literacy (Int)
Secret Tongue (Tech) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int)
Tech-Use+10 (Int)
Trade (Scrimshawer) (Ag)
Basic Weapons Training (Launcher)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)
Chem Geld: Seduction attempts auto fail, and all Charm Tests increase by one difficulty.
Electric Graft Use: Use electric graft to access data ports and commune with machine spirits. Grants +10 to Common Lore, Inquiry, or Tech-use tests when connected to data port
Exotic Weapon Training (Shock Blaster)
Luminen Charge: Make toughness test to recharge or power machinery, requires 1 minute. Gain 1 level of fatigue per use.
Mechadendrite use (Ballistic)
Mechadendrite use (Optical)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Rapid Reload
Sound Constitution (x3)
Carapace helm
Data-slate: 1 recording - Crazy man:"He's here, he's here again, the Crow Father come
to drown us in lies!" "False, false, the two faces he has! First of three has two!" "His hill shall run with blood!" "They have grasped a serpent to their hearts, fools! Pity the damned fools!"
Enforcer Light Carapace Armor
Glow lamp
Grenade Launcher
Mechadendrite (Ballistic) (Right shoulder)
Mechadendrite (Optical) (Left shoulder): 3 meters long, pencil thick. +10 to all perception tests. Can view microscopic or telescopic and in IR. Suffers no penalties due to darkness and grants +20 to Per at night. May be used as a Sight (Ignore range penalties when taking a full action aim)
Mechanicus implants
Electro-Graft: Allows interface with data ports(Electro-graft use), Finger probe model, left index.
Electoo Inductor: Used to siphon or emit power(Luminen Charge). Located on the back of right hand.
Respirator Unit: +20 bonus to resist airborn toxins and gas weapons. Purifies air, and contains vox-synthesiser. Covers lower half of face. (Intigrated gas mask)
Cyber-Mantle: Framework of metal, wires, and tubes bolted to spine and ribcage.(No current game mechanics, no talents)
Potentia Coil: Power unit attached to Cyber-Mantle.(Luminen Charge)
Cranial Circuitry: Processors, implants, and circuits within and without the skull. (Intigrated micro-bead)
Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good Quality Clothing): Red with gold trim
Shock Blaster
Spare parts: 20
Movement(Meters per round)
Half: 2
Full: 4
Charge: 6
Run: 12
Grenade Launcher(Upgrade:Laser sight, +10 to BS on single shot): Range 60m, S/-/-, Damage and Pen by ammo type, Clip 6, Reload half, Load: 4 fire bombs and 2 frags
Frag Grenadex4: 2d10(Explosive), Pen 0, Blast(4). Consult Pg 199 on a miss.
Fire Bombx4: 1d10+3(Energy), Pen 6, Blast(3). Consult Pg 199 on a miss.
Mechadendrite (Ballistic): Range 15 m, S/-/-, 1d10+4 E, Pen 4, Special: Accurate (Extra +10 for aimming), Tearing (Roll 2x for damage and take highest), may be used as a reaction.
Shock Blaster: Range 20m, S/2/-, 1d10+2 E, Pen 4, Clip 7, Reload half, Special: Shock: A target that takes at least 1 point of damage after T and AP must make a toughness test (+10 per AP at struck location) or be Stunned (+20 to BS and WS against, target can not use any actions) a number of rounds equal to half the damage taken.
(Loaded)Laspistol charge pack: 7/7 shots
Laspistol charge pack: 7/7 shots
Knife: One handed use, 1d5(Rending), Primitive(nonprimitive armor points count double against)
Armor and Toughness
Head: 4+3=7
Body: 5+3=8
Arms: 5+3=8
Legs: 5+3=8
Wounds: 11/11
Fatigue: 0
Last edited by Lighthawk on Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:05 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
Name: Octavian Naja
Homeworld: Noble Born
Career: Guardsman
Rank: Conscript
Gender: Male
Build: Stocky
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Age: 50
Quirk: You have a duelling scar.
Lineage of Renown: Commanders of Mankind
Divination: To war is human.
Starting XP: 400
Starting Package: Tranch War Veteran
WS: 24
BS: 33
S: 39
T: 39
Ag: 35
Int: 37
Per: 33
WP: 21
Fel: 36
Wounds: 12
Fate Points: 1
Insanity Points: 5
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones: 76
Traits: Etiquette, Supremely Connected, Vendetta, Wealth
Basic Skills: Search (Per) Dodge (Ag),
Advanced Skills: Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag), Survival (Int), Common Lore (War)
Talents: Peer (Nobility), Peer (Military), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Las), Pistol Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Primitive), Hatred (Mutants), Light Sleeper talents, Quick Draw
Gear: lasgun and 1 charge pack, knife, guard flak armour, 1 week corpse starch rations, sword, laspistol and 1 charge pack, shotgun and 12 shells, uniform (Common Quality Clothing), mercenary license, antique earring (memento), first commendation medal (memento)
Rucksack containing:
personal vox
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x 3
water for three says
mud tape
100m of paracord
Special Qualities: None
Family: None
Homeworld: Noble Born
Career: Guardsman
Rank: Conscript
Gender: Male
Build: Stocky
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Age: 50
Quirk: You have a duelling scar.
Lineage of Renown: Commanders of Mankind
Divination: To war is human.
Starting XP: 400
Starting Package: Tranch War Veteran
WS: 24
BS: 33
S: 39
T: 39
Ag: 35
Int: 37
Per: 33
WP: 21
Fel: 36
Wounds: 12
Fate Points: 1
Insanity Points: 5
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones: 76
Traits: Etiquette, Supremely Connected, Vendetta, Wealth
Basic Skills: Search (Per) Dodge (Ag),
Advanced Skills: Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag), Survival (Int), Common Lore (War)
Talents: Peer (Nobility), Peer (Military), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Las), Pistol Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Primitive), Hatred (Mutants), Light Sleeper talents, Quick Draw
Gear: lasgun and 1 charge pack, knife, guard flak armour, 1 week corpse starch rations, sword, laspistol and 1 charge pack, shotgun and 12 shells, uniform (Common Quality Clothing), mercenary license, antique earring (memento), first commendation medal (memento)
Rucksack containing:
personal vox
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x 3
water for three says
mud tape
100m of paracord
Special Qualities: None
Family: None
Last edited by Monroe on Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.
-Remain Star Trek-
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.
-Remain Star Trek-
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Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
Name: Marco Karibi
Homeworld: Deloria Secundus (Backwater Imperial World)
Career: Adept
Rank: Scribe
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Build: Svelte
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Quirk: Nervous Tic
Divination: "A mind without purpose will wander in dark places."
Scholar of the Colleges Hetaireia Lexis
WS: 27
BS: 33
S: 24
T: 30
Ag: 32
Wp: 42
Wounds: 11
Fate: 4
Corruption: 1
Thrones: 400
Total Exp: 2000
Unused Exp: 400
Basic Skills:
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (War)
Inquiry (Fel)
Advanced Skills:
Ciphers (Secret Society - Hetaireia)
Drive (Ground Vehicle)
Medicae, Medicae +10, and Master Chirugeon
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Talented (Medicae)
Trade (Copyist)
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy)
Scholastic Lore (Legend)
Scholastic Lore (Beaurocracy)
Scholastic Lore (Occult)
Forbidden Lore (Cults)
Forbidden Lore (Heresy)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
Forbidden Lore (Inquisition)
Forbidden Lore (Mutants)
Pistol Training (SP)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Light Sleeper
Peer (Academic)
Blessed Ignorance
Liturgical Familiarity
Superior Origins
Stub Revolver X2 - 30m - 1D10+3 (I) - Reliable
Rounds X36
Dum-Dum Rounds (+2 dam) X6
Manstopper rounds (+3 pen) X6
Pump Shotgun - 30m - 1D10+4 (I) - Scatter
Shells X40
Inferno Shells (Ag test or on fire) X56
Blazer Rounds (15m - 1D10+4 (E) - flame, primitive) X16
Gas Mask
Administratum Robes (Common Quality Clothing)
Data Slate
Pict Recorder
glow globe
Detox X6
4 packs Instant Recaf
Rucksack containing:
personal vox
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x 3
water for three says
mud tape
100m of paracord
poncho, with crystaline poisoned needles from Slaught Constructs wrapped up
Homeworld: Deloria Secundus (Backwater Imperial World)
Career: Adept
Rank: Scribe
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Build: Svelte
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Quirk: Nervous Tic
Divination: "A mind without purpose will wander in dark places."
Scholar of the Colleges Hetaireia Lexis
WS: 27
BS: 33
S: 24
T: 30
Ag: 32
Wp: 42
Wounds: 11
Fate: 4
Corruption: 1
Thrones: 400
Total Exp: 2000
Unused Exp: 400
Basic Skills:
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (War)
Inquiry (Fel)
Advanced Skills:
Ciphers (Secret Society - Hetaireia)
Drive (Ground Vehicle)
Medicae, Medicae +10, and Master Chirugeon
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Talented (Medicae)
Trade (Copyist)
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy)
Scholastic Lore (Legend)
Scholastic Lore (Beaurocracy)
Scholastic Lore (Occult)
Forbidden Lore (Cults)
Forbidden Lore (Heresy)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
Forbidden Lore (Inquisition)
Forbidden Lore (Mutants)
Pistol Training (SP)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Light Sleeper
Peer (Academic)
Blessed Ignorance
Liturgical Familiarity
Superior Origins
Stub Revolver X2 - 30m - 1D10+3 (I) - Reliable
Rounds X36
Dum-Dum Rounds (+2 dam) X6
Manstopper rounds (+3 pen) X6
Pump Shotgun - 30m - 1D10+4 (I) - Scatter
Shells X40
Inferno Shells (Ag test or on fire) X56
Blazer Rounds (15m - 1D10+4 (E) - flame, primitive) X16
Gas Mask
Administratum Robes (Common Quality Clothing)
Data Slate
Pict Recorder
glow globe
Detox X6
4 packs Instant Recaf
Rucksack containing:
personal vox
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x 3
water for three says
mud tape
100m of paracord
poncho, with crystaline poisoned needles from Slaught Constructs wrapped up
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
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Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
WS: 33
BS: 37
S: 32
T: 43
Ag: 32
Int: 33
Per: 35
WP: 48
Fel: 32
Wounds: 9 total
Fate Points: 3
Insanity Points: 3
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones: 30
Name: Milo Trask
Homeworld: Battlefleet Calixis
Career: Imperial Psyker
Rank: Scholar Materium
Gender: Male
Build: Gaunt
Skin Color: Porcelain
Hair Color: Copper
Eye Color: Grey
Age: 42
Quirk: You are bald.
Ship Tradition: War Ship
Divination: There are no civilians in the battle for survival.
Spent XP: 2300
unspent XP: 0
Starting Package: None
Traits: Shipwise, Void Accustomed, Naval Lineage Skills, Close-Quarter Fighter, Officer on Deck, Sanctioned Psyker
Basic Skills: Navigation (Stellar) (Int) (Shipwise), Pilot (Starcraft) (Ag) (Shipwise), Common Lore (Tech) (Int) (Nav. Lin. Sk.)
Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int), Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant) (Int) (Nav. Lin. Sk.), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Psyniscience (Per), Invocation (WP), Literacy (Int), Trade (Soothsayer) (Fel) Awareness +10, Scholastic Lore (Occult), Forbidden Lore (Warp), Forbidden Lore (Psykers), Tech-Use, Speak Language (High Gothic)
Talents: Basic Weapons Training (SP), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Pistol Weapons Training (SP), Quick Draw, Meditation, Paranoia, Unshakeable Faith, Power Well
Minor powers: Precognition, Lucky, Sense Presence, White Noise, Distort Vision, Resist Possession, Inflict Pain, Call Item (force sword), Chameleon, Unnatural Aim, Inspiring Aura
Psychic powers: Preternatural Awareness
Gear: (weight 35.5 kg/45 kg max) knife (psykana mercy blade), knife, force sword*, sword (mono), Vanaheim-pattern assault shotgun + fire selector and lamp pack w/ 44 Blazer rounds and 84 shells, Hecuter 9/5 autopistol w/ 90 man-stopper rounds, fatigues, greatcoat, Psy-Focus, sanctioning brand, dice, respirator, good-quality photo-visor, personal vox w/microbead, injector/3x spook/1x de-tox, enforcer light carapace (AP5, body/arms/legs), carapace helm (AP4, head)
Rucksack containing:
mess kit
ration cooker
standard rations x 7
emergency rations x 3
water for three days
mud tape
100m of paracord
poncho and bedroll
excruciator kit
void suit
* Force Sword "Ultor" - the blade of former Inquisitor Ulrichus Kuestermann, believed lost 400 years ago. The blade was recovered around a hundred years ago from a space hulk, that had been spit out of the warp near Valos Krin. For years before Kuestermann's death, people had been saying that he had gone far beyond even the most radical position sactioned by the Inquisition. There are rumours that he consorted with creatures of the Warp, and used them to further his work. The Inquisition attacked his ship and boarded it with a cadre of the Sisters of Battle and Ordo Hereticus Stormtroopers. Exactly what happened next is unclear, but what we do know is that at some point during the fighting the vessel's warp engines misfired. Most believe it to have been the work of one of Kuestermann's own retinue. The ship and all aboard were drawn into the Warp, and were never seen again.
Special Qualities: You have a Psy Rating of 3.
Milo Trask was born to Xantippe Niobe, an enginseer attached to the Imperial Navy, and Tauron Trask, an astropath. As was typical in the mindset of generational service in the Navy, Niobe and Tauron Trask were never together as a couple; but the nature of the service meant that young Milo had a close relationship with both his parents. Early in Milo's life, the Inquisition tasked Tauron with an assignment to the Lunar-class cruiser Eternal Vigilance to keep a covert eye on one Captain Wilhelm Blymark. Blymark had come under some suspicion due to the ruthless and summary way he both commanded and dealt with human enemy combatants - even ones who had surrendered unconditionally. Niobe and Milo remained aboard the Endurance-class light cruiser Light of Truth, which had been Milo's only home.
At the age of 13, Milo received the news of his father's death. Blymark - one of the few survivors to escape the Vigilance - claimed that Tauron Trask had been possessed by a daemon, and grew so strong so quickly that Blymark had to escape, take command of the Light of Truth, and destroy the Vigilance with most hands still aboard. While Blymark was effusive in expressing his sympathy to Milo, certain inconsistencies in his story made young Trask suspicious. Milo came to believe that Tauron had indeed gotten the information about Blymark which the Inquisition wanted, and Blymark had invented a way to eliminate the astropath. Milo remained aboard until the age of 19, participating in the typical adolescence of a warship-born youth and hiding the fact of his burgeoning psychic potential. Bouncing from ship to ship and port to port for a couple of years after, Milo finally decided that he couldn't be a part of an organization that allowed ambition to overcome morality and justice like Blymark had done, and decided to present himself and his gift to the very center of justice and righteousness - the Golden Throne itself. To that end, Milo learned of the closest arrival of a Black Ship from a local astropath and presented himself to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.
The horror of the journey in the Black Ship is something that Milo will not speak of to this day, but his resolve was strengthened by his anger over his father's murder. His assessment and sanctioning process was fairly typical, though it did involve hypno-doctrination which left Milo with the habit of murmuring constant litanies and prayers under his breath whenever his mind was at rest. He was strong enough in psychic potential - rated at epsilon-level - that instead of being fuel for the Astronomican, he was trained to serve as a battle psyker for the Imperial Guard. The extreme mistrust he had developed for such organizations, however, caused the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to reconsider, and he was instead assigned to serve as an acolyte for the Inquisition.
BS: 37
S: 32
T: 43
Ag: 32
Int: 33
Per: 35
WP: 48
Fel: 32
Wounds: 9 total
Fate Points: 3
Insanity Points: 3
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones: 30
Name: Milo Trask
Homeworld: Battlefleet Calixis
Career: Imperial Psyker
Rank: Scholar Materium
Gender: Male
Build: Gaunt
Skin Color: Porcelain
Hair Color: Copper
Eye Color: Grey
Age: 42
Quirk: You are bald.
Ship Tradition: War Ship
Divination: There are no civilians in the battle for survival.
Spent XP: 2300
unspent XP: 0
Starting Package: None
Traits: Shipwise, Void Accustomed, Naval Lineage Skills, Close-Quarter Fighter, Officer on Deck, Sanctioned Psyker
Basic Skills: Navigation (Stellar) (Int) (Shipwise), Pilot (Starcraft) (Ag) (Shipwise), Common Lore (Tech) (Int) (Nav. Lin. Sk.)
Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int), Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant) (Int) (Nav. Lin. Sk.), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Psyniscience (Per), Invocation (WP), Literacy (Int), Trade (Soothsayer) (Fel) Awareness +10, Scholastic Lore (Occult), Forbidden Lore (Warp), Forbidden Lore (Psykers), Tech-Use, Speak Language (High Gothic)
Talents: Basic Weapons Training (SP), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Pistol Weapons Training (SP), Quick Draw, Meditation, Paranoia, Unshakeable Faith, Power Well
Minor powers: Precognition, Lucky, Sense Presence, White Noise, Distort Vision, Resist Possession, Inflict Pain, Call Item (force sword), Chameleon, Unnatural Aim, Inspiring Aura
Psychic powers: Preternatural Awareness
Gear: (weight 35.5 kg/45 kg max) knife (psykana mercy blade), knife, force sword*, sword (mono), Vanaheim-pattern assault shotgun + fire selector and lamp pack w/ 44 Blazer rounds and 84 shells, Hecuter 9/5 autopistol w/ 90 man-stopper rounds, fatigues, greatcoat, Psy-Focus, sanctioning brand, dice, respirator, good-quality photo-visor, personal vox w/microbead, injector/3x spook/1x de-tox, enforcer light carapace (AP5, body/arms/legs), carapace helm (AP4, head)
Rucksack containing:
mess kit
ration cooker
standard rations x 7
emergency rations x 3
water for three days
mud tape
100m of paracord
poncho and bedroll
excruciator kit
void suit
* Force Sword "Ultor" - the blade of former Inquisitor Ulrichus Kuestermann, believed lost 400 years ago. The blade was recovered around a hundred years ago from a space hulk, that had been spit out of the warp near Valos Krin. For years before Kuestermann's death, people had been saying that he had gone far beyond even the most radical position sactioned by the Inquisition. There are rumours that he consorted with creatures of the Warp, and used them to further his work. The Inquisition attacked his ship and boarded it with a cadre of the Sisters of Battle and Ordo Hereticus Stormtroopers. Exactly what happened next is unclear, but what we do know is that at some point during the fighting the vessel's warp engines misfired. Most believe it to have been the work of one of Kuestermann's own retinue. The ship and all aboard were drawn into the Warp, and were never seen again.
Special Qualities: You have a Psy Rating of 3.
Milo Trask was born to Xantippe Niobe, an enginseer attached to the Imperial Navy, and Tauron Trask, an astropath. As was typical in the mindset of generational service in the Navy, Niobe and Tauron Trask were never together as a couple; but the nature of the service meant that young Milo had a close relationship with both his parents. Early in Milo's life, the Inquisition tasked Tauron with an assignment to the Lunar-class cruiser Eternal Vigilance to keep a covert eye on one Captain Wilhelm Blymark. Blymark had come under some suspicion due to the ruthless and summary way he both commanded and dealt with human enemy combatants - even ones who had surrendered unconditionally. Niobe and Milo remained aboard the Endurance-class light cruiser Light of Truth, which had been Milo's only home.
At the age of 13, Milo received the news of his father's death. Blymark - one of the few survivors to escape the Vigilance - claimed that Tauron Trask had been possessed by a daemon, and grew so strong so quickly that Blymark had to escape, take command of the Light of Truth, and destroy the Vigilance with most hands still aboard. While Blymark was effusive in expressing his sympathy to Milo, certain inconsistencies in his story made young Trask suspicious. Milo came to believe that Tauron had indeed gotten the information about Blymark which the Inquisition wanted, and Blymark had invented a way to eliminate the astropath. Milo remained aboard until the age of 19, participating in the typical adolescence of a warship-born youth and hiding the fact of his burgeoning psychic potential. Bouncing from ship to ship and port to port for a couple of years after, Milo finally decided that he couldn't be a part of an organization that allowed ambition to overcome morality and justice like Blymark had done, and decided to present himself and his gift to the very center of justice and righteousness - the Golden Throne itself. To that end, Milo learned of the closest arrival of a Black Ship from a local astropath and presented himself to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.
The horror of the journey in the Black Ship is something that Milo will not speak of to this day, but his resolve was strengthened by his anger over his father's murder. His assessment and sanctioning process was fairly typical, though it did involve hypno-doctrination which left Milo with the habit of murmuring constant litanies and prayers under his breath whenever his mind was at rest. He was strong enough in psychic potential - rated at epsilon-level - that instead of being fuel for the Astronomican, he was trained to serve as a battle psyker for the Imperial Guard. The extreme mistrust he had developed for such organizations, however, caused the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to reconsider, and he was instead assigned to serve as an acolyte for the Inquisition.
I can't stand nothing dull
I got the high gloss luster
I'll massacre your ass as fast
as Bull offed Custer
I got the high gloss luster
I'll massacre your ass as fast
as Bull offed Custer
- Deepcrush
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Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
Name: Enrick Von Hayden
WS: 39 (Simple + 5)
BS: 47 (Simple + 5)
Str: 46 (Simple + 5)
T: 37 (Simple + 5)
Ag: 37
Int: 41
Per: 35
WP: 30
Fel: 31
Wounds: 12/12
Fate Points: 1
Current Thrones: 1600
Monthly Income: 60
Rank: Armsman
Earned XP: 1867
Open XP: 517
Spent XP: 1350
Basic Skills: Common Lore (Tech), Common Lore (Machine Cult)
Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Drive (Ground)
Talents & Traits: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Weapon Training (Las), Pistol Weapon Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training (Las), Technical Knock Talent, Dodge, Heavy Weapons (SP), Swift Attack.
Weapons: Heavy Stubber (190/200) + 1, Great Sword, Stub Automatic (9/9) +4, Long Las (40/40) +2 mag, pump shotgun (8/8) + 24,Autogun (30/30) + 3 mags, knife, 3 x frag, 3 hotshot packs (ammo)
Gear: Flak armour (4ap all around), BNC mask + 3 spare filters, personal vox, greatcoat, Tactical Vest.
Rucksack containing:
Uplifting Primer
rations x 1 week
street clothes
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x 3
water for three days
mud tape
100m of paracord
large stack of heretical texts
WS: 39 (Simple + 5)
BS: 47 (Simple + 5)
Str: 46 (Simple + 5)
T: 37 (Simple + 5)
Ag: 37
Int: 41
Per: 35
WP: 30
Fel: 31
Wounds: 12/12
Fate Points: 1
Current Thrones: 1600
Monthly Income: 60
Rank: Armsman
Earned XP: 1867
Open XP: 517
Spent XP: 1350
Basic Skills: Common Lore (Tech), Common Lore (Machine Cult)
Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Drive (Ground)
Talents & Traits: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Weapon Training (Las), Pistol Weapon Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training (Las), Technical Knock Talent, Dodge, Heavy Weapons (SP), Swift Attack.
Weapons: Heavy Stubber (190/200) + 1, Great Sword, Stub Automatic (9/9) +4, Long Las (40/40) +2 mag, pump shotgun (8/8) + 24,Autogun (30/30) + 3 mags, knife, 3 x frag, 3 hotshot packs (ammo)
Gear: Flak armour (4ap all around), BNC mask + 3 spare filters, personal vox, greatcoat, Tactical Vest.
Rucksack containing:
Uplifting Primer
rations x 1 week
street clothes
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x 3
water for three days
mud tape
100m of paracord
large stack of heretical texts
Last edited by Deepcrush on Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:24 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
- 4 Star Admiral
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Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
WS: 23
BS: 34
S: 27
T: 27
Ag: 50
Int: 25
Per: 30
WP: 41
Fel: 23
Wounds: 10
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: 2
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones(current): 1351
Homeworld: Void Born
Career: Assassin
Rank: Nighthawk
Gender: Male
Build: Gangling
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Age: 22
Quirk: You are pallid.
Ship Tradition: Chartist Vessel
Divination: Only the insane have strength enough to prosper.
Only those who prosper may judge what is sane.
Starting Package: None
Void Accustomed
Basic Skills:
Navigation (Stellar) (Int) (Shipwise)
Pilot (Starcraft) (Ag) (Shipwise)
Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Silent Move (Ag)
Climb (Str)
Dodge +10
Advanced Skills:
Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Heightened Senses (sight)
Shadowing (Ag)
Acrobatics (Ag)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Pistol Training (SP)
Thrown Weapons Training
Rapid Reload
mesh cowl AP 4 head
Xeno mesh - AP 4 arms, body, legs
Recoil gloves
sword w/ mono upgrade (+2 penetration, no longer Primitive)
hunting rifle w/ silencer, telescopic sight, Exterminator cartridge and 60 rifle rounds
stub auto w/ silencer, red-dot laser sight (+10 BS on single shot), fire selector and 9 regular rounds, 30 man stoppers, and 30 dumdums
Clip/drop harness
gas mask
ration pack
3 doses of stimm
charge (corpse hair)
Black bodyglove (Common Quality Clothing)
trenchcoat (Common Quality Clothing)
Whittling knife (memento)
fragment of tanned skin (memento)
Rucksack containing:
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x3
water for three days
mud tape
Stummers x2
Special Qualities: None
Family: Your mother's name was Blaze. She walked the path of the Imperial Psyker. She is deceased. Your father's name was Krell. He walked the path of the Imperial Psyker. He is deceased. You are an only child.
Total XP: 1967
Current XP: 467
XP purchases:
Intermediate Ballistic Skill upgrade, Shadowing, Acrobatics, Dodge +10, Rapid Reload, Simple Agility advance (+5), Intermediate Agility advance (+5), Catfall
Pahr was born on a Chartist Vessel in the Warp as a premature, frail child. His parents did their best to care for him, but he was frequently unhealthy, and weaker than other children his age, even for a Void-Born. When Pahr was 11 years old, the ship he thought of as home was disabled by a storm in the Warp; daemons quickly infested the vessel. Numerous crew were infested or corrupted by Chaos, including Pahr's mother and father, who eventually attacked him in a murderous rage. Pahr managed to get ahold of his father's whittling knife, and quickly killed both of his parents in a surprising display of ferocity.
He spent the next six months hiding in the ship's maintenance crawlways, hoarding food from the ship's stores, and staying out of sight of the increasingly mutated and aggressive crew. When Space Marines boarded the ship, they methodically eliminated everything, deck by deck. The cautious reaction of a single Marine saved Pahr's life; after one split-second hesitation, the massive soldier brought Pahr's tiny, emaciated body to his commander, who spared the boy's life.
From that day forward, Pahr devoted his life to serving the Emperor, who he perceived as his absolute savior. He spent the next ten years training to be a silent, and invisible agent of change for the Officio Assassinorum, and has completed every assignment given to him in the year since his first deployment.
To say that Pahr is a disturbing person would be a drastic understatement. He isn't mute, but the mental trauma he suffered as a child makes it difficult for him to relate to others in any meaningful sense, and verbal communication requires a serious effort. He is usually silent, completely fearless, follows orders to the letter, and spends his free time carving the names of his victims into his flesh with the same knife he used to kill his parents, or punishing himself for what he perceives to be heretical or impure thoughts. As single-minded and intense as he seems, Pahr chooses to out think his opponents most times, saving direct confrontation for the killing blow. In open combat, he uses his extreme agility to his advantage, if he is unable to avoid detection.
WS: 23
BS: 34
S: 27
T: 27
Ag: 50
Int: 25
Per: 30
WP: 41
Fel: 23
Wounds: 10
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: 2
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones(current): 1351
Homeworld: Void Born
Career: Assassin
Rank: Nighthawk
Gender: Male
Build: Gangling
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Age: 22
Quirk: You are pallid.
Ship Tradition: Chartist Vessel
Divination: Only the insane have strength enough to prosper.
Only those who prosper may judge what is sane.
Starting Package: None
Void Accustomed
Basic Skills:
Navigation (Stellar) (Int) (Shipwise)
Pilot (Starcraft) (Ag) (Shipwise)
Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Silent Move (Ag)
Climb (Str)
Dodge +10
Advanced Skills:
Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Heightened Senses (sight)
Shadowing (Ag)
Acrobatics (Ag)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Pistol Training (SP)
Thrown Weapons Training
Rapid Reload
mesh cowl AP 4 head
Xeno mesh - AP 4 arms, body, legs
Recoil gloves
sword w/ mono upgrade (+2 penetration, no longer Primitive)
hunting rifle w/ silencer, telescopic sight, Exterminator cartridge and 60 rifle rounds
stub auto w/ silencer, red-dot laser sight (+10 BS on single shot), fire selector and 9 regular rounds, 30 man stoppers, and 30 dumdums
Clip/drop harness
gas mask
ration pack
3 doses of stimm
charge (corpse hair)
Black bodyglove (Common Quality Clothing)
trenchcoat (Common Quality Clothing)
Whittling knife (memento)
fragment of tanned skin (memento)
Rucksack containing:
mess kit
ration cooker
infantry lamp pack
emergency rations x3
water for three days
mud tape
Stummers x2
Special Qualities: None
Family: Your mother's name was Blaze. She walked the path of the Imperial Psyker. She is deceased. Your father's name was Krell. He walked the path of the Imperial Psyker. He is deceased. You are an only child.
Total XP: 1967
Current XP: 467
XP purchases:
Intermediate Ballistic Skill upgrade, Shadowing, Acrobatics, Dodge +10, Rapid Reload, Simple Agility advance (+5), Intermediate Agility advance (+5), Catfall
Pahr was born on a Chartist Vessel in the Warp as a premature, frail child. His parents did their best to care for him, but he was frequently unhealthy, and weaker than other children his age, even for a Void-Born. When Pahr was 11 years old, the ship he thought of as home was disabled by a storm in the Warp; daemons quickly infested the vessel. Numerous crew were infested or corrupted by Chaos, including Pahr's mother and father, who eventually attacked him in a murderous rage. Pahr managed to get ahold of his father's whittling knife, and quickly killed both of his parents in a surprising display of ferocity.
He spent the next six months hiding in the ship's maintenance crawlways, hoarding food from the ship's stores, and staying out of sight of the increasingly mutated and aggressive crew. When Space Marines boarded the ship, they methodically eliminated everything, deck by deck. The cautious reaction of a single Marine saved Pahr's life; after one split-second hesitation, the massive soldier brought Pahr's tiny, emaciated body to his commander, who spared the boy's life.
From that day forward, Pahr devoted his life to serving the Emperor, who he perceived as his absolute savior. He spent the next ten years training to be a silent, and invisible agent of change for the Officio Assassinorum, and has completed every assignment given to him in the year since his first deployment.
To say that Pahr is a disturbing person would be a drastic understatement. He isn't mute, but the mental trauma he suffered as a child makes it difficult for him to relate to others in any meaningful sense, and verbal communication requires a serious effort. He is usually silent, completely fearless, follows orders to the letter, and spends his free time carving the names of his victims into his flesh with the same knife he used to kill his parents, or punishing himself for what he perceives to be heretical or impure thoughts. As single-minded and intense as he seems, Pahr chooses to out think his opponents most times, saving direct confrontation for the killing blow. In open combat, he uses his extreme agility to his advantage, if he is unable to avoid detection.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
- 3 Star Admiral
- Posts: 10654
- Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:49 pm
- Location: Jeri Ryan's Dressing Room, Shhhhh
General Info
Name: Phebia
Homeworld: Schola Progeni
Career Path: Sororitas
Rank: Militant
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Build: Svelte
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Divination: Do not ask why you serve. Only ask how.
Quirk: Pierced Nose
Carry Capacity: 36 kg
Monthly Income: 98 Thrones
Weapon Skill (WS) .... 42
Ballistic Skill (BS) ..... 47
Strength (Str) ......... 31
Toughness (T) ........ 32
Agility (Ag) ........... 37
Intelligence (Int) ..... 29
Perception (Per) ...... 32
Willpower (WP) ....... 34
Fellowship (Fel) ...... 34
Wounds ......... 13
Injuries .......... 0
Fatigue .......... 0
Fate Points ...... 2
Thrones .......... 127
Movement(Meters per round)
Half ...... 3
Full ....... 6
Charge ... 9
Run ...... 18
Armor and Toughness
Head: 3 + 3 = 6
Body: 6 + 3 = 9
Arms: 5 + 3 = 8
Legs: 5 + 3 = 8
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (Flame)
Basic Weapons Training (Bolt)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Basic Weapons Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (SP)
Pistol Training (Las)
Pure Faith
Sound Constitution
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Quick Draw
Basic Skills
Charm (Fel)
Scrutiny (Per)
Dodge+10 (Ag)
Swim (Str)
Advanced Skills
Literacty (Int)
Trade (Copyist) (Int)
Scholastic (Philosophy)
Performer (Singer) +10 (Fel)
Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag)
Medicae (Int)
Lore (Int)
Common (Administratum)
Common (Ecclesiarchy)
Common (Imperial Creed)
Common (Imperium)
Common (War)
Forbidden (Warp)
Languages (Int)
Low Gothic
High Gothic
Item ......................... Location .................. Qualities
Catherine Pattern Hellgun .... Carried .................... Basic 100m S/3/5 1d10+3E 4Pen 40r 2Full Telescopic Sight
3 Capacitors (1 Loaded) ...... Vest
Mono Greatsword .............. Back ......................... Melee 2d10R 4Pen Unwieldy
Stub Revolver ................. Belt ......................... Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+3I 3Pen 6r 2Full
60 Manstopper Stub Rounds (6 loaded) .... 18 Vest, 36 Rucksack
Combat Shotgun ............. Shoulder..................... Basic 30m S/3/- 1d10+4I 0Pen 18r Full Scatter
72 Shotgun Rounds (18 Loaded)..18 Vest, 36 Rucksack
Flamer......................... Rucksack..................... Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+4E 3Pen 3r 2Full Flame
3 Fuel Canisters (1 Loaded) .. 2 Rucksack
2 Mono Knives ................ Worn (Left Shoulder), Belt ... Melee 1d5R 2Pen
3 Frag Grenades .............. Vest ........................ Thrown SBx3 2d10X 0Pen Blast(4)
2 Krak Grenades ............. Vest ........................ Thrown SBx3 2d10+4X 6Pen
1 Photon Flash Grenade ..... Vest ........................ Thrown SBx3 Special
Carapce Chest Plate ......... Worn (Chest) ............. 6AP
Mesh Cowl .................... Worn (Head) .............. 3AP
Carapace Greaves............ Worn (Legs) ....... 5 AP
Carapace Vambraces ........ Worn (Arms) ....... 5 AP
Utility Belt ..................... Worn (Waist)
Assault Vest ..................... Worn (Chest)
Rucksack ...................... Worn (Back)
Aquila Necklace ............... Worn (Neck)
Chaplet Ecclesiasticus ....... Worn (Waist)
Vestments (Good Quality) ... Worn
Microbead ..................... Worn
Rebreather .................... Belt
2 Spare Rebreather Canisters .. Rucksack
4 Candles ..................... Rucksack
Writing Kit .................... Rucksack
Rules of the Sororitas (Book) ... Rucksack
Several Books ................. Rucksack
Ring of Suffrage .............. Worn (Left Hand)
Skull Charm (Memento) ...... Worn (Chestplate)
Data Slate ..................... Belt
Magnoculars ................... Vest
Glow Lamp .................... Belt
Personal Vox .................. Vest
Pict Recorder ................. Vest
Drop Harness ................. Rucksack
Photo Visor ................... Worn
IR Goggles .................... Belt
Auspex ........................ Vest
Mess Kit ....................... Rucksack
Ration Cooker ................ Rucksack
Greatcoat .................... Rucksack
Infantry Lamp Pack ......... Attached to Hellgun
Bedroll ....................... Rucksack
Whistle ...................... Rucksack
Emergency Rations ........ Rucksack ....................... 3 Days
Water ....................... Rucksack ....................... 3 Days
Compass .................... Belt
Mirror ....................... Rucksack
Canteen ..................... Belt .............................. 1 Day
Mud Tape ................... Rucksack
100m of Paracord .......... Rucksack
Poncho ...................... Rucksack
Medikit ...................... Rucksack
Total Received 2267
Total Spent 2200
Remaining 67
Phebia does not know where or to whom she was born. Her earliest memories are of an orphanage and an elderly Sororitas Chirurgeon selecting her for the Order. She knows nothing of her life before the Sororitas and likes it that way. While she is an affable young woman most of the time any attempt to pry into her early life is met with stony silence and eventually anger.
Phebia's time training for the Order was as trying for her as any initiate. Unlike her fellows she showed no particular aptitude in any specialty of the Order. Her most identifiable skill was an exceptional ability with firearms for her age and an above average talent with melee weapons. As such she was identified early on as a Battle Sister candidate and that's where her training has focused.
Phebia is normally quite happy and genial, easy to get along with and friendly. She is not open minded however, and any suggestion of deviation from the Imperial way will quickly reveal her cold loathing of those who turn their back on the Emperor. Phebia loathes psykers with a particular zeal even among the Sororitas. While she tolerates the existence of sanctioned psykers to her a witch is a witch, deserving only death by her bolter or in the choir of the astronomicon. What has brought her to this hatred of them is another thing she refuses to speak of.
Phebia has reached the end of her initiation and her assignment with the Inquisitor is to be her final trial before confirmation as a Battle Sister. Phebia is highly conscious of her position, both as a representative of her Order but also of her status as just a novice.
Phebia's equipment is well taken care of with the tremendous care. Her black and gold carapace chestplate is kept polished and cleaned to the point where it shimmers like a liquid on her chest. The scarlet and gold robes of her order are kept clean and mended at all times. The voluminous sleeves covering her upper arms and the split skirt falling between her legs in front and behind. Her black skin suit covers her but only just and high boots are kept as polished as her chestplate. Her mesh cowl is kept bunched around her neck. A brown leather belt festooned with pouches is around her waist and a small rugged leather backpack is on her back. She carries an engraved, immaculate large caliber revolver at her hip and a simple black lascarbine on her shoulder. At a distance she could be mistaken for a Battle Sister, an image she tries very hard to maintain.
Phebia herself is only of average height at 172cm but athletically built at 63kg. Her boots are thick soled and slightly higher at the heel to try and appear taller than she is. Her hair is pure white and her eyes blue like many in her Order. A small golden stud is in her left nostril and several golden studs and hoops are through the upper rear portions of her ears instead of her lobes. There is a large tattoo of the aquila on the back of her neck and evidence of a few others peeking out in places but her bodysuit hides what they might be. A small skull charm is attached to her chestplate by a short bit of silver chain.
General Info
Name: Phebia
Homeworld: Schola Progeni
Career Path: Sororitas
Rank: Militant
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Build: Svelte
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Divination: Do not ask why you serve. Only ask how.
Quirk: Pierced Nose
Carry Capacity: 36 kg
Monthly Income: 98 Thrones
Weapon Skill (WS) .... 42
Ballistic Skill (BS) ..... 47
Strength (Str) ......... 31
Toughness (T) ........ 32
Agility (Ag) ........... 37
Intelligence (Int) ..... 29
Perception (Per) ...... 32
Willpower (WP) ....... 34
Fellowship (Fel) ...... 34
Wounds ......... 13
Injuries .......... 0
Fatigue .......... 0
Fate Points ...... 2
Thrones .......... 127
Movement(Meters per round)
Half ...... 3
Full ....... 6
Charge ... 9
Run ...... 18
Armor and Toughness
Head: 3 + 3 = 6
Body: 6 + 3 = 9
Arms: 5 + 3 = 8
Legs: 5 + 3 = 8
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (Flame)
Basic Weapons Training (Bolt)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Basic Weapons Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (SP)
Pistol Training (Las)
Pure Faith
Sound Constitution
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Quick Draw
Basic Skills
Charm (Fel)
Scrutiny (Per)
Dodge+10 (Ag)
Swim (Str)
Advanced Skills
Literacty (Int)
Trade (Copyist) (Int)
Scholastic (Philosophy)
Performer (Singer) +10 (Fel)
Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag)
Medicae (Int)
Lore (Int)
Common (Administratum)
Common (Ecclesiarchy)
Common (Imperial Creed)
Common (Imperium)
Common (War)
Forbidden (Warp)
Languages (Int)
Low Gothic
High Gothic
Item ......................... Location .................. Qualities
Catherine Pattern Hellgun .... Carried .................... Basic 100m S/3/5 1d10+3E 4Pen 40r 2Full Telescopic Sight
3 Capacitors (1 Loaded) ...... Vest
Mono Greatsword .............. Back ......................... Melee 2d10R 4Pen Unwieldy
Stub Revolver ................. Belt ......................... Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+3I 3Pen 6r 2Full
60 Manstopper Stub Rounds (6 loaded) .... 18 Vest, 36 Rucksack
Combat Shotgun ............. Shoulder..................... Basic 30m S/3/- 1d10+4I 0Pen 18r Full Scatter
72 Shotgun Rounds (18 Loaded)..18 Vest, 36 Rucksack
Flamer......................... Rucksack..................... Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+4E 3Pen 3r 2Full Flame
3 Fuel Canisters (1 Loaded) .. 2 Rucksack
2 Mono Knives ................ Worn (Left Shoulder), Belt ... Melee 1d5R 2Pen
3 Frag Grenades .............. Vest ........................ Thrown SBx3 2d10X 0Pen Blast(4)
2 Krak Grenades ............. Vest ........................ Thrown SBx3 2d10+4X 6Pen
1 Photon Flash Grenade ..... Vest ........................ Thrown SBx3 Special
Carapce Chest Plate ......... Worn (Chest) ............. 6AP
Mesh Cowl .................... Worn (Head) .............. 3AP
Carapace Greaves............ Worn (Legs) ....... 5 AP
Carapace Vambraces ........ Worn (Arms) ....... 5 AP
Utility Belt ..................... Worn (Waist)
Assault Vest ..................... Worn (Chest)
Rucksack ...................... Worn (Back)
Aquila Necklace ............... Worn (Neck)
Chaplet Ecclesiasticus ....... Worn (Waist)
Vestments (Good Quality) ... Worn
Microbead ..................... Worn
Rebreather .................... Belt
2 Spare Rebreather Canisters .. Rucksack
4 Candles ..................... Rucksack
Writing Kit .................... Rucksack
Rules of the Sororitas (Book) ... Rucksack
Several Books ................. Rucksack
Ring of Suffrage .............. Worn (Left Hand)
Skull Charm (Memento) ...... Worn (Chestplate)
Data Slate ..................... Belt
Magnoculars ................... Vest
Glow Lamp .................... Belt
Personal Vox .................. Vest
Pict Recorder ................. Vest
Drop Harness ................. Rucksack
Photo Visor ................... Worn
IR Goggles .................... Belt
Auspex ........................ Vest
Mess Kit ....................... Rucksack
Ration Cooker ................ Rucksack
Greatcoat .................... Rucksack
Infantry Lamp Pack ......... Attached to Hellgun
Bedroll ....................... Rucksack
Whistle ...................... Rucksack
Emergency Rations ........ Rucksack ....................... 3 Days
Water ....................... Rucksack ....................... 3 Days
Compass .................... Belt
Mirror ....................... Rucksack
Canteen ..................... Belt .............................. 1 Day
Mud Tape ................... Rucksack
100m of Paracord .......... Rucksack
Poncho ...................... Rucksack
Medikit ...................... Rucksack
Total Received 2267
Total Spent 2200
Remaining 67
Phebia does not know where or to whom she was born. Her earliest memories are of an orphanage and an elderly Sororitas Chirurgeon selecting her for the Order. She knows nothing of her life before the Sororitas and likes it that way. While she is an affable young woman most of the time any attempt to pry into her early life is met with stony silence and eventually anger.
Phebia's time training for the Order was as trying for her as any initiate. Unlike her fellows she showed no particular aptitude in any specialty of the Order. Her most identifiable skill was an exceptional ability with firearms for her age and an above average talent with melee weapons. As such she was identified early on as a Battle Sister candidate and that's where her training has focused.
Phebia is normally quite happy and genial, easy to get along with and friendly. She is not open minded however, and any suggestion of deviation from the Imperial way will quickly reveal her cold loathing of those who turn their back on the Emperor. Phebia loathes psykers with a particular zeal even among the Sororitas. While she tolerates the existence of sanctioned psykers to her a witch is a witch, deserving only death by her bolter or in the choir of the astronomicon. What has brought her to this hatred of them is another thing she refuses to speak of.
Phebia has reached the end of her initiation and her assignment with the Inquisitor is to be her final trial before confirmation as a Battle Sister. Phebia is highly conscious of her position, both as a representative of her Order but also of her status as just a novice.
Phebia's equipment is well taken care of with the tremendous care. Her black and gold carapace chestplate is kept polished and cleaned to the point where it shimmers like a liquid on her chest. The scarlet and gold robes of her order are kept clean and mended at all times. The voluminous sleeves covering her upper arms and the split skirt falling between her legs in front and behind. Her black skin suit covers her but only just and high boots are kept as polished as her chestplate. Her mesh cowl is kept bunched around her neck. A brown leather belt festooned with pouches is around her waist and a small rugged leather backpack is on her back. She carries an engraved, immaculate large caliber revolver at her hip and a simple black lascarbine on her shoulder. At a distance she could be mistaken for a Battle Sister, an image she tries very hard to maintain.
Phebia herself is only of average height at 172cm but athletically built at 63kg. Her boots are thick soled and slightly higher at the heel to try and appear taller than she is. Her hair is pure white and her eyes blue like many in her Order. A small golden stud is in her left nostril and several golden studs and hoops are through the upper rear portions of her ears instead of her lobes. There is a large tattoo of the aquila on the back of her neck and evidence of a few others peeking out in places but her bodysuit hides what they might be. A small skull charm is attached to her chestplate by a short bit of silver chain.
Last edited by Tyyr on Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:13 pm, edited 20 times in total.
- 3 Star Admiral
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Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
List and stats of your allies:
List and stats of your foes:
Relevant Map:
Kit available: Average and below
Astropath: Yes
Navigator: No
Forge: Yes
Medical Bay: Yes
Armament: 2 x torpedo tubes (Prow, concealed), 2 x Lance batteries (amidships, concealed), PDW
Auxiliary craft: Aquila landers, Arvus class lighters, bulk lifters
The Gun Cutter:
Type: Military Craft
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Hull 25
Traits: Anti-Grav, Void Capable
Narrative Speed: 500 kmph/2500 kmph
Combat Speed: 50/850/1700/2550/3400
Handling Modifier (Pilot (Military Craft): 0
Armaments: Wing mounted twin autocannons x 2
Crew: 1 (Pilot), 1 (Gunner/Co-pilot) Passengers: 12
Access Points: Two forward hatches to cockpit and rear cargo/boarding hatch
Provisioned for in-system journey's. 3 weeks max food and water.
List and stats of your foes:
Relevant Map:
Kit available: Average and below
Astropath: Yes
Navigator: No
Forge: Yes
Medical Bay: Yes
Armament: 2 x torpedo tubes (Prow, concealed), 2 x Lance batteries (amidships, concealed), PDW
Auxiliary craft: Aquila landers, Arvus class lighters, bulk lifters
The Gun Cutter:
Type: Military Craft
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Hull 25
Traits: Anti-Grav, Void Capable
Narrative Speed: 500 kmph/2500 kmph
Combat Speed: 50/850/1700/2550/3400
Handling Modifier (Pilot (Military Craft): 0
Armaments: Wing mounted twin autocannons x 2
Crew: 1 (Pilot), 1 (Gunner/Co-pilot) Passengers: 12
Access Points: Two forward hatches to cockpit and rear cargo/boarding hatch
Provisioned for in-system journey's. 3 weeks max food and water.
Last edited by Aaron on Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:50 am, edited 33 times in total.
Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
Homeworld: Dusk
Career: Assassin
Rank: Secluse
Gender: Female
Build: Lean
Skin Color: Bronze
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Age: 19
Quirk: You have tribal tattooing.
Superstition: Warrior Death
Divination: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.
WS: 37
BS: 43
S: 41
T: 34
Ag: 42
Int: 37
Per: 38
WP: 37
Fel: 23
Wounds: 14
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: 6
Corruption Points: 4
Thrones(current): 90
Wilderness Savvy
Dusk Native Skills
Bad Blood
Dark Tales
Little Left to Fear
Bloody Edge
Basic Skills
Secret Tongue (Moritat) (Int)
Common Lore (Dusk Folklore) (Int) (Dark Tales)
Scholastic Lore (Occult) (Int) (Dark Tales)
Navigation (Surface) (Int) (Wild. Sav.)
Survival (Int) (Wild. Sav.)
Tracking (Int) (Wild. Sav.)
Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Dodge +10
Climb (S)
Silent Move (Ag)
Advanced Skills
Speak Language (Tribal Dialect) (Int)
Speak Language (Dusk Cant) (Int) (Dusk Nat. Sk.)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Heightened Senses (sight)
Heightened Senses (hearing)
Shadowing (Ag)
Acrobatics (Ag)
Chem use
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Pistol Training (SP)
Mighty Shot (+2 Damage with ranged weapon)
Thrown Weapons Training
Catfall (Ag)
Synskin (+2 AP to all locations, +10 to Silent Move and Concealment)
flak jacket (arms, body, legs) AP 3
hunting rifle (1d10+3 I) w/ silencer, telescopic sight and 116 rounds
stub auto (1d10+3 I) w/ silencer, red-dot laser sight (+10 BS on single shot), fire selector and 9 regular rounds, 30 manstoppers, and 30 dumdums
sword w/ mono upgrade (+2 penetration, no longer Primitive)
power blade ( 1d10 +3 E, penetration 6 )
stummers (2)
clip/drop harness
gas mask
fur/skin cloak (memento)
Rucksack containing:
ration cooker
recaf (10)
lho sticks (5)
rotgut booze (1)
water for three days
mud tape
Starting XP: 1000
Total XP: 2100
Current XP: 350
Starting Package: The Moritat
Purchases: Simple Toughness advance (+5), Acrobatics (Ag), Heightened Senses (sight), Heightened Senses (hearing), Simple Agility advance (+5), Intermediate Agility advance (+5), Catfall (Ag), Simple Ballistic Skill advance (+5), Intermediate Ballistic Skill advance (+5), Dodge +10, Mighty Shot (+2 Damage with ranged weapon), Chem use,
Homeworld: Dusk
Career: Assassin
Rank: Secluse
Gender: Female
Build: Lean
Skin Color: Bronze
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Age: 19
Quirk: You have tribal tattooing.
Superstition: Warrior Death
Divination: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.
WS: 37
BS: 43
S: 41
T: 34
Ag: 42
Int: 37
Per: 38
WP: 37
Fel: 23
Wounds: 14
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: 6
Corruption Points: 4
Thrones(current): 90
Wilderness Savvy
Dusk Native Skills
Bad Blood
Dark Tales
Little Left to Fear
Bloody Edge
Basic Skills
Secret Tongue (Moritat) (Int)
Common Lore (Dusk Folklore) (Int) (Dark Tales)
Scholastic Lore (Occult) (Int) (Dark Tales)
Navigation (Surface) (Int) (Wild. Sav.)
Survival (Int) (Wild. Sav.)
Tracking (Int) (Wild. Sav.)
Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Dodge +10
Climb (S)
Silent Move (Ag)
Advanced Skills
Speak Language (Tribal Dialect) (Int)
Speak Language (Dusk Cant) (Int) (Dusk Nat. Sk.)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Heightened Senses (sight)
Heightened Senses (hearing)
Shadowing (Ag)
Acrobatics (Ag)
Chem use
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Pistol Training (SP)
Mighty Shot (+2 Damage with ranged weapon)
Thrown Weapons Training
Catfall (Ag)
Synskin (+2 AP to all locations, +10 to Silent Move and Concealment)
flak jacket (arms, body, legs) AP 3
hunting rifle (1d10+3 I) w/ silencer, telescopic sight and 116 rounds
stub auto (1d10+3 I) w/ silencer, red-dot laser sight (+10 BS on single shot), fire selector and 9 regular rounds, 30 manstoppers, and 30 dumdums
sword w/ mono upgrade (+2 penetration, no longer Primitive)
power blade ( 1d10 +3 E, penetration 6 )
stummers (2)
clip/drop harness
gas mask
fur/skin cloak (memento)
Rucksack containing:
ration cooker
recaf (10)
lho sticks (5)
rotgut booze (1)
water for three days
mud tape
Starting XP: 1000
Total XP: 2100
Current XP: 350
Starting Package: The Moritat
Purchases: Simple Toughness advance (+5), Acrobatics (Ag), Heightened Senses (sight), Heightened Senses (hearing), Simple Agility advance (+5), Intermediate Agility advance (+5), Catfall (Ag), Simple Ballistic Skill advance (+5), Intermediate Ballistic Skill advance (+5), Dodge +10, Mighty Shot (+2 Damage with ranged weapon), Chem use,
Last edited by Uzume on Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. - Anonymous
- 3 Star Admiral
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Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
Kendall (to be introduced after the current mission)
Name: Arl
Homeworld: Gunmetal City - Scintella
Career: Arbitrator
Rank: Investigator
Gender: Male
Build: Brawny
Skin Color: Dark
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Lenses
Age: 58
Quirk: You have tattoos.
Hive Class: Specialist
Divination: The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done.
Starting XP: 300
Starting Package: The Red Vaults of Luggnum
WS: 44
BS: 49
S: 36
T: 40 (+2TB to right side)
Ag: 32
Int: 34
Per: 27
WP: 37
Fel: 37
Wounds: 17
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: 15
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones: 4
Monthly Income: 70
Traits: Caves of Steel, Hivebound, Wary, Gunmetal Hiver Skills, Packing Iron, Way of the Gun
Basic Skills: Tech-Use (Int) (Caves of Steel), Inquiry (Fel)
Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Hive Dialect) (Int), Speak Language (Metallican Hive Dialect) (Int) (Gunm. Hiver Sk.), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Literacy (Int), Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Talents: Pistol Training (SP), Basic Weapons Training (SP), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Rapid Reload, Jaded, Melee Training (shock), Basic Weapons Training (Flame), Basic Weapons Training (Launcher), Heavy Weapons Training (SP):
Gear: gas mask, fur/hide ponch w/ hood knife, uniform (Good Quality Clothing), 3 doses of stimm, injector, Arbitrator ID, chrono, flask of amasec, engraved knife (memento), metal shot glass (memento), backpack, recoil glove, combat rations x 5, water rations x 5 (5 litres), LBE (vest), Rosette
Armour: chain coat (AP3 Arms, Body, Legs)
Shock Maul (1d10 I Pen 0 Shocking) [Belt]
Stormchild Hand Cannon w/12 Manstoppers (Pen 3) (35m S/-/- 1d10+4 I Pen 2 Clip 5 2Full) as club: (1d10 I Pen 0 Primitive) [LBE Left Torso]
Alcher Mark IV Autogun w/80 rounds (Basic 60m S/-/10 !d10 +3 I Pen 0 Clip 40 Full) [Slung]
Frag Grenade x1 (SB x 3m 2d10 X Pen 0 Blast (4)) [LBE Grenade Pouch]
Fire Bomb x 1 (SB x 3m 1d10 + 3E Pen 6 Blast (3)) [LBE Grenade Pouch]
Earned: 2000
Spent XP: 1950
Current XP: 50
Toughness Advance (Simple, Intermediate): 350
Weapon Skill Advance (Simple): 250
BS Advance (Simple, Intermediate): 350
Sound Constitution x 3: 300
Melee Training (Shock): 100
Basic Weapons Training (Flame): 200
Basic Weapons Training (Launcher): 200
Heavy Weapons Training (SP): 200
Spent XP: 1950
Current XP: 50
Arl is a long serving member of the Inquisition, having served in most of the Ordos for various Inquisitors over his years. He was recruited from the Gunmetal City Arbites and during his service was injured badly enough that his entire right side has been replaced by augmentics (common quality), including arm, leg, hip, most of the digestive track and eye granting him the Dark Sight trait and an internal microbead. Though his face is horribly mangled, most will never know as he conceals it under a constantly worn gas mask. His augmentic eye can be seen to glow faintly red through the tinted lenses.
The brutality of his injuries and subsequent surgeries have left him an unsettled individual.
Though his physical age is in the 50's it is rumoured that he is far older.
Name: Arl
Homeworld: Gunmetal City - Scintella
Career: Arbitrator
Rank: Investigator
Gender: Male
Build: Brawny
Skin Color: Dark
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Lenses
Age: 58
Quirk: You have tattoos.
Hive Class: Specialist
Divination: The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done.
Starting XP: 300
Starting Package: The Red Vaults of Luggnum
WS: 44
BS: 49
S: 36
T: 40 (+2TB to right side)
Ag: 32
Int: 34
Per: 27
WP: 37
Fel: 37
Wounds: 17
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: 15
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones: 4
Monthly Income: 70
Traits: Caves of Steel, Hivebound, Wary, Gunmetal Hiver Skills, Packing Iron, Way of the Gun
Basic Skills: Tech-Use (Int) (Caves of Steel), Inquiry (Fel)
Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Hive Dialect) (Int), Speak Language (Metallican Hive Dialect) (Int) (Gunm. Hiver Sk.), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Literacy (Int), Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Talents: Pistol Training (SP), Basic Weapons Training (SP), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Rapid Reload, Jaded, Melee Training (shock), Basic Weapons Training (Flame), Basic Weapons Training (Launcher), Heavy Weapons Training (SP):
Gear: gas mask, fur/hide ponch w/ hood knife, uniform (Good Quality Clothing), 3 doses of stimm, injector, Arbitrator ID, chrono, flask of amasec, engraved knife (memento), metal shot glass (memento), backpack, recoil glove, combat rations x 5, water rations x 5 (5 litres), LBE (vest), Rosette
Armour: chain coat (AP3 Arms, Body, Legs)
Shock Maul (1d10 I Pen 0 Shocking) [Belt]
Stormchild Hand Cannon w/12 Manstoppers (Pen 3) (35m S/-/- 1d10+4 I Pen 2 Clip 5 2Full) as club: (1d10 I Pen 0 Primitive) [LBE Left Torso]
Alcher Mark IV Autogun w/80 rounds (Basic 60m S/-/10 !d10 +3 I Pen 0 Clip 40 Full) [Slung]
Frag Grenade x1 (SB x 3m 2d10 X Pen 0 Blast (4)) [LBE Grenade Pouch]
Fire Bomb x 1 (SB x 3m 1d10 + 3E Pen 6 Blast (3)) [LBE Grenade Pouch]
Earned: 2000
Spent XP: 1950
Current XP: 50
Toughness Advance (Simple, Intermediate): 350
Weapon Skill Advance (Simple): 250
BS Advance (Simple, Intermediate): 350
Sound Constitution x 3: 300
Melee Training (Shock): 100
Basic Weapons Training (Flame): 200
Basic Weapons Training (Launcher): 200
Heavy Weapons Training (SP): 200
Spent XP: 1950
Current XP: 50
Arl is a long serving member of the Inquisition, having served in most of the Ordos for various Inquisitors over his years. He was recruited from the Gunmetal City Arbites and during his service was injured badly enough that his entire right side has been replaced by augmentics (common quality), including arm, leg, hip, most of the digestive track and eye granting him the Dark Sight trait and an internal microbead. Though his face is horribly mangled, most will never know as he conceals it under a constantly worn gas mask. His augmentic eye can be seen to glow faintly red through the tinted lenses.
The brutality of his injuries and subsequent surgeries have left him an unsettled individual.
Though his physical age is in the 50's it is rumoured that he is far older.
- Reliant121
- 3 Star Admiral
- Posts: 12263
- Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:00 pm
Re: Dark Heresy Character Sheets (Player Maintained)
Name: Maryn Aziel
Homeworld: Imperial Born (Simalacra Caminus)
Career: Tech-Priest
Rank: Enginseer
Gender: Male
Build: Slim
Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Hazel
Age: 29
Quirk: Elegant stance and movement style
Planetary classification: Forge World
WS: 31
BS: 38
S: 30
T: 35
Ag: 31
Int: 39
Per: 36
WP: 29+3
Fel: 35
Divination: "The emperor is my shield. The machine-spirit is my sword."
Starting XP: 400
GM discretional XP: 2000
Total of: 2400
Unspent XP: 1
Starting Thrones: 154
Wounds: 10
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: -
Corruption points: -
Thrones (current): 4
Aziel was born to a middle class family on a far off Forge world, picked out at an early stage to be a Tech-priest. He became an apprentice to the tech-priests on Simalacra Caminus. After serving the homeworld tech-priests, he soon came to the attention of the inquisition, and was drafted to its services.
Blessed Ignorance: -5 Penalty to Forbidden Lore (int) tests
Hagiography: Common Lore (imperial Creed) (int), Common Lore (Imperium) (int), (common lore (war) (int) are basic skills.
Liturgical Familiarity: Literacy (int) and Speak Language (high Gothic) (int) basic skills
Superior Origins: +3 Willpower
Common Lore (Imperial Creed
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (War)
Speak Gothic (High Gothic)
Speak Gothic (low gothic)
Tech use
Secret Tongue (Tech)
Trade (Scrimshawer)
Added using XP:
Pilot (Civilian Craft) 100xp
Common Lore (Machine Cult) 100xp
Common Lore (Tech) 100xp
Mech-Wright Added:
Common Lore (Tech +10) 100xp
Security 100xp
Medicae 100xp
Electro-priest Added:
Drive (Ground Vehicle) 100xp
Drive (Hover Vehicle) 100xp
Drive (Walker) 100xp
Trade (Wright)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Pistol Training (Las)
Electro-Graft Use
Added using XP:
Binary Chatter 100xp
Rapid Reload 100xp
Mech-Wright Added:
Basic Weapon Training (SP) 100xp
Deadeye shot 100xp
Electro-priest Added:
Crack Shot 100xp
Nerves of steel 100xp
Mechadendrite Use (Utility) 100xp
Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) 200xp
Heightened Senses (hearing) 100xp
Mechanicus Implantation
Starting Equipment:
Metal staff
Las-pistol - Simalacra Prima pattern IV - Ornate pattern, Elegant with old fashioned flintlock pistol design
Las Carbine - Similacra Secunda Pattern VI - less common ornate pattern, similar to shortened Musket in design
Flak vest
Glow Lamp
Data Slate
Mechanicus Robes: Navy Blue with silver trim
Spare parts (power cells, wires, chronometers etc.
Vial of Sacred machine oil
Purchased Equipment
Micro-bead communicator: 20 Throne
Light Flak Coat: 80 Throne
1 x Charge Pack (basic): 15 throne
Telescopic Sight for Las Carbine: 35
Mechanicus implants
Electro-Graft: Allows interface with data ports(Electro-graft use), Finger probe model, left index.
Electoo Inductor: Used to siphon or emit power(No current game mechanics, no talents). Located on the back of right hand.
Respirator Unit: +20 bonus to resist airborn toxins and gas weapons. Purifies air, and contains vox-synthesiser. Covers lower half of face. (No talents)
Cyber-Mantle: Framework of metal, wires, and tube bolted to spine and ribcage.(No current game mechanics, no talents)
Potentia Coil: Power unit attached to Cyber-Mantle.(No current game mechanics, no talents)
Cranial Circuitry: Processors, implants, and circuits within and without the skull. (No current game mechanics, no talents)
Name: Maryn Aziel
Homeworld: Imperial Born (Simalacra Caminus)
Career: Tech-Priest
Rank: Enginseer
Gender: Male
Build: Slim
Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Hazel
Age: 29
Quirk: Elegant stance and movement style
Planetary classification: Forge World
WS: 31
BS: 38
S: 30
T: 35
Ag: 31
Int: 39
Per: 36
WP: 29+3
Fel: 35
Divination: "The emperor is my shield. The machine-spirit is my sword."
Starting XP: 400
GM discretional XP: 2000
Total of: 2400
Unspent XP: 1
Starting Thrones: 154
Wounds: 10
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: -
Corruption points: -
Thrones (current): 4
Aziel was born to a middle class family on a far off Forge world, picked out at an early stage to be a Tech-priest. He became an apprentice to the tech-priests on Simalacra Caminus. After serving the homeworld tech-priests, he soon came to the attention of the inquisition, and was drafted to its services.
Blessed Ignorance: -5 Penalty to Forbidden Lore (int) tests
Hagiography: Common Lore (imperial Creed) (int), Common Lore (Imperium) (int), (common lore (war) (int) are basic skills.
Liturgical Familiarity: Literacy (int) and Speak Language (high Gothic) (int) basic skills
Superior Origins: +3 Willpower
Common Lore (Imperial Creed
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (War)
Speak Gothic (High Gothic)
Speak Gothic (low gothic)
Tech use
Secret Tongue (Tech)
Trade (Scrimshawer)
Added using XP:
Pilot (Civilian Craft) 100xp
Common Lore (Machine Cult) 100xp
Common Lore (Tech) 100xp
Mech-Wright Added:
Common Lore (Tech +10) 100xp
Security 100xp
Medicae 100xp
Electro-priest Added:
Drive (Ground Vehicle) 100xp
Drive (Hover Vehicle) 100xp
Drive (Walker) 100xp
Trade (Wright)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Pistol Training (Las)
Electro-Graft Use
Added using XP:
Binary Chatter 100xp
Rapid Reload 100xp
Mech-Wright Added:
Basic Weapon Training (SP) 100xp
Deadeye shot 100xp
Electro-priest Added:
Crack Shot 100xp
Nerves of steel 100xp
Mechadendrite Use (Utility) 100xp
Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) 200xp
Heightened Senses (hearing) 100xp
Mechanicus Implantation
Starting Equipment:
Metal staff
Las-pistol - Simalacra Prima pattern IV - Ornate pattern, Elegant with old fashioned flintlock pistol design
Las Carbine - Similacra Secunda Pattern VI - less common ornate pattern, similar to shortened Musket in design
Flak vest
Glow Lamp
Data Slate
Mechanicus Robes: Navy Blue with silver trim
Spare parts (power cells, wires, chronometers etc.
Vial of Sacred machine oil
Purchased Equipment
Micro-bead communicator: 20 Throne
Light Flak Coat: 80 Throne
1 x Charge Pack (basic): 15 throne
Telescopic Sight for Las Carbine: 35
Mechanicus implants
Electro-Graft: Allows interface with data ports(Electro-graft use), Finger probe model, left index.
Electoo Inductor: Used to siphon or emit power(No current game mechanics, no talents). Located on the back of right hand.
Respirator Unit: +20 bonus to resist airborn toxins and gas weapons. Purifies air, and contains vox-synthesiser. Covers lower half of face. (No talents)
Cyber-Mantle: Framework of metal, wires, and tube bolted to spine and ribcage.(No current game mechanics, no talents)
Potentia Coil: Power unit attached to Cyber-Mantle.(No current game mechanics, no talents)
Cranial Circuitry: Processors, implants, and circuits within and without the skull. (No current game mechanics, no talents)