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Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:02 am
by Varthikes
Here is Part IV: 1901 to 2000. The biggest volume in the Ultimate Timeline series to date (thanks to the world wars).

I still have two decades to go, but I decided to go ahead and post what I have now.


Real World Enterprise History, WWI, WWII
Star Trek Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
Babylon 5 Source 1, Source 2
Stargate Source
Star Wars Source 1, Source 2
Galaxy Voyagers (My Universe)
FarScape Source
Transformers Source
Other Forrest Gump

- Ida Galaxy:
-- The Asgard discover deactivated Replicator blocks, during a study of the mechanism, they accidently reactivate them. The Replicator begins assimilating Asgard technology. Thus, begins the Asgard-Replicator War. (SG1: "Nemesis"; date conjectured)


- Andromeda Galaxy:
-- The Zargon and Zirquin cybernetic factions from the Triangulum Galaxy bring their struggle to this galaxy.

- Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Norcz
--- The Norseen drive their Humanoid oppressors from their world. The invaders leave behind much of their technology, which the Norseen begin to reverse engineer. The Norseen Confederation is founded.

-- Maytii:
--- With their world nearly devastated by war, the Malcons end the hostilities with one another. They begin looking for ways to save their world.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Pennsylvania, US: Sean O'Brien leads the Anthracite Strike. (DS9: "Bar Association")

---- Missouri, US: Sherman T. Potter is born. (MASH)

---- Dinotopia: Arthur Dennison and William Crabb defy Dinotopian laws and journey to the "World Beneath" and find the Sunstone Cave. Upon returning, Dennison gives a small sunstone to the Matriarch. Crabb attempts to publish is journal of the account, but it is ordered destroyed by the authorities, who view the World Beneath as sacred ground. Dennison hides away his own journal. (Dinotopia)

September 15
---- England: The survey sloop HMS Enterprise (9) is sold.

December 17
---- Kitty Hawk, NC, US: The Wright Brothers build and fly the first motorized airplane.


---- Germany: Albert Einstein introduces his special theory of relativity and quantum theory, introducing the idea of space-time. Einstein also predicts that the speed of light is the absolute velocity in the universe and that mass and energy are equivalent and transposable.


---- Berlin, Germany: The SOS signal is first proposed at the International Conference on Wireless Communications at Sea.

---- Giza, Egypt: A German archeological dig uncovers a mysterious device - later to be identified as a DHD. (SG1: "Watergate")

---- Bloomington, Illinois, US: Henry Blake is born. (MASH: "Henry in Love")

---- Manchester, Britain: Ernest Ritherford takes the chair of physics at the University of Manchester. While there, he, along with Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, carry out an experiment demonstrating the nuclear nature of atoms.

---- The SOS signal is ratified by the international community and shortly becomes widely used.

---- United States: The Von Brauns arrive in Hill Valley. (Back to the Future, Part III)

---- An asteroid the size of a 10-story building breaks up and explodes over Siberia with the force of a hydrogen bomb, killing reindeer but no Humans.

October 1
---- United States: The screw sloop USS Enterprise (5) is sold.

-- On Cronus' order, Ro'nak leads an attack against a rival Goa'uld. The battle is unwinnable. Ro'nak orders a retreat. Cronus executes him by crushing his symbiote and banishes Teal'c and his mother to Chu'lak. Teal'c vows to one day become the strongest Jaffa and be appointed First Prime of Apophis. (dc, when Teal'c was "but a child"; SG1: "Fair Game", "Crossroads")


-- Sol System
--- Earth:
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: Sam Baines is born, future father of Loraine (mother of Marty McFly). (Back to the Future)

April 21
---- The day following Halley's Comet return, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) dies.

May 31
---- Belfast, Northern Ireland: Olympic-class passenger liner RMS Titanic launches from Harland & Wolff shipyards.

April 10
---- Southampton, England: RMS Titanic sets out on her maiden voyage under command of the Captain Edward J. Smith. As Titanic leaves her berth, her wake causes the liner SS New York, docked nearby, to break away from her moorings. The two vessels narrowly avoid collision.


---- Cherbourg, France: RMS Titanic stops by and takes aboard additional passengers, including "unsinkable" Molly Brown. (Titanic)

April 11
---- Queenstown, Ireland: RMS Titanic stops again. She takes aboard yet more passengers, who come aboard via smaller boats (called tenders) since Queenstown's harbor facilities are inadequate. During the transfer, 23-year-old Titanic crewman John Coffey jumps ship.

---- North Atlantic: RMS Titanic sets course for New York City, United States.

April 12
---- Aboard Titanic, 3rd-class passenger Jack Dawson meets 1st-class passenger Rose DeWitt Bukater. (Ti)

April 14
---- RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg.

April 15
---- RMS Titanic goes under. Over 1500 lives are lost.

---- Utah, US: Graverobbers uncover the Cross of Coronado. Indiana Jones, having separated from his boy scout troop, steals it and leads the robbers on chase. He encounters snakes, acquires a bullwhip and a fedora, but loses the cross. (Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade)

---- Southampton, England: RMS King George departs on her maiden voyage. (SQ: "Knight of Shadows")

---- Lisbon, Portugal: RMS King George stops by and picks up three stowaways.

---- North Atlantic: Five days out of Lisbon, the ship mysteriously begins to sink. All 900 crew and passengers are saved except the captain, the chief engineer, the three stowaways, and Lilian--the nanny of the ship's owner.

---- Colorado, US: The All Spark is discovered. (Transformers)

---- Archeologist Milo Thatch unwittingly leads a band of mercenaries to discover Atlantis. When the expedition team attempts to steal the city's life source, Milo leads a fight to save Atlantis. (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

---- The last passenger pigeon dies. The species is now extinct due to over-hunting.

June 28
---- Sarajevo, Bosnia: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife are assassinated.


July 28
---- Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

July 29 - December 9
---- Austria-Hungary repeatedly invades Serbia, but is repulsed every time.

August 1
---- Austria-Hungary's declaration of war results in the activation of a series of alliances throughout Europe. Because of the global empires that many of the nations own, the war spreads worldwide. Thus, "The Great War" begins, fought using such revolutionary technologies as telephones, wireless communications, armored cars, tanks, aircraft, submarines, and machine guns, inflicting devastation never before witnessed in previous centuries.

Aug. 4
---- United States: President Woodrow Wilson declares United States' neutrality in the War.

August - December
---- Europe: An auxillary patrol anti-submarine net drifter named Enterprise (12) serves the British Royal Navy with Harwich Local Forces.

---- Though the United States remains neutral, many Americans volunteer their services to Allied Powers, specifically, France and Britain.

---- North Atlantic: A German submarine sinks the British liner Lusitania, with 128 Americans aboard. President Woodrow Wilson keeps the United States out of the war, but demands an end to attacks on passenger ships. Germany agrees.


---- United States: Stella (later Stella Baines), mother to Lorraine and grandmother to Marty McFly, is born. (BttF)

---- Hill Valley, CA: The Von Brauns change their surname to Brown. (BttF3)

---- Europe: Enterprise II (13), another drifter, serves with the Royal Navy in Italian waters.

---- Germany: Albert Einstein introduces his Theory of General Relativity, describing gravity as the curvature of four-dimensional spacetime in the presence of matter or energy.

---- Europe: Enterprise II (13) strikes a naval mine off Brindisi, Italy and sinks with eight casualties.

April 20
---- France: The Escadrille Lafayette is established as a squadron of Americans who have volunteered their services in the Allied war effort.

July 16
---- Russia: In a famous speech, Vladimir Lenin states his belief that imperialism is caused by capitalism.


September 15
---- Armored tanks are introduced for the first time by the British at the Battle of the Somme.


---- Lenin is assassinated by a participant of the Temporal War, preventing his role in helping to organize the Bolshevik Revolution. (ENT: "Storm Front")

February 1
---- Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare.

Feb. 3
---- United States severs diplomatic ties with Germany

Feb. 24
---- Britain passes Zimmermann Telegram to the United States, detailing a German alliance proposal with Mexico against the US.

March 12
---- After failing to win approval from Congress, President Wilson, by executive order, announces the arming of US merchantmen.

April 6
---- United States declares war on Germany.

---- United States: The non-commissioned motor yacht Enterprise SP-790 (6) serves the United States Navy.

---- Sherman Potter lies about his age to enter the US Army. (MASH)

September 13
---- England: George stops his time machine and learns that his friend, David Filby, was killed in The Great War. (The Time Machine)

November 7
---- Russia: The Bolshevik Revolution results in Communist government under Lenin taking office.

---- With the assassination of Lenin and no one to take his place, the Bolshevik Revolution does not occur and Russia never becomes Communist. As a result, Russia never becomes a serious threat to Germany. (ENT: "SF")

---- The Spanish Influenza pandemic breaks out, spreading worldwide over the next two years.

---- Germany and Austria send peace notes to President Wilson requesting a truce.

November 3
---- Austria-Hungary concludes a truce with the Allies.

Nov. 7 - 11
---- Germany negotiates a truce with the Allies.

Nov. 11
---- A truce is settled. All fighting ceases, ending The Great War with over 16,000,000 dead and 21,000,000 more wounded, including military personnel and civilians.

---- Manchester, Britain: Physicist Ernest Rutherford achieves the first transmutation of one element into another when he converts nitrogen into oxygen through nuclear reaction. Thus, he becomes the first person to intentionally "split the atom".

Jan. 18 - May 6
---- Paris, France: A peace conference is held to conclude a peace treaty.

Jan. 25
---- The proposal to create a League of Nations is approved by the Paris Peace Conference.

May 29
---- During a total solar eclipse, Einstein's theory of general relativity is tested for the first time.

June 28
---- The Treaty of Versailles is signed, officially ending the War. The Treaty declares Germany responsible for the War and deprives it of all overseas possessions, much of its pre-war territory, and severe restrictions placed on its military. Its people are required to pay enormous war reparations, which, over the next decade, causes enormous bitterness in the German people.


---- United States: Enterprise SP-790 (6) finishes her tour with the United States Navy.

---- England: The tugboat Enterprise (11) is renamed Emprise.

---- Milo Thatch, with Princess Kidagakash and former teammates, find the Spear of Destiny and return the City of Atlantis to the surface. (Atlantis: Milo's Return)

December 23
---- England: Emerald-class light cruiser (one of two) HMS Enterprise D52 (14) is launched.


- Andromeda Galaxy:
-- A half-dozen races found the Dromin Alliance to combat the Zirquin. Over the next century, other races are admitted into the Alliance.

Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Catherine Langford is born
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: Emmett L. Brown is born. (BttF3)

February 24
---- Germany: The Nazi Party is formed.


---- The Spanish Influenza pandemic is cured after having killed 20-100,000,000 worldwide.

---- Geneva, Switzerland: The new headquarters for the League of Nations is established. Its goal: to prevent another world war.


---- Catherine Langford is born. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus")

---- United States: Gray's, future publishers of a Sports Almanac, is founded. (BttF2)

---- New Mexico, US: A Folsom Point, a type of carved rock that was used for a spear- or arrowhead, is discovered. (TOS: "The Galileo Seven")

---- China: Short Round is born. (IJ: The Temple of Doom)

-- Cardassia Prime:
--- The Cardassians achieve warp flight.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: Indiana Jones last speaks with Professor Abner Ravenwood. They break up over a situation involving the latters daughter, Marion. Abner moves to Napal. (IJ: Raiders of the Lost Ark)

March 17
---- Aubum, MA, US: The first flight of a liquid-fueled rocket when Robert Goddard's assemblage lifts itself 41 feet.

April 7
---- England: The Emerald-class HMS Enterprise D52 (14) is commissioned.

May 20 - 21
---- Aviator Charles Lindbergh makes the first nonstop solo transatlantic airplane flight in the Spirit of St. Louis, galvanizing world interest in avionics. From Roosevelt Field in New York City to Le Bourget Field in Paris.


---- Giza, Egypt: An archaeological expedition led by Professor Paul Langford uncovers a coverstone with unfamiliar symbols. Beneath it, they find a ring-shaped device (a stargate) along with the fossilized remains of an alien. They also discover several small artifacts, including a gold pendant of the Eye of Ra. Langford's daughter, Catherine, is given the necklace. She will always wear it as a good luck charm. (Stargate)


---- Chicago, IL, US: The Graystone Hotel begins operation. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")

-- Chu'lak:
--- Teal'c begins training under Master Bra'tac. Bra'tac warns him against blind faith in Apophis, that only one's skill as a warrior can protect one in battle. (SG1: "Threshold"; dc)


-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: President Herbert Hoover first convenes Section 7 in secracy. He orders the Cube moved to a more secure location in Arizona, and a dam built around it. (Transformers)

---- Egypt: Colonel Cameron Mitchell arrives from an alternate future where Baal had prevented the stargate from reaching the United States. Mitchell follows the stargate in attempt to keep Baal from succeeding. (SG: Continuum)

October 29
---- The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, beginning the Great Depression.

February 18
---- Flagstaff, AZ, US: Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory discovers Pluto.

---- New York City, NY: Kirk and Spock arrive, following McCoy through the Guardian of Forever. They arrive before McCoy and are given a job by Edith Keeler. A psychotic McCoy arrives a week later and is also taken in by Keeler. Kirk and Spock succeed in preventing McCoy from saving Keeler, who is killed in an automobile accident. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")


---- San Francisco, CA: Miles O'Brien and Kira Nerys briefly appear while attempting to locate the time-trapped Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax, and Julian Bashir. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part 2")


---- Charles Lindbergh manages to secure money from the Guggenheim Foundation to fund Robert Goddard's rocket research.

---- New York City, NY: A psychotic Dr. Leonard McCoy arrives via the Guardian of Forever and is taken in by Edith Keeler. A few days later, McCoy prevents her death in an automobile accident. (TOS: "CotEoF")

---- Cairo, Egypt: The Stuart Expedition discovers a small pyramid temple several miles from the city. They uncover several artifacts, including two 10,000-year-old canopic jars in which Osiris and Isis had been banished. (SG1: "The Curse")

---- North Atlantic: Six months after the Stuart Expedition discover their artifacts, the ship transporting them to the United States sinks off the coast of New Jersey. Isis' jar is damaged in the wreck and she dies. Osiris' jar, however, remains intact. (SG1: "TCu")

---- United States: The film Frankenstein is released starring Colin Clive. The film will one day be viewed during "movie night" on Enterprise NX-01 220 years from now. (ENT: "Horizon")

---- Hill Valley, CA: At 11 years of age, Emmett Brown first reads 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea. (BttF3)

-- Aegis:
--- Gary Seven is born. He is a genetically-enhanced offspring of Humans taken from Earth roughly 6,000 years earlier. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth"; Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars, Vol. 1)

---- China: Japan bombs Shanghai, killing Short Round's parents. (IJ: TToD)

---- Redjac ("Jack the Ripper") kills seven women. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")

---- United States: Having been exposed to mold spores when they uncovered the tomb outside Cairo, Egypt, the members of the Stuart Expedition all die. (SG1: "TCu")

---- New York City, NY: Roxy Theater: The comic duo of Burns and Allen first perform a classic comedy routine. At the close of the show, Burns said, "Say good night, Gracie", and Gracie replied, "Good night, Gracie". (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona")

---- Switzerland: Carl Jung develops his active imagination technique (vision quest), not realizing that Native Americans have been performing such for centuries prior. (TNG: "Frame of Mind", VOY: "The Cloud")

January 30
---- Germany: Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg.


February 27
---- The German Reichstag burns down. The disaster is blamed on four communists, who are tried and executed. President Von Hindenburg issues the Reichstag Fire Decree, suspending various civil liberties.

---- Scotland: Angus MacMorrow is born. (The Water Horse; dc)

March 12
---- The first Concentration Camp opens at Oranienburg, outside Berlin.


March 23
---- Hindenburg signs the Enabling Act, allowing Hitler to assume dictatorial powers.

July 14
---- The Nazi Party is declared the official party of Germany. All other parties are banned.

---- Germany withdraws from the League of Nations.

-- Xindus:
--- A war breaks out among the six Xindi subspecies. The war will last for nearly 100 years. (ENT: "The Shipment")

-- Vala Mal Doran is born. (date conjectured)


January 26
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Europe: The German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact is signed, ending an economically-damaging border dispute that has existed during the past decade.

February - June
---- United States: Project Iceman: Megatron (known only as NBE-1) is brought to Section 7's Research Facility in Arizona and is kept in cryostasis. (Transformers)

---- The short story "The Big Good-Bye" is published in the pulp magazine Amazing Detective Stories. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

---- India: Pankot Palace: The Kali Thuggee Cult reawakens. (IJ: TToD)

June 30
---- Germany: "Night of the Long Knives": Hitler orders the elimination of much of his political and military opposition. More than a thousand people are assassinated and others removed from positions of influence within the government and military.

July 25
---- Austria: Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.

August 2
---- Germany: President Von Hindenburg dies. Hitler's cabinet passes a law proclaiming the presidency dormant. The role and powers of the head of state are passed to Hitler. Hitler is now supreme commander of the armed forces. The loyalty oath that the soldiers and sailors traditionally swear is changed to an oath of personal loyalty to Hitler. These acts are in violation of the Constitution and the Enabling Act, but no one dares to object.

August 19
---- Hitler combines the offices of president and chancellor and assumes the title of Fuhrer.

September 10
---- Marseille, France: French Foreign Minister Barthou and Yugoslavian King Alexander are killed by Croatian terrorists.

March 16
---- Europe: Hitler openly rejects the disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. He announces Germany's intention to introduce compulsory military service, thereby creating an army of 36 divisions. He also announces Germany's possession of an air force, which is also forbidden under the Treaty. Britain, France, Italy, and the League of Nations condemns this, but none take action to stop this development after Hitler reassures them that Germany is only interested in peace.

---- Shanghai, China: Indiana Jones catches Short Round trying to pick his pocket. He allows the young Chinese boy to tag along with him for a time. (IJ: TToD)

---- Indiana escapes Chinese gangsters and flees China with Short Round and an unwilling performer Wilhelmina "Willie" Scott in a freight plane. While in flight, however, the pilots sabotage the vehicle and plane goes down over the Tibetian Plateau. Indiana, Short Round, and Willie survive by jumping plane in a raft.

---- India: Indiana, Short Round, and Willie become involved in the Thuggee Cult's plot. They successfully defeat it.

---- Astoria, OR, US: Chester Copperpot claims to have found the key to One-Eyed Willy. He sets off in search of the infamous pirate, but is not heard from again. (The Goonies)

October 3
---- Italy, desiring to be a great power in the Mediterranean, invades Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia). In response, the League of Nations imposes economic sanctions against Italy.

-- New Heather:
--- Rylani Jeema, unwilling future mother of Scorpius, is born. ("Incubator")


-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: Indiana finds a home for Short Round before heading off to Peru in search of the Hovito idol. (IJ)

---- Dixon Hill's second story "The Long Dark Tunnel" is published. (TNG: "TBG")

October 3
---- The sixth aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, Yorktown-class USS Enterprise CV-6 (7), is launched.


October 25
---- Hitler forms an alliance with Mussolini of Italy.


---- Peru: Indiana obtains the Hovito idol after bracing a number of traps, but it is quickly stolen away by rival Rene Belloq. (IJ:RotLA)

Nov. 23
---- Germany signs an Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan, which commits them to cooperate in defense against international Communism.

---- Indiana Jones reunites with Marion Ravenwood and races against the Nazis, helped by Rene Belloq, to discover the Ark of the Covenant. They work to prevent the Nazis from succeeding in gaining control of the Ark and employ it as a weapon. (IJ:RotLA)

---- After the Ark kills Belloq and the Nazi Company, Indiana takes it back to the United States, where it is sealed away in a warehouse in Nevada.

February 23
---- United States: Edith Keeler meets with President Roosevelt to confer on her plan of action for assisting the needy. (TOS: "TCotEoF")

---- United States: Henry "Mutt" is born, son of Indiana Jones and Raven Marionwood. (IJ: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)

March 26
---- Hill Valley, CA: Biff Tannen is born. (BttF2)

July 2
---- During her attempt to circumnavigate the globe, Amelia Earhart, with navigator Frederick Noonan, disappear over the Pacific Ocean off Howland Island, abducted by the Briori along with 300 other Humans around the world. (VOY: "The 37's")


-- Delta Quadrant:
--- The Briori take their Human abductees to their homeworld and employ most of them as slaves, but leave some, including Earhart, in stasis. The slaves eventually overthrow their masters and build a new Human community.

November 6
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Italy joins Germany and Japan in signing the Anti-Comintern Pact

---- Germany: Adolf Hitler forces the resignation of his War Minister, Werner von Blomberg, after evidence surfaces that Blomberg's new wife holds a criminal past. He replaces the Ministry of War with the High Command of the Armed Forces. He assumes personal command of the armed forces and takes over Blomberg's other post of Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. Thus, neutering the last group strong enough to overthrow him.

---- United States: Patrick Sheppard, future father of John Sheppard, is born. (SGA: "Outcast")

---- Hill Valley, CA, US: Lorraine Baines is born. (BttF2)

---- Germany: Hitler terminates Germany's alliance with China in favor of the more modern and powerful Japan.

---- Europe: Hitler demands of Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg that Austria become a protectorate of Germany, governed by him. Schuschnigg signs the agreement.

---- Germany occupies Austria.

---- Henry Jones, Sr. heads a project to uncover the three markers that had been put in place leading to the Holy Grail, and, ultimately, uncover the Grail itself. Before he is able to uncover the second marker, however, Henry is captured by the Nazis. (IJ:TLC)

---- Portugese Coast: Indiana finds and retrieves the Cross of Coronado, which he had lost nearly 30 years earlier.

---- On returning to the United States, Indiana learns of his father's mission and that he has gone missing. He sets off to Europe to continue the mission and to rescue his father from the Nazis.

---- Indiana and his father race the Nazis to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, the resting place of the Holy Grail.

---- The Von Trapp Family flee Nazi-occupied Austria.

April 1
---- Hill Valley, CA: George McFly is born. (BttF2)

May 12
---- Yorktown-class aircraft carrier USS Enterprise CV-6 is commissioned.

August 13
---- Archibald Witwicky dies. (Transformers)

---- Europe: Germany prepares to invade Czechoslovakia, but warnings from Britain, Hitler's foreign allies, and his own advisors force him to change his mind. Hitler, Chamberlain of Britain, Daladier of France, and Mussolini of Italy settle the situation at a conference in Munich. Hitler proclaims: "...we need breathing room." But, as the threat of war is averted, with a portion of Czechoslovakia annexed to Germany, Chamberlain claims to have secured "peace in our time".

---- Hitler, upset over Britain's interference in his attempt to start a war, makes Britain his primary target.

November 9
---- Night of Broken Glass: Following the murder of German diplomat Ernst von Rath by French Jew Herschel Grynszpan in the German Embassy in Paris, Nazi authorities orchestrate a nationwide program against the Jews in Germany and Austria. Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues are looted and burned. 91 are killed and 20,000 are taken to concentration camps.

Nov. 10
---- Germany: Hitler sets the press the task of preparing the German people for war, which includes beginning a Propaganda War against Britain.

Nov. 28
---- Laws are passed that prevent Jews in Germany from obtaining driving licenses or visiting theaters, concerts, and cinemas.

---- United States: Marcus Brody is made Dean of Students at Marshall College. (IJ:KotCS)

---- Germany: Nazis force Jews to hand over all gold and silver items.

---- Europe: German troops occupy all of Czechoslovakia, violating the Munich Agreement of the previous year. Hitler demands of Poland that Danzig and the "Polish Corridor" be ceded to Germany. Poland refuses.

---- Britain and France declare that they will stand by Poland against the German threat.

---- United States: Ralph Offenhouse is born. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

---- Germany: Hitler orders preparations for attack on Poland, Fall Weiss (Case White), to be implemented by September 1.

---- Europe: Britain and Poland sign a mutual-assistance pact.

---- Mussolini of Italy, jealous of Hitler's successes, sends troops into Albania, which had been under Italian influence since the Civil War of 1925, in which Italy intervened.

---- Britain and France pledge their support to Romania and Greece should they be attacked.

---- The Soviet Union proposes a 10-year alliance with Britain and France.

---- Germany: Jews lose rights as tenants and are relocated into Jewish houses.

---- Germany and Italy sign a 10-year political and military alliance, the "Pact of Steel", which guarantees support from the other in the event of war.

---- Britain: Winston Churchill writes in Collier's magazine: "Unless some change of heart or change of regime takes place in Germany, she will deem it in her interest to make war, and this is more likely to happen in the present year than later on."

---- Germany: Jews are denied the right to hold government jobs.

---- Britain: Winston Churchill urges the British government to form a military alliance with the Soviet Union.

---- Europe: Poland gives Britain and France each a German Enigma machine, whose codes they have broken.

---- Poland rejects the USSR's demand for permission for the Red Army to enter Poland.

---- Egypt: Indian troops arrive to reinforce British forces around the Suez Canal.

---- Europe: Captain Bertrand of the French Signals Intelligence gives to a British Secret Service Liaison officer a Polish-built copy of the German Enigma coding machine.

---- Germany and Russia sign a trade treaty.

---- North Atlantic: 14 German U-boats are sent to patrol the North Atlantic Ocean.

---- The artifacts (including the stargate) discovered at Giza, Egypt by Dr. Langford are transported to the United States aboard the Achilles away from the Germans. Captain Mitchell plots an indirect course to Boston to avoid German U-boats. Cameron Mitchell from the future altered by Baal stowsaway and prevents the System Lord from succeeding in his plan. (SG: Co)

Alternate Cameron Mitchell taking a shot at Baal

---- Asia: Soviet forces under Georgi Zhukov attack the Japanese at Nomanhan in the Mongolian People's Republic on the border with Manchukuo.

---- Germany: Hitler authorizes the killing "without pity or mercy, all men, women and children of Polish descent or language."

---- Moscow, Russia: Germany and USSR sign a non-aggression agreement. This is a severe blow to the hopes of Britain and France, since one of the clauses agreed a split of Poland between Germany and the USSR. It also gives Russia a free hand in the Baltic states and Bessarabia.

---- Europe: The Polish-British Common Defense Pact against Germany is signed.

---- Hitler guarantees the neutrality of Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Switzerland.

---- Britain: The British Royal Navy is put on full alert. Army and navy mobilization commences, censorship of all communications to and from the British Isles is imposed. The Stock Exchange is closed and civil airplanes are banned from flying over half of Britain.

September 1
---- Europe: 4:45 am: Germany begins the invasion of Poland, beginning World War II.


---- Norway, Finland, and Denmark declare their neutrality.

---- France: General mobilization is declared.

---- Britain: General mobilization is declared.

---- Lewis Mowbray enlists into the Royal Navy. (TWH)

Sept. 2
---- Europe: Germany rejects the Anglo-French ultimatum, which calls for the withdrawal of all German forces from Poland.

---- Sweden declares neutrality. German ministers in Sweden and Norway give declarations that Germany would respect the integrity of Sweden and Norway.

Sept. 3
---- 11:00 am: Britain and France declare war on Germany. Australia also joins the war against Germany.

Sept. 5
---- United States: President Franklin Roosevelt declares his country's neutrality in the war.

Sept. 6
---- South Africa declares war on Germany.

Sept. 10
---- Canada: After a formal parliamentary debate, Canada declares war on Germany.

Sept. 14
---- North Atlantic: German U-39 attacks a battle group led by Aircraft Carrier HMS Ark Royal, firing torpedoes at the carrier. These miss, and the U-39 is destroyed by depth charges from 3 destroyers in the Ark Royal's escort. The U-39 is the first U-boat to be sunk in the war.

Sept. 17
---- Europe: As Poland suffer heavy losses, Russia's Red Army invades from the east on the pretext of "protecting Poland's Byelorussian and Ukranian population." The Polish government seeks asylum in Romania, where it is interned.

Russian tanks invading Poland

---- United States: Aviation hero Charles Lindbergh makes his first anti-intervention radio speech. The non-intervention movement is supported by former President Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Henry Ford, and a number of senators and congressmen.

Sept. 27
---- Paris, France: Polish government-in-exile is set up.

Sept. 29
---- A month into the war, Poland falls to the Germans and the Russians.

October 6
---- Germany: With the Polish campaign concluded, Hitler calls upon Britain and France to cease hostilities and come to terms with Germany. British and French governments both reject this.

Oct. 11
---- Finland: Negotiations begin between with the Soviet Union concerning the establishment of Soviet air bases on Finnish soil as well as the ceding of Finnish territory in exchange for a chunk of desolate land.

Oct. 14
---- Britain: Polish Submarine Orzel arrives, having escaped internment in Estonia.

Oct. 22
---- Poland: In Soviet-occupied territories, Poles are fired from their jobs and thrown into jails. Factories, hospitals, and schools are dismantled and shipped to the USSR. Polish education and language is phased out; libraries are closed and books are burned.

November 4
---- United States: Although neutral in the war, President Roosevelt signs a Neutrality Act that allows the US to send arms and other aid to Britain and France.

Nov. 12
---- Finland: Negotiations with Russia over territory reaches a deadlock.

Nov. 13
---- German bombers attack British territory for the first time, with a bombing raid on the Shetland Islands. No serious damage is done.

Nov. 30
---- Russia attacks Finland by land and air without warning. Only 91 civilians are killed during the air raid on Helsinki due to the capital's excellent air defense system.

---- Fighting over territory rages between Russia and Finland.

Dec. 7
---- Italy reaffirms neutrality.

Dec. 12
---- Britain: Two more Polish submarines, having escaped from the Baltic Sea, join the Royal Navy.

Dec. 14
---- The Soviet Union is expelled from the League of Nations.

---- North Atlantic: The Achilles transports the stargate to the United States to get it away from the Nazis. Baal comes through the stargate and prevents the ship from reaching its destination. The crew is killed, and the ship is left to drift into the Arctic. (SG: Co)


-- Baal begins working to rally the other System Lords in preparation to conquer the Tau'ri.

Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:15 am
by Varthikes
- Andromeda Galaxy:
-- Nil:
--- The Republic of Nil achieve space travel. Early space missions encounter the Euq, what they call 'Star Angels'--lifeforms that thrive in space. (The Plight of the Nilef: "Dreaming of Angels")

- Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Parij:
--- The Paridjinn achieve warp capability.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- India: Sarina Kaur is born. (ST: The Eugenics Wars, Vol.1)

---- Europe: Fighting between Russia and Finland over territory continues, with Finland holding off the Soviet forces.


---- A German light aircraft is forced to land in Belgium near the German border. The plane's occupants carry details of German plans, which alerts Belgium and Dutch governments to German intentions.

---- Hitler begins to plan an invasion of Norway.

February 2
---- Egypt: The first Australian and New Zealand troops arrive in Suez to help defend the Canal.

Feb. 11
---- Soviet troops finally breaches the Mannerheim line, forcing the Finnish forces to withdraw to a secondary defense line.

Feb. 17
---- British and French land an expeditionary force in northern Norway in violation of Norwegian neutrality.

Feb. 28
---- Finland: Russian forces overrun the second line of Finnish defenses on the Karelian Isthmus.

March 1
---- Berlin, Germany: Sumner Welles, United States' Under Secretary of State, arrives at the start of a peace tour of the belligerent countries.

Mar. 12
---- Finland: After a massive offensive from Russia, a peace treaty is concluded between Finland and Russia. Under the terms of the treaty, the Finns are to cede the entire Karelia Isthmus, the city of Viipuri (renamed Vyborg), and grant the Russians a 30-year lease of the Hango Peninsula.

Mar. 13
---- Hostilities between Finland and the Soviet Union cease.

Mar. 18
----- Italy: Hitler meets with Mussolini. The latter agrees to Italy's entry into the war "at an opportune moment".

---- Scandinavia: Russia assures Sweden of its safety after Finland's surrender.

April 4
---- Britain: Prime Minister Chamberlain tells the British people that a German invasion of the west is now unlikely to succeed.

---- Charlie MacMorrow leaves his family at home in Scotland to fight in the war. He will not return.(TWH)

Apr. 9
---- Europe: German troops invade Denmark and Norway simultaneously. The surprised Danes offer very little opposition and Copenhagen is captured within 12 hours.

---- German forces make sea-borne and airborne landings.

Apr. 10
---- Denmark surrenders to the Germans while bitter fighting meets the German advance toward Oslo, Norway.

Apr. 16
---- Norway: British and French troops land at Namsos.

Apr. 20
---- Denmark: The Danish Army is demobilized.

May 1
---- Lillehammer, Norway: Norwegians surrender to the Germans.

May 2
---- Allied forces begin to withdraw from Norway.

May 5
---- Britain: Norwegian government-in-exile is established in London.

May 10
---- Neville Chamberlain resigns as British Prime Minister. He is replaced by Winston Churchill.


---- Europe: Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

May 15
---- Netherlands surrender to Germany.

---- France: Panic breaks out in Paris over reports of German breakthrough the French fortification at Sedan. Thousands of civilians flee the city for the west and south, clogging the roads for Allied military traffic.

May 22
---- Bletchley Park, Britain: British cipher experts break the Luftwaffe Enigma code. They learn that the Germans intend to bomb the city of Coventry. Churchill must decide whether or not to act on the warning, knowing that if he does, the Germans would know that the code had been broken and change it and cost the British the War. (B5: "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum")

May 28
---- Europe: Belgium surrenders to Germany. Allies begin to withdraw to Britain.

May 30
---- United States: President Roosevelt asks Congress for considerable funds to strengthen the US Armed Forces.

June 3
---- Britain: All alien and stateless persons are forbidden to leave home between 2230 and 0600.

---- Churchill orders the setting up of commando forces to be used in raiding occupied Europe.

---- France: 300 German planes bomb Paris, inflicting around 900 casualties.

June 4
---- French planes bomb German cities Munich and Frankfurt in return for the attack on Paris.

June 5
---- Europe: Germany launches Operation Red: the Battle of France. Charles de Gaulle is appointed as French Under Secretary of State for War.

June 6
---- German forces push penetrate 20 miles into French territory, but suffer heavy losses in the process.

---- Britain: All Germans and Austrians living in UK are ordered to hand over their wireless sets.

June 7
---- Germany: French bomb Berlin.

June 9
---- France: British and French forces begin withdrawing towards St. Valery-en-Caux, hoping to be evacuated to England.

June 10
---- Italy declares war on Britain and France. The next day, Italian aircraft bomb the island of Malta.

---- Norway surrenders unconditionally.

---- United States: Roosevelt announces a shift from neutrality to "non-belligerency", while condemning Germany and Italy and promising material aid to Britain and France.

June 11
---- Australia and New Zealand declare war on Italy.

June 12
---- Britain: General Sir Edmond Ironside, CNC of British Home Forces, completes plans for the defense of Britain against a German invasion.

June 13
---- United States: The first U.S. arms ship, the Eastern Prince, sets sail for Britain.

June 14
---- All remaining British troops in France are ordered to return to England.

June 15
---- Poland: The Auschwitz concentration camp goes on-line.

---- Australia: The Communist Party is declared illegal.

June 16
---- Eastern Europe: Soviet's Red Army occupies Latvia and Estonia. Tens of thousands of "hostile" natives are are rounded up and deported to prison camps.

June 17
---- France: French leader Marshal Petains orders French to stop fighting and sues for 'honorable' peace terms.

June 18
---- Munich, Germany: Hitler and Mussolini meet to discuss French request for peace.

---- Britain: Churchill speaks to the Commons, declaring: "Let us so bear ourselves will still say, 'This was their finest hour'.

---- General de Gaulle forms the French National Committee in London and vows to continue the war on the side of Britain, saying that 'France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war.' Via the BBC, de Gaulle broadcasts a message to rally the French people. This sparks the beginning of the French Resistance. Only a few people are involved, but it slowly gains momentum.

De Gaulle on BBC

June 19
---- French ships seek refuge in British ports.

---- Over 100 German bombers make raids over Britain.

June 22
---- Europe: A peace treaty is signed between Germany and France. The terms: the occupation of the entire Channel and Atlantic coastlines and all major industrial areas, the demobilization and disarmament of the French Army and Navy, and France to bear the cost of German occupation. Most of southern France, however, is to remain unoccupied with a French administrative center at Vichy.

---- Egypt: Italians bomb Alexandria.

June 23
---- France: De Gaulle is dismissed in disgrace for announcing the formation of French National Committee in London.

---- Hitler makes a brief tour of Paris, in particular, visiting Napoleon's tomb and the Eiffel Tower.


June 24
---- Villa Indusa, Italy: A peace treaty is signed between France and Italy.

June 26
---- Britain: De Gaulle forms the French Volunteer Legion.

June 27
---- Hong Kong: Japanese troops occupy part of the Hong Kong peninsula.

June 28
---- Britain: The British Government recognizes de Gaulle as leader of "Free French".

---- Germany bombs the Channel Islands. They are demilitarized and partially evacuated.

German Heinkel He 111 bombers over the English Channel

---- Eastern Europe: The Red Army occupies Romania and Bulgaria.

June 30
---- Britain: German troops land on Guernsey in the Channel Islands.

---- Hong Kong: Governor General of Hong Kong orders the evacuation of women and children to the Philippines as Japanese blockades the colony.

July 1
---- Britain: German troops occupy Jersey and complete the capture of the Channel Islands, the only British territory that would ever fall to the Germans during the war.

German soldiers in Jersey

July 2
---- Germany: Hitler orders preparation of "Operation: Sea Lion", the plan for the invasion of Britain.

July 3
---- Britain: 59 French warships that had sought refuge at Plymouth and Portsmouth are seized by the Royal Navy.

---- Algeria: The British Royal Navy attack the French fleet stationed at Mers-el-Kebir near Oran.

July 4
---- Britain: Churchill declares: "I leave the judgment of our actions with confidence to Parliament. I leave it to the nation and I leave it to the United States. I leave it to the world and to history."

---- German aircraft attack a British convoy south of Portland, sinking 5 merchant ships.

---- France: In response to the British attack on Mers-el-Kebir, the Vichy French government of Marshal Petain breaks off diplomatic relations with Britain.

---- Egypt: Italian bombers raid Alexandria again. Italian forces attack from Abyssinia and Eritrea and capture British outposts of Kassala and Galiabat on Sudanese border.

July 5
---- Europe: Romania aligns with the Axis powers.

July 10
---- Britain: The Battle of Britain begins with air attacks on Channel convoys with the aim of tempting the Royal Air Force into battle. The Luftwaffe launches its first large scale attack as 70 aircraft attack the dock facilities at Swansea and the Royal Ordinance Factory at Pembrey in Wales. A Sinclair is involved in the battle, beginning a long line of fighter pilots that will continue into the 23rd century. (B5: "Midnight on the Firing Line", "And the Sky Full of Stars")

July 11
---- France: Marshal Petain replaces President Lebrun and proclaims himself 'Chief of French State' of the French Republic.

July 14
---- Britain: British commandos launch a raid against Guernsey with negligible results.

July 16
---- Japan: The Japanese Cabinet is pressured to resign by the army.

July 17
---- Southeast Asia: Under extreme diplomatic pressure from Japan, Britain agrees to close the Burma Road, a vital supply route for the Chinese army. They do so on the condition that progress toward peace would be made between China and Japan.

July 18
---- Japan: Prince Konoye forms a new Japanese Cabinet with Army and Navy nominees.

July 20
---- United States: Roosevelt signs the "Two Ocean Navy Expansion Act". This is the first step in preparing for war against either Germany or Japan, or both.

July 21
---- Britain: Czech government-in-exile is established in London under Dr. Benes.

---- Germany: Hitler orders preliminary planning for invasion of Russia.

July 22
---- Britain: The Special Operations Executive (SOE) is created to encourage resistance across occupied Europe.

July 23
---- Britain: Secretary of War announces that Local Defense Volunteers to be called 'the Home Guard'.

---- Eastern Europe: The Russians officially absorb Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia into the Soviet Union.

July 27
---- Japan: Plans are made for the creation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

July 31
---- Germany: Hitler formally announces to his military commanders his decision to invade Russia.

---- Lewis Mowbray is serving aboard a torpedo boat when German dive bomber attacks. He is injured, but lives and is honorable discharged. (TWH)

Aug. 3
---- Britain: Churchill warns his nation against believing rumors that the invasion threat is over.

Aug. 13
---- "Eagle Day": The first day of the maximum offensive by the Luftwaffe to destroy RAF airfields and gain air supremacy over England. But, because of confusion and delays, the main attacks are not mounted until the afternoon. Some airfields are attacked, but noth the primary fighter bases. Luftwaffe losses are heavy with 39 aircraft lost (mainly Ju-87 Stukas), while the RAF loses only 15.

---- United States: Roosevelt agrees to supply 50 WWI destroyers to Britain in return for the lease of naval bases in the Caribbean.

Aug. 15
---- Britain: Again, the Luftwaffe launches a massive attack--its greatest attacks so far against the RAF's airfields. These attacks are more successful, inflicting heavy damage on RAF's airfields.

Aug. 17
---- Hitler announces a total maritime blockade is to be placed around Britain. Any neutral ships transporting cargo to Britain is to be sunk without warning.

Aug. 18
---- The Luftwaffe conduct further heavy raids on southeast England and southern London.

Aug. 19
---- Britain: Whole of Britain is declared a defense area.

---- Italy: Mussolini orders an invasion of British-occupied Egypt.

Aug. 26
---- George briefly stops his time machine to witness the air fighting taking place over London. (TTM (1960))

Aug. 28
---- Japan: President Konoye alters the 'voluntary dissolution of all political parties' and announces structure to 'unite the total energies of the state and people.'

Aug. 30
---- Southeast Asia: Japanese forces begin to occupy ports, airfields, and railroads in northern Indochina as agreed to by Vichy France.

September 3
---- United States: Congress agrees to the handing over of 50 old destroyers to the British in return for 99-year leases on naval bases in the Caribbean.

Sept. 5
---- After several night raids on Berlin by the RAF, causing many civilian casualties, Hitler makes London the primary target. He orders Luftwaffe to go after Britain with no regard for the civilian population.

Sept. 7
---- Britain: The codeword "Cromwell" is passed nationwide. Church bells ring out in warning that a German invasion may be underway.

---- German bombers and supporting fighters hit London docks, setting them ablaze. The fires are still burning when the night raiders arrive and inflict further damage.


Sept. 8 - October 31
---- The Luftwaffe conduct continuous nightly air raids on London. The RAF also conduct similar attacks on Berlin.

Sept. 9
---- Britain: German forces attacks Dover.

Sept. 13
---- Egypt: Italian forces invade.

Sept. 20
---- Canada: War Technical and Scientific Development Committee approves a request to begin bacterial warfare research.

Sept. 25
---- United States: Harry L. Clark, US cryptanalyst, discovers the key to the Japanese top secret codes, allowing the US to monitor Japanese diplomatic, naval and military top secret coded traffic.

Sept. 27
---- Berlin, Germany: Hitler signs a 10-year pact with Italy and Japan, recognizing 'New Order' in Europe and Far East. Japan signs with the hope of deterring the U.S. from interfering in its affairs.

Sept. 28
---- The first of the recently purchased US destroyers arrive in Britain.

October 18
---- Southeast Asia: With the lack of progress in the peace between Japan and China, Britain reopens the Burma road.

Oct. 21
---- Europe: Churchill broadcasts to France, "Frenchmen, rearm your spirits before it is too late."

Oct. 26
---- North America: The prototype Mustang fighter plane first flies just 178 days after the order is placed. The fighter is built mainly for use in Europe.

Oct. 28
---- Italy attacks Greece and Albania. Britain comes to their aid.

Oct. 29
---- United States: Conscription begins, drafting 18- and 19-year-old men. This is the first military draft in American history to occur during peacetime.

Oct. 31
---- Britain: The Battle of Britain is now considered to be over by the British Air Ministry. British civilian casualties between September and October: 13,288 dead; 19,310 injured.

November 8
---- Germany: The RAF bomb Munich shortly after Hitler appears there.

Nov. 14
---- Britain: The Luftwaffe attacks the major manufacturing city of Coventry in a heavy night raid. The city is destroyed, killing 568 civilians in one night. (B5: "ItSoZhD")


Nov. 11
---- Paris, France: Several hundred Paris students stage a disorganized protest on the Champs Elysee over the arrest of a popular professor. Although, this is the first sign of organized anti-German feeling since the treaty of June, German authorities report that the small size and unorganized nature of the protest demonstrates that the feeling is minimal.

---- United States: Roosevelt is re-elected as president for a third term.

Nov. 19
---- Canada: Mass production of war bacteria is approved.

December 16
---- Europe: In revenge for the attacks on British cities, the RAF launch their largest attack thus far on Mannheim. 115 German civilians are killed or injured and 1,266 are made homeless.

Dec. 20
---- Egypt: Allied forces succeeds in repelling the Italian invasion.

Dec. 28
---- Europe: Mussolini asks Hitler for support in their offensive against the Greeks in Albania.

---- Europe: Britain falls to the advancing Nazi forces. (ENT: "SF")

January 1
---- Germany begins negotiations with Bulgaria to allow German troops to use Bulgaria as a springboard for their attack on Greece.

Jan. 10
---- Germany and the Soviet Union sign a fresh treaty, recognizing their existing spheres of influence and affirms current trade agreements.

Jan. 16
---- Southeast Asia: After numerous border provocations, Vichy French forces launch an offensive against Thailand, but are unable to make much headway on land.

Jan. 19
---- Germany: Hitler meets with Mussolini. The latter accepts German military help in North Africa, but not in Albania.

Jan. 29
---- Washington D.C., US: US and Britain military leaders begin secret staff talks regarding co-ordination of a common war policy against Germany.

Jan. 31
---- Southeast Asia: The Japanese intervene in the Vichy French-Thailand conflict, imposing a treaty on the French that they are unable to refuse.

February 1
---- United States: The US Navy is reorganized into the Atlantic, Pacific, and Asiatic Fleets and ordered to gradually bring ship crews up to war establishment.

Feb. 6
---- Norway: The Bishops of Norway start the Church's struggle against the occupying German forces.

Feb. 23
---- Greece: Greek Premier Alexandros Korizis formally accepts Britain's offer of troops.

March 1
---- Eastern Europe: Bulgaria joins the Tripartite Pact with Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Mar. 2
---- The German 12th Army moves into Bulgaria, and Britain breaks off diplomatic relations with Bulgaria.

Mar. 7
---- Greece: British and Commonwealth troops begin to arrive in Greece.

Mar. 19
---- Britain: Churchill forms the "Battle of the Atlantic" committee in order to afford the highest level of co-ordination against the U-boat menace.

Mar. 25
---- Yugoslavia: The Yugoslav Government signs the Tripartite Pact.

Mar. 27
---- General Simonic and other army officers of Yugoslavia form a coup and overthrow the pro-German government. King Peter takes control and forms a new cabinet.

Mar. 28
---- Anti-Axis demonstrations are held in Yugoslavia.

Mar. 29
---- Washington D.C., US: The US-British staff conference ends, after 2 months and 14 separate staff meetings, with a basic framework for US-British cooperation should the US be drawn into the war. Most importantly, an agreement is made that Germany should be defeated first.

April 6
---- German, Italian, and Hungarian forces invade Yugoslavia and Greece. The Luftwaffe conduct several devastating bombing raids and wipes out the Yugoslav air force on the ground.

April 13
---- Moscow, Russia: A 5-year Neutrality Pact is signed between the Soviet Union and Japan. This removes any military threat to Japan's northern border.

April 17
---- Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany. King Peter is flown to Athens, Greece, then on to London by the RAF.

April 18
---- Greece: With German forces breaking through the Greek lines, Korizis commits suicide.

April 19
---- British forces begin to withdraw from Greece.

April 23
---- King George II of Greece and his government are flown to Crete by the RAF.

April 30
---- All of Greece is now under German and Italian occupation.

May 6
---- United States: US Secretary for War advocates US Navy protection for British supply convoys.

May 8
---- Atlantic Ocean: German U-boat U-100 suffers serious damage during an attack on a British convoy, forcing her to surface and scuttle. The Scuttling charges fail to detonate and the U-boat is boarded by HMS Bulldog. The British seize an Enigma machine and other vital secret material. The U-100 is put under tow, the U-boat later sinks.

May 9
---- Southeast Asia: A peace treaty is signed between Vichy France and Thailand, which cedes back portions of Indochina that had been lost by Thailand 40 years earlier.

May 10
---- Europe: Battle of Britain is officially over.

May 19
---- South Atlantic: Egyptian liner Zamzam, with a passenger list including over 200 Americans, is sunk is reported sunk by Germans.

May 21
---- France: Vichy military court sentences 56 NCOs and privates siding with de Gaulle to death or hard labor. All property of free French fighters is to be confiscated.

---- Atlantic Ocean: The U-69, against orders not to attack American vessels, sinks the US merchant ship Robin Moor.

May 22
---- British blockade Vichy France is made complete.

May 25
---- German Navy Chief, Admiral Raeder, warns that US convoying of British war supplies would be considered an act of war.

June 2
---- Egypt: A Greek government-in-exile is formed.

June 5
---- Eastern Europe: Over 100 German divisions have now been deployed along Germany-Soviet Union border.

June 13
---- Russia: News Agency Tass denies German threat on its borders and calls rumors of such "absurd and obviously sheer hostile propaganda". The Russians begin arresting those in the Baltic States who might support a German occupation. 50,000 are rounded up, the majority of which are never to be seen again.

---- Tokyo, Japan: A Russo-Japanese trade agreement is announced.

June 14
---- Germany: Hitler mets with his top generals to discuss matters concerning the upcoming campaign against the Soviet Union. The "Lucy" spy ring passes information of the campaign onto the Soviet Union.

June 16
---- Finland: The Finns begin to secretly mobilize their forces.

---- United States: The US State Department orders the closing down of all German and Italian consular offices and tourist agencies in the US.

June 19
---- Europe: Germany and Italy expel US consular officials in retaliation for similar American moves.

---- Soviet Union: The Russians order a black-out of all major cities and towns near the German border. They still do not allow their troops to take up battle positions, however, in spite of the information from German deserters.

June 20
---- United States: President Roosevelt publicly denounces the sinking of the American merchant ship Robin Moor by U-69.

June 22
---- Soviet Union: The Red Army is ordered to combat readiness, but are still not allowed to occupy battle positions. At 03:15, Axis forces invade the Soviet Union.

June 25
---- Finland: The Soviet Air Force launch a number of air strikes against Finnish airfields in the hope of destroying German aircraft believed to be stationed there.

June 26
---- Finland declares war on Soviet Union.

June 28
---- United States: Roosevelt creates the Office of Scientific Research and Development. Vannevar Bush is named its director.

June 29
---- Germany demands that Japan launch an attack against Russia. The Japanese consider this, but agree only to strengthen their forces on their northern border.

June 30
---- Vichy France breaks off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.

July 2
---- China breaks of diplomatic relations with Germany and Italy.

July 3
---- Soviet Union: For the first time since the German invasion began, Josef Stalin speaks to the Russian people, demanding the utmost resistance "in our patriotic war against the German Fascism". He calls for a policy of "scorched earth" if the Red Army is forced to yield ground as well as the summary execution of all cowards and shirkers.

July 4
---- United States: In an Independence Day broadcast, Roosevelt warns the American public that the US "will never survive as a happy and prosperous oasis in the middle of a desert of dictatorship".

July 10
---- Germany urges Japan to enter the war.

July 12
---- Britain and Russia sign a mutual assistance agreement, declaring that neither will make a separate peace with an Axis power.

July 14
---- Germany: Believing the campaign in the East will soon be completed in Germany's favor, Hitler orders the German war industry to shift production more toward U-boats and planes.

July 19
---- Britain: BBC announces the formation of the "V Army", the resistance movement in Occupied Europe.

July 23
---- Southeast Asia: The Japanese extend their occupation across the whole of Indochina.

July 28
---- Finland ends diplomatic relations with Britain.

July 30
---- Hawaii: The US seize 17 Japanese spy fishing boats.

August 1
---- United States: Roosevelt stops supplying US oil to the "aggressors".

Aug. 2
---- US and the Soviet Union agree to US aid.

Aug. 12
---- North Atlantic: US Navy take over patrolling convoy routes and track German submarines for the Royal Navy, violating the Neutrality Act.

Aug. 16
---- Soviet Union: Stalin acknowledges UK and US aid plan and agrees to the "appointment of our joint resources". An Anglo-Soviet exchange agreement is signed.

---- Germany: Hitler authorizes the development of the V-2 missile.

Aug. 21
---- Paris, France: Resistance member Pierre "Fabien" Georges assassinates a German naval cadet in the Barches-Rochechouart Metro Station, committing the first violent act of resistance against the occupying Germans. In reprisal, the Germans shoot 150 Parisians.

Aug. 24
---- Churchill warns Japan that its aggression must stop.

Aug. 29
---- Scandinavia: Russians evacuate Karelian Isthmus to Leningrad. Finnish troops capture Vyborg and are now only 30 miles north of Leningrad.

September 4
---- Finns refuse to advance on Leningrad.

Sept. 6
---- Japanese decide to be fully prepared for war by the end of October.

Sept. 15
---- Paris, France: German soldiers are attacked in the Champs Elysees.

---- Soviet Union: German forces lay siege to Leningrad.

---- North Atlantic: The US Navy begin taking over the convoying of British ships as far as Iceland. This is seen as an un-neutral act by the German government.

Sept. 25
---- Hitler orders all attacks on Leningrad stopped and the city besieged and starved-out. After its foreseen surrender, the city is to be leveled.

Sept. 26
---- London, Britain: General de Gaulle of Free France signs an alliance with the Soviet Union.

Sept. 28
---- Moscow, Russia: A conference opens between the Soviet Union, Britain, and United States to discuss aid western aid to Russia.

October 1
---- The Soviet-British-US conference concludes with a protocol being signed committing Britain and US to supply Russia with 400 aircraft immediately and 500 aircraft per month until the following June, after which the protocol would be renewed annually. Both countries also undertake to deliver 41,000 tons of Aluminum immediately and 6,000 tons of rubber and 1500 tons of tin per month. Food and medical supplies are also included.

Oct. 2
---- German forces launch the main offensive towards Moscow.

Oct. 7
---- Finland rejects a British demand to cease fighting the Soviet Union.

Oct. 8
---- United States: Roosevelt promises US military aid to the Soviet Union.

Oct. 16
---- Soviet government and diplomatic corps evacuate Moscow. Panic spreads among the civilian population as thousands flee further east. Stalin, however, decides to stay.

---- Japan: Prince Konoye's government is replaced by Hideki Tojo--Japan's Minister of War.

---- United States: US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Harold R. Stark warns of potential hostilities between Japan and USSR and possibly between Japan and US.

Oct. 22
---- Nantes, France: 50 hostages are shot as reprisals for resistance assassination of the German military commander. 50 more are to die if the assassin is not caught.

---- Bordeaux: A German major is shot. 100 French are arrested; 50 are shot immediately.

Oct. 23
---- De Gaulle, meets with the French Resistance and asks to spare the innocent and bide their time.

Oct. 30
---- Soviet Union: Worsening weather and seas of mud brings the German advance on Moscow almost to a standstill. This gives the Red Army precious time to reinforce their defenses.

November 3
---- Japan: Admiral Yamamoto's plan to attack Pearl Harbor is approved.

Nov. 4
---- Scandinavia: Finnish forces capture the Baltic naval base of Hango, which Finland was forced to lease to the Soviets the year before.

Nov. 10
---- Britain: Churchill warns Japan that war on the US means war on Britain. Japanese Foreign Minister says their aim is to make the US and UK retreat from East Asia.

Nov. 11
---- London, Britain: The exiled Norwegian Government officially backs "Milorg", the largest resistance organization in Norway.

Nov. 13
---- United States: Congress and Senate vote by a small majority to repeal the 1939 Neutrality Act. Roosevelt announces the arming of American merchant vessels carrying cargo to Britain.

Nov. 17
---- Chiang Kai-shek urges the western democracies to take urgent action against Japan.

---- Japan: US Ambassador Joseph Grew cables the State Department that Japan intends to attack Pearl Harbor. His cable is ignored.

Nov. 24
---- US Army commanders across the Pacific are warned of the possible imminence of war.

Nov. 26
---- Pacific Ocean: Japanese 1st Air Fleet under Admiral Chuichi Nagumo sets sail for Pearl Harbor from the Kurile Islands. It is ordered to observe strict radio silence.

Nov. 27
---- Japan rejects the United States' demand to withdraw their forces from China. US Pacific forces are put on war alert.

Nov. 29
---- Depleted by continuous savage fighting, blizzards, and sub-zero temperatures, the German offensive comes to a halt. The Russians force the Germans back.

Nov. 30
---- Although portions of the government are still unsure, the Japanese resolve to attack the US.

December 2
---- Finland: Soviet troops evacuate the last territory in Karelia, which had been taken from Finland the year before.

---- United States: The Office of Scientific Research and Development is created, empowered to engage in large engineering projects in addition to research. Its main focus at the moment is the development of the atomic bomb.

Dec. 4
---- Washington D.C., US: The Japanese Embassy begins to leave, destroying code books and personal files in the process.

Dec. 5
---- With his forces just 19 miles from Moscow, Hitler abandons the offensive for winter and agrees to some local withdrawals to more defensive terrain.

---- Britain declares war on Finland, Hungary, and Romania.

Dec. 6
---- United States: Roosevelt makes a personal appeal to Japanese Emperor Hirohito for peace.

---- Pacific Ocean: The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz CVN-68 comes through a time storm. She appears just as the Japanese prepare to launch an attack on Pearl Harbor. (The Final Countdown)

Dec. 7
---- The time storm re-occurs, returning the Nimitz to her own time. All but a Commander Owens, who is left stranded in 1941.

---- Hawaii: The Japanese launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. Fighter squadrons from the USS Enterprise CV-6, the carrier returning from a mission to Wake Island, arrive during the attack. Though surprised, they immediately engage the Japanese.

Pearl Harbor, as viewed from a Japanese plane

---- Southeast Asia: The Japanese attack Thailand; Malaya; Shanghai, China; Hong Kong; and Singapore.

---- US begins military mobilization as the Senate and House of Representatives vote in favor of declaring war on Japan. Roosevelt signs the declaration of war.

---- Japan declares war on Britain and US.

Dec. 8
---- Japanese aircraft attack Guam and Wake Islands and US controlled Philippine islands of Luzon and Mindanao.

---- US, Britain, and Australia declare war on Japan.

---- Soviet Union: The Red Army succeeds in breaking through the German lines in many places, causing hasty withdrawals by ill-prepared and frost-bitten troops that are forced to abandon much heavy equipment made useless by the sub-zero weather.

Dec. 10
---- Japanese troops capture Guam.

Dec. 11
---- Germany: Hitler, after denouncing the un-neutral and warlike anti-German policies of President Roosevelt and citing Germany's obligation under the Pact with Japan and Italy, declares war on the United States. Italy does likewise several hours later. United States returns the favor.

---- Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua also declare war on Germany and Italy.

Dec. 12
---- Britain declares war on Bulgaria.

---- Hungary and Romania declare war on United States. US reciprocates.

Dec. 13
---- Soviet Union: The Red Army begin pushing back the German forces.

Dec. 15
---- With the threat to Moscow now sure to be over, Stalin orders all functions of the state to be relocated back to the capital.

Dec. 18
---- Hitler, furious at what he sees at weakness by his generals for withdrawing, takes personal command of the Army and its operations on the Eastern Front.

Dec. 19
---- Hitler orders that there should be "No withdrawal" by the German Army. That it should stand and fight where it is.

Dec. 22
---- Southeast Asia: Japan invades the Philippines.

Dec. 23
---- United States: The founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, are transported to the US Gold Depository at Fort Knox, Kentucky for safe-keeping.

Dec. 31
---- Pacific Ocean: Admiral Chester W. Nimitz is appointed commander of US Asiatic Fleet.

---- Eastern Europe: Moscow falls to the Germans. (ENT: "SF")

---- United States: Edith Keeler leads a successful movement that delays the United States' entry in the war. Without America's intervention, the Germans are allowed to develop the atomic bomb first and guarantees their victory. (TOS: "CotEoF")

---- France: The French Resistance begins to go on the air for one hour a night, reporting on the Allied progress of the war and to encourage other French citizens to resist the Germans and the German soldiers to defect. (B5: "Lines of Communication")

January 1
---- Jean Moulin, mayor of Chartes, France, who escaped to England earlier in the conflict, parachutes back into the country in an effort to organize and unify the feuding Resistance factions.

---- Washington D.C., US: 26 allied countries sign a "United Nations" Declaration of cooperation and no separate peace.

Jan. 3
---- Churchill and Roosevelt announce the unified American-British-Dutch-Australian (ABDA) Command in the Southwest Pacific under General Wavell.

Jan 4
---- China: Chiang Kai-shek is appointed as Supreme Allied Commander.

Jan. 6
---- United States: Roosevelt announces that US forces are to be based in United Kingdom.

Jan. 12
---- Southwest Pacific: Japan declares war on the Dutch East Indies.

Jan. 13
---- London, Britain: An Allied conference pledges to punish Axis war criminals after victory.

Jan. 14
---- United States: Roosevelt and Churchill agree to concentrate the Allied war effort on the European theater.

---- Roosevelt orders that all aliens in the US are to register with the government, marking the beginning of the plan to move Japanese-Americans into internment camps in the belief that they might aid the enemy.

Jan. 15
---- Southeast Asia: The Japanese invade Burma from Thailand, attacking up the Kra Isthmus. They quickly capture British airfields around Tenasserim, allowing the Japanese fighters to now escort bomber attacks against Burma's capital city of Rangoon.

Jan 18
---- Eastern Europe: German forces begin pushing into Russian territory. Fierce fighting proceeds between the Germans and Russians for the nine months in the favor of the Germans.

Jan. 19
---- Southeast Asia: British General Wavell orders the preparation of the Singapore Island for a siege.

Jan. 20
---- Berlin, Germany: The formal adoption of the 'Final Solution to the Jewish Problem' takes place. All Jews in occupied Europe are to be transported to the East. The able-bodied are to be worked to death while the remainder were put to death immediately.

Jan. 21
---- The Japanese bomb New Guinea for the first time.

Jan. 22
---- Southeast Asia: An Indian Brigade arrives to reinforce Singapore.

Jan. 23
---- Australia appeals to Britain and the US for immediate reinforcements.

Jan. 24
---- Southwest Pacific: 4 US destroyers and some submarines attack a Japanese convoy in the Macassar Strait, delaying the impending Japanese invasion of Java.

Jan. 25
---- Thailand declares war on Britain and the US.

---- The Battle of Lumbok Strait. An Allied naval squadron attempts to prevent the Japanese from landing on Bali. The Allies lose to the Japanese with 1 destroyer and 2 cruisers sunk and another destroyer damaged.

---- Japanese troops land in New Guinea. Australia begins full mobilization of all assets at its disposal.

---- Japanese carrier-based planes raid Darwin in Northern Australia, inflicting severe damage on the port.

Jan. 31
---- Southeast Asia: British and Australian forces complete their evacuation of Malaya and withdraw to Singapore Island. Singapore now has the equivalent of foru divisions to defend it. Morale is low, however, and there is a serious shortage of weapons.

February 1
---- Germany: All U-boats adopt a new Enigma cipher called 'Triton', replacing the previous cipher 'Hydra' and includes an additional rotor in the machine. The British are now unable to read U-boat coded communication traffic.

Feb. 2
---- Southeast Asia: The Japanese heavily bombard Singapore for 4 days while the British refuse to surrender.

Feb. 8
---- Japanese forces land on the western side of the Singapore Island, encountering minimal resistance. By dawn the next day, they begin advancing southeast towards Singapore City.

Feb. 15
---- Prompted by the plight of the 1 million civilian inhabitants of the island, Singapore surrenders to the Japanese.

Feb. 19
---- United States: Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, authorizing the transfer of more than 100,000 German-, Italian-, and Japanese-Americans living in Pacific coastal areas to concentration camps in various inland states (including inland areas of California). Those interned lose about $400 million in property as their homes and possessions are taken from them.

Feb. 23
---- Britain: Air Marshal A.T. Harris is appointed C-in-C of Bomber Command. Harris is convinced that the bombing of Germany could bring her to her knees and be decisive in winning the war.

---- Wavell's ABDA Headquarters leaves Java for Australia, where, upon its arrival, is disbanded.

---- Against the wishes of Churchill, Australian Prime Minister Curtin orders all Australian Divisions to return home.

---- United States: A Japanese submarine shells the Californian coast.

March 7
---- The Government of the Dutch East Indies flees Java for Australia.

March 8
---- Burma: Rangoon falls to the Japanese as British forces escape to the north.

March 10
---- After being ordered to assume command of the new Southwest Pacific area, which means all Allied forces in the Pacific, General MacArthur leaves the Philippines for Australia. His last words before leaving are, "I shall return!"

March 14
---- Australia: US troops arrive in force.

March 17
---- General MacArthur arrives.

March 26
---- Britain: Churchill tells the conservatives, "It now seems very likely that we and our allies cannot lose this war, except through our own fault."

March 30
---- Washington DC, US: The Pacific War Council is set up with representatives from Britain, Australia, Canada, China, New Zealand, Netherlands, Philippines, and the US.

---- The Allies formally divide the Pacific theater into 2 commands. General MacArthur takes control of the Southwest Pacific Command, covering the Philippines, New Guinea, the Bismark Archipelago, and the Dutch East Indies. The second command covers the remainder of the Pacific under Admiral Nimitz, who is based in Pearl Harbor. Nimitz's Command is then sub-divided into three--North, Center, and South Pacific Areas.

---- France: Communist militants organize the Maquis--the most aggressive of the French Resistance Movements.

April 1
---- Southeast Asia: Japanese troops begin landing in Dutch New Guinea.

April 6
---- Egypt: Axis bombers attack the Port of Alexandria.

April 8
---- Britain: A US delegation arrives to discuss US and British strategy on the Second Front. The proposal they bring from Roosevelt is for major landings on the French coast in the summer of 1943.

April 10
---- British negotiations in India break down.

April 13
---- North Atlantic: The US destroyer USS Roper sinks U-85, marking the first US success of the war against a U-boat.

April 15
---- Arras, France: The French resistance attacks the German HQ with hand grenades.

April 16
---- Pacific Ocean: Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, CNC of the Japanese Combined Fleet begins drawing up plans to capture Midway and Aleutian Islands.

---- Japanese forces make landings on Panay Island.

April 18
---- Melbourne, Australia: Headquarters of the Southwest Pacific Theater are established.

---- US Colonel James Doolittle leads the first ever air raid on Japan, taking off in B25 Bombers from the carrier USS Hornet with escort fighters provided by the USS Enterprise. Bombs are dropped on Tokyo, Kobe, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Yokosuka. 1 aircraft is damaged in the raid while 16 others were lost on crash landings in China. The raid inflicts minimal material damage on the Japanese, but damage to Japanese prestige is considerable, giving the Allies a boost when their fortunes in the Pacific were at a low ebb.

B-25 departing Hornet

April 22 - May 15
---- Scotland: Angus MacMorrow discovers a mysterious egg on the shores of Loch Ness. The egg hatches a Water Horse while a British Artillery Unit sets up around Angus' home, which features a strategic defensive position of the Scottish lochs. Angus, with the help of handyman Lewis Mowbray, sets the Water Horse loose into Loch Ness and guides the creature out of the loch, away from the cannons. (TWH)

April 23
---- Britain: In a secret session of the House of Commons, Churchill delivers a speech declaring that the liberation of Europe is 'the main war plan' of Britain and US.

April 30
---- Berchtesgaden, Germany: Hitler and Mussolini meet to discuss future Axis strategy in North Africa and the Mediterranean, the main objectives being the reduction of Malta and the seizure of the Suez Canal.

---- Pacific Ocean: USS Hornet and USS Enterprise set sail from Pearl Harbor for the Coral Sea under Admiral William Halsey.

May 4
---- Southwest Pacific: The Allies, under Admiral Fletcher of the USS Yorktown, engage Japanese Naval Forces at the Battle of the Coral Sea.

May 8
---- Having sustained heavy losses, including the destruction of fleet carrier USS Lexington, Admiral Fletcher's forces withdraw from the Coral Sea.

USS Lexington destroyed

May 10
---- Mediterranean Sea: Axis forces declare that Malta has been neutralized. However, that same day, Axis airforces find themselves outnumbered for the first time by the RAF. This marks the turning point in the fortunes of Malta with Axis air activity slackening noticeably as aircraft are transferred to the Russian Front.

---- Southeast Asia: The Philippines fall to Japanese forces.

May 12
---- Britain: The first contingent of the US Eighth Army Air Force arrives.

May 18
---- Berlin, Germany: A152-member student group display a number of anti-Nazi posters.

May 21
---- Hitler postpones the invasion of Malta indefinitely.

May 25
---- Australia: Four Australians are arrested for planning to set up an "Australia First" Nazi-style government.

May 26
---- London, Britain: Britain and Russia sign a treaty of alliance to avert all chance of a confrontation between Communism and the western democracies. Each pledging to fight the Germans until final victory and not to make a separate peace. They also agree to a 20-year alliance, not to join any coalition or treaty directed against one of them, and not to interfere with the other state's internal affairs.

May 27
---- Berlin, Germany: All 152 students of the group that had displayed anti-Nazi posters are shot.

---- Japan: Japanese Combined Fleet sets sail for Midway.

---- Pacific Ocean: Admiral Nimitz, having been warned of the impending Japanese attack on Midway by US Intelligence intercepting Japanese naval signals, issues orders for Task Force 16, under Admiral Spruance, with USS Enterprise and USS Hornet with 6 cruisers, 11 destroyers, 2 tankers, and 19 submarines to sail for Midway.

May 30
---- Task Force 17, under Admiral Fletcher and consisting of carrier USS Yorktown, 2 cruisers, and 6 destroyers, set sail from Pearl Harbor to rendezvous with Admiral Spruance at Midway.

June 1
---- Mexico declares war on Germany, Italy, and Japan.

June 3
---- Pacific Ocean: Task Forces 16 and 17 meet 350 miles northeast of Midway. Admiral Fletcher takes overal command of the joint task force, though the two would act separately.

---- US reconnaissance aircraft spot 2 Japanese carriers 400 miles from Kiska in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska.

June 4
---- Japanese aircraft attack Midway, beginning the Battle of Midway. However, having received prior warning of this from a spotter aircraft, the American garrison there successfully neutralizes this raid.

---- US Naval fleet consisting of the USS Hornet, USS Enterprise, and USS Yorktown and their escorts engages the Japanese Imperial Navy.

Devastators VT-6 prepped of take off from USS Enterprise

June 6
---- The Imperial Japanese Navy withdraw from Midway, granting victory to the United States Navy. This marks a turning point of the war in favor of the Allies in the Pacific Theater.

June 7
---- North Pacific: The Japanese make landings on Attu and Kiska of the Aleutian Islands off Alaska.

---- The USS Yorktown, having been damaged in the Battle of Midway, is en route to Pearl Harbor when she is torpedoed by a Japanese submarine.

USS Yorktown is hit during the battle

June 13
---- United States: Roosevelt authorizes the creation of the US Office on War Information.

June 21
---- Libya: The City of Tobruk falls to the Germans, who capture large quantities of supplies from the British.

June 24
---- German forces continue their advance into Egypt.

June 25
---- Europe: General Dwight D. Eisenhower is appointed to command US forces in the European Theater.

June 26
---- Italy: Aircraft are withdrawn from Libya to Sicily, allowing the Italians to step up their air attacks against Malta.

June 29
---- Derna, Libya: Mussolini arrives to prepare for his triumphal entry into Cairo.

---- Alexandria, Egypt is bombed.

June 30
---- The port facilities of Alexandria are prepared for demolition should the Axis forces not be stopped. In what would become known as "Ash Wednesday", British HQ in Cairo begin destroying classified papers and prepares to evacuate to Palestine.

July 13
---- United States: Roosevelt orders the establishment of the Office of Strategic Services.

July 18
---- Germany: The Messerschmitt Me 262 becomes the world's first operational turbojet fighter aircraft.

July 20
---- Libya: Mussolini temporarily abandons his "Victory March into Cairo" and returns to Rome.

July 28
---- Soviet Union: As the German advance continues, panic and terror spreads through the Union, prompting harsh counter-measures by the Soviet High Command.

August 1
---- Burma: Japanese establish a puppet government.

Aug. 3
---- United States: The FBI arrests 89 'dangerous aliens'.

Aug. 6
---- General Eisenhower is appointed as commander-in-chief of allied forces preparing to invade Axis-occupied North Africa.

Aug. 7
---- Solomon Islands: US forces land on Guadalcanal.

Aug. 8
---- Britain: Eisenhower, commander of US ground forces, establishes his headquarters.

Aug. 22
---- South America: Under heavy pressure from the US, Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy.

Aug. 23
---- Soviet Union: The Luftwaffe begins a 48-hour air raid on Stalingrad. The city erupts into a sea of flames as oil storage tanks pour their flaming contents into the Volga River. Thousands of civilians perish in the flames.

Aug. 24
---- Southwest Pacific: US forces beat off the Japanese Combined Fleet from Guadalcanal in the East Solomon Islands, sinking a carrier. The USS Enterprise, however, suffers damage during the battle.

----- Soviet Union: Stalin orders that Stalingrad is to be held at all costs.

Aug. 28
---- Oregon, US: The Japanese begin dropping firebombs on forests.

---- Soviet Union: German forces break through the southwest of Stalingrad, but are held to the north.

Aug. 30
---- US Naval and Army forces occupy Adad of the Aleutian Islands for an air and naval base.

---- Western Europe: The formal annexation of Luxembourg to Reich leads to a general strike.

September 3
---- Soviet Union: As the German siege of Leningrad enters the second year, the defenders launch an attack to meet relief forces. Their efforts are in vain.

Sept. 10
---- Again, Red Army forces defending Leningrad attempt to break the German lines, but fail.

Sept. 16
---- United States: The Women's Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) are established. The armed forces will be supplied with more than 1000 auxiliary pilots through this organization.

Sept. 17
---- Soviet Union: Bitter street fighting takes place in the northwest suburbs of Stalingrad.

Sept. 21
---- Burma: British forces begin their first land counter-offensive agains the Japanese in Arakan, western Burma.

Sept. 26
---- Soviet Union: The "Final" German offensive begins at Stalingrad.

Sept. 29
---- German pressure in Stalingrad is again stepped up. The German 6th Army struggles desperately to clear the city.

October 6
---- Washington DC, US: The establishment of a UN Commission to investigate war crimes is announced.

Oct. 10
---- Mediterranean Sea: German and Italian bomber forces begin a major offensive against Malta.

Oct. 13
---- Soviet Union: The Russians regain some ground in Stalingrad, but at a heavy price.

Oct. 16
---- Atlantic Ocean: An Anglo-American convoy assembles for landings in French North Africa.

Oct. 18
---- Mediterranean Sea: Germans and Italians suspend daylight bombing raids over Malta as aircraft is need for other fronts.

---- Germany: Hitler orders German troops to shoot all captured Allied commandoes "to the last man."

Oct. 25 - 27
---- Pacific Islands: The Battle of Santa Cruz is fought. The Japanese lose many aircraft and have two aircraft carriers severely damaged. The Allies' USS Hornet is sunk and the USS Enterprise is damaged.

Enterprise center, left

Oct. 29
---- Solomon Islands: The Japanese fleet is forced to retreat.

November 2
---- Soviet Union: Bitter street fighting continues in Stalingrad with neither side making much progress.

Nov. 3
---- Egypt: Taking heavy losses, Field Marshal Rommel of the Axis forces proposes to withdraw. Hitler rejects this out of hand and orders Rommel to stand and fight.

Nov. 6
---- Soviet Union: In a speech to the Congress of Soviet Deputies, Stalin warns the US and Britain that "the absence of a second front against Fascist Germany may end badly for all freedom-loving countries, including the Allies themselves." He declares that "the aim of the coalition is to save mankind from reversion to savagery and medieval brutality."

Nov. 8
---- Anglo-American forces under Eisenhower land in Morocco and Algeria against minimal Vichy French resistance.

---- British forces continue pushing back Axis forces out of Egypt.

Nov. 11
---- United States extends Lend-Lease aid to Free French Forces under General de Gaulle.

---- France: With the purpose of "protecting France" from the Allies, German forces begin occupation of parts of France controlled by the Vichy government.

Nov. 13
---- North Africa: British 8th Army re-captures Tobruk, Libya. The commanding officer of the army, General Montgomery, says: "We have completely smashed the German and Italian Armies."

Nov. 20
---- Soviet Union: The Red Army launch a massive counteroffensive against the German 6th Army in Stalingrad. The situation for the 6th Army deteriorates fast. The Russians begin pushing back the Germans. This marks the peak of the Germany's expanse, and the beginning of its decline.

Nov. 27
---- France: Continuing their occupation of Vichy France, German troops take the naval base of Toulon.

December 2
---- United States: A team of scientists led by Dr. Enrico Fermi working on the "Manhattan Project" (renamed "The Manhattan Engineer District") produce the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in an experimental nuclear reactor.

Dec. 21
---- Burma: British troops cross the border from India and head southeast towards Akyab.

Dec. 27
---- North Africa: General Giraud becomes leader of French Africa.

---- Soviet Union: Hitler agrees to allow Army Group A and Don to retreat to a line 150 miles west of Stalingrad.

Dec. 28
---- General de Gaulle welcomes Giraud's appointment and calls for French unity.

---- Europe: Vosk and his group arrive fromt he 29th Century, and an accident traps them in the 20th Century. To construct a temporal conduit that can return them home, Vosk forges an alliance with Nazi Germany to abtain materials and resources to construct a temporal conduit that can return them home. With Vosk's help, the Germans maintain a strong grip on Russia, taking Moscow and Leningrad. (ENT: "SF")


Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:20 am
by Varthikes
---- Bayou Le Batre, LA, US: Benjamin Buford "Bubba" Blue is born to a poor shrimp family. (Forrest Gump)

January 2
---- Western Europe: Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu meets with Hitler and expresses concern about the unfolding disaster at Stalingrad.

Jan. 10
---- Soviet Union: The Red Army begins Operation: Ring--the final annihilation of the tattered remnants of the 6th Army desperately defending themselves against all odds in the ruins of Stalingrad.

Jan. 12
---- The Red Army begins an offensive to restore land communications with besieged Leningrad.

Jan. 15
---- Southeast Asia: US forces launch their final offensive on Guadalcanal.

Jan. 18
---- Soviet Union: The Red Army break through the German stranglehold on Leningrad to relieve the city from the East.

---- Libya: The German army briefly gain ground against the Free French, but are repulsed by British forces.

Jan. 24
---- Hitler orders no surrender in Stalingrad.

Jan. 25
---- Soviet Union: The 6th Army is split by the Red Army into a northern and southern pockets.

Jan. 30
---- With the German 6th Army in its death throes at Stalingrad, Hitler allows the 10th Anniversary of the Nazi seizure of power to pass without speaking to the nation. This is the first unmistakable evidence of Hitler's retreat from public appearances as the tide of the war turns.

Jan. 31
---- Having expended the last of their ammunition, the southern 6th Army surrenders to the Red Army.

February 2
---- The northern 6th Army surrenders. The Russians continue pushing the German forces back from the other fronts.

Feb. 6
---- Southeast Asia: The Americans outflank the retreating Japanese on Guadalcanal.

Feb. 8
---- The Japanese complete their evacuation of Guadalcanal.

Feb. 18
---- Germany: In the wake of the Stalingrad disaster, German women, for the first time, are mandated to be employed in the war effort.

Feb. 28
---- Telemark, Norway: Nine Norwegian commandos successfully sabotage the German heavy water plant. They do so while remaining undetected without taking or inflicting any casualties.

March 5
---- Britain: The first British jet fighter Gloster Meteor makes its first flight, making it the Allies' first operational jet.

April 7
---- Western Europe: Hitler, while at Klessheim Castle near Salzburg, Austria, alternates between browbeating and cajoling Mussolini to keep Italy in the war. Concerned by Mussolini's evaporating morale, Hitler spends the rest of April summoning to Klessheim the leaders of Vichy France, Norway, Belgium, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Croatia for a series of pep talks. With the tide of war turning against the Axis, the Fuhrer has limited success.

April 14
---- Soviet Union: The Russian 14th Army repulses a German attack southeast of Leningrad.

May 7
---- Berlin, Germany: In a speech to Nazi Party Reichsleiters and Gauleiters, Hitler says that U-boat warfare will be stepped up as the surest way to "cut the arteries of the enemy." Even as he speaks, however, the calamity of "Black May" for the U-boats unfolds in the Atlantic.

May 8
---- United States: Thousands of Korean-Americans petition to have their status converted from that of enemy aliens to friendly aliens. This is granted by the end of the year.

May 12
---- Tunisia: All German and Italian forces surrender to the Allies, ending the Axis campaign in Africa.

May 14
---- Atlantic Ocean: During a raid against Kiel by the US 8th Air Force, 3 U-boats are destroyed.

May 20
---- Britain: For the first time in the war, the British have claimed more German prisoners than the Germans have of British.

---- [/u]Atlantic Ocean[/u]: The US 10th Fleet is formed for anti-submarined operations.

May 24
---- Nazi Poland: Dr. Josef Mengele is assigned to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. While there, Mengele performs numerous brutal experiments on the Camp's prisoner population, particularly the children. 50 years from now, John Crichton would compare Namtar to him. ("DNA Mad Scientist")


---- Atlantic Ocean: With the Allies having greatly improved their anti-submarine techniques and tactics, virtually all U-boats are withdrawn from the Ocean. The Battle of the Atlantic, therefore, is officially concluded as won by the Allies.

May 27
---- Paris, France: Jean Moulin presides over the first-ever unified meeting of the French Resistance. Charles de Gaulle is unaminously recognized as the movement's leader.

May 31
---- Toender, Denmark: The Danish resistance destroys an engine shed as sabotage mounts, despite the Danish King's appeal for a halt.

June 6
---- Greenbow, AL, US: Forrest Gump is born while is father is off fighting in the war. (FG)

June 18
---- Britain: "Radar" (Radio Detection and Ranging) becomes the official term for "Radiolocation".

June 27
---- France: Moulin is betrayed and arrested by the Gestapo. He dies on his way to a concentration camp in Germany.

July 4
---- Soviet Union: The Germans launch Operation: Citadel--their last major offensive on the Russian Front. They engage Russian forces at Kursk.


July 9
---- Southern Europe: Allied forces invade Sicily.

July 12
---- Soviet Union: A group of captured German officers and exiled German communists form the National Committee for a Free Germany, calling for the overthrow of Hitler and the cessation of hostilities against the Soviet Union.

July 20
---- The Battle of Kursk ends with Soviet victory and heavy German losses. This ends any hope of a major German offensive on the Eastern Front in the future. From this point on, the Russians continue pushing the Germans back.

---- Sicily: The Italians surrender to US forces en masse on the western part of the island.

July 24
---- Italy: At a 10-hour meeting of fascist grand council, a motion is passed, 19 votes to 7, asking that the King of Italy take over command of all Italian forces from Mussolini.

July 25
---- By order of the Italian King, Mussolini is arrested. The new Prime Minister Marshal Badoglio, introduces martial law and incorporates the Fascist militia into the ordinary armed forces. This ends the Fascist regime in Italy.

---- Hitler orders German divisions south to Italy to disarm their former allies.

July 27
---- Mussolini is transferred from Rome to the Island of Ponza.

July 28
---- Pacific Ocean: The Japanese garrison of 6,000 troops is secretly evacuated from the island of Kiska.

August 1
---- Sicily: Increasingly heavy fighting continues.

Aug. 3
---- The Italians begin evacuating Sicily.

Aug. 4
---- Pacific Ocean: Believing Kiska to be the site of a Japanese garrison, US bombers drop 153 tons of bombs on the island.

Aug. 15
---- 34,436 US and Canadian troops land on Kiska to find it evacuated.

Aug. 17
---- Sicily: Evacuation of the island by German and Italian forces is now complete.

---- Quebec, Canada: The first summit opens with Allied plans for the invasion of France being approved by Roosevelt and Churchill.

Aug. 18
---- Portugal, invoking her 1373 alliance with Britain, agrees to allow Allied forces to use the Azore Islands for naval and air bases.

Aug. 28
---- Denmark: The Danish government refuses a German ultimatum as the sabotage campaign increases.

Aug. 29
---- Martial Law is declared.

Aug. 30
---- The Danish Prime Minister refuses to serve under the Germans.

September 3
---- Southern Europe: The new Italian government under Badoglio signs an armistice with the Allies in secret, allowing the Allies to launch Operation: Baytown--the invasion of mainland Italy.

Sept. 6
---- England: Winston Churchill gives his famous speech on Anglo-American brotherhood at Harvard University. He comments on the working relationship between American, British, and Allied troops--like that which was not present in the last war--and the aim to continue such a united spirit after the war.

Sept. 8
---- Southern Europe: General Eisenhower announces the Italian unconditional surrender. German reserves are rushed to Italy in the wake of the cease fire between Badoglio and the Allies.

Sept. 9
---- All Italian forces in German-controlled areas of Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Albania, and Greece are disarmed without opposition and made prisoners of war.

---- An anti-Badoglio, Republican Fascist Government is formed in northern Italy.

---- The Italian fleet leaves Spezia in northern Italy en route for Malta, where it surrenders to the Royal Navy.

Sept. 10
---- German troops occupy Rome and disarm all Italian troops in Italy and Greece.

---- Germany: Hitler makes a short radio broadcast to the German people on the dramatic events of the summer, particularly in Italy. After paying tribute to Mussolini, Hitler warns his enemies that getting rid of him would not be nearly as simple.

Sept. 12
---- Southern Europe: German troops rescue Mussolini and take him to Germany.

---- Germany: Hitler signs decrees appropriating Italian industry for German uses and annexing the German-speaking regions of northern Italy to the Greater German Reich.

Sept. 15
---- Southern Europe: Mussolini proclaims his return to power and re-establishes fascism in northern Italy. The Axis is resumed and the death penalty is introduced for all Italians carrying arms in German-occupied areas.

Sept. 16
---- Paris, France: In a sign of increasing confidence and audacity of the Resistance, Julius Ritter, an aide to Nazi Labor Minister Fritz Sauckel, is shot to death in broad daylight. In reprisal, the Nazis round up fifty French hostages and executes them.

Sept. 19
---- Mediterranean Sea: Germans are reported to have been forced out of Sardinia by Italian resistence.

Sept. 29
---- Badoglio and Eisenhower meet aboard the HMS Nelson to sign a full armistice and discuss war plans.

October 13
---- Badoglio's government declares war on Germany.

Oct. 14
---- Philippines: The Japanese establish a puppet government under a distinguished pre-war Filipino statesman Jose P. Laurel. Laurel survives two assassination attempts by Filipino guerillas, and his government enjoys very little popularity.

Oct. 22
---- The Germans publish a plan to kidnap Hitler, which was allegedly drawn up by the Italians.

November 8
---- Germany: In his last speech to the Nazi Party, Hitler says, "We shall go on fighting past 12 o'clock."

Nov. 15
---- Britain: The Allied expeditionary air force is formed for the invasion of Europe.

Nov. 16
---- Telemark, Norway: The RAF bombs the heavy water plant as the Germans attempt to repair it.

Nov. 18
---- Europe: The RAF begin the Battle of Berlin with frequent bombings of Germany's capital.

December 2
---- Germany: Hitler orders the conscription of German youths for active service.

Dec. 12
---- Moscow, Russia: A Czech-Soviet treaty of friendship is signed.

Dec. 19
---- Bernex, France: A pitched battle is reported between the Resistance and German troops.

Dec. 24
---- United States: On returning from conferences with other Allied leaders in Cairo and Teheran, Roosevelt broadcasts that plans have been laid out for the invasion of Europe and its post-war reconstruction.

Dec. 28
---- Bay of Biscay: HMS Enterprise D52 and HMS Glasgow sink the German destroyers T25, T26, and Z27, which were escorting blockade runners in the bay.

---- Dinotopia: The last time someone from the outside got stranded on Dinotopia. (Dinotopia)

---- United States: President Roosevelt authorizes experimentation of the device found by Dr. Paul Langford in Egypt. Langford and Dr. Ernest Littlefield head the research. (SG1: "TToT")

---- Ernest becomes involved with Langford's daughter, Catherine.

---- Marcus Brody dies. (IJ:KotCS)

January 2
---- Germany: As RAF raids on Berlin continue, it is reported that Hitler's Chancellery is reported 75 percent destroyed with many trapped in shelters below.

Jan. 4
---- The Germans announce the mobilization of school children for war work.

Jan. 6
---- Eastern Europe: The Red Army crosses the 1939 Polish frontier after a 170-mile advance in just 2 weeks.

---- Britain: It is announced that jet-propelled aircraft will soon be in production.

Jan. 15
---- Soviet Union: The Russians launch another new offensive around Leningrad.

Jan. 27
---- After 900 days, the blockade around Leningrad is lifted.

February 1
---- Poland: The Polish underground executes Major Fritz Kurschera, the chief of the Gestapo in Poland.

Feb. 8
---- Allied plans for the invasion of France, Operation: Overlord, are confirmed.

Feb. 20
---- Norway: A ferry boat carrying the remaining Heavy Water production from the Telemark Plant to Germany for safety is sabotaged and sunk in Lake Tinnsjo.

Feb. 28
---- The Arabs protest over US Senate statements about the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine.

March 3
---- Mediterranean Sea: The Allies announce that Russia is to get a third of the Italian fleet.

March 7
---- United States: In response to Arab protests to the creation of a Jewish State, the US replies that the idea has no official sanction.

March 19
---- Southern Europe: The RAF launch Operation Strangle, aimed at German communications in Italy.

---- Eastern Europe: After Spain's withdrawal from the war, Hilter orders an occupation of Hungary to ensure her continued support as an Axis partner. 11 German divisions cross the border from Austria to Hungary, encountering minimal resistance.

March 24
---- Italy: The Italian Resistance kills 35 German soldiers in Rome. In return, the Germans execute 335 Italians (255 of whom are civilians).

---- The RAF's Battle of Berlin is now over.

---- United States: Roosevelt issues a statement condemning German and Japanese ongoing "crimes against humanity."

April 4
---- North Africa: De Gaulle becomes the head of Free French forces in place of Giraud.

April 12
---- Finland rejects the heavy Russian demands for the ending of the war.

April 17
---- Munich, Germany: Amid rumors in the Allied Press that he is dead or locked away in an insane asylum, Hitler appears, but does not speak, at a funeral for Gauleiter Adolf Wagner. It is the first time Hitler has shown himself publicly since the previous November.

April 18
---- Britain: The Foreign Office bans all coded messages from foreign embassies and says that diplomatic bags are to be censored. Only the fighting allies are to be excluded from the ban.

April 22
---- Klessheim Castle: Hitler meets with an increasingly depressed and dispirited Mussolini in one of their last meetings. Hitler warns Mussolini that the Allied invasion can be expected within "6 to 8 weeks," at which time he would unleash "new technical weapons" that turn London into a "heap of ruins". Mussolini leaves unconvinced.

April 24
---- Britain: All overseas travel is banned.

April 25
---- Germany: A depressed Hitler goes to Berlin to attend a funeral for one of his favored generals. This would be the last time the increasingly reclusiver Fuhrer would show himself at a large public gathering in the Third Reich.

April 26
---- France: Marshal Petain makes his first and only visit to Paris in the course of the war to inspect Allied bomb damage. Crowds cheer him enthusiastically--the same crowds who will cheer de Gaulle 4 months later.

May 9
---- Allied forces begin large-scale raids against German airfields and rail communications in France in preparation for D-Day.

May 10
---- Free France claim that the Resistance now numbers 100,000 and plead for more military aid.

May 20
---- The first orders from Eisenhower are broadcast to European underground armies.

June 2
---- Southern Europe: The Bulgarian government seeks terms of surrender from the western Allies.

---- Stockholm, Sweden: Secret negotiations between the Romanian government of Marshal Antonescu and Soviet representatives begin.

June 4
---- Normandy, France: The RAF carries out heavy night raids against German coastal batteries and fortifications.

June 6
---- The Allied Expeditionary Force of British, American, Canadian, Polish, and Free French troops land. Despite some heavy casualties early on, the German defenders, stunned and surprised by the massive onslaught, are progressively overwhelmed.


June 7
---- British troops liberate Bayeux, 5 miles inland from Normandy coast. The Allies have established all of their beachheads.

June 9
---- The RAF fly from French airfields for the first time since 1940.

---- Scandinavia: The Soviets launch a heavy attack on the Finnish forces in the Karelian Isthmus in an attempt to force them out of the war.

June 10
---- France: German counterattacks against the Allied invasion are unsuccessful due to the lack of armored reserves in the area.

---- Oradour-sur-Glane, France: German troops massacre more than 600 people. While the men are shot immediately, the women and children are locked into a church with the alter set aflame. Those trying to escape the flames are shot.

June 13
---- Germany: The first V-1 flying bomb is launched against Britain. Its impact causes shock and near panic amongst the civilian population.


June 15
---- United States: Roosevelt outlines his plans for the post-war United Nations.

June 16
---- Germany's flying bomb offensive with a total of 244 being launched towards Britain. The German Press calls it "the beginning of the day of vengeance."

June 18
---- London, Britain: The Guards Chapel, across the street from Buckingham Palace is struck by a V-1 "buzz bomb" in the midst of Sunday morning services. 119 soldiers and civilians are killed.

June 19
---- Southeast Asia: The Battle of the Philippines, the largest aircraft carrier battle in history, begins.

USS Bunker Hill bombed by Japanese aircraft during the battle

June 26
---- Copenhagen, Denmark: In response to recent communist sabotage, the Germans impose a curfew, making it illegal to be out on the streets between 8pm and 5am. The citizens of Copenhagen begin a massive general strike in which hundreds of thousands of Danes take part.

---- Britain: The Bretton Woods Conference is convened to deal with post-war financial and economic problem. The establishment of the International Monetary Fund for Reconstruction and Development is announced.

---- Eastern Europe: The Soviet Union pushes the Germans back into the Baltic States and the Polish Frontier. The Soviets continue their advance.

July 4
---- Copenhagen, Denmark: In order to avoid further popular uprisings in Denmark, the Germans withdraw the curfew, ending the general strike.

July 5
---- French Coast: German U-boats begin operating off Normandy, sinking 4 small Allied warships and damaging the British Cruiser Dragon.

July 11
---- United States formally recognizes the provisional French government of General de Gaulle in London as the de facto government of France.

July 17
---- Port Chicago, CA, US: 2 ammunition-laden transport ships explode while docked. 320 sailors and other military personnel are killed in what is the worst stateside disaster of the war. Most of the sailors killed are African-Americans, who received no training in handling ammunition. Many of the survivors refuse to load any more ships until proper safety procedures were put in place. The following "Port Chicago Mutiny" results in numerous court martials and imprisonments.

July 18
---- Japan: Buffeted by more than 2 years of military and naval defeats, General Hideki Tojo is forced to resign his offices of prime minister, war ministry, and chief of the Imperial General Staff. While Tojo's removal strengthens somewhat the elements of the Japanese government inclined toward peace, Tokyo's official policy of fighting to the end remains unchanged.

July 20
---- Rastenburg, East Prussia: An assassination attempt is made on Hitler at his headquarters.

August 1
---- Eastern Europe: As the Russians continue their annihilation of the German forces in the Baltic States, Bor-Komorowski leads the 38,000 strong Polish underground Army in the Warsaw Uprising.

---- Finland: President Risto Ryti resigns. His place is taken by Marshal Karl Gustav Mannerheim.

Aug. 4
---- Britain: After 7 weeks of non-stop V-1 attacks, RAF Gloster Meteor pilot T.D. Dean becomes the first pilot to destroy one of them when he tips the flying bomb's wing, sending it off course. It also marks the first successful use of the British jet fighter in action.

Aug. 5
---- Poland: With 60 percent of Warsaw now under its control, the Polish Home Army goes onto the defensive.

Aug. 14
---- Quebec, Canada: Roosevelt and Churchill meet and initial the Morgenthau Plan, which calls for the division of post-war Germany and its transformation into a purely agricultural country.

Aug. 15
---- France: With Allied troops closing in around the Germans, Hitler describes this as "The worst day of my life."

Aug. 16
---- Hitler orders his forces to withdraw from southern France.

Aug. 17
---- Remnants of the Vichy French Regime in the capital take flight for Germany as the Resistance comes out into the open and seizes strong points throughout the city. Marshal Petain and his staff are interned at Belfort by order of the Fuhrer.

---- The Vichy French government under Premier Laval resigns.

Aug. 20
---- Eastern Europe: The Russians launch an offensive into Romania.

Aug. 21
---- German units begin to withdraw from Romania as the Romanians switch sides. Meanwhile, Hitler refuses to order the evacuation of the Baltic States.

---- United States: Representatives from UK, US, and USSR meet to discuss post-war international security.

Aug. 23
---- Romania: King Michael I dismisses his Head of State Marshall Antonescu and brings his country over to the side of the Soviets.

Aug. 25
---- Romania declares war on Germany.

---- France: The German garrison in Paris surrenders to Allied forces. De Gaulle enters the city as the Parisians celebrate their liberation.

---- Finland: The Finnish Government enters into secret negotiations with the Russians to orchestrate a cease fire.

Aug. 26
---- Southern Europe: Hitler orders his forces to withdraw from Greece.

---- Bulgaria, ally of Germany, withdraws from the war against Russia and declares its neutrality.

Aug. 29
---- Slovakia: An uprising begins against the pro-German government of Dr. Tisco.

Aug. 30
---- German troops withdraw from Bulgaria.

Aug. 31
---- Romania: The Soviets begin rounding up members of Antonescu's Fascist government.

September 2
---- Western Europe: The Allies cross into Belgium.

---- The launching of V-1s from France ceases.

Sept. 3
---- The British liberate the Belgian capital of Brussels.

Sept. 4
---- Scandinavia: The Russian and Finnish governments agree on and implement a cease fire. The Germans must leave Finland by Sept. 15.

Sept. 5
---- Eastern Europe: The Russians declare war on Bulgaria.

Sept. 7
---- Romania declares war on Hungary.

Sept. 8
---- Western Europe: The first V-2 Rockets hit London and Paris from mobile bases in Holland.

Sept. 9
---- France: General de Gaulle forms a provisional French government that includes Communists.

Sept. 10
---- US troops enter and liberate Luxembourg.

Sept. 13
---- Eastern Europe: The Russians have now reached the Polish-Czechoslovak border.

---- An armistice is signed between the Russians and the Romanians.

Sept. 19
---- Belgium: The Belgian Parliament meets formally in Brussels for the first time since May 1940.

Sept. 24
---- Western Europe: Allied troops begin crossing the German border.

Sept. 25
---- Germany: Hitler orders the formation of the Volksturm--the German Home Guard.

Sept. 28
---- Moscow, Russia: An agreement is reached between Tito and Stalin, allowing the Red Army to enter Yugoslavia.

October 1
---- A secret Hungarian delegation arrives in Moscow to sign an armistice with the Russians.

---- Finland: The Finnish Army launch an assault landing against the German-held Tornio.

Oct. 2
---- Poland: After a 63-day siege, Warsaw falls to the Germans with the Polish Home Army surrendering only after all its food and ammunition run out. The Germans recognize the survivors' valor, so they treat them as regular POWs rather than partisans.

Oct. 11
---- Hungary and the Soviet Union begin negotiations for a cease fire.

Oct. 15
---- Hungary: Admiral Horthy, Hungarian Chief of Staff, announces Hungary's withdrawal from the war against Russia. Shortly thereafter, he is take prisoner by a commando unit led by SS Major Otto Skorzeny. A new government is established under Ferenc Szalasi vows to continue the alliance with Germany.

---- Finland: The Russians secure the Region of Petsamo. German troops fall back toward northern Norway in face of strong Russian attacks.

Oct. 16
---- Germany: The Red Army invades German territory. Thousands of German civilian flee the area in panic.

Oct. 18
---- The call-up for the Volksturm begins, with all able-bodied men from 16 to 60 to be conscripted.

Oct. 19
---- Hitler orders the complete destruction of Warsaw.

Oct. 21
---- Aachen falls to the US 1st Army, earning the distinction of being the first German city to be captured.

Oct. 28
---- Norway: As the Russians advance into Norway, orders are given by the Germans and Quisling's regime to evacuate the entire population of Finnmark, east of Lyngen. All houses and installations are to be destroyed. More than 10,000 houses are burnt, and 40-45,000 people are forced southwards. About 25,000 manage to hide or escape the operation.

Oct. 31
---- Southern Europe: The Allies force the Germans out of Greece and Albania. On orders from Churchill, British troops in Greece assist the new government in its efforts to prevent a take-over by Communist insurgents in the wake of the German withdrawal.

November 2
---- Germany: All eligible Germans are ordered to enroll in Volksturm under the pain of court martial.

Nov. 7
---- United States: Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected for a fourth term with Harry S. Truman becoming his vice-president.

Nov. 8
---- Munich, Germany: For the first time in the history of the Third Reich, Hitler fails to appear to address "the Old Fighters" on the anniversary of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Speculation mounts as Himmler reads a speech in the Fuhrer's place.

December 3
---- Britain: The Home Guard, the civilian force assigned to the defense of Britain in the event of German invasion, is stood down after 5 years. King George VI declares, "You have fulfilled your charge."

Dec. 12
---- Wittring, Germany: US troops capture the underground V-weapon factory

Dec. 13
---- Pacific Theater: The USAF make the first damaging raid on Japanese industrial targets.

---- Pacific Ocean: USS Enterprise CV-6 is sunk. (ENT: "SF")

---- North America: Germany invades the United States, capturing New York and Washington D.C. American forces withdraw from the eastern United States.

---- Adolf Hitler visits New York City shortly afterward and inspects his victory.


---- Vosk and his Na'kuhl team move their temporal conduit project to New York City.

---- Heavy fighting takes place in Virginia and Ohio, and the Russians are on the verge of retaking Moscow. Serious concern arrises in the Nazi military that Germany has expanded too far too quickly.

---- Jonathan Archer, having been transported here from the Xindi Superweapon in 2154, is captured by the Nazis.

---- As Vosk's temporal conduit is nearly completed, Enterprise NX-01 arrives, having been diverted to this year by Daniels in an attempt to stop the Temporal Cold War from escalating into an all-out war.

---- The Enterprise intervenes and destroys the temporal conduit before he can use it, stopping the Temporal War before it starts.


---- United States: Langford and Littlefield manage to activate the device. Ernest goes through, but they loose the connection and he is lost, presumed dead. All further experiments are cancelled and the device is locked away in an armory in Washington DC. (SG1: "TToT")


January 2
---- Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish saboteurs wreck a V2 factory.

Jan. 13
---- Southern Europe: German forces complete their withdrawal from Greece and Albania.

---- Norway: The Jorstad Bridge is destroyed by the Norwegian Resistance, killing 70 Germans.

Jan. 14
---- Poland: The Russians force the Germans to withdraw from Warsaw.

Jan. 18
---- Nazis evacuate 66,000 inmates from Auschwitz back into Germany.

Jan. 24
---- Slovakia: German forces begin evacuation.

Jan. 27
---- Poland: Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.

Jan. 30
---- Germany: On the 12th anniversary of his coming to power, Hitler calls for fanatical resistance by soldiers and civilians and predicts that " this struggle for survival, it will not be inner Asia that will conquer, but the people that has defended Europe for centuries against the onslaught from the East--the German nation..."

February 2
---- North Sea: British submarine, HMS Venturer, sinks U-864, bound for Japan with a Me 163 rocket-powered interceptor, 64 tons of mercury, heavy water, some 20 Luftwaffe officers as well as German and Japanese engineers. This is the only known sinking of a submarine by another while both are still submerged throughout the engagement.

Feb. 4
---- Western Europe: Belgium is now completely liberated from the Nazis.

---- Crimea, Russia: At a summit conference at Yalta between Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt, plans are discussed for the treatment of post-war Germany, its division into zones of occupation, reparations, and the future Polish western border. This also marks the beginning of the Cold War, primarily between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Yalta Conference

Feb. 12
---- Simultaneous announcements are made in Moscow, London, and Washington DC concerning the Yalta Conference. An agreement is reached about the Allied occupation of Germany, the founding of the United Nations, the "resettlement" of the inhabitants of the eastern German territories to be ceded to Poland, and the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan.

Feb. 13
---- Hungary: The capital city of Budapest falls to the advancing Russians.

Feb. 14
---- Burma: Napalm is first used.

Feb. 27
---- Romania: Under pressure from the Russians, King Michael I is forced to appoint a Communist government.

March 5
---- Germany: 15- and 16-year-olds are now being conscripted into the regular army.

March 8
---- Bern, Switzerland: Secret negotiations begin between representatives of American OSS and German High Command in Italy for an early surrender of German forces in Italy.

March 9
---- Japan: USAF begins bombing major Japanese cities with a B-29 Superfortress bomber raid on Tokyo. The objective is to break the Japanese morale and wear away resistance to surrender.

March 19
---- Germany: With Allied forces now deep within German territory, Hitler orders the demolition of all German industrial, utility, and transport facilities in danger of falling into enemy hands. This order is sabotaged by Armaments Minister Speer and most local commanders.

March 27
---- Kent, Britain: The 1,115th and last V-2 rocket lands in Kynaston Rd., Orpington.

March 29
---- Hungary: The Russians seize the oilfields south of Komorn, the last source of petroleum for the German war effort.

March 30
---- The Russians cross the Austrian border.

March 31
---- The Russian forces penetrate Germany's borders.

---- Western Europe: The Germans start pulling out of Holland.

April 3
---- Austria: Austrian Resistance leader Major Szokoll and Russian military authorities confer about cooperation on the Russian offensive against Vienna.

April 4
---- Soviet forces complete the liberation of Hungary.

---- Germany: American forces liberate Ohrdruf Camp.

April 10
---- Allies liberate Buchenwald Camp.

April 11
---- Okinawa: Japanese kamikaze attacks cause heavy damage to the USS Enterprise and the USS Missouri.

April 12
---- Warm Springs, GA, US: President Roosevelt dies from a massive cerebral hemorrhage. Vice-President Truman is sworn in as 32nd President of the United States.

April 13
---- Austria: Soviet forces complete the capture of Vienna.

April 15
---- Germany: British forces liberate Bergen-Belsen Camp.

April 16
---- As Soviet forces start the final offensive on Berlin, Hitler issues the last Order of the Day to the Eastern Front, saying, "He who gives the order to to be shot on the spot."

April 20
---- Russian artillery begins shelling Berlin.


April 22
---- Hitler decides to stay in Berlin to the end as Soviet forces penetrate the northern and eastern suburbs of Berlin.

April 25
---- Germany: Soviet armies now have Berlin completely surrounded.

---- Scandinavia: The last German troops withdraw from Finland into Norway.

---- San Francisco, CA, US: A conference begins to discuss the founding of the United Nations.

April 28
---- Italy: Italian Partisans capture Mussolini, his mistress, and 12 of his cabinet members in a German convoy trying to reach Switzerland. All are shot.

---- Germany: With Soviet armies closing in, Hitler marries Eva Braun and dictates his political testament, in which he justifies his political and military actions over the past 12 years, blaming the war on international Jewry and exhorting the German people even after defeat to adhere to the principles of Nazism, especially its racial laws.

---- Grossadmiral Donitz is appointed as Hitler's successor.

April 29
---- US troops liberates Dachau Camp.

---- Italy: The bodies of Mussolini and company are brought to Milan and hung upside down from lamp-posts in the square where 15 Partisans were executed a year earlier. The bodies are shot and spat upon.

---- The German armies in Italy sign surrender terms, but the German officers don't guarantee acceptance.

---- Western Europe: The RAF being Operation: Manna--supply drops into Holland.

April 30
---- Germany: With the Red Army only a few hundred yards away, Hitler commits suicide with Eva Braun in the Reich Chancellery bunker. Their bodies are immediately incinerated with gasoline by SS bodyguards.


---- French forces cross into Austria.

May 1
---- Donitz assumes his duties as the new German Head of State and orders the utmost resistance in the East where tens of thousands of German civilians are still trying to escape the Red Army.

---- Italy: The cessation of hostilities and surrender of all German forces in Italy is announced.

May 3
---- German envoys meet Montgomery at his HQ, south of Hamburg, to discuss peace. The envoys return to Donitz and recommend unconditional surrender of all forces.

---- The German defense system in northwest Germany is thrown into chaos as troops, civilians, and refugees pour in from the east to escape the Russian advance.

---- Burma: Allies announce the liberation of Rangoon.

May 4
---- Field Marshal Montgomery reports to Supreme Allied Command that all enemy forces in Holland, Northwest Germany, and Denmark have surrendered.

---- Germany: Donitz orders all U-boats to cease offensive operations and return to base.

May 5
---- Holland is liberated.

---- German forces in Denmark surrender.

---- Germany: Mauthausen Camp is liberated.

May 7
---- Reims, France: German Chief of Staff General Jodl signs Germany's unconditional surrender to the Western Allies and Russia. Operations are to cease at 1 minute after midnight on May 8.

---- Italy: British and American forces cross into Austria.

---- Norway: German troops surrender.

May 9
---- Western Europe: The German garrison in the Channel Islands agree to surrender to British troops after 5 years of occupation. The surrender terms are signed aboard the HMS Bulldog, moored off St. Hellier.

---- Soviet Union: Stalin announces the end of the war.

May 14
---- Berlin, Germany: The Russians acquire the device discovered by the German archaeology team at Giza 40 years earlier. (SG1: "Watergate")

---- Austria: Vienna radio announces the re-establishment of the Austrian Republic. The Anschluss with Germany is declared null and void.

---- Japan: USAF B-29s firebomb Nagoya, destroying the Mitsubishi works.

May 23
---- Germany: British troops arrest the Donitz government and the remnants of the German High Command at Flensburg.

May 25
---- United States: The Joint Chiefs complete plans to invade the Japanese mainland no later than November 1.

June 5
---- The four Allied powers sign a declaration on the defeat of Germany, which divides the country into four zones.

---- Russia: Moscow Radio announces the award of the highest Russian honor, the Order of Victory, to Montgomery and Eisenhower.

June 7
---- Norway: On the 5th anniversary of his leaving the country, King Haakon VII returns to his place.

June 10
---- USSR, UK, and US agree on the administration of greater Berlin and decide that France is to be included.

June 18
---- Britain: Demobilization begins.

---- Washington DC, US: Eisenhower arrives to a hero's welcome.

June 23
---- San Francisco, CA, US: The SF Conference Coordination Committee completes the text of the United Nations Charter.

June 25
---- The UN Charter is signed by representatives at SF.


July 5
---- Southeast Asia: MacArthur announces the liberation of the whole of the Philippines.

July 6
---- Norway: With more than 800 Norwegians in Japanese POW camps, Norway declares war on Japan.

July 16
---- New Mexico, US: At 05:30, the first test of an atomic bomb, Trinity, is made.


---- Greenbow, AL: Jenny Curran is born. (FG)

July 25
---- UK, US, and China release a proclamation to the Japanese people, warning of devastation from the 'final blows' and calls for Japan's unconditional surrender. The Japanese reject this, so the Joint Chiefs order the plans for Japanese surrender to be drawn up.

July 26
---- Britain: Clement Attlee is elected as Prime Minister.

---- United States: Michael E. DeBakey and other surgical consultants first conceive of the Mobile Auxiliary/Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) Units to help treat the wounded on war fronts sooner and with greater success.

Aug. 6
---- Germany: The Nazi Part is officially declared illegal.

---- Japan: US B-29 Enola Gay drops a 3-meter-long atomic bomb dubbed "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, wiping out 10 square kms. and killing an estimated 140,000 people in the first-ever use of a nuclear weapon in warfare.


Aug. 8
---- The Soviet Union declares war on Japan.

Aug. 9
---- Eastern Asia: The Soviet Army sweeps into northern China and Korea, overwhelming the Japanese defenses.

---- Japan: US B-29 BocksCar drops a second atomic bomb, "Fat Man", this time on Nagasaki. Two-thirds of the city is destroyed with 113,000 dead.


Aug. 14
---- Chinese representatives sign a treaty of alliance with the Russians.

---- Japan: At a morning meeting in the Imperial Palace, the Japanese Cabinet decides to surrender to the Allies.

Aug. 15
---- The Japanese Government resigns and the war minister commits suicide.

---- Britain: Details are released of one of the most closely guarded secrets of the war: RADAR.

Aug. 29
---- London, Britain: The Four Power Commission of Prosecuters draw up lists of the first war criminals to be tried at Nuremberg.

Aug. 30
---- Southeast Asia: A Royal Navy force takes Hong Kong as marines clash with Japanese suicide detachments.

September 2
---- Tokyo Bay, Japan: The Japanese formally surrender to the Allies aboard the USS Missouri, officially ending World War II. Worldwide civilian and military death count mounts to over 73,000,000.

Sept. 4
---- Japan: Emperor Hirohito asks his people to cooperate in setting up a peaceful state.

Sept. 10
---- Oslo, Norway: Vidkun Quisling, the Norwegian Nazi leader, is sentenced to death.

October 6
---- Sacremento, CA, US: Henry "Hank" Landry is born.

Oct. 24
---- Oslo, Norway: Quisling is executed by firing squad.

---- United States: The United Nations formally comes into being with 29 ratifications having been received.

November 6
---- Russia: Foreign Commissar Molotov announces that Russia will soon have the atomic bomb.

Nov. 12
---- Western Europe: The Institute of France awards Churchill a gold metal.

Nov. 13
---- France: General de Gaulle is elected head of the provisional French government.

Nov. 20
---- Germany: The Nuremberg trials begin with top Nazis being tried.

Image | Image
The defendants | The judges

Nov. 21
---- All top-ranking Nazis being tried plea innocent, claiming that they were only following orders.

December 1
---- 76 German industrialists who helped Hitler are arrested.

Dec. 4
---- United States: The Senate votes to allow the US to join the UN and to permit the UN to use American forces to preserve peace and security.

Dec. 14
---- Nuremberg, Germany: SS personnel are convicted of atrocities at Belsen and other concentration camps are hanged.

Dec. 17
---- United States: The Senate votes for US help in establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

-- Heliopolis:
--- Dr. Ernest Littlefield is marooned on the uninhabited planet. He remains on his own for the next 52 years. During this time, he lives in a building which he discovers was once a meeting place for an alliance of Four Great Races. (SG1: "TToT")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- The Earth Empire is formed. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", opening credits)


Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:25 am
by Varthikes
---- Britain: The first meetings of the United Nations are held in Westminster Central Hall in London. 51 nations are represented.

Jan. 13
---- Emerald-class HMS Enterprise D52 is decommissioned and sold.

---- United States: Due to the publicity surrounding the Port Chicago disaster of 1944, racially segregated assignments in the Navy come to an end.

February 17
---- United States: USS Enterprise CV-6 is decommissioned.

June 24
---- Idaho pilot Kenneth Arnold reports seeing flying disks over Washington's Cascade Mountains. The term "flying saucer" is born.


July 2
---- Roswell, NM: Quark, Rom, and Nog crash land after a time travel accident. The Ferengi are detained for a time by the military before escaping with the help of a stowaway Odo and a pair of scientists working at the base. The military keep the incident a secret and claim the object was a weather balloon. People begin to believe that beings from outer space are visiting Earth. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

---- A mysterious spacecraft crashes, killing 2 of the 3 pilots. The third dies a few weeks later. The craft and the bodies are kept in Area 51 and deemed highly classified. Even the President remains uninformed of their existance. (Independence Day)

---- The Asgard Loki begins abducting various Humans around the world, believing them to be the key in solving the Asgards' sterility. (SG1: "Fragile Balance")


---- United States: The Government shanghais Indiana Jones and a number of other scientists to Area 51 to examine the wreckage of an alien spacecraft and the remains of its pilot. (IJ: KotCS)

October 14
---- Test pilot Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier in a new rocket-powered plane, the Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis.


---- United States: Roberta Lincoln is born. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")

June 4
---- Palomar Mt., CA: The dedication takes place of a 200-inch telescope--the world's largest for the next two generations.

---- Henry Starling is born. (VOY: "Future's End")

April 4
---- NATO is formed as an alliance of western powers, in large part to deter Soviet expansionism. This is one of the formative events of the 40-year Cold War between the Communists and Western powers.

---- Mirror Earth enters a period of Cold War with such developments taking place as missile systems, the B1 Bomber, the H-bomb, and the F-14 fighter plane. (ENT: "IaMD")

-- Orban:
--- The Orbanians create nanites as a means of acquiring knowledge. Urrone children are given millions of the nanites at birth before neural pathways are established, enabling them to learn vast amounts of knowledge very quickly. Upon reaching 12 years of age, the Urrone undergo the Averium, where the nanites are removed and each citizen receives a nanite by injection. This allows the knowledge to be passed on. (SG1: "Learning Curve")

-- Qetesh takes Vala Mal Doran as host. ("Prometheus Unbound", ds)


-- Maytii:
--- The Malcons achieve space flight.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- The Vree begin abducting Humans for scientific research. (B5: "Grail")

---- Texas, US: George S. Hammond is born. (SG1: "Bloodlines", "1969")

Young Hammond

---- New York City, NY: Permanent facilities for the UN's headquarters are completed.


January 31
---- President Truman announces his decision to support the development of the hydrogen bomb, which is theorized to be hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bombs used on Japan during WWII.

June 6
---- Greenbow, AL, US: Because he was born with strong legs but crooked spine, Forrest Gump is forced to wear leg braces, making walking difficult and running nearly impossible. (FG)

---- With a relatively low I.Q. of 75 nearly preventing from being accepted into public school, his mother manages to convince the principal otherwise.

June 25
---- Korea: War breaks out between the North and South, with the Communist Soviet Union supplying arms to the North. In response, the United States and her allies in the United Nations send forces to aid the South. MASH Units are set up, including Unit 4077 under Lt. Col. Henry Blake. (M*A*S*H)

-- Baal makes Qetesh his queen. (SG:Co)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Willie Mays is in his rookie year in baseball. Baseball Cards featuring Mays are produced. One will last into the 24th Century to be obtained by Jake Sisko to give to his father. (DS9: "In the Cards")

---- Korea: Henry Blake is discharged from the US Army in Korea. En route to Tokyo, his plane is shot down over the Sea of Japan. There are no survivors. (MASH: "Abyssinia, Henry")

---- "Trapper" John McIntyre is discharged. His replacement, Captain BJ Hunnicutt, arrives shortly after. (MASH: "Welcome to Korea")

---- Colonel Sherman T. Potter assumes command of the 4077th MASH Unit. (MASH: "Change of Command")

---- Greenbow, AL, US: With Forrest's mother making money by letting out rooms to travelers, one of their guests is Elvis Presley. Forrest, enjoying dancing to Elvis' music, and his leg braces giving him a peculiar dance style, inspires Elvis. (FG)

October 20
---- Chicago, IL, US: Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill is born. (SG1: "FB")

Young Jack

-- The Vulcans continue their exploration of space and encounter the Andorians and pre-warp Humans. The initial contact with Andoria is promising, but the Andorians prove to be duplicitous, leading to border conflicts over the next two centuries. (ENT: "Proving Ground")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Doctor Franklin Wise, revered scientist known for experimenting with underwater breathing, seemingly commits suicide. (SQ: "Abalon")

---- Soviet Union: A program is initiated, under the direction of the reactive propulsion engineer Sergery Korolyov, to develop an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

---- Josef Stalin dies.

July 27
---- The Korean War ends in a stalemate. A cease fire is called.

---- New York City, NY, US: Author Benjamin Russell writes a science fiction short story for Incredible Tales magazine about a space station with an African-American captain. The story is rejected on the basis of the hero being a "negro". One of Benny's co-workers suggests changing the story to a poor man dreaming about the future concept. Benny does this and the story is accepted. But, the issue is pulped before it hits the newsstands. Benny begins losing his mind. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars")

---- Greenbow, AL, US: On the bus ride to school, Forrest meets Jenny Curran. They become close friends, playing around a large tree. Jenny helps him to learn to read. (FG)

- Faraway Galaxy:
-- The Trade Federation is founded.

- Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Denoblia:
--- The Denobulans first begin generally successful use of genetic engineering. (ENT: "Borderland")

March 22
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Greenbow, AL, US: As Forrest is being bullied, Jenny urges him to run. As he does so, his braces brake away, enabling him to outrun the bullies on their bikes. (FG)

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Bialar Crais is born in a Sebacean farming community. (conjecture based on actor's age, "The Hidden Memory")

-- Miri's Planet:
--- Miri is born. (TOS: "Miri")

November 5
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: While hanging a clock in the bathroom, Doctor Emmett L. Brown slips off his toilet and hits his head. When he comes to, he envisions the flux capacitor, which would allow for time travel. (BttF)

---- Sam Baines hits George McFly with his car. Lorraine cares for him, who seems to her like a "little lost puppy" and falls in love with him.

Nov. 12
---- Lorraine takes George to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance, where he kisses her for the first time.

1955/Track B
November 5
---- Marty McFly arrives from 1985 in Doctor Brown's DeLorean time machine. He bumps into George. Marty follows George to Lorraine's house, where he finds George spying on Lorraine from a tree. George falls into the street to be hit by Sam's car. Marty jumps in and takes the hit for him. Marty is brought into the Baines' house and cared for by Lorraine, who falls in love with him.

---- Marty flees from the Baines' house and arrives at Doctor Brown's house. He convinces him to help to return him to his time.

Nov. 7-11
---- Marty tries to get George and Lorraine back together while fending off Biff Tannen, increasing Lorraine's interest in him in the process.

---- At night, George receives a visit from Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan, who tells him that he would fry his brain if he didn't take Lorraine to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance on Saturday.

---- With Marty on an improvised skateboard, Biff and his associates chase him around the Hill Valley Courthouse, until Marty makes them crash into a manure truck.

---- Lorraine follows Marty to Dr. Brown's house where she asks him to ask her to the Dance.

---- Marty arranges a scenario with George where the latter would rescue Lorraine from the former.

Nov. 12
---- Marty 2 and Dr. Brown 2 arrive from 1985 (Track C) to prevent young Biff from using the Sports Almanac. (BttF2)

---- Old Biff arrives from 2015 and gives his younger self a copy of Gray's Sports Almanac and warns him to be on alert for a "young man and a wild-eyed old man who claims to be a scientist", who may take the Almanac.

---- Marty writes a letter for Dr. Brown, not to be opened until 1985, warning him about his death by Lybian terrorists. (BttF)

---- Marty takes Lorraine to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. The two "park" for a while, which Lorraine, much to Marty's dismay, finds more than acceptable. Biff finds them. His associates goes and locks Marty in the Starlighter's trunk while Biff harrasses Lorraine. George intervenes and lays down Biff. George and Lorraine head off to the Dance.

---- Marty 2 steps in and takes the Sports Almanac from Biff's jacket. (BttF2)

---- Marty, released from the Starlighter's trunk, convinces the band to continue playing. With their guitarist injured in releasing Marty, Marty takes over. Just as Marty begins to disappear from history, George kisses Lorraine, putting everything back to normal. (BttF)

---- Biff catches Marty 2 and retrieves the Sports Almanac. Marty 2 and Dr. Brown 2 follow him and successfully take back the Almanac, and forces Biff to crash, once again, into a manure truck. (BttF2)

---- Marty 2 burns the Almanac, restoring their timeline, just before their DeLorean is struck by lightening. Shortly afterward, a man from Hill Valley's Postal Service finds Marty and gives him a letter from Dr. Brown dated September 1, 1885.

---- Marty returns to town center in time to catch the lightening strike on Courthouse Clock Tower and return to the future. Moments later, Marty 2 arrives, making Doc Brown faint.

Nov. 13
---- Marty and Dr. Brown recover the DeLorean from a mine shaft, hidden there by Dr. Brown 2. In the process, they learn the Dr. Brown 2 was killed by Bufford Tannen seven days after he wrote the letter to Marty. (BttF3)

Nov. 16
---- Dr. Brown repairs the DeLorean, enabling Marty to go back to 1885 for Dr. Brown 2.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Tauvo Crais is born on a Sebacean farming community.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- The film The Searchers, with John Wayne and Jeffrey Hunter, is released. At the end of the century, John Crichton would mention this film to Aeryn Sun. ("Throne For a Loss")

March 22
---- Greenbow, AL, US: While running from bullies, Forrest, now in high school, interrupts a high school football game by running across the field faster than all the players. This catches the attention of Alabama Crimson Tide Football Coach Bryant, who was game scouting football players. Forrest receives a football scholarship to the University of Alabama. (FG)

---- Roy Orbison performs the song "Ooby Dooby", which would become a favorite of Zephram Cochrane a hundred years later. (Star Trek: First Contact)

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- A Leviathan transport, carrying pioneers for a new colony on Motak IV, is attacked and destroyed by a Scarran convoy. Ghebba and Rylani Jemma Dellos are the only ones to escape on a Transport Pod to Motak. ("Inc")

--- During the night, a Scarran named Wolesh arrives. He kills Ghebba and takes Rylani prisoner.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Indiana Jones meets Mutt Williams, whom he shortly afterward discovers is his son, and is reunited with Marion Ravenwood while attempting to thwart a Soviet plot, led by Colonel Irina Spalko, to uncover and use a mysterious artifact known as the Crystal Skull of Akator. (IJ:KotCS)

---- With the Crystal Skull returned to them, the Akatorians return to their realm.

---- United States: Indiana marries Marion.

---- Donald Raymond is born. (TNG: "TNZ")

---- Soviet Union: Korolyov develops and successfully tests the R-7 Rocket, which becomes the world's first ICBM.

October 4
---- The Russians launches an R-7 Rocket, putting Sputnik I, mankind's first artificial satellite, into orbit, beginning the Space Age. The launch surprises the United States, who step up Project Vanguard.


Oct. 5
---- Coalwood, West Virginia, US: Homer Hickam sees Sputnik fly overhead and turns to rocketry despite his father's objections. (October Sky)

---- A Vulcan survey ship observes the satellite. (ENT: "Carbon Creek")

Oct. 25 - November 30
---- The Vulcan survey ship observing Sputnik experiences serious systems failure, resulting in a crash-landing in North America. With the captain dead and the ship inoperative, the remainder of the crew--T'Mir, Mestral, and Stron--survive on rations and attempt to avoid Human contact. However, five days after their rations run out, T'Mir and Mestral walk into nearby Carbon Creek, PA where they assume disguises and obtain food. (ENT: "CC")

---- When rescue seemed unlikely any time soon, the marooned Vulcans are forced to take up jobs in Carbon Creek and begin interacting with the townsfolk while keeping their true identities secret.

Nov. 3
---- Soviet Union: Sputnik II is launched, carrying the first living passenger into orbit--a dog named Laika. Laika is also the first orbital casualty, as the mission planners did not provide for the safe return of the craft or its passenger.

December 6
---- United States: The Vanguard TV-3, America's first test of an all-up Vanguard Rocket, is made ready for launch with a small experimental satellite. Though, it is emphasized that the rocket's mission was a pure test flight (and one of several firsts), the public sees it as the Western World's first satellite launch. The rocket explodes a few seconds after lift off. This is viewed to the general public as a major embarrassment and a disaster for the US space program.

Dec. 17
---- The US launch their first successful ICBM, Atlas A.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Aboard a Scarren Dreadnought, Scarran Wolesh forcibly impregnates Rylani. Over the following months, according to Tauza, the gestation shatters Rylani's psyche and she pleas for death. ("Inc")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: Shannon O'Donnell is born. (VOY: "11:59")

---- Indianapolis, Indiana: Homer Hickam and the "Rocket Boys" win first prize in the International Science Fair for amateur rocket-building techniques, enabling them all to go off to college. (OS)

---- Las Vegas, Nevada: Vic Fontaine, Dean Martin, and Frank Sinatra drop $15,000 in a blackjack game at the Sands. (DS9: "His Way")

---- A rescue vessel finally arrives for the marooned Vulcans. (ENT: "CC")

March 17
---- United States matches the Soviet Union by placing Vanguard I, their first artificial satellite, into orbit.

May 12
---- United States: The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is established.

---- The Department of Defense begins researching potential sites for an underground combat operations center. They eventually settle upon Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado due to its location in the center of the continent, lack of earthquake activity, and proximity to the USAF Academy.

July 29
---- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is established.

1958/Track C
March 26
---- United States: At age 21, Biff Tannen wins his first million on a horse race with the help of the Sports Almanac. (BttF2)

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Rylani dies as she gives birth to a Scarran/Sebacean son. He is the first (and only) Scarran/Sebacean hybrid to survive out of 90 others. The child is raised under the brutal care of a Scarran female named Tauza, who subjects him to merciless heat tortures to condition him against his "weak" Sebacean half. ("Inc"; dc, based on actor's age)


-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Southeast Asia: Fighting breaks out in Vietnam between the South and Communist North.

---- United States: Clare Raymond is born. (TNG: "TNZ")

---- Britain: HMS Enterprise A71 is commissioned. She is an Echo-class inshore survey ship.

September 19
---- Physicists Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison publish first scientific article on searching for radio signals from extraterrestrial life.

October 7
---- Soviet Space Probe Luna III captures the first images of the Moon's far side.

1959/Track C
---- A winning streak earns Biff Tannen the nickname "The Luckiest Man on Earth". (BttF2)

---- Hill Valley, CA, US: George McFly and Lorraine Baines get married. (BttF; dc)

---- The first radio telescope devoted solely to the search for extraterrestrial life goes online.

September 24
---- United States: Nimitz-class USS Enterprise CVAN-65 is christened. She is the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the longest naval vessel at 1,123 feet (342 meters).


November 8
---- John F. Kennedy is elected President of the United States.

Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:30 am
by Varthikes
-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Bialar and Tauvo Crais are taken from their home by a Peacekeeper soldier and are conscripted for military training. As they leave, their father charges Bialar with looking after his younger brother. ("That Old Black Magic")

Young Bialar as he and his brother are taken by the PK soldier

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: After Forrest's running speed helps the University of Alabama's Football Team win several games, he is named to the All-American team and meets President Kennedy. Forrest drinks about fifteen bottles of Dr. Pepper and, when asked by the President how he felt, replies "I gotta pee." (FG)

April 12
---- The Russian spacecraft Vostok I is launched, putting Yuri Gagarin into orbit. He is the first Human to orbit the Earth. The craft is ground-controlled because there is doubt that the Human body can withstand such a journey.

May 5
---- The Americans put a Mercury Redstone 3 rocket, carrying Commander Alan B. Shepard, Jr. on a sub-orbital flight, making him the first American in space.


---- Colorado, US: Construction begins on the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.

May 25
---- Washington DC: President Kennedy delivers a speech, committing the nation in "achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."

---- NASA launches the Apollo Program with the purpose of achieving that goal.

August 13
---- Germany: Construction begins on the Berlin Wall, separating West Germany (occupied by the Western Powers) and East Germany (occupied by the Soviet Union). Its purpose is to prevent those in the Eastern bloc to defect to the West.

November 25
---- United States: USS Enterprise CVAN-65 is commissioned.

January 12
---- USS Enterprise CVAN-65 begins service.

February 20
---- American Mercury Spacecraft Friendship VII is launched into orbit with Colonel John Glenn, Jr. piloting. The USS Enterprise serves as a tracking and measuring station for the flight.

September 29
---- Canada: Alouette I, the first Canadian satellite, is launched into orbit.

December 14
--- NASA probe Mariner II reaches Venus, the first successful planetary flyby.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: A rare baseball card of New York Yankess player Roger Maris is printed. It would find its way into the hands of Zibalian trader Kivas Fajo in 2366. (TNG: "The Most Toys")

---- Ohio Wesleyan University: The Big Ear radio telescope at Perkin's Observatory goes on-line as part of Ohio State University's SETI Project.

---- Martin Luther King, Jr. leads the March on Washington where, in front of the Lincoln Memorial, he gives his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

February 5
---- Institute of Technology, CA, US: Astronomer Maarten Schmidt discovers redshift of quasars, which indicates they are billions of light-years distant.

June 11
---- Alabama: The University of Alabama is desegregated. Governor George Wallace denounces the desegregation, but allows it under the force of federal marshals sent by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Forrest Gump is present for this and, while several citizens jeered the black students entering the campus, he simply walks up to a black woman and hands her notebook she dropped. (FG)

---- NASA launches Ranger V, a space probe designed to transmit pictures of the Moon's surface back to Earth. The probe is equipped with several pieces of advanced technology for the period--lunar capsule, omnidirectional antenna, radar altimeter, solar panels, thermal shroud, gamma-ray spectrometer, midcourse motor, retrorocket, TV camera, and high-gain antenna.

November 10
---- Nathan Bridger is born. (SQ)

Nov. 22
---- Dallas, Texas: President Kennedy is assassinated. Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as President aboard Air Force One.

---- A Corvette model is made this year that will find its way into the hands of an alternate James Kirk's stepfather. (Star Trek XI)

---- Great Thar Desert, India: Dr. Sarina Kaur founds Project Chrysalis. (ST:TEW1, dc)

---- Alabama, US: Forrest Gump is recruited by the US Army. On the Army bus, Forrest meets Benjamin Buford "Bubba" Blue. They quickly become friends, and Bubba tells Forrest about his family's history of cooking shrimp and his own plans of buying a shrimp boat before he was drafted. (FG)

January 24
---- London, England: Winston Churchill dies.

March 18
---- Alexei Leonov drifts out the hatch of the Russian spacecraft Voskhod II, making the first-ever spacewalk.

May 21
---- United States: Physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover cosmic background radiation--the 'embers' of the Big Bang.

July 8
---- New York: Daniel Jackson is born to Melburn and Claire Jackson. (SG1: "1969", "Forever in a Day")


July 14
--- NASA space probe Mariner IV makes the first successful photographic flyby of Mars.

-- Miri's Planet:
--- The people here begin a project aimed at slowing the aging process. The project is successful for children, but it wipes out the entire adult population. (TOS: "Miri")

February 3
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Soviet Union's Luna IX space probe lands on the Moon and returns the first images of the lunar surface.

---- Florida, US: David Scott Freeman is born. (Flight of the Navigator)

Feb. 6
---- Colorado: The NORAD Combat Operations Center under Cheyenne Mountain becomes operational.


---- Tennessee: Jenny Curran gets kicked out of school for posing in Playboy and gets a job singing nude at a strip club. Forrest visits her and beats up some patrons harrassing her--much to Jenny's annoyance. (FG)

---- Forrest Gump and Bubba are deployed to Vietnam.

---- Vietnam: Forrest sets a new company for assembling his M-14 rifle.

August 18
---- London, England: George stops his time machine in time to witness an atomic satellite attack. Everyone around him is being rushed to the underground shelters. (TTM)

September 8
---- The television show Star Trek premieres. As the show becomes popular, the HMS Enterprise A71 (15) becomes known throughout the Royal Navy as "the Starship".

---- San Francisco, CA, US: Miles O'Brien and Kira Nerys briefly appear while attempting to locate time-trapped Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax, and Julian Bashir. They make contact with a couple of hippies just before being transported back to the 24th-Century Defiant. (DS9: "PT2")


January 27
---- Cape Canaveral, FL: A flash fire breaks out aboard Apollo I, killing Astronauts Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffe, and Ed White.

---- Vietnam: Forrest Gump and Bubba are assigned to the 9th Infantry Division under Lieutenant Dan Taylor. While on patrol, Bubba proposed that, after their time in the Army, they go into the shrimping business together. Forrest agrees. (FG)

---- California, US: In the High Sierras, the 29th-Century timeship Aeon, its navigation system disabled in an attack on Voyager in 2373, crash lands. Captain Braxton manages to activate his escape transporter in time, but his ship is discovered by Henry Starling. Starling steals the ship and reverse engineers its technology. As Starling begins building a corporate empire, Braxton is left to live as a homeless person, his tales of time travel dismissed as lunatic ravings. (VOY: "FE1")


---- Vietnam: After several uneventful months, Lieutenant Taylor's platoon is ambushed, killing and wounding several soldiers. Forrest is ordered to retreat. He becomes separated from the rest of the platoon and, becoming concerned for Bubba, runs back for him. Before finding him, Forrest finds several other wounded soldiers and Lieutenant Taylor and carries them all to safety. He finally finds Bubba and carries him away from the combat area just as it's hit with napalm from the air. As soon as they are safe, Bubba dies in Forrest's arms. (FG)

---- Having been wounded in the ambush, Forrest is taken with the other wounded soldiers to an Army hospital. He finds Lieutenant Taylor, his legs lost, in the bed next to him. The lieutenant is angry at Forrest for cheating him out of his destiny to die in battle with honor, rendering him crippled instead.

---- During his convalescence, a fellow soldier shows Forrest how to play Ping-Pong.

-- The Aegisians send Agents 201 and 347 (genetically enhanced descendents of Humans taken from Earth 6,000 years earlier) to Earth to help modern-day Humans mature into a peaceful society. (TOS: "A:E")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: Everett Young is born. (SGU)

---- Hill Valley, CA: Marty McFly is born. (BttF)

---- Jennifer Parker is born. (BttF2)

---- New York City, NY: Agents 201 and 347 set up an office at 811 East 68th Street, Apt. 12-B. They employ Roberta Lincoln as a secretary in their "research for a new encyclopedia". (TOS: "A:E")

---- Nebraska: USAF Captain John Christopher is stationed at the command headquarters of the 498th Air Base. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

February 24
---- England: Cambridge University astronomers announce the discovery of pulsars.

April 2
---- Agent 201 and 347 learn of America's plan to launch a space-based nuclear missile platform. They attempt to sabotage rocket carrying the platform, but are killed in a car accident near McKinley Rocket Base before they are able. (TOS: "A:E")

April 4
---- The USS Enterprise NCC-1701, under Captain James Kirk, arrives via a slingshot maneuver around the sun to conduct historical research. They intercept Gary Seven and Isis, transporting to Earth from the Aegisians' cloaked solar system. Suspecting Seven to be an invading alien, Kirk has him detained. Seven soon escapes and he and Isis transport to Earth.

---- United States: Gary Seven, upon learning of America's intention to launch a nuclear missile platform and of the agents' deaths in a car accident, continues the mission to sabotage the rocket. Despite interference by the Enterprise, Seven succeeds in destroying the nuclear weapon 104 miles above Eurasia. The "accident", as it is recorded by the American government, dissuades any further attempt at an orbiting missile platform.


---- Martin Luther King is assassinated.

April 18
---- Canada: Meredith Rodney McKay is born. (SGA: "Quarantine")


June 5
---- Los Angeles, CA, US: Robert F. Kennedy, younger brother of late John F. Kennedy, is assassinated after winning the California presidential primary.

---- Forrest's heroism in Vietnam earns him the Medal of Honor, awarded by President Johnson. (FG)

December 24
--- Apollo VIII astronauts, including James Lovell, Jr., become the first Humans to reach Earth's Moon in the first orbital mission. They orbit the moon 10 times.

Dec. 29
--- Earth:
---- United States: Samantha Carter is born. (SG1: "Entity", "Ascension")


-- Luxa:
--- Ka D'Argo is born. ("Wormhole")


-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Florida: Alpha, a Bottlenose Dolphin, is born in Dr. Jacob Terrell's research center. His mother dies shortly after giving birth. Alpha is left to the care of the research center. Dr. Terrell begins teaching him to speak English. (The Day of the Dolphin)

---- Memphis, Tennessee: John Crichton is born.


---- Los, Angeles, CA: Henry Starling founds Chronowerx. Later this year, his company introduces the first isograted chip and begins the computer revolution of the late 20th Century. (VOY: "FE1")


---- Stravos Keniculus, the first cloned Human, is born. (TOS: "The Infinite Vulcan")

January 14
---- Pacific Ocean: Aboard the USS Enterprise CVAN-65, a MK-32 Zuni rocket loaded onto a parked F-4 Phantom short circuits, due to stray voltage during aircraft engine start, and is fired, setting off fires and additional explosions across the flight deck. The fire is brought under control relatively quickly, but with 27 killed and 314 injured and 15 aircraft destroyed. The resulting damage forces the Enterprise to put in for repairs at Pearl Harbor.


July 10 - 15
---- After a near-collision with a black hole, the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 arrives and is mistaken by the US military for a UFO. Captain John Christopher is dispatched in a F-104 to track it. He is able to get pretty good pictures with his wing cameras before the Enterprise catches the fighter in its tractor beam, which rips it apart and forces Kirk to beam the pilot aboard. (TOS: "TiY")


---- Kirk and Sulu beam down and retrieve the data. They are caught, first by an Air Police Sergeant, who is accidently beamed aboard the Enterprise, then Kirk is caught and held by Lt. Colonel Fellini. Spock and Sulu, with the help of Captain Christopher, rescue Kirk.

---- Once back aboard the Enterprise, they execute a sling-shot maneuver, taking them back before the point that they appeared in the sky. As they resume moving forward through time, they return Christopher and the Sergeant to their respective moments just before encountering the Enterprise. Then, the Enterprise continues on toward the 23rd Century, and the whole incident is marked down as simply another UFO.


July 16
---- Cape Canaveral, FL: Apollo XI lifts off.


---- Using Apollo XI's launch as a cover, Sector 7, headed by Walter Simmons, attempts the first test flight of Ghost I, an Ice Man-derived spacecraft. (Transformers)

July 18
---- Texas: Lt. George Hammond's father suffers his first heart attack and is taken to the hospital. (SG1: "1969")

July 20
--- Luna:
---- Sea of Tranquility: Apollo XI lunar Module Eagle sets down with Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Armstrong is the first Human to step foot on the moon. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for Mankind."


---- Armstrong and Aldrin put up an American flag, several scientific instruments, a memorial bag containing a gold replica of an olive branch (a traditional symbol of peace) and a silicon message disk carrying goodwill statements by Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon and messages from leaders of 73 countries around the world. They also set up a plaque with an inscription reading "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all Mankind."

--- Earth:
---- Texas. US: Lt. Hammond watches the lunar landing from his father's hospital bedside. (SG1: "1969")

August 4 - 9
---- Via a stargate mishap involving the wormhole passing through a solar flare, the SG-1 Team under Colonel Jack O'Neill appear in Cheyenne Mountain Complex and are suspected to be Soviet spies. As they are being shipped from the Complex, Lieutenant George Hammond, seeing a note from himself in the future, helps them escape. The note also contains two dates and times: "August 10, 9:15 AM", and "August 11, 6:03 PM".


---- SG-1 hitches a ride with two Woodstock-bound hippies. En route to New York, Daniel teaches Teal'c how to drive.

Aug. 10
---- New York: O'Neill and Teal'c visit an Observatory and test Carter's theory that the dates and times on the note relate to solar flares. The theory proves positive. Meanwhile, Daniel and Carter, in disguises, visit Catherine Langford and ask her about her father's work on "The Doorway to Heaven" (the stargate). They find out from her where the stargate is being stored in Washington D.C. (SG1: "1969").

Aug. 11
---- Washington, DC: SG-1 arrives at the armory where the stargate is being stored and, using several nearby trucks to power it, open a wormhole through the second solar flare to return to their time. (SG1: "1969")

August 15
---- Maury Ginsberg hitches a ride in a jeep, driven, unknown to him, by a Q, and with a "groovy chick with the long red beads" that would be his future wife, to the Woodstock music festival in New York. There, he notices that a cable connecting to the speaker system had come unplugged and reconnects it. Thus, saving the festival. (VOY: "Death Wish")

Aug. 16 - December 31
---- New York: Inspired by Dr. Jackson's visit, Catherine Langford sets out to resume her father's research on "The Doorway to Heaven". (SG1: "1969")

---- Washington DC: While sightseeing, Forrest accidentally finds himself among a group of veterans attending an anti-war rally led by Abbie Hoffman. While at the rally, he is briefly reunited with Jenny. (FG)

--- Astronauts of the Earth Empire land on the moon. (ENT: "IaMD")


-- The Autobot starship Ark and the Decepticon starship Nemesis encounter Ghost I. They clash over it and learn of Megatron's location (and possibly that of the All Spark on Earth, though not the location of Earth, itself. (Transformers)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Humans begin to realize that Earth's supply of fossil fuel is nearing depletion. However, no drastic changes are made towards ushering in a substitute due largely to greed of the oil companies. (ENT: "Carpenter Street")

---- United States: Shaun Geoffrey Christopher is born. (TOS: "TiY)

---- Auburn, KA, US: Cameron Mitchell is born to Frank and Wendy Mitchell. (SG1: "Collateral Damage")


---- Florida: Jeffrey Freeman is born. (FotN)

---- Chrysalis Base, India: Khan Noonien Singh is born. He is among the first of successful genetically engineered Humans. (ST:TEW1)

April 11
---- Cape Canaveral, FL, US: Apollo XIII is successfully launched with astronauts Jim Lovell, Jr., Fred Haise, Jr., and Jack Swigert. (Apollo 13)

April 13
--- En route to Luna, Lovell, Haise, and Swigert host a tour of the craft, which is broadcast live to Earth. Many networks, however, don't show it, considering the mission to be unimportant and uninteresting.

--- Shortly after the broadcast, Houston's Mission Control prescribes several "housekeeping" chores for the astronauts, including stirring the oxygen tanks. An explosion occurs, disabiling the craft and causing it to lose its oxygen into space.

April 13 - 17
--- Earth:
---- With the help of the experts at Houston's Mission Control, Apollo XIII successfully returns to Earth, though is forced to cancel their lunar landing.

June 14
---- United States: John Sheppard is born. (SGA)


July 14
---- Elizabeth Weir is born. (SGA: "Before I Sleep")

November 17
--- Luna:
---- Soviet Union's Luna XVII becomes the first wheeled vehicle on Earth's Moon.

December 15
--- Venus:
---- Soviet Union's Venera VII lands and transmits the first data from the surface of another planet.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Now 12 cycles of age, the Scarran/Sebacean child, who has chosen Scorpius as his name, discovers that he is being held aboard a Scarran Dreadnought. He manages to escape in an evacuation pod to a nearby Commerce Planet. ("Inc")

--- For the next several cycles, Scorpius travels the Uncharted Territories in search for clues to his true parentage.

--- During his journeys in the Uncharted Territories, Scorpius comes upon Katoya's mental training camp where he learns to balance his opposing Scarran and Sebacean halves. ("Mental as Anything"; dc)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Belize: Nicholas Ballard (grandfather of Daniel Jackson) discovers a crystal skull in an ancient temple. The skull transports him to another planet where he briefly meets giant, transparent aliens. He returns to Earth and escapes with the skull just as the temple collapses. The skull is taken to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, but he is unable to convince anyone of his experience regarding the aliens. (SG1: "Crystal Skull")

March 5
---- United States and her allies begin removing troops from Vietnam.

November 13
--- NASA's Mariner IX space probe arrives in orbit of Mars, becoming the first Human-built spacecraft to do so.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Aboard a Peacekeeper Command Carrier, Xhalax Sun becomes involved with Talyn Lyczac. They choose to have a child out of love, even though they know that such unions between soldiers are forbidden. Weeks later, Aeryn Sun is born. ("Family Ties"; dc, based on Claudia Black's age)

Young Aeryn

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: Henry Starling meets with President Nixon. (VOY: "FE1")


March 3
---- NASA launches Pioneer X into space. It carries a plaque to serve as a message for extraterrestial life in the event of its discovery.

---- China: The US table tennis team, including Forrest Gump, travels to China, beginning a weeklong visit at the invitation of China's communist government. (FG)

---- United States: On returning from China, Forrest is regarded as a national hero. He is invited on The Dick Cavett Show, where he talks about visit to China. John Lennon is also present as a guest on the show. (FG)

June 17
---- Washington DC, US: Forrest Gump witnesses the Watergate break-in and facilitates the burglar's arrest. (FG)

---- New York City, NY: Forrest briefly reunites with Lieutenant Dan Taylor, now a bitter alcoholic confined to a wheelchair. Forrest tells him about his and Bubba's plan to go into the shrimping business. Dan merely laughs and jokes that if Forrest ever became a shrimp boat captain, he would be his first mate. (FG)

-- Moloc decrees that all of his female Jaffa are to be sacrificed in the Ceremony of Fire. (SG1: "Birthright")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Florida, US: Some men learn of Dr. Terrell's progress in teaching Alpha English. They attempt to exploit this ability and use Alpha and a recently arrived female dolphin to assassinate the US President Nixon, currently vacationing in a nearby bay. Alpha foils their attempt and attaches the bomb to their boat instead. (TDotD)

---- Dr. Terrell, realizing the danger in teaching English to a dolphin, abandons his research and sets the dolphins free.

---- New York City, NY: Melburn and Claire Jackson are supervising the move of an Egyptian coverstone into the Museum of Arts. Young Daniel watches as the coverstone falls and crushes his parents. He is adopted by another couple when his grandfather chooses not to. (SG1: "The Gamekeeper", "CS")


May 14
---- NASA places the space station Skylab into orbit, launched into space by a Saturn INT-21, a two-stage version of the Saturn V Rocket. Many of the experiments that would be conducted with the station would be to investigate astronauts' adaptation to extended periods in microgravity.


December 3
--- Pioneer X passes Jupiter and sends some 500 images and technical data of the gas giant back to Earth.

1973/Track B
March 15
--- Earth:
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: George McFly wins a writing award. (BttF2)

1973/Track C
---- Biff Tannen shoots and kills George McFly. (BttF2)

---- Biff marries an unwilling Lorraine Baines McFly, who goes along to protect her children.

-- Kavis Alpha Sector:
--- A neutron star in a binary system explodes. (TNG: "Evolution")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Canada: Rodney's father reads him Moby Dick. He begins have recurring nightmares where he's being eaten by a whale. (SGA: "Doppelganger")

---- Memphis, TE, US: Olivia Crichton is born. ("Terra Firma", "A Constellation of Doubt")

---- Kiev, Soviet Union: Redjac, inhabiting a Human host, kills five women. (TOS: "WitF")

March 13
---- Gary Seven "borrows" several classified documents from the Russian Embassy in East Germany and learns that many of Earth's prominent geneticists and biochemists have gone missing. Gary suspects genetic engineering. (ST:TEW1)

March 29
--- NASA's Mariner X makes first flyby of Mercury and returns close-up images of the innermost planet.

May 14
--- Earth:
---- Rome, Italy: Undercover as a geneticist Dr. Veronica Neary, Roberta Lincoln, with Isis, attends the International Conference on Genetic Research and Experimentation in attempt to solve the mystery of the missing scientists. (ST:TEW1)

---- New York City, NY, US: Gary Seven, his apartment undercover as "Aegis Scientific Supplies, Inc." meets with Ralph Offenhouse, who is looking to purchase highly advanced scientific equipment for an unnamed third party.

May 15
---- Rome, Italy: Dr. Walter Takagi and Dr. Viktor Lozinak recruit Roberta Lincoln into a top secret Project.

---- New York City, NY, US: Gary Seven infiltrates Offenhouse's office and discovers that the "unnamed third party" is Project Chrysalis, located in India.

May 17
---- Delhi, India: Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln and Isis arrive--Gary via his matter-transmitter, Roberta and Isis via jet. Roberta is escorted by Dr. Takagi and Dr. Lozinak to a private vehicle, while Gary follows a shipment of cargo in the back of a black pickup.

---- Great Thar Desert: Roberta Lincoln and Isis arrive at Chrysalis' secret base and meet Dr. Kaur. Gary arrives an hour or two later and, having been caught, is detained in a lab specimen storage room in the base. After meeting with newly arrived "Dr. Neary" (Roberta), Kaur attempts to interrogate Gary.

May 18
---- On a tour that Dr. Takagi gives, Roberta and Isis meet a classroom of genetically engineered children, including Khan Noonien Singh.

---- Roberta and Isis, the latter sensing that Gary Seven is in trouble, stumble upon the storeroom where Gary is being held. Later, Roberta attempts to break Gary out, but accidentally blows her cover prematurely. Roberta tries to escape with Isis, but is caught. Roberta is placed in the same confinement area as Gary while Isis is given to Khan's class.

---- Isis successfully breaks out Gary and Roberta. While Roberta and Isis transport back to New York to transport Chrysalis' genetically-engineered children to safety, Gary remains to set the base's nuclear reactor to self-destruct and fend-off Dr. Kaur attempts to abort it. Gary transports to New York just before the nuclear reactor goes up, taking Dr. Kaur with it.

May 19
---- The nuclear explosion in the Great Thar Desert the day before is reported to be nothing more than a peaceful atomic test--the cover-up story that Gary Seven planted with his contacts in the Indian government. China and Pakinsta, however, react with alarm and suspicion.

---- Under the advisement of Gary Seven, the US National Academy of Sciences calls for a temporary moratorium on all genetic engineering.

August 9
---- Washington DC, US: His involvement in the Watergate break-in discovered, Richard Nixon resigns his presidency. Gerald Ford is sworn in.

Aug. 22
---- Forrest Gump is discharged from the US Army. He returns home to find his house filled with memorabilia capitalizing on his Ping-Pong playing in China. He makes $25,000 for endorsing a brand of ping-pong paddles. He uses most of the money to travel to Bubba's home town and purchase a boat, which he names Jenny after someone points out it's bad luck to have boat without a name. (FG)

---- Some time later, Lieutenant Dan Taylor, hearing that Forrest was now a shrimp boat captain, keeps his word and becomes Forrest's first mate.

Aug. 29 - September 10
---- Hurricane Carmen strikes the US Gulf coast, wrecking all the shrimp boats in the area--all but Forrest's boat. His boat being the only one operational, he begins to have much better luck at catching shrimp. Thus, the Bubba-Gump Shrimp Co. is created.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Moya is born.


--- With no leads about his true parentage, Scorpius ventures into Peacekeeper Space and surrenders himself to the first Command Carrier he encounters, one under the command of Captain Molayne. Scorpius strikes a deal with the captain and learns the truth. ("Inc")

--- Scorpius travels to Motak IV where he finds the abandoned Leviathan Transport Pod, which appears to have been left untouched for over 10 cycles. But it turns out to be a trap and Scorpius is recaptured by Tauza.

Scorpius on Motak IV

--- Back aboard a Scarran Dreadnought, Tauza tortures Scorpius for whatever information he had learned while among the Peacekeepers. Scorpius resists and ends up killing Tauza. Helped the Peacekeepers find and destroy the Dreadnought.

--- For his apparent loyalty, the Peacekeepers exempt him from all racial purity regulations, thus beginning his career as a Peacekeeper.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Leslie Ferina is born. (SQ: "The Regulator")

April 30
---- Southeast Asia: The Vietnam War ends with the capture of Saigon, the capital of anti-communist South Vietnam by armies of North Vietnam. The country begins to reunify under communist rule.

---- The USS Enterprise CVAN-65, having taken part in the Vietnam War, proceeds to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Maryland, US to undergo alterations and refitting to support the new F-14 Tomcats. By the following September, the Enterprise becomes the first carrier to deploy the new fighters.

June 30
---- The USS Enterprise, along with other US carriers, is re-classified from "CVAN" to "CVN"

July 17
--- The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the first American-Soviet joint space venture, achieves its goal of safely docking two spacecraft in orbit.

July 29
--- Earth:
---- United States: Forrest learns that his mother is dying of cancer and returns home to her. Upon her death, Forrest leaves his shrimp industry in the hands of Lieutenant Dan and retires to mowing lawns. (FG)

September 21
---- Forrest receives a letter from Apple Computers, into which Lieutenant Dan participates a substantial investment.

October 22
--- Soviet Union's Venera IX becomes the first spacecraft to return images of Venus' surface.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Moya is bonded to her first Pilot. ("The Way We Weren't")

-- Delvia:
--- Pa'u Bitaal, Zotoh Zhaan's spiritual counselor and lover, and other conservative Pa'us attempt a coup and hire Peacekeepers for "external security", turning the theocracy into a police state. Zhaan's own father is captured and sent to an asteroid camp. Zhaan murders Bitaal as they share Unity (a bonding of minds and spirits) and shatters her own mind in the process. Zhaan is arrested by the Peacekeepers and is taken to Micar VII--a maximum labor planet. ("Wh", "Rhapsody in Blue")

Bitaal (left) shares Unity with Zhaan (right)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- NOVA Robotics, Washington: Dr. Newton Crosby begins working on the SAINT Robots. (Short Circuit)

February 19
---- Washington DC, US: Executive Order 9066, signed by former-President Roosevelt in response to Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, is finally rescinded by current-President Ford.

---- Greenbow, AL, US: Jenny returns and moves in with Forrest. They spend the next several weeks together. One night, Forrest proposes to Jenny, but she turns him down. The next morning, Forrest finds out that Jenny had left, despite saying that she did love him. (FG)

July 20
--- Mars:
---- Chryse Planitia: NASA's Viking I lands and sends images of the planet's red surface back to Earth. Viking conducts experiments to discover the presence of microorganisms. The results are debated.


September 17
--- Earth:
---- United States: NASA unveils its first reusable space shuttle named Enterprise OV-101.


December 17
---- Canada: Jeannie McKay is born. (dc, based on actress' actual date of birth)

-- Nebari Prime:
--- Chiana is born. (dc, based on age of actress)


February 15
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- The SS Enterprise OV-101 undergoes her first flight, a taxi test atop a Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft to measure structural loads and ground handling and braking characteristics of the mated system.

March 10
---- James L. Elliot, Edward W. Dunham, and Douglas J. Mink, aboard NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory (a highly modified C-141A jet transport aircraft), discover rings around Uranus.

May 25
---- The first Star Wars movie is released in theaters.

August 15
---- Ohio, US: The Big Ear telescope detects a strong narrowband radio signal, non-terrestrial and non-solar system in origin. The signal, lasting 72 seconds, is a close match to the expected signature of an interstellar signal. Sector 7 designates the sender as NBE-2. (Transformers)

August 20
---- NASA launches Voyager II into space. Voyager I is launched two weeks later. Both probes carry recordings of Humpback Whale songs.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Aboard a Peacekeeper Command Carrier, Xhalax visits young Aeryn. Xhalax tells her that she was born out of love, not simply to fill the ranks. That she and Talyn had chosen to yield a life. ("FT", "Thanks for Sharing")

Xhalax visiting her daughter

--- Xhalax's superiors learn of her visit to her daughter and give her a choice: kill Talyn, or kill Aeryn. To save their daughter, Xhalax kills Talyn. ("The Choice")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Canada: Rodney McKay gets lost in a garden maze while running from a bee. (SGA: "Spoils of War")

July 4
---- Miami, FL, US: David Freeman is sent to pick up his younger brother Jeff from a friend's house. Jeff jumps out of a tree, scaring him. David starts to chase him, but is alerted by his dog to a nearby ravine. David, trying to look in to see what has the dog's attention, falls in. A Trimaxion Drone Ship abducts David, choosing him as a specimen of Earth, and takes him to Phaelon. (FotN)

---- David returns from 1986 with a stowaway (a fellow specimen) from the Drone Ship.

July 4
---- David Scott Freeman is reported missing. His mother makes Jeff, who feels rotten about scaring him, put up Missing posters everywhere for years to come. Eventually, David is presumed dead by the police.

-- Jool and two of her cousins are placed in stasis and sold to Grunchlk on an ice planet. ("Suns and Lovers", "Self Inflicted Wounds")

-- Micar VII:
--- Zotoh Zhaan is transferred from here to another prison. ("Wh")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- United States: The television series Galaxy Quest premieres. (Galaxy Quest)

---- Aiden Ford is born. (SGA: "Childhood's End")


---- Jack Crichton is held up for testing in Houston, TX. He commandeers a jet and flies home to Indianapolis, IN for John's 10th birthday. He's late, but wakes John up at 4 AM the following morning to go fishing. John catches the "biggest damn trout" his dad had ever seen. ("A Human Reaction")

---- Oregon: Nicholas Ballard checks himself into a mental health facility after suffering a severe mental breakdown. (SG1: "CS")

---- Pacific Ocean: Two Humpback Whales are born. Later, while still calves, the two whales wander into San Francisco Bay and are taken to the Cetacean Institute in Sausalito. There, they are named George and Gracie. (TVH; dc, but whales are sexually mature by events of film)

February 7
---- Brazil: The infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who performed medical experiments at the Auschwitz Death Camp, dies of a stroke while swimming.

March 5
--- Voyager I flies past Jupiter, capturing the first detailed images of the gas giant and some of its moons.

July 11
--- Earth:
---- The American space station Skylab ends her career and burns up in Earth's atmosphere.

September 1
--- Pioneer XI becomes the first spacecraft to fly past Saturn.

1979/Track C
--- Biff Tannen successfully lobbies to legalise gambling. (BttF2)

-- Martin's World:
--- As their war with the Goa'uld takes a turn for the worst, Martin and a group of others are sent away to find allies. They discover the Tau'ri and decide, instead, to hide out on the third planet. They hide their ship in the solar system and use an escape pod to cover the remaining distance to Earth. (SG1: "Point of No Return"; dc)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Canada: Rodney McKay builds a working model of an atomic bomb for his Grade 6 Science Fair exhibit. He his subsequently questioned for six hours by the CIA. (SGA: "Underground")

---- Montana, US: Martin becomes convinced that deserting their people was wrong and tries to convince his associates the same and to return to their world. His comrades aren't swayed and, realizing that Martin is now a liability, begin drugging him with medication that makes him lose most of his memories. They keep his home under surveillance and ensure that he continues oblivious about his alien origins. (SG1: "PoNR"; dc)

---- Auburn, KA: Cameron's father, a test pilot, loses his legs and nearly loses his life in a test accident. (SG1: "CD")

November 12
--- Voyager I flies past Saturn.

December 6
--- Earth:
---- Pacific Ocean: Efficiency Expert Warren Lasky comes aboard the USS Nimitz CVN-68 as an observer just before the ship encounters a storm and goes missing for over 12 hours. (TFC)

---- On returning to 1980, the USS Nimitz puts in to Pearl Harbor and Lasky finally meets his employer Richard Tideman--formerly Wing Commander Richard Owens, who was left back in 1941.

Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:34 am
by Varthikes
-- Near Trilax:
--- Top-secret Scarran base Katratzi: Stark begins working for the Scarrans, assisting the ruling caste with their death rituals. (dc; "We're So Screwed, Part III: La Bomba", PKW)

-- Uncharted Territories:
--- Kornada establishes a research outpost on an asteroid with the purpose of discovering the origins of intellect--the essentials of thought itself. Experimenting on one of her laboratory creatures, she increases its intelligence. Once he's smart enough, Namtar begins to take over, graphing the best genetic traits from creatures from 1,000 different worlds. He uses Kornada and her staff as test subjects. (dc; "DNAMS")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- US: Jack Crichton and his family move from Indiana to Florida. (dc; Crichtons living in Florida by 1985 in "Kansas")

January 20
---- Ronald Reagan is inaugurated as the 40th President.

April 12
---- Cape Canaveral, FL: NASA's Space Shuttle Columbia lifts off, beginning the first shuttle flight into space.


April 14
---- SS Columbia completes her first mission, landing on Rogers Dry Lake at Edwards Air Force Base.

June 29
---- Greenbow, AL: Having received a letter from Jenny, Forrest visits. Jenny introduces Forrest to her young son, Forrest Jr., to whom Forrest is the father. (FG)

October 29
---- On learning that Jenny is sick with a virus, Forrest invites her and Forrest Jr. to come live with him. Jenny asks Forrest to marry her, and he accepts.

December 29
---- Forrest and Jenny are married. The ceremony is attended by only a handful of family and friends, including Lieutenant Dan, who now has titanium prosthetic legs, with his Asian fiancee.

---- Dr. Wilson Evergreen (Flint) begins working on a procedure to repair a hole developing in Earth's ozone layer above the South Magnetic Pole. He sets up a highly classified Da Vinci Research Base in Antarctica. (ST:TEW1)

---- US: Cheyenne Mountain is refurbished from a missile silo into a research facility focusing on the "Doorway to Heaven" device. Major General West oversees the project, but Catherine Langford is promised complete autonomy. Langford's team begins working to develop a computerized system to operate the device. (SG; SG1: "Children of the Gods")

---- Washington DC: Jacob Carter is supposed to pick up his wife from the airport. He doesn't, and she is forced to take a taxi. The taxi becomes involved in an accident that kills her. Sam and her brother, Mark, blames their father for it. Sam eventually forgives her father, but Mark doesn't. (SG1: "Seth", "The Devil You Know")

---- East Germany: Captains Jack O'Neill and Charles Kawalsky participate in a mission to capture a Russian agent. It all goes wrong and their superior is killed in action. (SG1: "TGk")

March 12 - June 16
---- Starscream arrives. He is caught on video around the world before transforming on camera in Sacremento, CA. (Transformers)

March 22
---- Greenbow, AL, US: Jenny Curran Gump dies. (FG)

July 17
---- In response to the alien arrival, Sector 7 Incident Report issues a directive to inact Operation Hungry Dragon. (Transformers)

-- Arnessk:
--- Oo-Nii begins searching for the Darnaz Probes. ("What Was Lost")


-- Sol System:
--- Pioneer X passes Pluto's orbit boundary, becoming the first man-made object to exit Earth's solar system.

--- Earth:
---- MD, US: Nathan Bridger meets William Noyce at Annapolis Naval Academy. (SQ: "To Be or Not to Be")

March 15
---- Operation Hungry Dragon: To control the previous year's leak about the cybernetic aliens to the public, S7 Industries collaborates with Japanese toymaker Takara to produce a movie based on the 'video game' about giant robots they were developing, allowing them to dismiss any claims relating to the aliens or their world as fictional characters--hiding them in plain sight. (Transformers)

March 22
---- Hill Valley, CA: Doctor Emmett Brown is commended. (BttF2)

1983/Track C
March 22
---- Doctor Brown is committed. (BttF2)

- Ida Galaxy:
-- The Asgard High Council discover Loki has been performing unauthorized experiments on the Tau'ri. He is stripped of rank and banished, but continues his work in secret. (SG1: "FB")

February 7
- Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Sol System:
--- In Earth's orbit, American astronauts Bruce McCandless and Robert Stewart make the first untethered spacewalk from the SS Challenger.

--- Earth:
---- US: By this time, Patrick Sheppard has John's life all planned out for him. But, John makes other plans to join the USAF. This heavily strains their relationship. John and his father do not speak again and John's brother, Dave, is left to take his place. (SGA: "Outcast")

---- NV, US: Shannon O'Donnell begins working at Area 51 for Project F--endeavoring to study and, if possible, duplicate the technology of the Ferengi that landed on Earth back in 1947. (ST:TEW1)

---- CA, US: After scoring the record on the arcade game "Starfighter", Alex Rogan is recruited by Centauri to defend the Star League and Earth from Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada. (The Last Starfighter)

---- The SS Discovery places a "weather satellite" belonging to Dr. Evergreen in orbit over Antarctica. The intention of the satellite is to use the Van Allen radiation belt surrounding the planet to convert free oxygen into ozone, thus repairing the hole developing. (ST:TEW1)

---- Amritsar, India: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi orders a military assault on the Golden Temple--Sikhism's holiest site. Thousands are killed and a library of sacred scriptures is incinerated.

Oct. 31
---- Delhi: In retaliation for her assault on the temple, Gandhi is killed by her own Sikh bodyguards.

November 1
---- In response to Gandhi's assassination, bloody riots breakout. Khan Noonien Singh, doing a little shopping at the time, becomes involved as a victim. Gary Seven arrives and pulls him out just as he is about to be set aflame. Seven begins trying to train Noonien in his covert operations. (ST:TEW1)

---- Moscow, USSR: With Communist leader Konstantin Chernenko rumored to be near death, Roberta and Isis insure that one of Chernenko's potential successors, Gorbachev, survive the Kremlin's bitter power struggles. (ST:TEW1)

Dec. 2
---- Antarctica: Having been informed by Guinan of a potentially dangerous operation in progress by Dr. Evergreen, Seven enlists the aid of Noonien Singh to investigate. They infiltrate the base and attempt to question the doctor about the operation. Evergreen resists before being stabbed through the heart from behind by Noon. The man recovers, though, and Seven is able to peacefully convince him to abandon the procedure for the time being. Telling him that the same technique with which he is hoping to repair the damage can be employed as a devastating weapon. Evergreen accepts Seven's argument and abandons his research, sending up a self-destruct command to cause his satellite to burn up in Earth's atmosphere. (ST:TEW1)

Dec. 3
---- Bhopal, India: A run-down insecticide plant looses containment, releasing a deadly cloud of methyl isocyanate into the air, killing and injuring thousands. The disaster is witnessed by Seven and a disappointed Noonien, returning from the Antarctica mission. Seven transports Noonien to the safety.

---- New Delhi: Seven and Noonien materializes in the latter's college dormitory. Once there, Noonien challenges Seven on his inaction in the Bhopal crisis. Seven tells Noonien that his primary mission is to prevent Mankind from destroying itself completely, and that such tragedies as the one ravaging Bhopal, though horrendous, would encourage tighter safety and environmental regulations. Noonien, however believes that Seven should use is technology to enforce order on the world. Ultimately, Noonien rejects Seven's principles. As Seven leaves, Noonien rejects his childhood name for the more manly name Khan.

Dec. 4
---- NYC, NY, US: Foreseeing that Khan will be a problem in the near future, Gary Seven locks all materials regarding Chrysalis away in his Beta 5 Computer, classifying them under Highly Confidential.

- Andromeda Galaxy:
-- Nil:
--- The Nilef Union successfully develop FTL travel. (TPotN: "DoA")

- Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Hanka:
--- Cassandra is born. (SG1: "Singularity")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Tobais LeConte is born. (SQ: "Dream Weaver")

---- England: The Echo-class HMS Enterprise A71 (15) is sold.

---- US: Manilow Crocker enlists in the US Navy. (SQ)

March 11
---- Moscow, USSR: Three hours after the death of Konstantin Chernenko, Mikhail Gorbachev is elected General Secretary.

---- Gorbachev begins making widespread reforms, beginning with personnel changes.

---- Gorbachev proposes that the Soviet Union and America both cut their nuclear arsenals in half.

---- Astoria, OR, US: With their houses in danger of being foreclosed, Mikey Walsh and his fellow Goonies stumble upon the treasure map of the infamous One-Eyed Willie in the Walshs' attic. The team set off in search of the treasure to save their homes. (TGo)

---- Hill Valley, CA: Lybian terrorists approach Dr. Emmett Brown with a case of Plutonium, wanting him to build them a bomb. Dr. Brown keeps the Plutonium for his time machine invention and, instead, gives the terrorist a bomb casing full of used Pin-Ball Machine parts. (BttF)

Oct. 26
---- 1:15 am: Dr. Brown completes his time machine, built out of a DeLorean vehicle. With Marty McFly witnessing at Hill Valley's Twin Pine Mall, Brown conducts his first temporal experiment, sending his dog, Einstein, one minute into the future.

---- Shortly after the experiment, the Lybian terrorists arrive, having discovered Dr. Brown's treachery. They shoot down the scientist in front of Marty, who then escapes in the DeLorean and time jumps to 1955.

Oct. 30 - 31
---- FL, US: John Crichton loses his virginity to Karen Shaw in the back of a 4x4. ("That Old Black Magic", "Losing Time")

---- John Crichton gets caught in a fire. His father pulls him out of it. ("Ka")

---- NASA calls Jack, offering him command of the SS Challenger. Jack turns it down and leaves NASA to work for IASA.

November 21
---- Switzerland: The Geneva Summit is held, holding talks on international diplomatic relations and the arms race. Soviet Union's General Secretary Gorbachev opens up a dialogue with US President Reagan. The two strike a personal relationship and decide to hold further meetings.

Oct. 30 - 31
--- John Crichton, recently arriving from an inter-dimensional realm via wormhole, finds himself in Earth orbit. D'Argo, Aeryn, Rygel, Noranti, and Chiana follow in Lo'la. On learning when in time he is, John and company land in his old neighborhood. ("Ka")

--- Earth:
---- FL, US: John discovers that his father has accepted command of the doomed Challenger mission. John and company move into a house that was sealed off some time earlier by the police, who found the owners to be in possesion of illegal drugs. D'Argo sets things up to make the house appear to be on fire, Noranti fixes something to knock young John unconscious, and Chiana, pretending to be Karen Shaw, lures young John to the house.


---- 16-year-old John Crichton looses his virginity to Karen Shaw (Chiana) in the back of a 4x4. ("TOBM", "LT", "Ka")

---- Jack Crichton rescues his son from the burning house. As his son recovers, Jack turns down NASA's offer to command the SS Challenger. Jack leaves NASA to work for IASA (International Air and Space Administration).

---- Sheriff Robert Schelmacher learns of the "strangers" and investigates. He blacks-out twice. Upon waking the second time, he finds them all gone save for a strangely carved pumpkin. He reports on the event, giving detailed descriptions of the aliens. Since he is the only one who remembers, his report is not taken seriously. The officer begins losing his mind, believing, among other things, that the aliens are sending them messages, telling Humans to "eat fatty foods" to fatten themselves up for consumption. ("Ka", "A Constellation of Doubt")


1985/Track B
Oct. 26
---- Hill Valley, CA: Marty, having returned from 1955, arrives at Lone Pine Mall in time to see Dr. Brown shot and his earlier self escape the terrorists in the DeLorean. Marty finds the Doc still alive thanks to a bullet-proof vest, heeding the warning in Marty's letter.

---- Dr. Brown takes Marty home before heading into the future.

---- 10:00 am: Marty wakes up to discover that his interference in 1955 has caused improved changes to his family.

---- Jennifer Parker, Marty's girlfriend, visits just in time to catch Dr. Brown return from the future with an improved DeLorean, now powered by Mr. Fusion and capable of flying. Dr. Brown returns with Marty and Jennifer to 2015 to save their family.

Oct. 27
---- 11:00 am: Marty returns from 1885, the DeLorean sliding along the railway from Eastwood Bridge. Marty jumps out of the DeLorean just before the time machine is smashed by an incoming train. (BttF3)

---- Marty returns to the site with Jennifer in time to be visited briefly by Dr. Brown, his wife Clara, and their children in a time machine-converted steam locomotive.

1985/Track C
Oct. 26 - 27
---- Dr. Brown, Marty, an unconscious Jennifer, and Einstein return an alternate 1985 in which a darker Hill Valley is ruled by a corrupt Biff Tannen. The result of temporal tampering by 2015 Biff. Marty learns from the present Biff that he was given a Sport's Almanac by an old man claiming to be a "distant relative" on November 12, 1955. After he escapes Biff's gun, Marty and Dr. Brown set off to correct the timeline. (BttF2)

1985/Track D
Oct. 27
---- Marty, trying to prove that he isn't "chicken", races schoolmate Needles in his 4x4. He hits a Rose Royce and breaks his hand, forcing him to give up on his music. (BttF2)

-- Va'lar leads a battalion against Ra's forces. Va'lar is outnumbered and is forced to retreat. Apophis learns of this and orders Teal'c to execute him. Teal'c returns with Va'lar to the site of the battle, but, rather than killing him as Apophis ordered, Teal'c tells Va'lar to hide out in a nearby village. Teal'c returns to Apophis with the symbiote of an enemy Jaffa. (SG1: "Thh")

-- Langara:
--- The Kelownans discover an ancient Goa'uld temple with writings and containing artifacts including naquadria and a stargate. (SG1: "Meridian")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- The International Whaling Commission places an indefinite moratorium on commercial whaling.

---- US: Tommy Raymond is born to Donald and Clare Raymond. (TNG: "TNZ")

---- USSR: Gorbachev announces his proposal for the elimination of intermediate-range nuclear weapons (INF) in Europe and all nuclear weapons by 2000.

January 24
--- Uranus:
---- Voyager II flies by.

Jan. 28
--- Earth:
---- US: SS Challenger explodes 73 seconds after lift-off, killing all seven aboard, including the first civilian, a school teacher, to go into space. The tragedy brings the American space program to a temporary halt, pending an investigation.


February 19
---- Soviet Union places the core module of Space Station Mir in orbit. The station becomes a shared resource between Russians and Americans and a training ground for future space stations.

Mir's Core Module

---- WA, US: NOVA Robotics: The 5 prototype SAINT Robots are completed. Shortly after a demonstration to representatives of the US Senate, an electrical storm comes up. SAINT Number 5 is struck by lightning. The robot, becoming aware, stowsaway aboard a garbage truck and leaves the laboratory. A military unit, believing that the malfunctioning robot, armed with a powerful laser, is a threat, dispatches to chase down the robot and eliminate it. Drs. Newton Crosby and Benjamin Jabituya race the military to the robot, hoping to figure out the cause of Number 5's malfunction. (SC)

---- OR: Number 5 meets a young woman, Stephanie Speck, who supplies the robot with lots of much needed input. Stephanie teaches the robot the difference between life and death, and that death is permanent. Together, they convince Newton that Number 5 is alive. Number 5 creates a duplicate of himself to fool the military, who destroys the duplicate, thinking that it's the "malfunctioning" robot.

---- Newton quits NOVA and moves with Stephanie and Number 5 to the land his father left for him in Montana. Number 5 takes the name Johnny for himself.

---- Benjamin Jabituya manages to commandeer a NOVA van and also quits the NOVA. (Short Circuit 2)

June 27
---- Klingon Bird-of-Prey HMS Bounty, under the command of Admiral James Kirk arrive via sling-shot maneuver around the sun. They settle into Earth orbit, where they engage the cloak to avoid detection. Uhura picks up whale songs from San Francisco while Scotty reports that the the time travel drained their Klingon dilithium crystals. (TVH)

---- CA, US: Sulu sets the Bounty down in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.

---- Kirk sells his 18th-century glasses, the ones that Dr. McCoy gave him as a birthday gift, to an antique shop in order to procure money for him and his team.

---- Kirk and Spock join a tour given by Dr. Gillian Taylor of the Cetacean Institute in Sausalito, where they learn two Humpback Whales (George and Gracie) are being kept. While Spock attempts a mindmeld with one of the whales, Kirk learns from Gillian that the Institute, unable to keep feeding the whales their required two tons of shrimp per day, plan to release the whales into the ocean soon.

---- McCoy and Scotty trade the formula for transparent aluminum to Dr. Nichols of PlexiCorp in exchange for materials with which they can manufacture a tank on the Bounty to transport the whales to the future. Sulu borrows a Huey 204 to transport the materials.

---- Kirk attempts to win Gillian's cooperation over dinner. He tells her his mission--that he's from the 23rd Century and has come back in time to bring two Humpback Whales back to the future in attempt to re-populate the species. In return, Gillian tells him that the whales are to be shipped out noon the next day in a special 747 to Alaska.

---- Uhura and Chekov infiltrate USS Enterprise CVN-65, docked at Alameda Naval Base, and steal high-energy protons from the fission reactor to regenerate the Bounty's dilithium crystals. Uhura is successfully beams out, but Chekov is captured and interrogated by the FBI, who suspect him of being a Soviet agent. He is injured in his subsequent attempt to escape and taken to Mercy Hospital.


June 28
---- The next day, Gillian learns that the whales were released the night before to avoid a mob scene with the press. Gillian sets off to Golden Gate Park to inform Kirk.

---- Kirk beams Gillian aboard the Bounty and, as she informs Kirk of the whales' release, Uhura reports Chekov's whereabouts. Gillian helps Kirk and McCoy rescue Chekov from Mercy Hospital. Afterward, Gillian tags along with Kirk and company as they rescue George and Gracie from whalers and bring them aboard before returning to the 23rd Century.


July 3 - 5
---- After spending several days trying to figure out the equipment confiscated from Chekov, the US Navy finally sends them to Area 51 for study by Dr. Jeffrey Carlson. It is believed that the equipment is related to the Ferengi that visited Roswell, NM 39 years earlier, and that Chekov was a Ferengi agent. (ST:TEW1)

July 5
---- NV: Shannon O'Donnell is summoned to Area 51 by Dr. Carlson to see the alien devices. After forcing the aged scientist to get some rest, Shannon encounters Roberta Lincoln, who arrives to collect the advanced technology. Roberta tells Shannon that Humanity is not ready for such advancements.

October 10
---- Moscow, USSR: Colonel Anastasia Komananova, on her way to a secret meeting with an attache case of top-secret documents, stops by the tomb of Vladimir Lenin. Komananova encounters Gary Seven, disguised as Lenin's corpse, who questions her about the government coup she's planning to get rid of Gorbachev. Komananova takes Seven captive, but as they leave the tomb, Khan shows up and rescues Seven, properly (in Khan's mind) repaying the debt he owed Seven after the incident in Delhi. Seven and Khan, with Komananova as captive, flee into the tomb, where Khan leads them through a maze of secret passages beneath the tomb. Khan and Seven pause to examine the classified documents in Komananova's attache case. They learn that an operation is in progress to assassinate Gorbachev, now at a peace summit in Iceland with President Reagan. No details are clearly mentioned in the documents, however, as to how Gorbachev is to be assassinated. (ST:TEW1)

---- Reykjavik, Iceland: US President Reagan and Soviet Union General Secretary Gorbachev meet to discuss reduction in nuclear arms. Roberta Lincoln attends as Gorbachev's translator. Roberta is alerted by Seven of the assassination attempt on Gorbachev. Roberta, with Isis' help, successfully foils the attempt.

Oct. 11
---- Gorbachev and Reagan agree in principle to remove all INF systems from Europe and to equal global limits of 100 INF missile warheads. They also agree to eliminate all nuclear weapons in 10 years instead of 14.

---- David Freeman reappears, still 12 years old and having no memory of the past eight years. (FotN)

---- The Trimaxion Drone Ship that is returning David from Phaelon crashes into an electrical tower, erasing its starcharts. The ship is taken by NASA to a base where unsuccessful attempts are made at studying it.

---- During a test to help David remember, the boy's brain delivers an image of a space ship. NASA learns of this and takes David to the base where the ship is being kept for further studies. David is drawn to the ship by the onboard artificial intelligence (Max). The ship takes off with David, who strikes a deal with Max: David gives Max the starcharts in his head; Max takes David home.

---- David arrives at home to find NASA scientists and security waiting for him. He convinces Max to return him to the same moment in 1978 that he left.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Ka D'Argo marries Lo'Laan despite opposition, particularly from Lo'Laan's family. A son, Jothee, is soon born to them. They hideout on a farming planet from people who would oppose their union. ("They've Got a Secret")

-- Teal'c leads an attack on Ra's followers in a village--the same village where Va'lar is hiding. Teal'c and his army destroys the village and all those in it. Teal'c is later haunted by the memory of the faces of the innocent people there. (SG1: "Thh")

-- Chulak:
--- Rya'c is born to Teal'c and Drey'auc. (SG1: "Bloodlines")

-- Cimmeria:
--- Kendra, putting forth the promise of glorious conquest, lures her Goa'uld parasite to this world. She is sent to the labyrinths by Thor's Hammer. She passes through a second Thor's Hammer at the labyrinth's exit, killing the Goa'uld within her. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Asia: Khan fights alongside Afghan rebels in their guerrilla war against the Soviet Union. He begins recruiting followers among the normal Human population, individuals who agree with his vision and the path he is taking. (ST:TEW1)

---- South Korea: A pro-democracy uprising is incited. Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln receive an unconfirmed report that Khan is involved.

---- Belgium: Fabrique Nationale introduces the P90 submachine gun. By the end of the century, this will be the weapon of choice for Stargate Command teams going through the stargate. (SG1: "The First Ones")

---- US: Nathan Bridger marries Carol Benning. (SQ: "TBoNtB")

---- Washington, US: NOVA Robotics is shut down and the four remaining SAINT prototypes are destroyed. (SC2)

---- SF, CA: Dr. Nichols begins working out the transparent aluminum formula given to him by Professor Scott the previous year, and soon begins to market it. The PlexiCorp stock skyrockets, and Nichols takes over ownership of the company. (ST:TEW2)

February 23
---- Chile: Canadian astronomer Ian Shelton, while working for the University of Toronto, discovers SN 1987A--the brightest supernova seen from Earth in 383 years, located in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

April 24
---- US: Gabriel Bell is born. (DS9: "LGM")

---- Auburn, KA: Cameron Mitchell graduates from George Washington High School. (SG1: "Bounty")

-- Malakai's wife dies. (SG1: "Window of Opportunity")

-- Chulak:
--- Teal'c is made First Prime of Apophis. (SG1: "Thh")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- NYC, NY, US: Newton Crosby's former co-worker Ben Jahrvi gets a request to construct a thousand miniature toy versions of the SAINT robots. Johnny 5 is shipped to the city by Newton and Ally to help Ben. During his visit to the city, Johnny 5 prevents the robbery of the famous Van Da Vir Collection of jewels. (SC2)

---- Ben Jahrvi and Johnny 5 become legalized citizens of the United States.

---- Mojave Desert, CA, US: An alien slave ship lands, crewed by a genetically-engineered race adapted for hard labor in almost any environment. The Newcomers are placed under temporary quarantine by the United States government. (Alien Nation)

---- Asia: Khan personally arranges the plane crash that results in the death of General Zia ul-Haq, Pakistan's military government. This leads to the return of democracy to India's nearest neighbor and rival. (ST:TEW1)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Eastern Europe: A string of revolutions occur, leading to the collapse of Communism.

---- US: Robert Bridger is born to Nathan and Carol. (SQ: "TBoNtB")

---- Edward Raymond is born to Donald and Clare. (TNG: "TNZ")

---- Robert Greer is born. (SGU)

March 13
---- A brilliant red aurora occurs over much of North America--the most spectacular display at the time.

June 10
---- Jonathan Ford is born. (SQ)

August 24
--- Neptune:
---- Voyager II flies by.

November 9
--- Earth:
---- Europe: The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the Western Powers is over. The Berlin Wall is torn down, reuniting West and East Germany.

---- Bulgaria: Gary Seven and Isis work behind-the-scenes to insure the collapse of Bulgaria's Communist government takes place in a peaceful matter. (ST:TEW1)

---- NYC, NY, US: Roberta Lincoln is watching the Berlin Wall coming down on the Beta 5 Computer in Gary Seven's office when Khan storms in with two of his followers. Khan destroys Gary Seven's transporter vault and hacks into Beta 5 for all information concerning the Chrysalis Children, as well as Dr. Evergreen's (Flint) Ozone Manipulation technology. Once finished Khan destroys the computer. Khan leaves Roberta with a warning that neither she nor Seven interfere with his activities.

- Andromeda Galaxy:
-- Nil:
--- The Nilef Union are admitted into the Dromin Alliance for protection from the ever-growing threat of the Zirquin-Zargon conflict. (TPotN: "DoA")

- Milky Way Galaxy:
-- Rygel XVI is transferred to Moya. (dc, "Back and Back and Back to the Future", Zhaan mentions that Rygel had been aboard Moya longer)

-- Uncharted Territories:
--- Sykara:
---- Peacekeepers enslave the planet, forcing them to grow and harvest tannoc root, which is used to make chalken oil to power Peacekeeper pulse weapons. (dc, "Thank God It's Friday, Again")

--- The Peacekeepers establish a highly classified Gammak Base on an oil-covered moon orbiting a gas giant. Commander Javio is put in command. Scorpius is also assigned to the base. Among the purposes of the base is to perfect memory extraction technology (such as the Aurora Chair), and to conduct research on wormholes and technology based around them. (dc, "Nerve")

-- Cortega:
--- Apophis orders Teal'c to kill a villager of his choice or he will kill them all. Teal'c shoots a crippled man on the reasoning that the villagers may be able to move faster into hiding the next time Apophis comes. The man happens to be the father of a boy present. (SG1: "Cor-ai", dc)

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Khan begins rounding up as many of the Chrysalis Children as he can. (ST: The Eugenics Wars, Vol. 2)

---- US: Bobby Coleman, nephew of John Crichton, is born to John's older sister, Susan, and her husband, Frank Coleman. ("ACoD")

---- Samuel James Witwicky is born. (Transformers)

---- London, England: Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln set up their new headquarters, disguised as a bookshop called Aegis Fine Books, Ltd, installing a new Beta 6 Computer as well as a transporter vault. (ST:TEW2)

---- Seven sends Isis, in her Humanoid form, to infiltrate Khan's ranks.

April 25
---- NASA's Space Shuttle Discovery deploys the Hubble Space Telescope in Earth's orbit for long-range observations without atmospheric interference.


June 17
--- Earth:
---- Katherine Hitchcock is born. (SQ)

August 2
---- Middle East: The Persian Gulf War breaks out. It is fought between a coalition force of 34 nations, under the United Nations authorization, and Iraq, whose forces invaded Kuwait. The war is fought for the next 7 months, during which Samantha Carter logs over 100 hours of air time in enemy space. (SG1: "CotG")

1991 - 2000
-- Delta Quadrant:
--- The Peacekeepers conduct numerous attempts to breed a Leviathan/Gunship hybrid. All such pregnancies end in disaster, killing both mother and child. ("FT")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Bacteriological Warfare experiments are conducted. One such experiment produces infections similar to what the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 would encounter on Omega IV 250 years later. (TOS: "The Omega Glory")

-- Denea:
--- Fostro is born to astronomer Lyneea. ("I, E.T.")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Eurasia: The Soviet Union breaks up into a number of independent republics and federations and the KGB is dissolved.

---- US: Daniel Jackson apprentices for a time under Dr. David Jordan alongside Sarah Gardner and Steven Rayner. Daniel and Sarah become romantically involved. (SG1: "TCu")

---- LA, CA: The US government release the Newcomers from quarantine, and the aliens begin living among the Human population. Detective Sergeant Matthew Sykes, with his new partner--LA's first Newcomer detective--stop another Newcomer from selling a powerful and highly-addictive drug to the other Newcomers. (AN)

February 27
---- Middle East: The Gulf War ends the the expulsion of Iraqi troops from Kuwait by the United Nations.

-- Macton Tal finds his sister and D'Argo's dwelling on the farming planet. He tries to convince Lo'Laan to leave D'Argo. Lo'Laan refuses and tries to stab Macton before he reveals their location. Macton defends himself and kills his sister. He beats the body to make it appear that D'Argo killed her in a fit of Luxan hyper-rage. ("TGaS", "MaA")

-- D'Argo sends Jothee away before Peacekeeper soldiers arrive with Macton, who still has Lo'Laan's dried blood on her hands, and D'Argo is arrested. Captain Bialar Crais is involved in the arrest. He knows of D'Argo's innocence, but does nothing about it. D'Argo is sent to Dakara VII before being transferred to Moya. ("Wh", "TGaS", "FT")

-- Nebari Prime:
--- Nerri and Chiana, objecting to the Nebari laws of conformity, leave their world. To their surprise, they are able to obtain exit visas. They are also given a 'routine physical examination' during which they they are unknowingly infected with the Nebari Contagion which, when activated, would cause chaos among the worlds it infects so that the Nebari Establishment can move in and impose peace on those worlds. ("A Clockwork Nebari", dc)

-- Once off their world, Chiana and Nerri flee to the Uncharted Territories. The two become very close during their travels and trials. They eventually have Life Disks implanted in each of their upper abdominal cavities. The Life Disks link them, giving them a constant awareness of the other's existence. ("Taking the Stone", "ACwN")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Leslie Ferina receives a Ph.D. in Marine Geophysics from University of Rhode Island. (SQ: "TReg")

---- Tobais LeConte pinpoints the exact time of the birth of the Universe. (SQ: "DW")

---- SF, CA, US: Dr. Nichols, director of PlexiCorp, begins designing the cryosatellite. (ST:TEW2, dc)

January 12
---- Puerto Rico: At the Arecibo Observatory, radio astronomers Alexander Wolszczan and Dale Frail discover two planets orbiting pulsar PSR1257+12.

---- Tuamoto Islands: Khan acquires the Muroroa Atoll from the French, who are giving up their atomic weapons testing on the islands. Khan and his followers make the Muroroa Atoll, naming it Chrysalis Island, their Space Center. Khan also create laboratories for continuing the Chrysalis Project in creating genetically-engineered Humans. (ST:TEW2)

April 23
---- COBE satellite find structure in cosmic background radiation, supporting the Big Bang theory.

May 25
---- Timothy O'Neill is born. (SQ)

June 14
---- Chrysalis Island: Roberta Lincoln infiltrates Muroroa Atoll and attempts to sabotage Khan's launch of Morning Star, a satellite equipped with Evergreen's ozone manipulation technology. She is caught and the launch proceeds unhindered. With undercover Isis' help, though, Roberta manages to escape. (ST:TEW2)

July 10
---- Chandigarh, India: Khan meets with high-ranking diplomats and military leaders from various nations throughout the world to force them to officially recognize his regime. He informs them of his influence in over one quarter of Earth, from South Asia to Middle East. He also reveals to them Morning Star and demonstrates the power of his ozone weapon by using the satellite to enlarge the ozone hole above Antarctica. (ST:TEW2, TOS: "Space Seed")


---- NY, US: The book Chicago Mobs of the Twenties is published. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action", ST:TEW2)

Nov. 5
---- London, England: Having learned the location of Gary Seven's headquarters, Khan sends a contingent of his loyal supermen. They attempt to capture Gary and Roberta, but the two manage to escape and destroy the alien technology installed in their headquarters to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

Nov. 6
---- Chandigarh, India: Khan learns of the failed operation in London. Khan prepares to move openly, revealing his true nature the world's general population. His closest advisor, Ament, however, cautions him, saying that the mundane Humans outnumber them and knowledge of their true nature would drive them to fear. Khan reluctantly agrees.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Zhaan is transferred to Moya.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- A group of supermen, products of Chrysalis (Augments), simultaneously seize power in over 40 nations. (ST:TEW2, TOS: "SS")

---- US: George Hammond's wife dies of cancer. (SG1: "Tin Man")

March 15
---- SF, CA: Dr. Nichols, while looking over the latest specs for the cryosatellite, receives an unexpected visit from USAF Lt. Shaun Christopher. Christopher shanghais him off to a destination unknown to him. (ST:TEW2)

---- Area 51, NV: Christopher arrives with Nichols. They meet with Dr. Jeffrey Carlson, Shannon O'Donnell, and Roykirk Jackson. Carlson and O'Donnell tell Nichols about the Ferengi visitation of '47 and their plan to construct a prototype spaceship, a DY-100, using notes taken of the Ferengi technology, and with the help of Nichols' transparent aluminum and recent cryonic research.

March 23
---- The comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 is discovered.

June 14
---- Chandigarh, India: Khan meets with other Augmented leaders and attempts to unite them and rally them to his cause. The meeting falls apart, however, each one rejecting Khan's leadership in favor of their own ambitions. After they leave, Khan reluctantly decides to go to war against his fellow Chrysalis siblings, particularly against Vasily Hunyadi of Serbia. So begins the Eugenics Wars. (ST:TEW2)

---- Khan prepares to use Morning Star on Hunyadi's nation, but is tempered by Ament to not use such a drastic measure.

---- Peru: With undercover help from Roberta Lincoln, the Peruvian government captures revolutionary leader Augment Alberto Gomez.

September 10
---- Isle of Arran, Scotland: From their new headquarters, Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln continue to monitor the situation. Roberta informs Gary of the heating war between Khan and Hunyadi. They move forward on their back-up plan, supplying necessary information to Area 51's DY-100 Project.

Sept. 30
---- Maharashtra, India: In the Ajorra Caves, Khan meets with a former KGB official, hoping to obtain information vital for his Chrysalis Project. It turns out to be an assassination attempt by Hunyadi, who detonates an explosion at the bottom of a nearby resevoir. The explosion overloads an underlying thrust fault and triggers an earthquake. Khan, his bodyguard Joaquin, and the KGB official are caught in an avalanche. The KGB officer dies, but Khan and Joaquin manage to survive long enough for a rescue to break through. En route to Chandigarh, Khan observes the full extent of the damage caused by Hunyadi's earthquake and vows vengeance.

October 1
---- Las Vegas, NV, US: While Sonny Clemonds performs in Vic's Lounge at the Dunes Hotel & Casino, Roberta Lincoln, under the alias of "Helen Swanson", secretly meets with Shannon O'Donnell. Roberta gives Shannon information for solving a problem on the DY-100's impulse engines.

---- US: Dr. Nichols markets his cryosatellite. Such would receive a brief surge of popularity. (TNG: "TNZ", ST:TEW2)

---- Cheyenne Mountain, CO, US: Gary Meyers and Barbara Shore begin their work on Project Giza--trying to activate the "Doorway to Heaven". (SG)

---- Washington DC: Samantha Carter begins working at the Pentagon, studying technology associated with the device. (SG1: "CotG")

---- North Africa: During a Eugenics Wars conflict, a forefather of Jonathan Archer leads a battalion of soldiers. He successfully convinces the commander of his enemy's forces to hold their fire long enough to allow a school between them to evacuate. (ENT: "Hatchery")

February 3
---- Bombay, India: The nuclear submarine SGK Kaur departs with Khan board, bound for the Mediterranean by way of the Red Sea and Suez Canal. Khan's intention is to strike back at Hunyadi. (ST:TEW2)

Feb. 7
---- Mediterranean Sea: The SGK Kaur engages one of Hunyadi's Akula-class attack subs. The Kaur successfully destroys the Akula. The Kaur then hits an unseen mine. Khan, on the urging of his Officer of the Deck, flees the ship moments before it implodes.

March 4
---- Leonard Sutter is born. (SQ)

April 21
---- Chandigarh, India: With protest demonstrations from upset subjects taking place outside his palace, Khan receives a visit from Dr. Donald Williams of the original Chrysalis Project. In exchange for protection, Williams offers him the recipe for a flesh-eating bacteria he acquired from Chrysalis before it was destroyed. On explaining how he acquired it, Williams tells Khan what really happened, that Gary Seven and "Veronica Neary" Roberta Lincoln were responsible for Chrysalis' destruction and the death of Khan's mother. Khan, vowing vengeance on Seven and Roberta, accepts Williams' offer. (ST:TEW2)

---- British Isles: A flesh-eating bacteria scare sweeps the islands as Dr. Williams and one of Khan's scientists field-tests their reconstructed bacteria.

July 16
--- Jupiter:
---- 21 fragments from Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 begin crashing into the gas giant, producing immense dark spots in the planet's atmosphere.

August 16
--- Earth:
---- AZ, US: Roberta Lincoln infiltrates Fort Cochise, the stronghold of a paramilitary militia led by Augment General Randall "Hawkeye" Morrison. (ST:TEW2)

Aug. 29
---- Geneva, Switzerland: Vasily Hunyadi addresses the United Nations about his "purification" of Serbia and Boznia-Herzegovina. During the assembly, deadly nerve gas is released, killing Hunyadi along with many of the delegates and tourists.

---- Claire Raymond, whose husband is in Geneva at the time securing funding for the new business venture of "freezing dead people", is touring the Palais des Nations when the gas is released. During the mass exodus of panicked delegates and tourists, Claire spots a man releasing more of the toxin into the facility, killing her among others.

---- AZ, US: Roberta Lincoln learns of a conspiracy between Morrison and Khan, giving Morrison force-field technology in exchange for his cooperation in striking the Palais des Nations on this particular day. Roberta sneaks into Morrison's office and learns of another such terrorist attack planned on the Chunnel--the recently-opened undersea rail tunnel linking England and France. She sends off an e-mail to warn Gary Seven.

---- US: Ralph Offenhouse is diagnosed with terminal cardiomyopathy that is inoperable. He has himself cryogenically frozen in the hope that, when reawaken, a cure would have been founded. (TNG: "TNZ")

---- Sonny Clemonds, suffering massive coronary, arterial, and liver damage due to substance abuse, has himself frozen cryogenically.

---- Claire Raymond (by her husband's desire), Ralph Offenhouse, and Sonny Clemends are placed aboard a cryosatellite with several others. The satellite is placed in Earth orbit and eventually drifts out into space. It and its passengers become forgotten.


October 2
---- Chrysalis Island: Khan has Williams' flesh-eating bacteria tested on a rival Augment. The result is that Augments are indeed immune to the bacteria, just as Williams has said. No longer having any use, Khan orders Williams executed, which is done by exposing him to the bacteria, and for mass production to begin on the bacteria and a rocket delivery system. (ST:TEW2)

November 14
---- London, England: Gary Seven successfully thwarts Morrison's terrorist attack on the Waterloo International Train Terminal.

---- Paris, France: Guinan, whose help Seven enlisted, stops a similar attack on the Paris end of the line.

---- AZ, US: Morrison learns of the failed Europe mission. Fearing that "the Beast" will be coming for them, Morrison prepares to kill all of his militia as an example. Roberta, however, having rigged the force-field generators, takes out the force-field and, with Seven's help saves the militia, who immediately disband. Roberta attempts to apprehend Morrison, but, in a panic attack, the Augment kills himself.

-- Qetesh is ruling harshly over her host's homeworld until a Tok'ra removes her from the host. Vala Mal Doran returns home, but finds that she is still feared for her actions while host to the Goa'uld. Vala begins a life of a thief and con artist. (SG1: "Prometheus Unbound")

March 17
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Chandigarh, India: By this time, Khan has put defenses in place around his Palace against the ever-growing disapproval of his subjects. Roadblocks and checkpoints manned by his soldiers are put in place; the nearest streets are closed to unauthorized traffic, as a precaution to car bombs; mines are planted; snipers patrol the hights of Khan's fortress. (ST:TEW2)

---- Ament learns of Khan's preparation for biological warfare and confronts him. Khan questions the loyalty of his former advisor. Khan makes plans to release his bio-weapon in September.

September 5
---- Chrysalis Island: A band of Augment Amazon women led by Chen Tiejun attack, having been tipped off by Roberta Lincoln to Khan's bio-weapon production. Tiejun and her army successfully destroys Khan's bio-weapon production and delivery system with a nuclear blast, though neither she nor any of her troops survive.

Sept. 7
---- Isle of Arran: With all other Augments neutralized, Seven and Roberta turn their full attention to Khan, himself.

---- Alerted by the nuclear explosion in Muroroa, United States, Russia, China, and their various allies also turn their attention to Chandigarh and Khan.

---- US: Charlie O'Neill kills himself with his father's own gun. Jack retires from the Air Force. (SG)

Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:43 pm
by Varthikes
-- Delta Quadrant:
--- The Scorvians declare war on the Ilanics. ("BBBttF")

-- Canopus:
--- Phineas Tarbolde writes "Nightingale Woman". It will become known as one of the most passionate love sonnets written in the next three centuries. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

-- Langara:
--- Doctor Kieran recruites Jonas Quinn into the Kelownan Naquadria Project. (SG1: "Shadow Play")

-- Sol System:
--- Mars:
---- NASA probes uncover the first microscopic evidence of past life. The findings are debated.

--- Earth:
---- Humans begin looking to Earth's oceans as a saving grace environment for the planet, yielding seemingly limitless new sources of food, fuel, and living space. (SQ: "TBoNTB")

---- Jimmy Brody is born. (SQ: "When We Dead Awaken")

---- FL, US: Leslie Crichton dies from cancer. John is not present, something which he would regret. ("Won't Get Fooled Again", "Ka")

---- CA, US: Doctor Alison Porter graduates from Cal-Tech. (SGA: "Whispers")

---- Hill Valley, CA: Griff Tannen is born. (BttF2)

---- Charlie O'Neill kills himself with his father's own gun. Jack retires from the Air Force. (SG)

Jan. 5
---- Area 51, NV: The DY-100 is completed. During an informal party attended by Carlson, Shannon, Roykirk, Nichols, and Christopher, Shannon sneaks away to meet secretly with Roberta in DY-100's hangar control room. Roberta convinces Shannon to help her hijack the ship, telling her only that the survival of the entire world depends upon it. Before leaving, Roberta offers Shannon a position as an undercover agent. (ST:TEW2)

---- Launch of DY-100, with Roberta on the ship's bridge and Shannon in the control room, is successful. Shannon tranquilizes herself just as the base's security breaks into the control room.


Jan. 10
---- Chandigarh, India: With riots in the streets between disappointed subjects and his special police, Russian Special Ops storming his palace, and American B-52 Bombers closing, a defeated Khan arms Morning Star for maximum destruction of Earth's ozone.

---- Seven beams into the Morning Star Control Room and Isis reveals herself. Seven offers an alternative to worldwide destruction of all life--the DY-100 to transport Khan and his followers to another world. Khan reluctantly accepts.

Jan. 11
---- Seven transports Khan and 83 of his Augment followers to the DY-100 in Earth orbit, just as Russian and American forces completely destroy Khan's palace. As his followers are placed in suspended animation, Khan selects a name for the ship--SS Botany Bay. Joaquin, refusing to be placed in stasis, throws a knife meant for Roberta, but Isis takes it. Roberta tranquilizes Joaquin and Khan places him and himself into their respective stasis niches. Seven logs that the crew were in suspended animation from take-off and program for Khan to be awoken first in the event of an emergency.

Jan. 15
--- Earth:
---- United States: Dr. Daniel Jackson gives a lecture about the Egyptian Pyramids. He begins to lose his audience when he claims that the ancient Egyptians did not build the Pyramids of Giza. Daniel's grants run out and he is evicted from his apartment before being approached by Dr. Langford with a job offer. (SG; dc)


---- Jack O'Neill, still grieving his son's death and his marriage strained, is recalled to the Air Force by General West in case Langford succeeds in activating the device. (SG)

Jan. 17
---- Cheyenne Mountain, CO: Daniel meets Drs. Meyer and Shore and reunites with Langford. They show him coverstones with "strange symbols". After correcting their translation of the inner track, changing "Doorway to Heaven" to "Stargate", Daniel goes to work in deciphering the strange symbols.

Jan. 20
---- Area 51, NV: Shannon, having reported her involvement in the theft of the DY-100 as being the result of "Ferengi Mind-Control", is dismissed from the base, and her aspiration of getting into NASA ruined. (ST:TEW2)

Feb 2
---- Isle of Arran: With the Eugenics Wars over, Roberta is promoted to Supervisor of Earth. Aegis sends a helper for her who, like Isis, is also disguised as a cat. And, Seven returns to Aegis.

Feb. 3
---- Cheyenne Mountain: Daniel discovers that the symbols are actually star constellations.

Feb. 4-5
---- In a meeting with West and Jack, Daniel explains his discovery. He is shown the stargate and identifies the seventh symbol. The stargate is activated.


---- Jack leads a team through the gate, with Daniel coming along to decipher the coordinates on the other side. West gives Jack secret orders to nuke the gate on the other side in the event they encounter a possible threat.

-- Abydos:
--- Jack, Daniel, and Kawalsky make contact with the Abydonians, who mistaken them at first as representatives of Ra. Jack and Daniel meet Kasuf and Skaara; the former gives his daughter, Sha're, to Daniel as a wife.

--- Ra arrives that night and takes Jack and his team prisoner and punishes the Abydonians for helping them. With the help of Skaara and a band of Abydonian boys, Jack and his team escape. The Abydonians rise up against Ra. The Supreme System Lord attempts to leave Abydos, but only makes it into orbit before Jack rings his nuke up, which explodes in the Ra's face.


--- Daniel remains on Abydos while Jack and his team returns to Earth. Once the team leaves, the Abydonians bury the gate. They celebrate their freedom, and Daniel marries Sha're. (SG, SG1: "Children of the Gods")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Cheyenne Mountain: Jack reports to West that he destroyed the gate as ordered and that Daniel is dead. (SG, SG1: "CotG")

---- Jack returns home to find that his wife, Sara, gone. (SG1: "CotG")

February - September
-- With Ra dead, a power struggle begins among the remaining System Lords. Eventually, Apophis, Cronus, Ba'al, and Heru'ur emerge as the dominant Lords.

-- Abydos:
--- Daniel explores the area around Ra's Temple and the Abydonian village. He discovers a room full of stargate addresses to planets all over the galaxy, realizing that the gate goes to other planets. (SG1: "CotG")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Washington DC: General Hammond instructs Captain Carter to search for other uses of the stargate. (SG1: "1969")

---- Cheyenne Mountain: Carter and her team try other combinations on the stargate without success. It is concluded, therefore, that the stargate only goes to Abydos. (SG1: "CotG")

---- Embryos which Khan planned to develop into Augments are discovered. The UN is unable to decide what to do with them, so they are placed in cold storage. (ENT: "Borderland")

---- All remaining Augments are declared wards of the UN and are sent to live in a various isolated camps. Gene engineering of Humans is severely restricted, though the knowledge is passed on. (ENT: "Brld", TNG: "Unnatural Selection", DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?")

---- The first cloned Human, Dr. Stavos Keniclius, is banned from the community. (TOS: "TIV")

---- Monterey, CA: A new personal submarine, Deep Flight 1, is launched from Monterey Bay Aquarium, sponsored in part by Television New Zealand, IMAX, National Geographic Television, and Rolex.

---- USS Voyager NCC-74656 arrives in orbit, following an attack by Captain Braxton in 2373 to prevent the destruction Sol System in the 29th Century. Voyager detects unusual readings from LA, CA. Concluding the readings are from Braxton's timeship, Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, and Paris disguise themselves as locals and beam down. (VOY: "FE")

---- LA, CA, US: Janeway and Chakotay find Braxton as a homeless, who tells them that Starling has his timeship. Janeway and crew stop Starling from launching the ship into the future, preventing the destruction of 29th Century Sol System. Voyager is forced to destroy the ship as it's about to enter it, collapsing the rift as well. The rift reappears a moment later and the timeship emerges. Braxton hails and explains that he's come to return Voyager to it's correct time and place.


---- During the incident with Starling, the EMH is briefly taken from Voyager and equipped with a mobile holo-emitter. He is retrieved.

---- Dr. Langford offers Daniel a job in deciphering strange, Egyptian hieroglyphs. Daniel rudely refuses. Langford eventually manages to decipher the symbols on the stargate on her own, though referencing Daniel's work. (SG1: "There But For the Grace of God")

---- Langford goes with Jack to Abydos, where they encounter and defeat Ra.

---- Dr. Samantha Carter figures out how to work the stargate. (SG1: "Point of View")

1996/Track C
---- Hill Valley, CA, US: Lorraine kills Biff Tannen. (BttF2; according to screenwriter)

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Captain Bialar Crais supervises yet another attempt to create a Leviathan/Gunship hybrid. Crais selects Moya to conceive the experiment. But, the Pilot refuses to cooperate. Lieutenant Velorek is assigned to secure and install a replacement. ("The Way We Weren't")

--- Nerri is informed by a high profile Nebari resistance leader that he and his sister were infected with the Contagion. He obtains a cure, and they undergo a painful treatment. Since Nerri is able to identify the individual who gave him the treatment, he is left with the choice to either flee for his life or join the Nebari Resistance. Nerri chooses the latter, but, fearing for Chiana's life, leaves her to believe that he has to run and they separate. ("ACwN")

-- Apophis finds a secret cache of stargate addresses left by Ra and begins a systematic sweep of forgotten worlds, among which is the Tau'ri, seeking new treasures and a potential host for his queen, Amaunet. (SG1: "CotG")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Colorado, US: General Hammond, beginning to plan his retirement, is assigned to lead the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. (SG1: "CotG", "Within the Serpent's Grasp")

---- Walter Harriman begins working at Cheyenne Mountain as Chief Master Sergeant. (SG1: "CotG", Harriman's first appearance)


Feb 8
---- Apophis leads a small serpent attack force, Teal'c included, through the Tau'ri gate. They abduct a female USAF Sergeant and kill several others before returning through the gate, but not before two serpent guards fall. (SG1: "CotG")


---- Major Samuels, under orders from Hammond, brings Jack back to Cheyenne Mountain, where Jack is shown the bodies of the aliens that came through the stargate. On learning that Hammond is sending another bomb to Abydos, he comes forward and tells the General the full truth of what happened the year before, and manages to convince Hammond to send a message to Abydos--something only Daniel would understand.

---- A positive response is received, and Jack is recalled to active duty. He is reunited with Kawalsky and Ferreti from the previous mission and joined by Captain Samantha Carter, transferring from the Pentagon. Hammond orders them to Abydos and bring back Dr. Jackson.

---- While Jack and his team are out, a pure titanium iris is installed over the stargate, insurance against further surprise attacks.

-- Abydos:
--- Jack and team arrive to find the stargate guarded by Daniel and a group of Abydonians, including Sha're and Skaara. Jack tells Daniel about the attack on Cheyenne Mountain. Daniel shows Jack, Sam, and Kawalsky the room containing a cartouch of many different gate addresses.

--- Apophis and his serpent attack force attack. Many are killed, Ferreti wounded, and Skaara and Sha're abducted. Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Kawalsky return moments after the strike force leave with their captives. Jack convinces Daniel to come back with them. Daniel tells the Abydonians to bury the gate, that he will contact them again in exactly one year.

Feb 9
-- Chulak:
--- Teal'c brings the USAF Sergeant before Apophis as a potential host for Amaunet. Amaunet rejects her. Apophis orders the sergeant killed and for Teal'c to bring in another.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Cheyenne Mountain: Stargate Command is commissioned under General Hammond. Nine teams are created, designated SG-1 through 9. Their objective is to acquire weapons or technology and establish alliances to help Earth in the fight against the Goa'uld. SG-1 is to include Colonel O'Neill, Captain Carter and, at his insistance, Dr. Jackson. Command of SG-2 is given to Kawalsky.


---- Ferreti awakens with the coordinates of Chulak.

-- Chulak:
--- Teal'c brings Sha're in before Apophis and Amaunet. Amaunet approves.

--- SG-2 set up defensive position near the gate while SG-1 makes contact with a caravan of Jaffa priests. Jack, Sam, and Daniel, treated like gods, are brought to Apophis' Fortress.

--- Upon finding that his wife had been taken, Daniel tries to reach her, but he, Jack, and Sam are captured. They are imprisoned in a dungeon with other prisoners, including Skaara.

Feb 10
--- Teal'c sees Jack's watch, noting that it is not Goa'uld tech. Later, Teal'c tells Bra'tac that O'Neill may be the one who can free the Jaffa from Goa'uld oppression. Bra'tac has his doubts. (SG1: "CotG", "Thh")

--- Skaara and several other prisoners are taken for hosts. Then, Apophis orders Teal'c to kill the rest. When Apophis leaves, Teal'c turns on his Jaffa, and he and Jack free the prisoners. Jack invites Teal'c to come with him. Teal'c accepts the offer.


--- Jack attempts to rescue Skaara, but discovers that the boy is already taken. He leaves after Apophis and Amaunet through the gate. Jack and Kawalsky fight through to the gate. They manage to hold off the Jaffa to allow the prisoners to escape to Earth. Jack and Kawalsky are the last to come through, Kawalsky infected with a larval Goa'uld from a dying Jaffa.

Feb 14
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Teal'c learns that the world to which he has defected is, in fact, the legendary Tau'ri. He swears his allegiance. (SG1: "The Enemy Within")

---- The Goa'uld larva in Kawalsky is discovered and attempts to escape to Chulak. He is intercepted by Teal'c, who sticks his head into the activated gate just before Jack closes it. On Jack's recommendation, and after his help in defending the SGC, Teal'c is allowed to join SG-1.


Feb 27
-- Simarka:
--- SG-1 makes contact with the Shavadai, descended from Earth's Mongols, who operate by a strict code, which includes a lowly status for women. Sam is sold to a rival tribe leader. Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c track her down. Jack buys her back with his side arm. Sam, however, decides to return and challenges Turghan in a traditional duel. Sam defeats Turghan. (SG1: "Emancipation")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Dr. Janet Fraiser is assigned to Stargate Command as Chief Medical Officer. (SG1: "The Broca Divide", Fraiser's first appearance)


-- P3X-797:
--- SG-1 & 3, under Makepeace, arrive, believing that the planet to be under Apophis' control. They are, however, attacked by savage primeval men. They find their camp and attempt to rescue a young Human woman from rape. They are soon joined by others and succeed in rescuing the woman, Melosha. The others identify themselves as the "Untouched" from the "Land of Light". SG-1 is brought to Councilor Tuplo's palace where they learn that their "gods" (the Goa'uld) have not been on their world for centuries. (SG1: "TBD")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: SG-1 & 3 return. A disease soon begins to infect the entire base, the infected showing the same symptoms as The Touched on P3X-797. Hammond places the base on lockdown. Daniel and Teal'c are found to be the only ones besides Fraiser immune to the disease. Daniel and Teal'c are sent back to P3X-797 to get a sample of "The Untouched" blood.

-- P3X-797:
--- Shortly after coming through the gate, Daniel and Teal'c encounter Melosha, unconscious. As Daniel attempts to rescue her, they are attacked by The Touched; Daniel and Melosha are taken. Teal'c continues to Councilor Tuplo's Palace where he acquires the needed blood sample.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Teal'c returns with the blood sample, and Fraiser is able to treat the disease. All SGC personnel are cured.

-- P3X-797:
--- SG-1 delivers the cure to The Touched via darts, including Daniel and Melosha, who are now infected. They bring Daniel to Tuplo's Palace, where they explain their victory over the disease. They take Tuplo and his council to the forest where they are met by their formerly Touched loved ones.

-- Avnil:
--- SG-9 under Captain Jonas Hanson arrives. When the natives receive them as gods, Hanson plays along, but eventually buys into it and believes that he really is a god. He commands the natives to build a temple. When members of his team question him, Hanson executes them. Frakes and Lieutenant Connor try to warn Stargate Command, but Hanson kills Frakes. Connor, however, hides out until SG-1 arrives. (SG1: "The First Commandment")

--- SG-1 arrives and successfully reveal Hanson's true identity to the natives, who then turn on him.

-- Argos:
--- SG-1 encounters a civilization where the people live only 100 days, the result of an experiment done on them by the Goa'uld Pelops. Jack is given some Argosian food and the team soon discovers that he is aging rapidly. (SG1: "Brief Candle")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Carter returns with a sample of Jack's blood and Argosian blood. She and Fraiser discover nanites in the samples--a lot more in Jack's as the nanites compensate for his Argosian point-of-view advanced age.

-- Argos:
--- Jack is left on Argos, lest he infect others. He convinces the Argosians to tear down Pelops' statue. He finds a device in the statue and calls Earth. SG-1 returns to help with the device and, ultimately, deactivate the nanites, allowing the Argosians to live normally and Jack to return to his normal age.

-- P3X-562
--- SG-1 finds a yellow-sanded planet filled with blue crystals. While Sam and Daniel collect a sample, Jack, separated from the group, touches one and is knocked unconscious. The crystal transforms into a duplicate Jack, who returns to Earth with SG-1. (SG1: "Cold Lazarus")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: While Daniel and Sam examine their crystal sample, Crystal-Jack explores real-Jack's past, specifically that of his son.

---- Crystal-Jack visits Sara. During the visit, Crystal-Jack begins to destabilize. Sara brings him to a nearby hospital.

---- SGC: Daniel and Sam discover that the crystals are alive, identifying themselves as Unity. The crystal that they are examining mimics Sam's face and explains that a Goa'uld was once accidentally killed by one of them and, in revenge, the Goa'uld slaughtered them.

---- Real-Jack comes through the gate and they discover that the other one is a crystal. They track him to a hospital and SG-1 goes after him. Real-Jack confronts Crystal-Jack, the latter explaining that he wanted to try to bring Charlie back, not understanding the concept of death. Crystal-Jack briefly turns into Charlie before being led out of the hospital and back to SGC. Real-Jack and Sara go their separate ways.

---- SGC: Daniel puts forth the theory that there are "good gods", such as the Asgard, who may even be enemies of the Goa'uld. Teal'c offers the world of Cimmeria, banned by Goa'uld and represented by a hammer sign, as a possible location for the Asgard. Hammond orders SG-1 to Cimmeria to check it out. Before leaving, Hammond gives SG-1 a Greeting Box, shipped from the Sagan Institute, to give to the Cimmerians. (SG1: "TH")

-- Cimmeria:
--- SG-1 is scanned by a giant stone hammer placed in front of the gate. Teal'c and Jack, the latter stepping in to save him, are transported to a labyrinth. Jack and Teal'c try to find a way out while evading an Unas trapped in the caves with them. Meanwhile, Daniel and Sam meet with Gairwyn, who takes them to Kendra. Kendra guides Daniel and Sam to the labyrinth.

--- Jack and Teal'c lure the Unas into the doorway to the outside, which contains a barrier that kills the Goa'uld parasites. Sam and Daniel arrive with Kendra on the outside in time to see the Unas defeated. Sam and Daniel are forced to destroy the barrier, even knowing that it could save Sha're and Skaara, so that Teal'c can leave. As SG-1 leaves, they forge friendly relations with the people of Cimmeria, giving them the Sagan Institute Box to give to Thor.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- US: The Pentagon sends materials involving early experiments on the gate to the SGC where Daniel is assigned to sort through it. He finds a recording of the 1944/45 experiments. He learns that the gate had been activated and a man, Dr. Ernest Littlefield, had gone through before the gate disconnected. (SG1: "TToT")


---- Daniel, without authorization, visits Langford and shows her his discovery, learning that Littlefield was her fiance. Daniel brings Langford back to the SGC, to the chagrin of Hammond, with the proposal to go rescue Littlefield. Sam also discovers that the address Littlefield was sent to is not on the Abydos cartouche--meaning the Goa'uld have not been there. And, proving, also, that the Goa'uld did not build the stargates.

-- Heliopolis:
--- SG-1 and Langford arrives. They find 80-year-old Littlefield alone in a decaying fortress. As Sam tries to repair the damaged DHD, Littlefield shows Jack, Daniel, and Langford what he discovered during his stay--a "United Nations of the Stars". They find that the fortress served as a meeting place for an Alliance of Four Great Races, one of which Daniel identifies as the Asgard.


--- As a storm approaches the fortress, the DHD falls through the floor to the ocean below. SG-1 successfully harness the lightning from the storm to power the gate. SG-1 make it through the gate just before the gate disconnects and the stargate joins the DHD at the bottom of the ocean.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Teal'c, realizing that it's nearing the time for Rya'c to undergo the prim'ta--the implantation of his first Goa'uld larva--insists on returning to Chulak. Hammond eventually authorizes it. (SG1: "Bl")

-- Chulak:
--- SG-1 arrives, disguised as scholars of the court of Apophis. They travel to Teal'c's old home to find it burned down and marked as the home of shol'va (traitor). They soon meet Teal'c's old friend and mentor Bra'tac. Bra'tac takes Teal'c and Jack to Teal'c's family while Sam and Daniel are assigned to watch the gate.


--- On the way to the gate, Sam and Daniel come across priests delivering a container of Goa'uld larvae to a nearby temple and follow. Once the larva tank is left unguarded, Sam and Daniel capture one.

--- Bra'tac, Teal'c, and Jack arrive at an outcast camp where Teal'c's family reside even as outsiders. Teal'c interrupts the prim'ta, killing the priest performing it. Teal'c confronts Drey'auc, convincing her that the Goa'uld are false gods. Teal'c attempts to take Rya'c to the gate, but the boy becomes too ill without the healing powers of a symbiote. Teal'c gives up his own for Rya'c. Sam and Daniel soon arrive and give up the captured larva for Teal'c.

--- Teal'c places Drey'auc and Rya'c under Bra'tac's care and SG-1, with the help of Bra'tac, escape Chulak.

-- Oannes:
--- Daniel is captured by Nem, who makes Jack, Sam, and Teal'c leave thinking Daniel is dead, killed by fire. Nem tries to extract from Daniel information about the whereabouts of his mate, Omoroca. With the help of a memory-retrieval technique, Nem eventually learns that Omoroca was killed by the Belus, a Goa'uld who was ruling on Earth in Babylon. Meanwhile, SG-1, having realized the truth, return for Daniel. Satisfied with the answer, Nem releases Daniel. (SG1: "Fire and Water")

-- Apophis impregnates Sha're, host of Amaunet, in attempt to breed a Harcesis--a perfect host, who would possess the genetic knowledge of all the Goa'uld. Such a child is strictly forbidden by Goa'uld statutes (SG1: "Secrets", "Forever in a Day")

-- Abydos:
--- Apophis returns Sha're, temporarily freed from Amaunet's control while the child within her develops, to hide her from rival Goa'uld. (SG1: "Secrets")

-- Sol System:
--- Mars:
---- NASA's Pathfinder lands and dispatches the six-wheeled rover Sojourner.

--- Earth:
---- SGC: The SecDef arrives to inspect the facility. He tells Hammond and SG-1 that the Pentagon and the President are dissatisfied with the SGC's apparent lack of progress in obtaining anything useful through the stargate. Teal'c, however, suggests a planet where there exists a creature possessing invisibility. (SG1: "The Nox")

-- Gaia:
--- SG-1 arrives to capture a specimen of the invisibility creature. They discover, however, that Apophis is also on the planet for the same reason. SG-1 attempts an ambush, but all goes badly with Jack, Daniel, and Sam dead. Teal'c is made invisible by an unknown force before he, too, is killed.

--- SG-1 awakens in a seemingly primitive village where they encounter the peaceful Nox, who are against any form of violence. SG-1 discovers that the Nox are, in fact, the ones who make the creatures invisible. They try to defend the Nox from Apophis, but soon learn that the Nox are more than able to fend for themselves in their own way. The Nox send Apophis and his Jaffa back through the gate. Before sending SG-1 on their way, the Nox reveal that they are, in fact, very advanced. They agree to bury their gate.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Mexico: While exploring a Mayan pyramid, Drs. Kleinhouse and Cole uncover a sarcophagus. They open it and release Hathor, who kills the scientists. The Mexican government blame the murder on crypt robbers. (SG1: "Hathor")

---- SGC, US: Hathor's sarcophagus is sent by the surviving members of the expedition to Daniel, having been tracked down. A trespasser is caught entering the base, claiming to know of the stargate's existance. The intruder identifies herself as Hathor, who immediately begins to subdue the men of the base and start up her own force. Teal'c and the women of the base, led by Sam and Fraiser, manage to take the base back, but Hathor escapes through the gate.

-- Cartego:
--- SG-1 arrives to find a village recently abandoned. Before long, however, the team is surrounded by crossbow-bearing villagers. Teal'c is recognized by one of them and accused of mercilessly killing his father. Teal'c is put through Cor-ai (a trial). The team tries to explain that Teal'c is a different man now, but the accuser reasons that no amount of good can bring back his father, and so, Teal'c still must die. Before sentence is carried out, though, Serpent Guards attack. SG-1 help to defend the village, and Teal'c is redeemed of his crime. (SG1: "Cor-ai")

-- Hanka:
--- SG-7 establishes an astronomical observatory in the hope of seeing a black hole during the upcoming solar eclipse. (SG1: "Sg")

--- SG-1 arrives some time later to find SG-7 and the planet's entire population wiped out by what appears to be a toxin in the planet's atmosphere. They find a lone survivor--a 12-year-old girl named Cassandra. Sam and Daniel take Cassandra back to Earth while Jack and Teal'c stay to monitor the black hole.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: As Sam forms a bond with Cassandra, Fraiser discovers naquada in her blood, which is gathering in her chest. The material is set to explode.

-- Hanka:
--- Jack and Teal'c discover a Ha'tak in orbit. Teal'c identifies it as belonging to Nirrti. The ship launches Death Gliders that chase Jack and Teal'c to the gate.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: As Sam and Fraiser prepare to send Cassandra back to Hanka, Jack and Teal'c come through, warning them that it's a trick to destroy Earth's gate. They, instead, take Cassandra to a nuclear storage facility. Sam realizes, though, that the naquada bomb in the girl's chest has been deactivated now that they were away from the stargate. Later, Fraiser confirms that the bomb is indeed breaking down. Fraiser adopts Cassandra.

-- Tollana:
--- SG-1 discovers the planet about to be devastated by a volcanic activity. They find several survivors of an advanced Human civilization and bring them back to Earth. (SG1: "Enigma")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: The survivors recover and identifies themselves as the Tollan. A UAV sent to the planet reveals it to be uninhabitable, and the gate soon to be buried under lava. The Tollan are taken in as refugees. Sam develops a relationship with a Tollan named Narim, giving him a cat named Schroedinger. The SGC contacts Councilor Tuplo of the Land of Light as a potential site for the Tollan's relocation. The Tollan leader, Omoc, however, rejects the world on the grounds that the inhabitants are much too primitive.

---- The US government, on learning of the refugees, send NID Colonel Harry Maybourne to take custody of the Tollan. With the help of Daniel, the Tollans are able to contact the Nox, who come through the gate and take the Tollan to their world against Maybourne's wishes.


-- Altair:
--- SG-1 meet Harlan, who makes android duplicates of the team. Android Jack reluctantly agrees to stay and bury the gate after real-SG-1 return to Earth. (SG1: "TM")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: As SG-1 returns from P4A-771, the gate overloads and the wormhole destabilizes. Daniel and Teal'c come through just before a power surge disables the gate. As soon as repairs are complete, Hammond begins a search-and-rescue operation, searching every possible world with a stargate between Earth and P4A-771. (SG1: "Solitudes")

---- Antarctica: Sam and an injured Jack find themselves in an ice cavern containing a stargate and believe themselves to be on another planet. Sam locates the DHD embedded in ice and the two begin to chip it out. Eventually, they succeed and Sam attempts to dial Earth. Nothing happens.

---- SGC: After all the possible planets have been checked, Hammond is forced to give up the search for Jack and Sam. Later, while Daniel and Teal'c are in the control room, the room shakes, and Daniel realizes they've overlooked Earth herself, seeing the possibility for a second gate to exist on Earth. A check on recent seismic activity reveals the second gate's location in Antarctica.

---- Antarctica: Hammond arrives with a rescue team and locate Jack and Sam in an ice cavern a few miles from McMurdo. The gate is secured and shipped to Area 51 in Nevada, US where it is locked up.

-- P3R-233:
--- While separated from the team, Daniel encounters a number of artifacts, including a stone (Ancient communication device) and a hand device that, when he touches it, activates a nearby, unusual mirror. Daniel touches the mirror and is transported to an alternate reality. (SG1: "TBFtGoG", "Citizen Joe")

--- Daniel returns to his reality with a staff blast wound and the origin of a Goa'uld attack on Earth. He returns to Earth with the rest of SG-1.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Senator Robert Kinsey, skeptical and suspicious of the entire Stargate Program, arrives to evaluate the operation. SG-1 tries to convince him of the importance of the program and the seriousness of the Goa'uld threat, but without success. Kinsey leaves, his mind made up that the SGC be shutdown. (SG1: "Politics")


---- Washington, DC: Twice, Hammond goes to Kinsey to try to get the man to reconsider. Kinsey remains opposed and, on the second time, has Hammond forcibly removed from his office. (SG1: "WtSG")

---- SGC: As the facility is being shutdown, Daniel successfully convinces Jack and Sam to join him and Teal'c on an unauthorized mission through the gate to the coordinates he got in the alternate reality.

---- Hendricks County, IN: Joe Spencer and his wife visit a garage sale. Joe stumbles upon a strange stone. When he touches it, he gets an instant vision of SG-1 going through the gate on their unauthorized mission. (SG1: "CJ")

-- SG-1 arrives through the gate at what they believe to be a Goa'uld base. They arrive in a room containing storage containers, from one of which they acquire zat'ni'ktels. They soon discover that they have, in fact, gated to a ship. (SG1: "WtSG")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Hammond instructs Ferretti to go after SG-1 to Daniel's coordinates, but gate will not lock.

-- SG-1 find Death Gliders prepping for launch, and Daniel realizes they're on the attack ship headed for Earth. Continuing their stealth search of the ship, the team finds a sarcophagus. Jaffa come for it and take it to the gate room. SG-1 follows. Apophis, over the Goa'uld long-range communication device placed in the gate, unveils his son, Klorel in the host of Skaara. As Jack and Teal'c try to take Skaara/Klorel, Sam and Daniel plant C4 around the ship. Jack and Teal'c are caught and Apophis, with Sam and Daniel overhearing, orders their immediate death. Sam sets a timer on the C4 before she and Daniel follow Klorel, who takes Jack and Teal'c to the bridge where they see the ship coming out of hyperspace near Saturn.

-- Sol System:
--- Sam and Daniel successfully take out Klorel's Jaffa guards, but Klorel grabs Daniel and uses the hand device on him, forcing Jack to kill Skaara.

--- As their ship enters Earth orbit, Jaffa force their way onto the bridge and knock the team out with a sonic grenade. As SG-1 is taken to a holding cell, Skaara/Klorel is placed in the sarcophagus. Apophis is informed of the attack upon his son and halts his advance toward Earth until Klorel rises. (SG1: "WtSG", "The Serpent's Lair")

--- Earth:
---- 2 ships are detected. As SGC is converted into a command post, Samuels arrives to coordinate with the Pentagon. He informs Hammond that two stealth missiles are being prepped for launch with Mark 12-A warheads, enhanced with naquadah. In the meantime, Hammond begins evacuating people, the best in their fields of expertise, through the gate to establish an off-world Alpha Site. (SG1: "TSL")

--- Bra'tac, believed to be part of Klorel's loyal Jaffa, meets with SG-1, irked at the Humans' interference in his plan to foil the Goa'uld attack on Earth. He returns their weapons. Klorel rises and he and Apophis continue toward Earth.

--- Earth:
---- The Mark 12-A missiles are launched, but are easily repelled by the Ha'taks' shields.

---- Bra'tac and SG-1 fight their way to Klorel's bridge where they capture Klorel and Bra'tac directs the ship closer to Apophis' ship. Daniel is seriously wounded while defending their backs and stays while the rest ring over to Apophis' ship with Klorel hostage. Bra'tac destroys Apophis' steering console while he and remaining SG-1 leave the bridge, leaving Klorel with a displeased Apophis. Jack drops two grenades into the ship's shield generator, destroying it.

---- Klorel's Ship: Daniel manages to get himself into a sarcophagus and heals his blast wound in time. Then, gates to the Alpha Site, the address the same as the Beta Site's in the alternate reality.

---- Apophis and Klorel ring to Klorel's ship and escape through the gate to Chulak. SG-1 and Bra'tac escape the ship in a pair of Death Gliders just as the ship collides with Klorel's Ship. They are picked up by the SS Endeavor.


---- SGC: SG-1 is reunited with Daniel, and Bra'tac briefly meets Hammond and given a GDO before returning to Chulak.

---- Hendricks County, IN: Joe begins telling is visions of SG-1 to his son, Andy, in the form of SF stories. He also tells them to his patrons and employees at his barber shop and anyone else who will listen. (SG1: "CJ")

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- A young Pilot is deemed by his elders to be not yet ready to be bonded to a Leviathan. Lieutenant Velorek offers him a chance to be bonded. In his desire to "see the stars", the Pilot accepts, perhaps sealing the fate of the Pilot already bonded to Moya. ("TWWW")


--- Aeryn Sun is transferred from prowler duty to the prison transport Moya under Lieutenant Velorek. While aboard Moya, Aeryn becomes romantically involved with Velorek. Velorek tells Aeryn that she's special, that she can be so much more.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Apophis launches an all-out attack. His forces destroy many of Earth's cities. (SG1: "TBFtGoG")

-- P3R-233:
--- Daniel-A finds himself alone on the planet. Thinking that his team left without him, he dials Earth.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Daniel-A is immediately taken prisoner, believed to be in league with the Goa'uld. Langford visits him and manages to convince her that he is not in league with the Goa'uld. He is taken to see General O'Neill where, to prove himself, he gives him and Langford the address for Chulak, which they use to send a nuke.

---- Daniel-A listens to a signal from P3R-233, warning about the Goa'uld invasion. He writes down a group a numbers coorisponding to a gate address. Daniel-A realizes this to be the origin of the Goa'uld invasion, and, if the same as in his reality, could mean a way to stop a similar invasion of his Earth. Daniel-A is able to determine what gate symbols coorispond to the numbers.

---- As Jaffa, lead by Teal'c, enter the base, Sam and Langford help Daniel-A get back to P3R-233. They are successful, though Sam and Langford are killed in the process, and Daniel-A is shot by Teal'c just before going through. The SGC self-destructs soon afterward.

- Pegasus:
-- Sateda:
--- Is culled by the Wraith, but not without the Satedans putting up a desparate fight. Despite this, all but 300 are killed or culled. The survivors become scattered throughout the galaxy. Ronan Dex is fitted with a subdermal tracking device and begins life as a Runner, hunted by Wraith for sport. Other Satedans give in to serving the Wraith. (SGA: "Runner", "Sateda", "Reunion")

- Milky Way:
-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Moya's original Pilot is executed by the PKs, including Aeryn. Velorek supervises the replacement of the dead Pilot with the younger, more cooperative Pilot. Moya is tortured into accepting the new Pilot in place of her orignal. ("TWWW")

--- Velorek has a conception wall put in place, sabotaging Crais' Project. Learning of the sabotage, Aeryn turns him in. Velorek is ultimately executed, but his sabotage remains undiscovered. It is assumed that he was caught before could attempt it.[/color[

-- Gaia:
--- The Tollan refugees move from this world to their new homeworld, where the Tollans have built their own stargate. (SG1: "Pretense")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- The first high-yield Tokamak Fusion Reactor goes on-line. It records 10^3 Megawatts. (SQ: "Higher Power")

---- Hill Valley, CA: Marty McFly, Jr. is born. (BttF2)

---- Siberia, Russia: An experimental power station is decommissioned. (SG1: "Wg")

---- Ohio, US: The Big Ear radio telescope is retired from service.

---- Canaveral, FL: John Crichton and Douglas "DK" Knox begin working on the Farscape Project, formulating a theory that, by using a planet's gravity, a manned spacecraft can overcome atmospheric friction, increasing its velocity to previously unrecorded speeds. ("Wh")

-- P3R-233:
--- SG-1 returns for the quantum mirror and the other artifacts found with it, including the Ancient communication device. (SG1: "CJ")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- US: The quantum mirror and the Death Gliders used in SG-1's escape from Apophis' ship are taken to Area 51 for study. Jack makes contact with the Ancient stone and begins having visions of Joe Spencer's life and his Thursday Nights Bowling League. The stone is stored at the SGC, giving Joe access to the SG reports written by O'Neill. (SG1: "Point of View", "CJ")

---- SGC: SG-10, 11, and 12 are formed.

-- Nasya:
--- The Goa'uld attack inexplicably. SG-1 evacuate the Nasyans to Earth through the gate. Sam attempts to give a wounded man CPR and is possessed by a Goa'uld symbiote. (SG1: "In the Line of Duty")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Colorado, US: The wounded Nasyan refugees are taken to the Air Force Academy Hospital. Sam goes to the hospital to see Cassandra, who senses the Goa'uld's presence. Later, Cassandra tells O'Neill.

---- One of the Nasyan refugees, an Ashrak in disguise, attacks his doctor and escapes.

---- SGC: Jack exposes the Goa'uld in Sam, who is then taken to a cell. The Goa'uld identifies itself as Jolinar of Malkshur, a Tok'ra, and demands to be released, even promising to return Carter to them fully restored once she finds another host. She is not trusted.


---- The Ashrak arrives, disguised now as a soldier. He locates Sam/Jolinar's cell and nearly kills her before his presence is discovered. He tries to escape through the stargate with the Nasyan refugees, but Teal'c puts him down with a zat. Jolinar gives her life to save Carter.

-- Hadante:
--- SG-1 is imprisoned when they innocently try to help a panicked man, who, unknown to them, is a "murderer". They meet Linea, an older woman who seems to be in control. Another prisoner comes through--a blind man, Simian. Linea restores his sight, but the man runs away from her. (SG1: "Prisoners")

--- With the help of Linea, who is able to create cold fusion with organic ingredients, SG-1 activates Hadante's DHD-less gate, dialing it by hand. SG-1 and Linea travel to P2A-509, where SG-3 is due to be. Simian follows.

-- P2A-509:
--- SG-1 uses SG-3's GDO to open Earth's gate's iris.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: SG-1 arrives with Linea. Later, SG-3 comes through with Simian, who warns them that Linea is the "Destroyer of Worlds", who intentionally created a disease that wiped out half a planet's population. Before she can be caught, Linea, now with the means to gain access to hundreds of worlds, escapes through the gate.

-- P7J-989:
--- SG-1 finds a garden world and a number of pods, many occupied. SG-1 is pulled into the empty pods. Jack and Teal'c relive Jack's failed mission to East Germany in 1982; Daniel and Sam relive the death of Daniel's parents in 1973. (SG1: "TGk")

--- The Keeper reveals himself, who runs the virtual world they're in and discover that they have an audience--the outside world's inhabitants who have been in the virtual world for the past millenium to escape the toxic outside world. After several futile attempts by each to prevent the disasterous event from unfolding, they refuse to participate. SG-1 persuades their audience that the world outside is now restored and that they should leave the virtual reality and experience the real one.

-- Terella:
--- Daniel saves Shyla, daughter of Pyrus, from suicide. She cries out and SG-1 is captured and brought to Pyrus, who sends them to work in the Naquada mines. During an escape attempt, Daniel is injured and put into a Sarcophagus by Shyla. Once he's healed, Shyla urges Daniel to keep using the sarcophagus, saying that it will make him feel better. Instead, it begins to have a negative impact on Daniel's mind. (SG1: "Need")

--- While Daniel is treated royally, his team is worked to death. After Daniel agrees to marry Shyla, who is to become queen after the soon-to-be death of her father due to deteriating condition, SG-1 is released. Daniel returns with them to Earth with the intention of coming back.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Daniel is prohibited from returning to Terella, and goes through sarcophagus withdrawal.

-- Terella:
--- Daniel convinces Shyla to destroy the sarcophagus. He returns to Earth with the rest of SG-1.

-- Cimmeria:
--- Heru'ur discovers that the Cimmeria gate is no longer protected by Thor's Hammer and attacks. Before she's killed, Kendra has Gairwyn send the Tau'ri's box through the gate. It is done, but with great cost. (SG1: "Thor's Chariot")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: An object comes through the gate, hitting the iris. Investigation shows it was the Sagan Institute Box they gave the Cimmerians the previous year. A MALP is sent and they find Gairwyn begging for help.

-- Cimmeria:
--- SG-1 comes through and meet with Gairwyn, who takes them to a cave where her people are holding out. On the way, they stop by Kendra's resting place. While there, Sam tries to work her Goa'uld devices with success, thanks to her recent experience with Jolinar.

--- Jack and Teal'c help the Cimmerians fight Heru'ur and his Jaffa while Gairwyn takes Daniel and Sam to the Hall of Thor's Might, which they hope would contain advanced Asgard weapons.

--- In the Hall, Daniel, Sam, and Gairwyn undergo several tests to prove that they are indeed worthy. They succeed and encounter the true Asgard Thor. They tell Thor about the destruction of the Hammer that guards the gate and the labyrinth and that they need help against Heru'ur. On realizing that the Cimmerians had outside help to solve the tests, an event the Asgard had not anticipated, Thor returns Sam and Daniel to the outside.


--- SG-1 is forced to surrender. As Heru'ur's Jaffa escort SG-1 to the stargate, an Asgard Mothership appears and removes all Goa'uld presence from Cimmeria. But, Heru'ur escapes through the gate. Gairwyn is beamed down from the Mothership and explains that Thor believes the Tau'ri are still too young to deal on a personal level with the Asgard. And, that Thor will install a new Hammer, one that will make an exception for Teal'c.

-- P5C-353:
--- SG-1 finds a sterile planet. They detect EM radiation, however, and set out to look for the source. They find a spherical metal artifact to be the source and take it back to the SGC for study. (SG1: "Message in a Bottle")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: As Sam and Daniel make little progress studying the object, activity increases in it. Jack and Teal'c take it to the gate room to return it to P5C-353, but it shoots out metal spikes that stick into the gate room's cement walls, one going through Jack's shoulder on the way. Organisms within the artifact begin infecting SGC personnel. Eventually, it's realized that the organisms are sentient and trying to communicate with them. The organisms, through Jack, tell them they refuse to go back to P5C-353. Daniel, instead, suggests the primordial planet that SG-1 was slated to visit next. The organisms agrees.

---- Bra'tac brings news that Apophis is alive and has kidnapped Rya'c in order to catch Teal'c. Hammond allows SG-1 to go to Chulak to rescue Rya'c and bring the boy and his mother back, so that Teal'c's family may no longer make him vulnerable. (SG1: "Family")

-- Chulak:
--- Bra'tac and SG-1 go to the house of Fro'tak, who, because it was believed that Teal'c was dead, married Drey'auc.

--- SG-1 and Bra'tac attempts to rescue Rya'c, but the boy runs from his rescuers, seeking protection from the guards. Later, back at Fro'tak's house, Rya'c appears in a message with Apophis, secretly outlining a rendezvous with Teal'c. Drey'auc reaffirms her love for Teal'c. Fro'tak overhears this and becomes jealous. He goes to Apophis' palace to turn in Teal'c and his Tau'ri allies. Jack follows and is forced to kill Fro'tak.

--- The next day, Bra'tac and SG-1 successfully (and too easily) rescue Rya'c. SG-1 returns to Earth through the gate with Teal'c's family.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: During an examination, Rya'c is found to have two fake teeth. The boy is tranquilized and the teeth removed. The teeth are found to contain two organisms that, when combined, produces a toxin that could wipe out all life on Earth within a week.

---- Teal'c is forced to shoot Rya'c with a zat to free him from Apophis' brainwashing. Once recovered, Drey'auc and Rya'c are sent to the Land of Light on P3X-797, where they can be safe and free.

---- Hendricks County, IN: Charlene believes her husband's SG1 stories are a result of a midlife crisis. She is not concerned, though, since it means Joe will not be chasing after a younger woman. (SG1: "CJ")

---- SGC: One year to the day since Daniel left Abydos, a MALP is sent to find that, as per Daniel's instructions, the gate had been unburied for his anticipated return with Sha're and Skaara. Kasuf is waiting on the other side. Teal'c goes with Daniel while Hammond, Jack, and Sam attend a ceremony in Washington DC, where Jack and Sam each are to receive a medal for stopping Apophis' attack.

-- Abydos:
--- Kasuf takes Daniel and Teal'c to Sha're, whom they learn is pregnant with Apophis' child. Daniel reluctantly agrees with Teal'c to return Sha're to Earth so that she can provide as much information as she can about the Goa'uld, and to hide her from Apophis. Before they can go through the gate, however, a Ha'tak lands on the pyramid and Sha're begins to go into labor. Daniel and Teal'c flee the pyramid with Sha're before Heru'ur and his Jaffa ring in.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Washington DC: Sam finds her father, Major General Jacob Carter, is present for the ceremony. Jacob informs her that he has arranged for Sam to get into NASA. Sam turns down the offer.

---- Jack is approached by a reporter who knows a lot about the Stargate Program, including the recent attack on Earth. As the reporter leaves, he is killed by a car. The accident forces the ceremony to be called off.

---- Jacob tells Sam that he is sick with lymphoma and the two part on strained terms.


---- SGC: Hammond presents Jack and Sam the medals. Then, Jack and Sam are ordered to Abydos to assist Daniel and Teal'c.

-- Abydos:
--- Daniel takes Sha're to their hideout during their battle with Ra. The child is born and Amaunet reasserts control over her host. Teal'c appears, dressed in Horus armor and zats Sha're/Amaunet. Daniel gives the child to Kasuf, who finds a nursing mother for him and keep him safe.

--- As Teal'c, still in Horus armor, brings Daniel to Heru'ur at the stargate just as Jack and Sam come through, surprising Heru'ur's Jaffa and forcing his retreat from Abydos. The stargate activates again. SG-1 hides while Apophis comes through. Sha're/Amaunet enters and she tells Apophis that Heru'ur has taken their child and the two leave. Before departing Sha're/Amaunet looks directly at Daniel, but keeps silent.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Colorado, US: Jacob Carter moves to Colorado Springs to be closer to his daughter in his last days. (SG1: "The Tok'ra")

-- Vyus:
--- Linea arrives. She discovers a derivative of an insecticide called Dargol, which has built up in the planet's food chain and prevented conception in the Human population. Linea develops an agent that prevents aging and restores youth. There is, however, an unintended side effect of amnesia, which effects the entire Human population. Linea included. (SG1: "Past and Present")

-- Svoriin:
--- SG-1 encounter a swarm of huge, dragonfly-like insects. Teal'c is stung by one and the team returns to Earth. (SG1: "Bane")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Colorado, US: Teal'c falls ill from the insect sting with his symbiote unable to heal him. Maybourne arrives and takes Teal'c away to study the effects of the bite.

---- Teal'c breaks out. He takes out his symbiote and flees to nearby Colorado Springs where he hides in an abandoned apartment building. He is befriended by a young girl named Ally.

---- SGC learns of Teal'c's escape and SG-1 investigates. They bring the NID operatives and Teal'c's symbiote back to the base. The symbiote is kept alive in a container simulating the environment of a Jaffa's pouch. Maybourne recovers and begins searching for Teal'c. Jack and Sam return to Svoriin to obtain a specimen, from which Fraiser can synthesize a cure for the venom.

---- With the cure found, SG-1 races Maybourne to find Teal'c. Jack gets a call from Ally, whose father knew the colonel, and learns of Teal'c's whereabouts. SG-1 comes to get him.

Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:02 am
by Varthikes
---- Sam has a vision from Jolinar, which might be the whereabouts of the Tok'ra. SG-1 sets off to the coordinates with the intention of forming an alliance. (SG1: "The Tok'ra")

-- P34-353J:
--- SG-1 makes contact with the Tok'ra. Sam, thanks to her memories of Jolinar, recognizes one of them as Martouf/Lantash, with whom Sam later learns that Jolinar, and host Rosha, had a relationship. SG-1, after delivering their wish for an alliance, is taken to see Saroosh/Selmak--the greatest Tok'ra alive--who is dying. They're asked if either of them would volunteer to be the new host for Selmak; all decline. Because of this, and because the Tau'ri have nothing useful to the Tok'ra, an alliance is rejected. And, since SG-1 knows of their location, the Tok'ra do not allow them to leave until a new base is established.

--- SG-3 arrives to extract Sam, whose father is in the hospital dying. With the possibility of a host for Selmak, the Tok'ra agree to allow Sam and Jack return to Earth.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Colorado, US: After getting approval from Hammond, Sam visits her father and tells him why she turned down NASA. She gives him the opportunity to go through the gate to be cured of his cancer, but he would be host to an alien symbiote. Jacob agrees.

-- P34-353J:
--- Jack and Sam return with Jacob to find the Tok'ra evacuating. They learn from Makepeace that a Goa'uld ship approaches, having learned of the Tok'ra's location. Sam takes her father to Saroosh/Selmak while Jack searches out Garshaw to tell her about a spy in their midst.

--- As Jaffa close in on the Tok'ra's hideout, Jacob agrees to become Selmak's host. The switch is made and Saroosh dies. SG-1, 3, and Garshaw flee to the stargate. Sam and Martouf follow once Jacob/Selmak revives. They make it to the stargate barely in time.


-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: With Jacob the host to Selmak, the Tok'ra agree to an alliance with the Tau'ri, with Jacob functioning as a liaison. He leaves with Martouf and Garshaw to the new Tok'ra base, is to be moved yet again due to the earlier breach of security.

-- Medrona:
--- SG-1 finds a planet where the weather is controlled by a device, the Touchstone. (SG1: "Touchstone")

-- PXY-887:
--- SG-11 discovers Trinium, a rare and very strong metal. Ordered to find more, they set up a mining camp. (SG1: "Spirits")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- A GDO signal is received from the 48-hrs overdue SG-11. But, when the iris is opened, an arrow with a Trinium head, comes through, penetrating the bulletproof glass of the briefing room and Jack's arm.

---- SG-1, with Sam in command in Jack's place, is sent to PXY-887.

-- PXY-887:
--- SG-1 find SG-11's camp and evidence that the team had vanished suddenly. SG-1 is soon captured by a tribe of Salish, Native Americans who have been transplanted from Earth over a thousand years earlier. SG-1 meet with the Salish 'Spirits' who releases SG-11 to them. Then, they meet with the Elders of the Salish settlement to negotiate a mining treaty. The Elders send a representative, Tonane, back to Earth with SG-1 and 11 to determine if the Tau'ri's mining methods are acceptable. A Reetou ("Mother") secretly follows them through the gate to Earth and begins observing the personnel of the base. (SG1: "Spirits", "Show and Tell")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Tonane is shown videos of mining operations and deems the methods too wasteful and destructive. While Daniel shows Tonane around SGC, Hammond tells SG-1 and 11 that he has been ordered to proceed with the mining operation, regardless of Tonane's decision. (SG1: "Sp")

---- SG-11, turning out to be the Salish Spirits, begin making the SGC personnel disappear. Jack and his team, who were against proceeding with the mining operation, manage to reason with the Spirits. The Spirits return the SGC personnel and agree to bury their gate. They also agree with Tonane to show themselves in their true form rather than as animals.

---- "Mother" is impressed with the way Jack and his team handles the situation and deems him trustworthy. (SG1: "SaT")

-- Medrona:
--- People dressed in SGC uniforms arrive and steal the Touchstone. (SG1: "Ts")
---- SG-1 arrives some time later to study the Touchstone and are accused of the theft. With the planet's weather spinning out of control, Jack promises to find it.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: SG-1 returns and Jack tells Hammond about the theft. Sam discovers that the Beta Gate is being used while Daniel and Teal'c discover unusual weather activity, possibly related to the Touchstone.

---- Area 51, NV: SG-1 confronts Maybourne about the Touchstone and the Beta Gate. Jack and his team are taken to the gate, which is supposedly under 24-hr guard. Instead, they find that it has been replaced with a plastic replica.


---- SGC: The Beta Gate is eventually found to be somewhere in Utah. Calling in a favor, Hammond learns that a C-5 Galaxy, a large enough aircraft for a stargate, has just been requested to pick up something big from a particular airfield in southern Utah.

---- Utah: SG-1 find the Beta Gate packed away and the Touchstone in the possession of a group of unidentified men. SG-1 obtains the Touchstone, but the gate is activated and the men escape.

-- Medrona:
--- SG-1 returns the Touchstone and the weather returns to normal.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Area 51, NV: A permanent iris is installed on the Beta Gate to ensure it's never again used without authorization.

-- P3W-451:
--- A black hole forms nearby and pulls in the planet and everything around it. SG-10, under Major Henry Boyd, attempts to gate to Earth.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: The stargate activates and a signal is received at a very low frequency. Analysis shows it's SG-10's GDO coming in very slowly. The stargate, however, shuts down after a minute. Hammond orders a MALP ready and 451 re-dialed. They find SG-10 threatened by a black hole. Unable to save them, Hammond orders the gate shut down, but the wormhole fails to disengage. Hammond tries to make contact with the President, but finds that the phones aren't working, so, leaving Jack in command, he heads up to NORAD to get a secure line to the President. Hammond arrives on the main level to find Major Paul Davis, who escorts him to the nearby air field where he is transported to Washington DC to meet with the President.

---- Colonel Frank Cromwell and an AF Special Op team arrive believing an alien incursion is in progress. Going down the emergency shaft to Level 28, Cromwell and his team find Jack and Sam, who explain the actual situation. As the black hole's gravity field expands into the gateroom, Hammond arrives and orders the SGC evacuated and the self-destruct set. Sam is convinced that won't work, but Hammond overrules her. Thinking about the Beta Gate, Sam eventually comes up with an idea to use an explosion just big enough to overpower the gate, causing it to disconnect.

---- Sam stops Jack and Cromwell from activating the self-destruct. Teal'c arrives a short time later (control room time) with a specially designed bomb casing. Jack and Cromwell "lower" it from the control room toward the gate. Cromwell's line breaks during the attempt and he is sucked into the wormhole, but Jack successfully activates the bomb and climbs out barely in time.

---- SGC: Daniel analyzes telemetry brought back from P3R-272 and discovers that an inscription found there is a match to one of the four groups of writing found on Heliopolis the previous year. One in the Alliance of Four Great Races, which evidently included the Asgard. Believing the planet to be worth checking out, SG-1 is sent. (SG1: "The Fifth Race")

-- P3R-272:
--- SG-1 find themselves in a chamber with no apparent doors. Just as they're about to return to Earth, Jack walks over the inscription on the floor, causing a device to appear. During an examination, the device grabs Jack's head and knocks him unconscious.


-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Jack is checked out uninjured, but soon begins using strange words. The condition quickly worsens and Jack uses unfamiliar words with greater frequency. Daniel finds the language is similar to Latin. Jack is soon able to read the image of the inscription from 272's stargate chamber's floor and write down a series of complex equations on a chalkboard in 30 seconds. Jack enters into the base's computer mainframe addresses to stargates not on the Abydos cartouche.

---- Jack, now unability to speak anything but the alien language, helps Daniel translate the inscription from 272--"We are the Ancients. The place of our legacy". Daniel speculates that the Ancients are the original creators of the stargate system, and that the device that grabbed Jack's head was a repository of the Ancients' knowledge, which it downloaded into Jack's brain.

---- Sam and Teal'c are sent to one of the new gates (P9Q-281) in the hopes a cure may be found. Meanwhile, Jack begins constructing a device the purpose of which he doesn't know.

---- SGC contacts Sam and Teal'c on P9Q-281 and find that they are facing extreme heat and are unable to dial out because the DHD is stuck mid-dial. Daniel brings the problem to Jack, who writes up instructions on how to fix the DHD. The instructions are sent to 281, and Sam and Teal'c are able to gate home.

---- The gate begins to dial and draw more power than usual. Jack plugs his device into the gate's power supply, delivering the required power. The gate locks on the eighth chevron and the wormhole goes out of the galaxy. Hammond reluctantly allows Jack to go.

- Ida:
-- Othala:
--- Jack makes contact with the Asgard, who remove the Ancient knowledge from his brain. The Asgard explain to Jack that they have been monitoring the Tau'ri for some time and conclude that they have great potential. The Asgard further tell Jack about the Alliance of Four Great Races--Asgard, Nox, Furlings, Ancients, and that the Humans of Earth have taken the first step toward becoming the Fifth Race. Jack is sent back to Earth with none of the Ancient knowledge.


- Milky Way:
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Construction begins on the International Space Station in orbit.

---- SGC: A set of coordinates is received and, believing them to be from the Tok'ra, SG-1 is dispatched. (SG1: "Serpent's Song")

-- PB5-926:
---- While waiting for the Tok'ra, SG-1 witnesses the crash of a Death Glider. They investigate and find a heavily wounded Apophis, who demands sanctuary. The team reluctantly bring him back to Earth for the chance that he could provide valuable intel.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Apophis is placed under Fraiser's care. Apophis reveals that Sokar is after him. The Tok'ra send Martouf/Lantash, who urges the Tau'ri to release Apophis to Sokar, but Hammond refuses.

---- The stargate activates and Sokar demands the Tau'ri hand over Apophis. Sokar begins attacking the iris, heating it up to dangerous levels. SGC attempt to counter the attack with liquid nitrogen sprayed on the iris, but with little effect. Finally, it is decided to hand over Apophis.

---- Without a sarcophagus, Apophis begins to age rapidly. The Goa'uld loses control of the body and the host's consciousness emerges. Daniel speaks with him before his death and gives him an Egyptian funeral that the host would have normally received.


---- The gate shuts down at the 38-min-limit. With Sam's new, faster dialing program, SGC establishes a wormhole before Sokar can resume his attack. They send the body, but Martouf tells them that Sokar will likely revive Apophis with a sarcophagus and torture him as long as he wants.

---- Before departing, Martouf gives a Tollan device to SG-1 with which to contact the Tok'ra. In return, Jack gives Martouf a GDO.

-- Dendred:
--- SG-1 finds an alien lab full of bizarre devices. They meet an old man, Ma'chello, a man hunted by the System Lords, and who claims to have many inventions to fight the Goa'uld. He invites Daniel to take hold of a device. Ma'chello takes the other end and collapses. (SG1: "Holiday")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: SG-1 returns with Ma'chello. Daniel begins acting strangely and leaves the base, saying that Fraiser said for him to get some rest. Ma'chello reawakens in the infirmary knowing quite a lot about Daniel. It is soon realized that it is, in fact, Daniel in Ma'chello's body, which is ill and on the verge of death. SGC begins searching for Ma'chello/Daniel.

---- Jack, Sam, and Teal'c are sent to retrieve the device that caused Daniel and Ma'chello to switch places. They return with the device, but, have switched places themselves.

---- Colorado Springs: Ma'chello/Daniel tries asking people to teach him about local customs. He meets and befriends a tramp, Fred, and takes him to a nearby diner, where he uses Daniel's credit card to pay. The police track him down and arrest him and take him straight to Cheyenne Mountain.

---- SGC: Ma'chello is eventually convinced to give Daniel's body back, but says that the process is irreversible between him and Daniel. Sam decides on a procedure to return everyone to their right bodies. As soon as the transfers are complete, Ma'chello dies.

---- Colorado Springs: Colonel Jack O'Neill and Dr. Samantha Carter are married. (SG1: "PoV")

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- An Ilanic Cruiser, with Verell and Matala aboard, departs for the Uncharted Territories to field test a singulariy-based weapon. ("BaBaBttF")

--- Stark is captured by the Peacekeepers. Believing him to hold info on the Scarrans' crystherium flower chamber, Scorpius imprisons him on his Gammak Base, where he repeatedly tortures him in the Aurora Chair. Stark begins constructing an electronic doorkey for his cell door, building it from spare parts. ("Nerve", "WSS3:LB")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Dr. Ferina is banned from the science community for inhumane experimentation. (SQ: "TReg")

---- Astronomers witness the first extra solar planet passing in front of a star, confirming the existence of other solar systems in the galaxy.

---- US: President Bill Clinton creates the President's "Commission on the Future". (B5: "The Illusion of Truth")

---- NASA launches Voyager VI. Its mission: collect all data possible and transmit that info back to Earth. (TMP)

---- Cambridge University, England: Tobais LeConte takes the Lucasian Chair. (SQ: "DW")

---- Australia: John Crichton tests the engine for his Farscape-1 Module. ("AHR")

---- SGC: SG-13 & 14 are formed. (SG1: "SaT")

---- During a UAV survey to PJ2-445, the UAV malfunctions and goes down, crashing into a plant. SGC witnesses the UAV being taken by a primitive Humanoid. (SG1: "One False Step")

-- PJ2-445:
--- SG-1 arrives to retrieve the downed UAV. They make contact with the primitive natives. Almost immediately, the natives begin falling ill. The Human members of SG-1 also begin to feel ill and easily irritated. Sam and Fraiser bring one of the natives back to Earth.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: As they examine the alien, Fraiser and SG-1 discover that the aliens rely on a certain sound frequency, released by the plants like the one the UAV crashed into. And, that it is this sound that causes irritability.

-- PJ2-445:
--- SG-1 sets up a sound system to provide the necessary sound frequency the aliens need. Watching from afar, SG-1 learns that the people and the plants have a symbiotic relationship, each releasing a sound that the other needs.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: An unscheduled activation of the gate occurs and something overrides attempts to close the iris. A young Human boy comes through. The boy, who is discovered to be genetically-engineered, takes the name Charlie, after Jack's son, and explains that "Mother" (a Reetou) has been watching SGC, Jack in particular, for some time, and overrode the iris controls to allow him through. "Mother", through Charlie, warns Hammond and SG-1 of an invasion by rebel Reetou, who want to defeat the Goa'uld by destroying all Humans, thus depriving them of hosts. ("SaT")

---- SGC call in the Tok'ra. Jacob/Selmak arrives with others and they are informed of the situation. They send for Transphasic Eradication Rods (TERs), which would be able to detect and destroy invisible Reetou. "Mother" gives the coordinates of the rebel staging planet, and SG-1 and Jacob check it out.

---- SG-1 and Jacob/Selmak return, but a Reetou terrorist group is found within the base. A palm-scanner is installed for the iris control to prevent the Reetou from overriding the iris. The base is cleaned out of the rebels, but "Mother" is killed by a rebel in the process. Due to errors made in his genetic-engineering, Charlie's major organs begin to shutdown. The Tok'ra take him in and help him. The Tok'ra also give SGC a number of TERs.

---- Hendricks County, IN: Charlene urges Joe to lay off the story-telling, telling him about complaints from people around town. She suggests that he write them down instead. The suggestion backfires, however, with Joe staying up to the early hours of the morning writing his stories. And, later on, to close his barber shop early to come home and write. (SG1: "CJ")

---- SGC: SG-1 leaves for P2X-555. Hammond, seeing a scar on Sam's hand, gives her a note with instructions to keep it in her breast pocket until she reaches the other side. Several hours pass and SG-1 fails to check-in. Instead of sending a team to investigate their "disappearance", Hammond sends SG-5 to complete their mission. SG-1 successfully returns to 1999. (SG1: "1969")

-- During a mission, to another planet, SG-1 is ambushed by a mixture of Horus and Serpent Guards. SG-3 & 7 come through later to find only Teal'c lying unconscious near the gate. (SG1: "Out of Mind")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Teal'c re-awakens in the infirmary three weeks later. After learning that Hammond has given up a pointless search for SG-1, Teal'c leaves SGC for Chulak.

-- Eskal:
--- Jack is awoken in what appears to be the SGC and made to believe that it is 79 years later and that he is to sole survivor his team. He eventually learns that he is, in fact, in a mock-up of the base and finds Sam and Daniel alive. Attempting to escape, they encounter Hathor and are surrounded by her Jaffa and minor Goa'uld. Hathor demands from SG-1 how to contact the Asgard and iris codes for SGC's stargate. When they don't speak, she threatens to implant one of them with a symbiote. The symbiote chooses Jack, but before implantation can take place, O'Neill is zatted by a minor female Goa'uld (Raully). (SG1: "OoM", "Into the Fire")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Makepeace returns and informs Hammond that the Tok'ra have located SG-1. Hammond sends SG-3, 5, 6, and 11 to follow up. (SG1: "ItF")

-- Eskal:
--- Hathor places Jack in his stasis chamber where she implants the symbiote, but Raully, revealing herself to be Tok'ra, puts O'Neill in stasis, killing the symbiote before it takes over.

--- Makepeace arrives and free Daniel and Sam. The men left guarding the gate, however, are ambushed and captured. Makepeace, Sam, and Daniel are unable to get to the gate due to a force field.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Via the MALP on Eskal, Hammond learns of the situation. He prepares to send reinforcements, but Major Davis informs him that the President and Joint Chiefs refuse to risk anymore lives to save SG-1.

-- Chulak:
--- Teal'c finds Bra'tac summon nearby Jaffa together and rally them against the Goa'uld. Only a few Jaffa join them, but Hammond comes forward and asks for their help in rescuing SG-1. Bra'tac leads them to the Needle Threader he hid a century ago.

-- Eskal:
--- Sam finds the Tok'ra operative, who points her to Jack and revives him. They are attacked by Hathor, but Jack throws her into the stasis chamber unprotected, killing her. The Tok'ra spy directs them to the power generator for the shield.

--- Sam destroys the shield generator. The gate activates and a vessel piloted by Teal'c and Hammond comes through, followed by Bra'tac and rebel Jaffa, and subdue Hathor's forces.

- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Jacob/Selmak comes through the gate and informs Hammond and SG-1 that a Goa'uld, Seth, is hiding on Earth. Jacob and Selmak explain to Sam the real reason they chose this mission--so that, at Selmak's insistance, Jacob can settle an old disagreement with his son Mark. Daniel comes up with a possible lead on Seth in Washington. (SG1: "Seth")

---- Washington: SG-1 and Jacob/Selmak arrive at Seth's compound. They free those under Seth's mind-control and defeat Seth.

---- San Diego, CA: Sam accompanies Jacob to Mark's house. Mark finally forgives Jacob for his mother's death 18 years earlier.

---- SGC: Sam Carter is promoted to major. During the ceremony, to which SecDef Arthur Simms is a guest, Jack is beamed onto Asgard Cruiser Beliskner in Earth's orbit. (SG1: "FG")

---- Jack meets Supreme Commander Thor, who informs him that the Goa'uld System Lords plan to attack Earth due to killing Hathor. Thor offers Earth membership in the Asgard's Protected Planets Treaty.

---- SGC: Jack is beamed back to he base where he informs Hammond and SG-1 of his meeting with Thor. During the meeting, Thor appears and informs them that the System Lords' representatives arrive on Earth in a few days to negotiate. Preparations are made for the meeting. Daniel briefs the SGC about the 3 arriving System Lords: Cronus, Yu, and Nirrti. All weapons are removed from the premises, as per Thor's instructions.

---- Cronus, Yu, and Nirrti arrive and are quickly ushered to their quarters. Daniel breaks up an altercation between Cronus and Teal'c. Later, Teal'c reveals to Daniel his family's history with Cronus.


---- The negotiations begin, but end abruptly when Jack speaks without recognition while the System Lords argue. Jack asks Thor why the Asgard have allowed the Goa'uld to gain so much power. Thor explains that, due to a "much greater threat" in their galaxy, the Asgard have to constantly bluff their power to the Goa'uld.

---- Daniel writes up a formal apology to the System Lords, and the negotiations resume. The Goa'uld agree to the Asgard proposal, but demand the immediate and unconditional surrender of both stargates, which would end SGC and destroy any potential for future acquisition of advanced technology.

---- Simms informs Hammond and SG-1 that Earth agrees, arguing that the gates would be of no use if Earth was destroyed. Before Daniel can inform the System Lords of the agreement, an alarm sounds, and he finds Cronus and Teal'c together, both badly wounded. Based on the evidence, Teal'c is the main suspect. Fraiser and SG-1 enlists the aid of Nirrti to use a healing device. She tries, but claims he is beyond help short of a sarcophagus.

---- Teal'c reawakens and tells them that he and Cronus were attacked by an invisible force. Sam uses the healing device on Cronus with success, backing Nirrti into a corner. SG-1 meets with Yu and Nirrti and, on a bluff, accuse Nirrti of lying and developing cloaking technology. This enrages Yu, accusing Nirrti of threatening their relationship with the Asgard and coveting Cronus' territory. He attacks, but Nirrti cloaks herself and flees. Sam and a few SGC soldiers capture her with TERs. Yu and Cronus allow the Tau'ri's continual use of the stargates, but with the warning that no mercy will be shown to captured personnel. They leave, with Nirrti a prisoner of Cronus.

---- With the negotiations concluded, Beliskner leaves orbit.

-- PY3-948:
--- SG-1 finds a closed chamber. Opening it, they find the dead bodies of the Limvirs--a group of nine lesser Goa'uld who fought against the System Lords. Daniel finds one with a tablet and brings it and a page-turner for it back to Earth, believing it to hold a clue to their deaths. (SG1: "Legacy")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Shortly after returning, Daniel begins having hallucinations. Fraiser is unable to find anything physically wrong and relieves him of duty, suspecting that he is developing schizophrenia. Daniel is committed.

---- Mental Hospital: Jack, Sam, and Teal'c visit Daniel. Daniel sees a Limvris entering his cell and attacks it, but is restrained by Teal'c. As Teal'c holds him, a small, glowing blue grub-like organism climb out of him and into Teal'c. As SG-1 leaves, Daniel hears Ma'chello's voice.

---- SGC: Teal'c falls ill. In the infirmary, it is discovered that Teal'c's symbiote is dying.

---- Mental Hospital: As Daniel recovers, he suspects that his recent insanity was caused by a Goa'uld-killing weapon designed by Ma'chello. He explains this to McKenzie, who is initially sceptical. Daniel asks McKenzie to find out if Teal'c is sick. He does so and, discovering Daniel is right, releases him to SGC.

---- SGC: Fraiser and Sam test the page-turner that Daniel brought back from 948. When activated, ten blue grub-like organisms emerge, break containment, and infect Jack, Sam, and Fraiser. Fraiser and Jack begin to suffer the same effects as Daniel, but the grubs in Sam fall out and die, since she has markers left over from Jolinar. With Fraiser's help, Sam uses proteins from her blood to create an antidote to fool the grubs in Fraiser, Jack, and Teal'c.

-- Orban:
--- SG-1 makes contact with the Orbanians. Daniel stays while the rest return to Earth and report to Hammond. (SG1: "LC")

--- Teal'c and Jack return and inform Daniel that Hammond agreed to open an exchange of knowlegde. Teal'c relates all of his knowledge of the Goa'uld to an Orbanian Urrone (apprentice) boy, Tomin, while Daniel helps other Urrone to investigate the ancient temple where the stargate was discovered.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Jack returns with Kalan, the Orbanian liaison, and a Urrone girl, Merrin, who presents Sam with a Naquadah generator. Kalan returns to Orban while Merrin remains to explain and demonstrate the technology to Sam.

---- Fraiser discovers nanites in Merrin's bloodstream and brain, superseding her normal brain synapses. Merrin explains that they were designed on Orban and carried by Orbanians as a means of gathering information. Each Orbanian child is given millions of nanites to assist them in learning large amounts of information very quickly. Merrin further explains that each Urrone must undergo the Ovarium, where all non-Urrones are given one nanite.

-- Orban:
--- Teal'c is asked to teach a new Urrone boy on the methods of combating the Goa'uld, explaining that Tomin has undergone the Ovarium. Teal'c demands to see Tomin, and Kalan takes him and Daniel to see the boy, but the boy does not recognize them. Kalan explains the Ovarium to Teal'c and Daniel--the removal of a Urrone's nanites and dispersed among the population to increase the Orbanian society's knowledge.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Teal'c returns to Earth to explain the Ovarium to Hammond. Daniel arrives with Kalan soon afterward, the latter to take Merrin back to Orban. Jack intervenes and takes Merrin from the base without permission.

---- Colorado Springs: Jack takes Merrin to a nearby elementary school where a teacher allows her to participate in art class. Jack teaches Merrin the concept of 'fun'. Merrin eventually succeeds and enjoys painting. Jack offers Merrin amnesty, but she insists on returning to Orban and undergo the Ovarium to help her people.

---- SGC: Jack returns with Merrin, and she returns to Orban with Kalan.

-- Orban:
--- SG-1 arrives, having been summoned by Kalan. They find that past Urrone children are now playing, rather than sitting around in an infant state, as a result of changes caused by Merrin's Ovarium. Kalan tells them that all past Urrone children will learn without nanites.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Area 51, US: Dr. Carter and Major Kawalsky arrive from an alternate reality through the Quantum Mirror. They are captured and interrogated, then sent to the SGC along with the Mirror. (SG1: "PoV")

---- SGC: Alternate Sam and Kawalsky meet with Hammond and SG-1 and reveal that their Earth has been invaded by Apophis with every major city conquered and the population enslaved. Sam-A and Kawalsky are allowed to remain at the SGC, but Sam-A begins suffering entropic cascade--the result of two Sams in one universe. To save Sam-A, she, Kawalsky, and SG-1 plan a mission to contact the Asgard in their reality and free Earth. While the two Sams work on a power generator that will allow them to lock the eighth chevron, Kawalsky shows Daniel how the Quantum Mirror works.

---- SG-1, minus Sam, goes through the Mirror with Sam-A and Kawalsky. Teal'c dressed as his alternate self. SG-1 returns successful. Hammond orders the Mirror destroyed.

-- PJ6-877:
--- While searching for a downed UAV, SG-1 is captured by Aris Boch, a bounty hunter working for Sokar. He informs them that he's hunting Kel'tar, a Goa'uld plotting against Sokar. He enlists the help of SG-1 to capture Kel'tar. (SG1: "Deadman Switch")

--- While Aris monitors them from afar, SG-1 succeeds in capturing Kel'tar, but discovers that he is, in fact, a Tok'ra named Korra, who reveals that Boch is not a loyal servant of the Goa'uld, but is chemically dependent on a substance called roshna, which only the Goa'uld produce.

--- Boch sets a trap and captures all of them. SG-1 convinces Boch that the Tok'ra are not like the Goa'uld. Boch finally lets Korra go after Teal'c offers himself as replacement. However, Boch decides to let him go, tricking Sokar into thinking that he and Teal'c were killed when his ship "malfunctions", but jettison in escape pods.

--- Boch gives Sam a sample of roshna, hoping his race will be free of it one day, and leaves to find another employer.

-- Medieval Planet:
--- SG-1 find a society living by medieval Christian beliefs. They soon discover that Sokar had been sending Unas through the stargate to collect hosts--people judged by The Canon to be possessed by demons. Feeling threatened by SG-1's presence, he rallies the townspeople against them by calling them demons, since they came through the "Circle of Darkness". (SG1: "Demons")

--- Teal'c is subjected to witchcraft tests on the basis of the mark of Apophis. He appears to drown in the second test, but is actually kept alive in a meditative state by his symbiote. This is deemed to be a sign of Satanic influence and SG-1 is offered to the Unas alongside a young girl suffering chicken pox.

--- The Unas arrives, but SG-1 manages to escape, thanks to a sympathetic villager, who returned them their weapons. They stop the Unas, but the Goa'uld takes The Canon as host. Sam, however, senses the Goa'uld's presence and it is killed, its host with it.

-- Apophis' Training Planet:
--- SG-1 find themselves in the middle of a battle involving SGC look-alikes. They are captured and soon find that the look-alikes are young boys in a boot camp practicing war games, using intars--replica weapons that deliver a nasty jolt, but no real harm on the opponent. SG-1 further finds out that their real weapons have been recirculated among the intars, and that the boot camp is actually a training ground for Apophis' soldiers to infiltrate SGC. (SG1: "Rules of Engagement")

--- One of the boys, Captain Kyle Rogers, is accidentally injured by one of the real weapons. The other recruits see this as a sign to upgrade to real weaponry in their war games.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: SG-1 returns with Rogers, who is treated in the infirmary. He is shown footage of Apophis' last moments before death, convincing him that Apophis was a false god.

-- Apophis' Training Planet:
--- SG-1 returns with Rogers and show the footage to the rest of the camp. The soldiers disband and return to their respective planets. SG-1 acquires a number of intar weapons for the SGC to use in training. (SG1: "RoE", "Proving Ground")

-- Abydos:
--- Amaunet takes back her son and captures a group of Abydonians, including Kasuf, and bring them to P8X-873. Amaunet sends the boy into hiding with her closest aid to Kheb. (SG1: "FiaD")

-- P8X-873:
--- SG-1 successfully rescues the Abydonians. Daniel follows Amaunet to a nearby tent where she attempts to kill him with a hand device. Teal'c arrives moments later and kills Sha're/Amaunet with a staff. Through the device, Sha're tells Daniel to search for the boy, who is Harcesis. She also tells him to not blame Teal'c for killing her.

-- Abydos:
--- Sha're's body is returned, and she is given an Abydonian burial.

-- Vyus:
--- SG-1 finds the inhabitants all suffering amnesia, remembering nothing before the "Vorlix", a visitor who came a year earlier through the stargate. They also find that there are no children or elders. (SG1: "PaP")

--- SG-1 are taken to an important member of the "Transitional Government", Ke'ra. They learn that the visitor was Linea, "Destroyer of Worlds".

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: SG-1 returns with Ke'ra and two others to help Fraiser study the problem. They find that Linea had developed an agent to prevent aging and restore youth. Suspicions are raised and Ke'ra's DNA is compared to DNA took from Linea. They match, but, reasoning that Ke'ra really isn't the same person without Linea's memories, Hammond allows Ke'ra to continue assisting Fraiser. Together, they succeed in creating an antidote for the Dargol derivative and restore the Vyans' memories. Suspecting her true identity, Ke'ra steals some antidote and takes it. Horrified by the memories, Ke'ra attempts to commit suicide. Daniel stops her and Ke'ra agrees to take another dose of Dargol to lose the memories again. The Vyans agree to offer Ke'ra a home on their world.

-- Jacob/Selmak is captured by Sokar, who is gaining power in the galaxy, and sent to "hell"--actually Netu, in orbit of Sokar's capital world of Delmak. (SG1: "JM")

-- Sol System:
---- Earth:
---- SGC: Martouf/Lantash arrives to enlist SG-1's help to rescue Jacob/Selmak from Netu. Particularly, he requires Sam and her memories of Jolinar, who is allegedly the only one who has escaped Netu.

-- Martouf/Lantash and SG-1 depart Vorash in a Tel'tak. During the journey, Martouf puts a device on Sam to help her recall Jolinar's memories of Netu.

-- Delmak System:
--- Martouf/Lantash and SG-1 arrive. All but Teal'c, who stays aboard to monitor them, descend to the moon in the ship's four escape pods.

--- Netu:
---- The team reunites on the surface and, following Carter's lead, enter a cave system. They are soon captured by Bynarr, lord of Netu, and locked into a cell with Jacob/Selmak. Jacob tells them that Sokar has created a huge fleet with which he intends to destroy 2 key System Lords 2 weeks after he was captured. They relay the information to Teal'c to pass on to the Tok'ra High Council if they don't make it out.

---- Sam is taken to Bynarr and has flashbacks of Jolinar seducing Bynarr to help her flee by using the Ring Transporter in Bynarr's room. Bynarr attempts to use a Hand Device to kill Sam, but he is shot by his First Prime Nao'nak. Sam is returned to the cell and tells the others what happened. SG-1, Martouf, and Jacob develop a plan to escape by using the Ring Transporter to reach the ones on the Tel'tak. They contact Teal'c, who comes under attack by Death Gliders, his position discovered by Sokar.

---- The team break out of their cell and head for Bynarr's room. Martouf attempts to hotwire the controls to the Rings, but Nao'nak and his soldiers capture them. Nao'nak reveals his true identity--Apophis.


-- Vorash:
--- Having escaped the Death Gliders, Teal'c informs the Tok'ra High Council of SG-1's capture and Sokar's fleet. The High Council comes up with a procedure to launch a device into the moon that would burrow to the center and destroy it within 12 mins. Teal'c departs in the Tel'tak with a Tok'ra named Aldwin. (SG1: "TDYK")

-- Delmak System:
--- Netu:
---- Apophis interrogates each of the team members in turn, forcing them to relive painful memories and warp their minds so that they reveal precious information. They each resist his attempts. When he threatens to kill Sam, Martouf lies convincingly about the Tok'ra's location. Apophis uses this information to gain an audience with Sokar.

--- Delmak:
---- Apophis meets with Sokar and passes on Martouf's information. On his orders, Sokar's Jaffa captures Apophis as Sokar informs him that he conquered the world Martouf mentioned. Apophis draws a concealed blade and kills Sokar personal guard. He tries to kill Sokar, but the latter is protected by a personal shield, forcing Apophis to run.

--- Netu:
---- Aldwin and Teal'c arrive and launch the device as contact is re-established with the team. As Netu breaks apart, a determined Teal'c wrestles control of the ship from Aldwin.

---- SG-1, Martouf, and Jacob make their escape, using the Rings. Teal'c successfully intercepts the Ring transmission and they materialize aboard the Tel'tak instead of Sokar's ship. Sokar and his ship is destroyed in Netu's explosion.


--- Delmak:
---- Apophis, having escaped Sokar's ship before it is destroyed, seizes Sokar's power base, becoming the strongest Goa'uld System Lord.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: While SG-1 is out searching a possible lead for the Harcesis, SG-6 returns from P3X-118 needing medical attention. They turn out to be aliens and take control of the base, disguising themselves as SGC personnel. "Hammond" calls in Major Davis from the Pentagon and he, too, is captured and impersonated. (SG1: "Foothold")

---- SG-1 returns to find increased security at the base. They are told it's just a precaution due to a chemical spill. However, once in the infirmary, the team is promptly sedated. Teal'c awakens later to see "Fraiser" and "Hammond" speaking with unfamiliar aliens about an invasion of Earth. He breaks himself and Sam free and attempt to escape. Teal'c is recaptured, but Sam succeeds.

---- Sam contacts Maybourne about a potential foothold situation. Maybourne is suspicious as to why Sam is acting outside the proper chain-of-command, but agrees to meet in public at Washington DC.

---- Washington DC: Sam meets with Maybourne, but "Jack" and "Daniel" are present, who inform Maybourne that Sam is suffering from effects of the chemical, including paranoid delusions.

---- Maybourne accompanies Major Davis, "Jack", and "Daniel" with a reluctant Sam on the flight back to Colorado. Seeing Jack's image flicker, Sam grabs Maybourne's gun and kills Jack and Major Davis, revealing their alien forms. Maybourne restrains and interrogates "Daniel". Sam finds a small disc (mimic device) on the alien's chest and places it on herself, taking Daniel's image. On further examination, they find another device linking the alien to the other person's thoughts.

---- SGC: Jack and Davis wake up to find themselves hanging from an SGC storage room ceiling with other SGC personnel. They manage to free themselves and attack "Fraiser". "Daniel", turning out to be Sam, arrives soon afterward, informing them that Maybourne's NID forces are preparing to storm the base. Sam works to duplicate the same sound frequency generated by the aircraft's engines. She is successful and the aliens lose their disguises. They attempt to flee through the stargate just as Maybourne's forces arrive. Sam shuts down the gate, and the remaining aliens self-destruct themselves.

---- The mimic devices and their related equipment are taken to Area 51. The whole Foothold Incident is classified above top-secret--even from future SGC members. (SG1: "Smoke and Mirrors")

-- New Tollana:
--- Klorel's fleet is destroyed in battle with a Heru'ur's Ha'taks. He escapes in a Death Glider, but is shot down. The Tollan place a symbiote silencer on him to allow fair use of the body by both Klorel and Skaara. (SG1: "Pretense")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: The stargate activates from offworld. A cat comes through the iris. Sam recognizes it as Schroedinger. Nerim follows the cat. Nerim informs Hammond and SG-1 of the incident regarding Skaara/Klorel. SG-1 accompanies Nerim back through the gate.

-- New Tollana:
--- SG-1 takes part in a Triad (trial), with High Chancellor Travell presiding for the proceeding, Daniel and Jack serving as Archons (defense attorneys) for Skaara, Goa'uld Underlord Zipacna for Klorel, and Lya of the Nox as a neutral Archon.

--- As the Triad proceeds, Sam and Teal'c find Zipacna's Jaffa marking Tollan Ion Cannons as targets for attack. They inform the Travell of this, but the Tollan aren't worried. For pre-caution, Teal'c asks Lya to hide one of the Ion Cannons. Lya agrees.

--- The Triad concludes in Skaara's favor. The Tollan summon the Tok'ra to remove Klorel, who will be free to seek out a new host. Immediately after the Triad, Zipacna communicates to a nearby Ha'tak, ordering them to destroy Tollana's defenses. The attack fails due to Teal'c and Lya's efforts and the Ha'tak is destroyed.

--- The Tollan immensely grateful to SG-1 and agree to an alliance. Skaara, now free of Klorel, returns to Abydos.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: SG-1 sets off to P4X-884, which the MALP shows to be a paradise world. They return, however, with no memory of what happened, and to find another team about to go through for them. Hammond informs them that they had been gone for 15hrs. Fraiser fails to find anything wrong with them, though she does find a small implant on each member's brain. SG-1 soon begins exhibiting strange behavior, particularly hightened senses. The implants eventually manifest themselves as Urgo, a mental projection that only SG-1 can see and hear. After an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of Urgo (Urgo trying to hinder the attempt), SG-1 decides to return 884. (SG1: "Urgo")

---- SGC sends another MALP to the planet and use it to broadcast an audio message to the aliens. Togar responds, who tells them that Urgo is "an error" since he was not supposed to reveal himself. Togar invites SG-1 back to have the implants removed (destroyed). Urgo becomes genuinely afraid of its fate, leading Sam and Daniel to conclude that Urgo is sentient.

-- P4X-884:
--- SG-1 is met by Togar, who resembles Urgo. They successfully convince Togar that Urgo is alive, and he agrees to transfer Urgo to himself.

-- Edora:
--- SG-1 visits to negotiate a trade deal for naquadah. During the visit, Laira, the Edoran village leader, invites them to stay the night and shows them the annual meteor shower. During the show, however, it's evident the meteors are large and fall close enough to pose a serious threat. Laira tells them that the shower has been building strength for several years. (SG1: "A Hundred Days")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Sam returns and discusses Edora's situation with Hammond. Sam determines that the annual shower is due to the planet's orbit passing through the system's asteroid belt. Every 150 years, Edora passes through a denser section of the belt, resulting a periodical bombardment of the planet's surface with meteors.

-- Edora:
--- SG-1 urges the Edorans to evacuate to Earth with the intention of returning them to Edora following the shower. Most do so, but some refuse. During the evacuation, the stargate is hit by a meteor, trapping Jack, Laira, and several dozen others on Edora.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: It's found that the stargate on Edora survived, but is buried under rock covering the event horizon like SGC's iris. Sam recalls Sokar's attack on the SGC's iris the year before and develops a similar plan here to melt the rock surrounding Edora's stargate, creating a pocket large enough for one person to enter when the wormhole activates.

Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:00 am
by Varthikes
July - Sept
-- Edora:
--- Jack helps the Edoran survivors rebuild their homes and replant crops. He attempts to dig the stargate out, but after several weeks at it without success, he resigns to the fact that he may be trapped indefinitely on Edora. He falls in love with Laira and becomes an integral part of the community.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Sam completes her particle beam. After excavating a pocket in the rock, a MALP is sent and it's discovered that the gate is lying horizontally when the MALP falls back into the wormhole. To deal with this, Teal'c fires a harpoon through the gate, which lodges into the rock above the gate. He attaches himself to the trailing rope and pulls himself though the wormhole and into the pocket.

-- Edora:
--- Teal'c begins to dig to the surface.

--- As Laira disposes of Jack's SGC gear, she overhears the conversation between Teal'c and SGC on Jack's radio. She informs Jack of this, who heads to Teal'c's location and digs to him. He eventually pulls him out and proceed to dig out the stargate, allowing the Edoran survivors on Earth to return. And, Jack ultimately decides to return to Earth.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Hendricks County, IN: Joe's stories are all rejected by various magazines. He continues to submitting them, however, and writing them at the expense of his career as a barber. (SG1: "CJ")

---- SGC: The Asgard and the Tollan inform Hammond of thefts from them by the Tau'ri. They warn Hammond that, if these criminals aren't dealt with, they and the Nox will sever diplomatic ties with Earth. Hammond and Jack organize a scam to draw out the guilty party. (SG1: "Shades of Grey")

-- New Tollana:
--- Daniel leads SG-1 in negotiations with the Tollan for tech that could help them against the Goa'uld. Travell refuses the trade. An upset Jack leaves with his team. On the way out, Jack steals a piece of tech that disables weaponry, despite his team's objections.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: During their debriefing, Hammond learns of the theft and orders a complete medical examination on the colonel, to be sure his behavior isn't the cause of alien influence. Travell arrives to reclaim the tech. When the results of the exam prove negative, Hammond forces Jack to retire.

---- Makepeace becomes the new leader of SG-1.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Alison Brody, having contracted the P-Core A, dies and is preserved in cryostasis at Enos Levine Institute of Cryogenics. (SQ: "WWDA")

---- Jack receives a visit from Maybourne. He offers him a position on a rogue SG team, whose standing orders are to acquire alien tech by any means necessary. Jack accepts it. Maybourne gives him a gate address. (SG1: "SoG")


---- SGC: Jack returns with a request to retire to Edora. Hammond grants the request.

-- Edora:
--- Jack arrives and re-dials the gate to Maybourne's address.

-- NID Base World:
--- Jack arrives and takes command of the rogue SG team. Maybourne, communicating over a Goa'uld comm device, gives Jack his first mission--to steal a tech from a world (which Jack later learns is Asgard-protected) that allows the wearer to become invisible.

--- On returning, the rogue team explains to Jack that they have an inside man at SGC, who picks up the stolen device and returns it to Maybourne. Jack volunteers to deliver the Asgard device.

-- On the drop-off planet, Jack hides the device near the DHD. SG-1, to Jack's surprise, comes through moments later, barely giving Jack time to make it to cover. As SG-1 leaves, Jack catches Makepeace retrieving the device. As soon as SG-1 leaves, Jack dials back to NID Base World. An Asgard beams to the DHD shortly after Jack departs through the gate, catching the coordinates.

-- NID Base World:
--- Jack arrives. An Asgard Mothership appears and begins retrieving the stolen items. Jack evacuates the rogue team to Earth.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: After placing the rogue team and Makepeace under arrest, Hammond and Jack reveal to the rest of SG-1 the truth behind the recent events.

---- Washington DC: Maybourne flees before he can be arrested. (SG1: "Wg")

---- SGC: A "cold-dialling" program that Carter created to redial stargates that previously have not been able to connect, in case they have become unburied, begins dialling P2X-416. (SG1: "New Ground")

-- P2X-416:
--- A pair of Bedrosian archaeologists uncover a stone ring that has been buried in a rock-face. The ring activates. One of the archaeologists run off to inform the Bedrosian military.

--- SG-1 comes through the gate. The military arrives and, believing SG-1 to be in league with their enemy, the Optricans, Commander Rigar captures Jack, Sam, and Daniel. Teal'c and the other archaeologist, Nyan, however, manages to escape, but not before Teal'c is injured by a soldier's weapon. With Nyan's help, Teal'c recovers and they rescue SG-1 and return to Earth.

-- Chulak:
--- Apophis attacks, killing rebel Jaffa as well as those still loyal to him, in his search for the Harcesis. Bra'tac escapes through the gate to Earth. (SG1: "Maternal Instinct")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Bra'tac informs Hammond and SG-1 of Apophis current status as the most powerful Goa'uld. Realizing that Apophis attacked Chulak in search of the Harcesis, SG-1, with Bra'tac's help, successfully locate Kheb. SG-1 & 2 depart with Bra'tac.

-- Kheb:
--- SG-2 guard the gate while SG-1 and Bra'tac continue on. They find 8 dead Jaffa, sizzled to a crisp, and a dead woman, shot in the back by the Jaffa. They discover a Buddhist-like temple, where they find a Zen monk. They ask about the child, but the monk only replies in riddles. Daniel receives training from the monk about hidden powers of telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Daniel also learns about Oma Desala, who seems to be the basis of the monk's religion.

--- As night falls, a Jaffa assault force lands. As SG-1 sets up a defense around the temple, Oma appears to Daniel, leading him to the Harcesis. Daniel realizes that he doesn't have any powers, that the powers were from Oma herself to help him realize that the child is safe with her.


--- SG-1 and Apophis' Jaffa face-off. The monk tries to turn the Jaffa away, but is shot down. Daniel emerges from the temple and warns SG-1 and the Jaffa to drop their weapons. SG-1 complies, but before the Jaffa can execute them, a bolt of lightning strikes down the Jaffa. The monk's body transforms into a Being of Light, and Oma departs through the stargate in her Ascended form with the Harcesis.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: A MALP is sent to to probe a giant ziggurat on P7X-377. Within a large cavern, at the other end of a span too narrow for the MALP to traverse, Daniel spots a Crystal Skull, identical to one that his grandfather, Nicholas Ballard, discovered in Belize 29 yrs earlier. Daniel briefs SG-1, Hammond, and Fraiser on the skull that Ballard found. (SG1: "CS")

-- P7X-377:
--- SG-1 arrives and investigate the ziggurat. Daniel examines the skull, staring into its eyes. Energy envelopes Daniel until Teal'c zats the skull. All activity stops, but Jack, Sam, and Teal'c are unable to see Daniel, who is now unconscious. SG-1 is forced to leave without Daniel.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: While Fraiser treates Jack and Sam for radiation exposure, Hammond uses the MALP on 377 to scan for Daniel with no success. Teal'c, partially protected from the radiation by his symbiote, is sent to retrieve the skull for study, and possibly rescue Daniel, whom they believe was sent to another location.

-- P7X-377:
--- Daniel regains consciousness just as Teal'c arrives and takes the skull. Daniel tries to talk to him, but Teal'c neither sees nor hears him. Daniel follows him back through the stargate.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: All tests conducted on the skull reveals nothing to help them locate Daniel. Sam suggests visiting Nick, whom Fraiser learns committed himself to a Psychiatric hospital.

---- Oregon: SG-1, with Daniel tagging along, visit Nick and ask him about the skull they found. An invisible Daniel encourages him to assist them.

---- SGC: SG-1 returns with Nick, who is shown the skull and relives his experience for them, which starts out similar to Daniel's experience. Later on, Nick is alone in his guest quarters with Daniel, the latter discovering that his grandfather can see and hear him. Daniel convinces Nick that he is not a hallucination and to act as a go-between. They convince Hammond to allow a return mission to 377.

-- P7X-377:
--- SG-1 arrives with Nick, returning the skull to its original position. Daniel stares into its eyes again and everyone but Teal'c are sent to an alternate dimension where they encounter giant aliens. Upon learning they are both enemies of the Goa'uld, Nick is invited to stay as an ambassador while SG-1 returns home.

- Ida:
-- The Replicators overrun the Beliskner. The crew abandon ship just before the Replicators access the ship's navicomputer and head for Earth. Thor stays aboard to destroy the outbound transporters. (SG1: "Nemesis")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: While Daniel recovers from an operation, the rest of SG-1 is given leave time. Jack invites Sam to go fishing with him, but she turns down the offer. As Jack prepares to leave, he is beamed out of the base by an Asgard transporter.

---- Aboard the Beliskner, Jack encounters a swarm of metallic bugs before Thor addresses him over the intercom, guiding him to his current location. When they meet face-to-face, a dying Thor explains the situation--that the metallic creatures are Replicators, the enemy of the Asgard. Thor tells him that he has made recordings about his ship's technical specs so he might find a way to stop the Replicators from landing on Earth.

---- SGC: Jack sends a realtime holo-image of himself into the conference room, where he explains the situation to Hammond, Sam, and Teal'c. He requests a number of ordinance at the foot of the stargate to destroy the ship and orders that no one else join him. Hammond, however, overrules him.

---- Sam and Teal'c arrive with the supplies and Sam. With Thor's help, SG-1 decides to destroy the ship as it enters the atmosphere. With the bridge completely overrun by Replicators, they decide to plant a naquadah-enhanced bomb on the ship's deceleration drive and detonate it when the ship enters the atmosphere. Teal'c plants the bomb. They beam up the Alpha Gate, and Teal'c manually dials P3X-234 while Sam and Jack cover him from the Replicators attracted by the power output of the transporter. Once the gate is activated, they send Thor through, his life preserved in a stasis pod, then follow after detonating the bomb at the right moment.

---- SGC: After the gate vanish in an Asgard transporter, Hammond orders the Beta Gate shipped in from Area 51.

---- Pacific Ocean: The Beliskner burns up in the atmosphere and crashes 400 miles from CA. A single Replicator survives.


---- The surviving Replicator hijacks a Russian Foxtrot-class sub, killing its crew. The US, intercepting word of the attack, catches the submarine. (SG1: "Small Victories")

---- SGC: With the stargate finally on-line, the gate activates and Jack, Sam, and Teal'c return. They soon receive word of the attack on the sub by a creature with description matching the Replicators. As SG-1 prepares to depart, Thor arrives via stargate. Thor informs them that the Replicators are about to invade Othala, and that the Asgard need the Tau'ri's help. Sam volunteers to go with Thor while Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c deal with the submarine.


- Ida:
-- Othala:
--- Thor arrives with Sam. Thor shows Sam the incompleted O'Neill--a new warship designed to fight the Replicators--before departing on a Mothership equipped with less advanced tech than that on Replicator-controlled ships. They find the battle group with which they were to rendezvous was defeated.

-- Sam eventually forms a plan taking advantage of the Replicators' attraction to more advanced tech. She convinces Thor to use the unfinished O'Neill to lure the Replicators into hyperspace and destroy them by self-destructing the superior ship. The plan works and Othala is saved--for now.

- Milky Way:
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Daniel and Major Davis watch via a camera while Jack, Teal'c, and two others penetrate the sub and figure out how to stop the Replicators. They find the one from the Beliskner has become queen to a new generation of Replicators. Replicators attack, and the team is forced to fall back. Teal'c is injured and another is killed. An examination of a Replicator block taken from Teal'c's wound reveals that the new Replicators are made from the same metal as the sub, which deteriorates in contact with sea water. With the focus of destroying the queen, Jack and Teal'c go back in. They succeed, but are soon overwhelmed by the other Replicators. Jack orders the sub destroyed. As Replicators close and the sub takes on water, Jack and Teal'c are beamed out.

---- Sam and Thor inform Jack and Teal'c of their victory. Thor warns them, however, that the war with the Replicators is far from over.

---- The Russians recover the Alpha Gate from the ocean floor. They bring it to a retired power station in Siberia where, with a little help from Maybourne, they learn how to operate it and start up their own Stargate Program in the shadow of the SGC. (SG1: "Wg")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Apophis successfully invades Earth, destroying every major city and enslaving their populations. First Prime Teal'c and his Jaffa overrun SGA. Sam and Kawalsky make it through the Quantum Mirror to a safer reality. (SG1: "PoV")

---- Sam and Kawalsky return from that reality with its SG-1, minus their Sam. They capture Teal'c and, failing to convince him that Apophis is a false god, is killed by Teal'c-A, who takes the other's place. While Sam goes through the gate to Othala, Apophis discovers Teal'c's betrayal and the team is captured. He questions them and has Hammond killed and is about to kill Daniel-A when the Asgard arrive, forcing Apophis and his Jaffa to flee. The Asgard return Sam and revive Hammond.

---- The first resident crew of Space Station Alpha launches into orbit, establishing a permanent Human presence in space.

---- The wreckage of the doomed Stuart Expedition is discovered, and the Ancient Egyptian artifacts retrieved. (SG1: "TCu")

-- SG-1 encounter a group of Enkarans, former slaves of the Goa'uld, and are in need of a new home with specific atmospheric conditions due to their sensitivity to UV radiation. Since their original homeworld lacks a stargate, SGC begins searching for possible planets. (SG1: "Scorched Earth")

---- SGC: The stargate activates from off world 4x in 1 hr, with 3 impacts on the iris during that time. Examining the info recorded, it is discovered that Humans from another world are trying to contact them. A radio message identifies themselves as the Eurondans, claiming to be under attack from an unstoppable enemy. SG-1 is sent to assist. (SG1: "The Other Side")

-- Euronda:
--- SG-1 arrives and meet Alar, the Eurondan leader. In a demonstration of Eurondan tech, Jack uses remote-controlled aircraft to shoot down an unmanned reconnaissance drone from the enemy. Alar offers to share Eurondan tech in exchange for heavy water to power the fusion reactor of their underground base. Daniel voices his concerns with getting involved in a world war without any knowledge of how it started. Jack initially doesn't want to hear it, but eventually suspects that their hosts are hiding something. In time, they learn that their hosts started the war against the Breeders to ensure the purity of their race. Jack and Teal'c commandeer several squadrons of remote fighters and escort the Breeders' bombers. SG-1 flee to Earth just as the bunker is destroyed.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Freya/Anise of the Tok'ra arrives with three armbands that enhances the wearers' natural abilities. Since they won't work where there's a symbiote present, the Human members of SG-1 are chosen to test them. Jack, Sam, and Daniel soon experience increased strength, speed, agility, and metabolism, but decrease in their ability to make rational decisions. (SG1: "Upgrades")

---- Jack, Sam, and Daniel defy orders and to go to PX9-757, where Tok'ra intel has Apophis constructing a prototype warship.

-- PX9-757:
--- SG-1 takes out the Jaffa guarding the gate, then head for the ship. Jack and Sam plant C4 while Daniel steals a sample of weapons grade naquadah. Their armbands fail with Sam trapped behind an energy shield. Jack, for personal reasons, stays behind with her. The shield collapses when the C4 explodes, and both are able to escape.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Bra'tac's GDO signal is received, but Shan'auc (a woman of Teal'c's acquaintance) comes through instead. Shan'auc claims to be able to communicate with her symbiote, which is now mature and wants to join the Tok'ra. Teal'c eventually accepts what she says as truth. The Tok'ra are contacted about the matter. (SG1: "Crds")

-- Vorash:
--- SG-1 arrives with Shan'auc, who offers to trade the mature symbiote for a new larval Goa'uld. They meet Hebron, who volunteers to be host for the symbiote. Shan'auc collapses and the symbiote jumps into Hebron and identifies itself as Tanith. Shan'auc is given a new symbiote. After SG-1 leaves, Shan'auc visits Hebron/Tanith. Tanith, revealing his change of heart to be merely an act, kills her.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Teal'c voices his decision to leave SGC to return to Chulak with Shan'auc. Freya/Anise, however, comes through the gate with Shan'auc's body, saying the larva died of natural causes.

-- Vorash:
--- After an autopsy, SG-1 arrives and informs the Tok'ra that Shan'auc was, in fact, murdered. Freya/Anise reveals that they purposely allowed Tanith to believe he succeeded in infiltrating their ranks, hoping to use him to deceive the Goa'uld with misinformation. Before leaving, Teal'c confronts Tanith, promising to see him again.

--- SG-1 meets with the Tok'ra to discuss a treaty summit. During the meeting, Major Graham begins shooting up the place with a Goa'uld weapon before turning the weapon on himself. An examination shows that Graham was under Goa'uld mind-control (a za'tarc). (SG1: "Divide and Conquer")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Freya/Anise uses a device of her own design to check SGC personnel for other za'tarcs while the Tok'ra do the same on Vorash. A za'tarc is discovered in Lt. Astor of Graham's team. While attempting to remove the programming, Astor becomes violent before killing herself. Further testing reveal Jack and Sam to be za'tarcs. Sam, however, soon realizes she and Jack were both omitting a detail about their unauthorized mission to 757. On testing, both re-tell the events, Jack adding this time the real reason for not leaving Carter--that he cares about her a lot more than he's supposed to.

---- Martouf is found to be a za'tarc when he opens fire on "the President" at the Summit. He is neutralized with a zat to prevent him from injuring anyone else and to preserve is body for autopsy. The symbiote, Lantash, survives Martouf's death. (SG1: "DaC", "Summit")

---- The threat passed, the Tau'ri/Tok'ra Treaty is formalized.

-- P4X-639:
--- While Sam measures the geomagnetic disturbance caused by a coronal mass emission from the sun, Daniel examines a device with Ancient writing with Malakai. Malakai urges him and his team to leave. As geomagnetic disturbance reaches its peak, Malakai pulls a weapon on Daniel and activates the device. Jack and Teal'c find Daniel unconscious. They struggle with Malakai at the Ancient console when a flash strikes the three. (SG1: "WoO")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Jack and Teal'c find themselves living the same 10 hrs over and over. After several loops, they eventually manage to convince Sam, Daniel, and Hammond of this. Since Jack and Teal'c are the only ones remembering anything from previous loops, they help Daniel translate the Ancient console. After many loops, the translation is complete and Daniel learns that 639 was once an Ancient outpost that was wiped out by disaster. The Ancients built a time machine to go back and change their fate, but the machine never worked properly, only creating a repeating loop.

-- P4X-639:
--- SG-1 returns to find Malakai expecting their return, having the altar blocked by a Goa'uld force shield. Malakai explains his reason for working on the Ancient device--so that he can go back and be with his wife again. Jack, telling him about his son's death, successfully persuades him that it wouldn't be worth it.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Siberia, Russia: The Russian gate becomes stuck on an outgoing wormhole to a water planet, where the gate on the other side is submerged. (SG1: "Wg")

---- SGC, US: As SG-1 is about to inspect a possible world for the Enkaran refugees, the stargate is unable to establish a wormhole. It is discovered that the Russians are in possession of the Alpha Gate. At the request of Dr. Svetlana Markova, SG-1 heads for Russia.

---- Siberia, Russia: Markova and SG-1 arrive by plane and parachute to the Russian Stargate Facility. They find everyone in the base dead. Sam, Daniel, and Markova go through to the Water Planet while Jack and Teal'c look around the base. Jack and Teal'c find Maybourne frozen in a freezer. When taken out and thawed, Maybourne is revived. Water vapor comes out of him and goes into Teal'c

-- Water Planet:
--- As Sam, Daniel, and Markova approach underwater ruins, their sub becomes stalled. It is eventually discovered that the water is, in fact, an alien civilization.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Siberia, Russia: Teal'c, under the influence of the aliens, goes to the gate, where the aliens release themselves and go through to their planet. A moment later, Sam, Daniel, and Markova come through.

---- The Russian Stargate Program is shutdown on the condition that the Americans share whatever info and tech they obtain via the SGC. Maybourne is arrested for treason. (SG1: "Chain Reaction")

-- P5S-381:
--- A Gadmeer terraformer chooses this world, uninhabited at the time, as the new Gadmeer homeworld. Terraforming begins. (SG1: "Scorched Earth")

--- With the help of the Tau'ri, the Enkarans settle this planet, calling it their new home.

-- P3X-888:
--- On an archaeological dig with SG-11, Daniel and Rothman uncover evidence pointing to 888 being the Goa'uld origin. The camp is attacked by an Unas, and Daniel is taken prisoner. (SG1: "TFO")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Rothman informs Hammond and SG-1 what happened on 888. Hammond dispatches SG-1 & 2 with Rothman, armed with P90s.

-- P3X-888:
--- With SG-2 guarding the gate, SG-1 begins searching for Daniel.

--- Daniel attempts escape by acrossing a nearby lake, but, learning that the water is infested with Goa'uld, decides to take his chances with the Unas (Chaka). They eventually come to a cave where their relationship improves. As Daniel explores the cave full of pictographs of Unas history, he learns from Chaka that he's been 'marked for death'.

--- During the night, several members of the rescue team become infested by Goa'uld. Realizing this, Teal'c binds them all. The sole survivor of SG-11 and Rothman are discovered to be the ones. Both are killed.

--- Chaka brings Daniel to the rest of his clan. The Unas leader attempts to kill Daniel, but Chaka intercedes as SG-1 arrives. Chaka asks that Daniel be made one of the clan. The Clan Leader rejects the idea and charges Daniel. SG-1 opens fire, but fail to kill him. Chaka finishes him off. Daniel turns down the invitation to join Chaka's clan, but is welcomed to return.

-- P5S-381:
--- As the Enkarans celebrate their resettlement on their new world with SG-1, an alien ship is discovered terraforming the planet for a sulphur-based ecosystem. SG-1 opens up communications with Lotan, a bio-mechanical lifeform generated by the ship to appear Enkaran. They learn that the ship is all that's left of a civilization wiped out by a stronger military power long ago. It is eventually learned that a planet the vessel previously visited and rejected for terraforming was the Enkaran homeworld. Lotan agrees to transport the Enkaran refugees to that world. (SG1: "SE")

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Rygel XVI procures the codes to his and his fellow prisoners' cell doors and effect their escape. They take over Moya from her Peacekeeper crew. ("Wh")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- Canaveral, FL: Before John boards the SS Collaroy, his father, Jack, gives him a Turkish puzzle ring for good luck.

---- Collaroy lifts off with John and Farscape-1. In orbit, John separates from the shuttle in Farscape-1. With DK and Jack monitoring from Canaveral, John begins his sling-shot maneuver. An EM wave is detected. He and Jack urge John to abort, but a wormhole opens and swallows John and his module. John is presumed dead.


-- Delta Quadrant:
--- John finds himself in an asteroid field. Several fighters rush past him, one of them strikes Farscape-1. The module is only nicked, but the fighter is destroyed. A large asteroid passes by, revealing a larger vessel, Moya, under attack by the same fighters. He is pulled aboard and brought to Command by the DRDs where he meets D'Argo, Zhaan, and Rygel and injected with translator microbes by a DRD. Believing him to be a Peacekeeper, they demand the he help them escape. D'Argo and Zhaan manage to release Moya's Control Collar, allowing her to starburst to safety, taking a PK Prowler with them. D'Argo knocks John out, and the Human is taken to a cell.

--- Crais learns of the escape and casualties, including his brother Tauvo. On learning about the pilot of the ship that caused his brother's death, Crais orders his own Command Carrier to track down the escaped Leviathan.

--- Moya emerges from starburst. The following Prowler is brought aboard, the pilot (Aeryn) put in the cell with John, whom she painfully greets. Moya arrives at a Commerce Planet where D'Argo, Zhaan, and Rygel obtain a vital substance for Moya. While the three are planetside, John and Aeryn escape and drop to the planet in the Prowler where Aeryn sends a message to Crais.

--- D'Argo, learning of the escape and the approach of a Command Carrier from Pilot, send Zhaan and Rygel back to Moya while he confronts John and Aeryn. Crais arrives and, pronouncing Aeryn "contaminated due to prolonged contact with unclassified alien lifeforms", has all three arrested. John, with his puzzle ring distracting the guards, helps D'Argo escape on the condition he takes him and Aeryn with him. D'Argo reluctantly agrees.


--- Aboard Moya, John, with Aeryn piloting the ship manually, directs Moya back to the planet where she achieves John's sling-shot maneuver. Moya is shot far ahead of Crais' Command Carrier into the Uncharted Territories. Crais orders his Carrier to follow.

--- Denea:
---- With the discovery of a Paddac beacon aboard and it broadcasting their location to any nearby PK ship, Moya is forced to land in a swamp on the nearby planet. Since the beacon was installed on Moya's neural nexus, John, Aeryn, and D'Argo go out to a planet to search for Clorium, a Leviathan anaesthetic, to remove the beacon. ("I, E.T.")

---- With Moya under stress from the gravity, Zhaan and Rygel begin removing the device, the former sharing Moya's pain.

---- While Aeryn and D'Argo distract local hunters, John stumbles on a farm/observatory and finds a suitable source of Clorium. He meets a boy, Fostro, and his mother, Lyneea--an astronomer. The military arrive and set up base while Lyneea hides John. As John attempts to alert Pilot about the Clorium source, the Denean military capture D'Argo. While Lyneea misdirects the military commander to Moya's whereabouts, John and Fostro free D'Argo.

---- John and D'Argo return to Moya with the Clorium just as Rygel finishes disabling the beacon. Once the anaesthetic is in place, Moya lifts off.

--- While Moya evades a PK Marauder, a swarm of Drak infest the ship. The Drak causes the temperature to rise and take DNA samples of John, Aeryn, D'Argo, and Zhaan. Because of the rising heat, Aeryn begins suffering heat delirium. The Drak are soon found to be using Moya as a breeding host, and creating duplicates of the biped crewmembers. The Drak Queen eventually begins speaking to them through Zhaan, and John successfull arranges a deal. ("Exodus From Genesis")

--- With external sensors disabled, the PK Marauder boards Moya. John and co., with help from the Drak, successfully chases off the Commandos. The Drak finish their breeding cycle and leave Moya.

-- P3R-118:
--- Jack meets with Administrator Calder, who wishes to trade with the Tau'ri. Jack refuses, however, for the slave labor that Calder is conducting underground. Calder has SG-1 stamped with new personalities and sent to work in the underground power plant. (SG1: "Beneath the Surface")

-- Tavlar:
--- John and co. meet with a band of Tavleks, led by Bekhesh, aboard Moya. The meeting turns into a kidnapping, with Rygel bagged. Bekhesh later contacts Moya and ransoms Rygel. Learning that Rygel has stolen a crystal essential to the operation of Moya, John, Aeryn, and D'Argo go planetside after him. ("Throne For a Loss")

--- Rygel is eventually recovered after John convinces Bekhesh that Rygel is worthless. John and co. return to Moya with Rygel and the crystal is put back.

-- P3R-118:
--- SG-1 slowly begin to recover memories of their former identities. They meet in secret each night and attempt to draw out those memories. Word of this reaches Calder, who orders SG-1 to be executed. Brenna, SG-1's immediate supervisor in the plant, disobeys and, instead, confirms SG-1's suspicions. Calder arrives and shoots Brenna for betrayal. SG-1 overpower Calder and his guards and reveal the truth to the workers--that instead of an ice age outside like they were made to believe, it is a temperate climate. (SG1: "BtSf")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: A call is received from Martin Lloyd, who claims to know about the Stargate Program and asks to see O'Neill alone. (SG1: "PoNR")

---- Montana: Jack meets with Martin, with Teal'c monitoring covertly. Martin leads Jack to where he remembers his ship is. Daniel and Sam, searching Martin's house, are caught by Martin's associates and interrogated. Jack, Teal'c, and Martin eventually locate the ship, which turns out to be an escape pod. They use Martin to trap his associates. The trap is successful, and Jack and Teal'c follow to a nearby warehouse where Daniel and Sam is held, but Martin's associates escape.

-- Martin's World:
--- SG-1 and Martin to find nothing but wreckage.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- US: AF sets up Martin with a real estate job. Martin later quits the job and goes into the TV show-making business. (SG1: "Wormhole X-treme!")

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Moya encounters a Ilanic Cruiser caught in a black hole. She brings aboard an escaping shuttle. Once aboard, the crew, Verell and Matala, explain their mission--to test a singularity-based weapon for use in the Scorvian War. While searching the shuttle for more survivors, John touches an open panel and soon begins seeing glimpses of the near future. ("BaBaBttF")

--- Aeryn discovers that Matala is a Scorvian spy after a sparring session where Matala fights like a Scorvian. John, through his premonitions, learns that Matala intends to kill Verell and still his research. They convince D'Argo of this. John and D'Argo confront Matala, who stabs Verell and flees. As Matala escapes in the shuttle, Verell, before dying, destroys the weapon. Moya starbursts just as the black hole consumes Matala's shuttle.

--- Sykar:
---- Suffering Luxan hyper-rage, D'Argo leaves Moya for the nearby planet. The others follow 3 days later to find D'Argo "content". Zhaan soon follows as she eats the tannot root, while Rygel's body fluids turn explosive. A few Sykarans give John a worm that neutralizes the root's effects so that he can help free them from the tannot addiction. John learns that the PKs brought the tannot to Sykar, and, from Aeryn, who treats Rygel, that the tannot makes chaken oil, which powers PK weapons. John, Aeryn, and Rygel reveal this to the Sykarans and convince the leader, Volmae, to free her people of the addiction and defend themselves against the PKs. ("TGIFA")

--- Moya comes across the wreckage of the Zelbinion. John, Aeryn, and D'Argo board her to find anything of value. They find a tech, Gilina, from Crais' Carrier. A Sheyang Scavanger approaches. D'Argo and Zhaan stall them while John, Aeryn, and Gilina salvage Zelbinion's defense shield. As they work, John and Gilina become close. Noticing this, Aeryn admits to John an interest in him. After successfully fighting off the Sheyang, Gilina stays behind with the Zelbinion and await the return of Crais' Carrier. She promises not to report her encounter with Moya. ("PK Tech Girl")

--- An obsessed Crais is ordered by PK High Command to give up his search and return to his Carrier group. Crais disregards the order. ("TOBM")

--- John encounters Maldis, a non-corporeal being that feeds on beings' lifeforce. Maldis pits him in a one-on-one fight with Crais, his consciousness whisked from his carrier. Before John defeats Crais, Maldis transfers him back to his ship, hoping he will bring it to the planet. Zhaan, with the help of a native priest to revive her dark side, appears in Maldis' dwelling. She makes Maldis tangible, allowing John to disperse him.

--- Crais awakens aboard his Carrier. His obsession in Crichton renewed, Crais executes his XO and orders his ship deeper into the Uncharted Territories.

-- Sol System:
--- The X-301 is complete, built from the two Death Gliders SG-1 used to escape Apophis' Ship 2.5 years earlier. Jack and Teal'c test-fly the the fighter. During the test, a homing beacon activates, putting the fighter on a course for Apophis' original homeworld. (SG1: "Tangent")


--- Sam and Daniel track down Jacob/Selmak, who possesses a Tel'tak, and successfully retrieves Jack and Teal'c.

--- Earth:
---- US: Daniel learns of the death of his former mentor, Dr. David Jordan. Daniel attends the funeral and reunite with former colleagues, Dr. Sarah Gardner and Steven Rayner. Daniel and Sarah explore what Jordan was working on before his death, the recovered artifacts of the Stuart Expedition, including two canopic jars--one of which was destroyed in the explosion that killed Jordan. The remaining jar is found to be containing the Goa'uld symbiote, Isis, dead from the jar's broken seal. Believing Rayner to be possessed by Osiris, Daniel, Sam, and Fraiser follow him to Egypt.

---- Egypt: Daniel, Sam, and Fraiser find Rayner barely conscious and Osiris in Sarah. Osiris escapes aboard a hidden ship. (SG1: "TCu")

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- John and co. encounter Namtar, a scientist who reportedly is able to pinpoint a species point-of-origin from its DNA. D'Argo, Zhaan, and Rygel attack Pilot, cutting off one of his arms to meet Namtar's price for the info. ("DNAMS")


--- Aeryn voices her concern to John about being left alone aboard Moya when he and the others eventually do go home. John offers to take her back to Earth with him. Not liking that idea, she goes to Namtar in the hopes of finding a Sebacean breakaway colony. She is, instead, injected with Pilot's DNA and begins changing.

--- Namtar's data crystal arrives, but it's soon learned that Moya can access only one of the DNA maps if the other two are erased, sparking a 3-way struggle for the crystal. Meanwhile, John recruits Kornata's aid, the original owner of Namtar's lab, to help reverse Aeryn's condition. As Pilot reports that Rygel is about to download the data from Namtar's crystal, Kornata informs them it will erase Moya's memory. John stops him in time, breaking the crystal.

--- Kornata and John save Aeryn, captured by Namtar so he can obtain Pilot's multi-tasking abilities, and reduces Namtar to his original state.

--- The crew searches through Moya for remaining PK devices, disabling them in case Crais' Carrier gets close enough to activate them. D'Argo finds Velorek's contraception shield. He breaks it and is dumped out to space. Aeryn retrieves him in her Prowler. ("TGaS")

--- As D'Argo relives the events leading to his imprisonment, casting Zhaan as Lo'Laan, Rygel as Jothee, and John as Macton, Moya starves Pilot, shuts off the life support, and turns the DRDs on the crew. John, Aeryn, and Zhaan work to isolate the cause of Moya's behavior. John and Zhaan bring D'Argo back to the present, learning his true crime in the process, to acquire his help. They learn that Moya is, in fact, pregnant. Through a DRD, John convinces Moya to spare them, that they would not harm her offspring. She turns the life support back on and revives Pilot.


-- Chulak:
--- Teal'c attends a meeting to begin rally a more active rebellion against the Goa'uld. The meeting turns into a trap, and Teal'c is captured. (SG1: "The Serpent's Venom")

-- Learning that Heru'ur and Apophis--the two most powerful System Lords--intend to forge an alliance, Jacob/Selmak and SG-1 embark to sabotage it, using an abandoned minefield to turn the System Lords against each other. They learn later that Heru'ur has captured Teal'c and offers him to Apophis.

-- Teal'c, being tortured by an underlord of Heru'ur, gets through to a Jaffa, Rak'nor, turning him against the Goa'uld. Rak'nor kills the underlord and sends him to Apophis. When SG-1's modified mine hits his ship, Apophis orders 10 additional Ha'taks to uncloak. Teal'c and Rak'nor escape in a Death Glider as Heru'ur is destroyed. Apophis absorbs Heru'ur's forces.


-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Hammond retires under mysterious circumstances. He is replaced by Maj. Gen. Bauer, who splits up SG-1, assignning Teal'c to SG-3, Daniel to a desk, and Sam to develop of a new naquadah-enhanced nuclear bomb. After objecting, Jack is ordered to take a vacation. (SG1: "Chain Reaction")

---- Jack visits Hammond and learns that his retirement was forced by the NID. Jack gets Maybourne released from prison and enlists his assistance. They go to Senator Kinsey, who is hosting a re-election party in his home, and successfully get the info they need, connecting Kinsey to numerous illegal NID actions in the past 1.5 years, including blackmailing Hammond. Jack threatens Kinsey to re-instate Hammond, or he'll give the info to the Press. The NID arrive at that point, trapping Jack and Maybourne, but Jack informs the Press about Kinsey's presidential campaign. With the Press a diversion, Jack and Maybourne get away.

---- SGC: Bauer tests the naquadah-enhanced nuke on a planet containing life, ignoring Sam's protest. The test goes wrong, destroying the planet on the other side and transmitting deadly radiation through the gate. At 0:38:34, the gate shutsdown.

---- Hammond returns as commander of SGC while Maybourne has himself transferred to a tropical island.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Dam-Ba-Da:
---- Testing his module with newly-installed Leviathan components with Aeryn, John attempts to re-create the conditions that brought him to this region. He succeeds in creating a wormhole. Aeryn, however, warns him that it's unstable and John pulls away barely in time, damaging his craft in the process. ("Til the Blood Runs Clear")


---- Unwilling to abandon his ship, John brings it to a mechanic on the planet, Furlow. As the module undergoes repairs, John and Aeryn find a PK wanted beacon broadcasting a reward for the capture of D'Argo, Zhaan, and Rygel. Two Vorcarians appear. John, passing him and Aeryn off as bounty hunters, strikes a deal with them to catch the fugitives. D'Argo comes to the planet to drag John back to the ship. He is captured by the bounty hunters. As John and D'Argo fight the Vorcarians, Aeryn modifies the message on the beacon, with Crais announcing that the reward is withdrawn. The Vorcarians give up the fight.

---- John's module is repaired. Furlow demands exclusive rights to the info John gathered on the wormhole as payment. John reluctantly gives it up.

--- Moya responds to a distress call from another pregnant Leviathan. They, instead, encounter a sect of Delvians. Zhaan reveals to John the reason she was imprisoned, that Tahleen, the Delvian leader, wants Zhaan's ability to control her dark impulses to free their world. Zhaan joins with Tahleen in Unity to teach the latter the control over her dark side she has learned. Tahleen rips what she needs from Zhaan's mind, releasing her dark side. ("RiB")

--- On John's insistance, Zhaan joins with him, allowing her to regain control. Zhaan resigns as Pa'u.

--- Aeryn teaches John how to fly a transport pod so he can be more familiar with Leviathan tech, and so he can be somewhat useful to her in battle. They become ensnared in The Flax--a magnadrift mesh--and the pod is heavily damaged. They do all they can to repair the ship, but fail. ("The Flax")

--- Moya picks up Staanz, a Zenetan ex-Pirate, who warns the remaining crew about The Flax. On learning that a Luxan ship was caught in The Flax some time ago, D'Argo deals with Staanz to take him there for map fibres. They detect oxygen from John and Aeryn's Pod, and D'Argo forces Staanz to go after them instead.

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: A blood-stained note comes through the gate with Jack's signature. The note warns: "Under no circumstances go to P4C-970." Hammond orders 970 locked out of the dialing computer. An analysis of the blood confirms that it is Jack's. (SG1: "2010")

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- John and D'Argo attempt to unblock a vent clogged due to John firing his pod's engines. John gets fed up with everyone on the ship. He leaves in his module to relieve his stress. Moya, sensing danger to her baby, starbursts to compensate on her own. John is left stranded. He eventually finds nearby Acquara and makes home. ("Jeremiah Crichton")

-- M4C-862:
--- A research facility is established, headed by Dr. Hamilton and including Dr. Bill Lee. (SG1: "Prodigy")

-- Abydos:
--- Having been contacted by Kasuf about a strange incident, SG-1 finds the Harcesis, who calls himself Shifu. SG-1 takes Shifu back to Earth. (SG1: "Absolute Power")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Daniel tells Shifu about his mother, Sha're. Then, Daniel proposes to Shifu to allow the Tok'ra to retrieve the info on the Goa'uld, which Oma Desala made him forget. Shifu, instead, gives Daniel a vision of what would happen if he gave them that knowledge. In the vision, Daniel sees himself corrupt with power. Daniel awakens, understanding that the evil caused by the knowledge isn't worth it. Shifu ascends and leaves through the gate.

-- P4X-347:
--- SG-5 discovers a deserted palace with a pedestal generating a huge, cascading light show. SG-1 returns later after several incidents of severe depression leading to suicidal behavior. It is discovered that the light pedestal produces a narcotic effect. With the help of Loran, the son of explorer parents who died from the light addiction, SG-1 gradually shutdown the device. After a few weeks, the effects of the addiction wear off, allowing SG-1 to return to Earth with Loran. (SG1: "The Light")

-- Nebari Prime:
--- Durka, former captain of the Zelbinion, emerges from stasis, his mind-cleansing complete. He joins Salis in pursuit of Chiana. ("Durka's Return")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- CO, US: Sam visits the AF Academy to give a lecture on theoretical astrophysics. She notices a cocky and insubordinate, but brilliant, cadet, Jennifer Hailey. Believing her to be a great asset to the SGC, Sam brings Hailey back with her in attempt to inspire the cadet. With Hammond's permission, she takes Hailey to the research facility on M4C-862. (SG1: "Pd")

-- M4C-862:
--- Jack and Teal'c are supervising the research facility when the scientists make contact with small, energy organisms. Soon after Sam and Hailey arrive, the creatures turn aggressive. SG-1, Hailey, and the scientists manage to escape through the gate.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- Acquara:
---- Moya arrives in search for John. D'Argo and Rygel go down, but the transport pod looses power during landing. As they disembark to search for John, other tech stop working. They find John, bitter at first for having been left behind, involved in a local dispute. ("JC")

---- The Acquarans recognize Rygel as a god and they are spared. Rygel, examining the ancient texts, find that the Acquarans were colonists sent by his ancestor, Rygel X, but were abandoned, their tech disabled. As the Acquarans learn that Rygel and his companions aren't the gods they thought they were, Aeryn and Zhaan, unable to reach the men on coms, send down a map to the source of the power drain. Rygel successfully turns off the device, returning power to the Acquarans' tech.

---- Having been redeemned, John, Rygel, and D'Argo return to Moya with provisions.

--- Salis and Durka capture Chiana. En route back to Nebari Prime, Salis interrogates Chiana for info on the Nebari Resistance. ("DR", "ACN")

--- Due to her pregnancy, Moya comes out of starburst with sensors dimmed. She collides with another ship. Out of regret, Moya and Pilot bring the ship aboard. Durka emerges, followed by Salis, who confirms Durka's mind-cleansed state. As repairs begin on their ship, Salis has Chiana locked in a cell. ("DR")

--- Rygel sets off a bomb, aiming for Durka and un-do the mind-cleansing. Chiana escapes. While searching for her, John finds Salis dead. Durka commandeers Moya, taking Rygel and Aeryn hostage. Unable to starburst, Durka learns about the baby. John finds Chiana and recruits her help to lure Durka into a trap. The plan fails and Durka runs for his ship to use the phase cannons to kill the baby. John sets off a bomb, stimulating Moya to release the ship.

--- Chiana is allowed to stay aboard.

--- Moya comes upon a wormhole, and John is able to see Earth through it. John leaves Moya. Instead of returning to Earth, however, John realizes it's all a trick. He meets the Ancients, one of whom has taken on the appearance of his father. "Jack" tells John that the Ancients are looking for a new home and that they presented him with the scenario to see if Earth was the suitable place. It is not. ("AHR")


--- During the encounter, the Ancients plant wormhole knowledge into his subconscious to guide him on the right path to discover it on his own. John does not remember this part of his encounter with the Ancients. ("Nerve")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: While probing P9C-372, a planet from the Ancient Repository, an electrical entity transmits itself through the MALP, infecting the base's mainframe. In an attempt to reboot the system, the entity hidesout in a MALP, then re-asserts itself. The entity eventually finds its way into Sam. Jack is forced to zat Sam twice. Sam's consciousness is found to have been transferred into the supercomputer that the entity built while within the MALP. Sam's consciousness is restored to her body. (SG1: "Entity")

-- Juna:
--- Harlan's Android SG-1 arrive. Daniel, Sam, and Teal'c are captured and brought before Cronus, but Jack gets away. Daniel is destroyed. Upon realizing that they are not the real SG-1, Cronus has Teal'c and Sam interrogated by an underlord. (SG1: "Double Jeopardy")

-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- SGC: Harlan comes through the gate and explains the situation.

-- Juna:
--- After sending a MALP and finding the Android Jack, SG-1, minus Daniel, arrive. They agree to work together and defeat Cronus, though all of Android SG-1 are killed. Real SG-1 captures Cronus' Ha'tak and his Jaffa are freed.

-- Delta Quadrant:
--- D'Argo, Zhaan, and Rygel talk about leaving Moya for a better ship. Moya overhears through the DRDs and, not wishing to be abandoned, starbursts before she is ready, to prove that she is capable. She becomes stuck between dimensions, split into 3 other versions of herself. John makes contact with a being inhabiting the inter-dimension and, with Pilot's help, returns Moya to her whole self in normal space. All decide to stay aboard Moya. ("Through the Looking Glass")

Dec 31
-- Sol System:
--- Earth:
---- US: Shannon O'Donnell convinces Henry Janeway to close his bookstore, making way for the Millennium Gate--the first self-sustaining bio-sphere, a vital step toward colonizing other worlds. (VOY: "11:59")

-- SG-1 travels to P4C-970 and meet the Aschen. An alliance is established, leading to the eventual defeat of the Goa'uld. Jack eventually becomes very vocal about his suspicions of the Aschen, but no one listens to him. He leaves the military. (SG1: "2010")

WHEW!!! And, that's the 20th Century!

Re: Ultimate Timeline, Part IV: 1901 to 2000

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:14 am
by DarkOmen
That is pretty damn epic...