The Laithan war. Rejoice, Chapter Seven is now here!
- 4 Star Admiral
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- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath
The Laithan war. Rejoice, Chapter Seven is now here!
My first attempt at a story, all coments are welcome. This takes place in the year 2400. So things have changed quite a bit. For now, here's an over view of the powers we all know and love, and one we don't.
The Federation.
After the Dominion war much criticism and controversy raged over Starfleets militarism and the actions of Section 31 (unknown to the public, who consider their actions to have been carried out by Starfleet forces). There is massive support to return to 'the old ways' of peace and exploration, although Starfleets admirals are wary of this, feeling it would leave them open to further attack by other, unknown, hostiles.
The Cardasians have joined the Federation for protection and aid, although many resent the fact that they are relying on former enemies to survive.
Meanwhile, Section 31's activities have been on the increase. Emboldened by their succeses during the war, they believe that they alone are all that stands between the Federation and destruction. Their actions become increasingly controversial, causing splits within the organisation, one of the largest acts of the new S31 is the creation of 'Shadow Fleets'. Fleets which do not officialy exist, using illegal or stolen technology to improve their power. These fleets engage in secretive raids and recon missions into the territories of other power, leading to increased tensions within the Alpha Quadrant as other races are convinced the Federation is preparing for another, final, war.
The Klingon Empire.
The Empire is in chaos. Atempts to join the Federation resulted in a mass uprising by conservative elements among the Empire. Martok, and indeed half the council, lie assasinated by these rebels. Although the military remains mostly on the side of the council they are powerless to stop the rate of defections growing every month. Some planets have even gone so far as to openly rebel, heedless of the fact they could not possibly stand before the Empire's military. Attempts to calm the conservative populace have been mostly unsucsessful, and the rebels activities grow more ambitious day by day. Elements of the military are also going missing and unconfirmed rumours say that they are defecting to the rebels. More worringly, however, are the ships which have not defected to the rebels but have also gone missing. The rebels have not yet been sucsessful in attempts to destroy warships, so why have dozens of ships simply dissapeared? Even more worringly, is the fact that most of these ships have gone missing near a previously unexplored are. Enveloped by civil war, and with the possibility of invasion, can the Empire hold itself together? Or is it destined to fall into chaos?
The Romulan Star Empire.
All diplomatic relations with the Federation and Klingons have ceased. Furious at the fact that they were tricked into the war, they have begun plotting their revenge. Several Federation ships have been sighted in Romulan space, some even attacked, yet Starfleet still stubournly denies any involvement. It is clear the Federation is arming for war, one which the RSE cannot hope to win. But the Romulans have far more power than the hated Federation could possibly imagine, one which would bring the humans and the Vulcans to their knees. And the traitor Shinzon's superweapon is very interesting indeed. The Federation is coming, likley the barbarian klingons will be alongside them too, but Romulus will not stand by and let their enemies take the initiative, the RSE will strike the first blow, and victory shall be theirs...
The Dominion.
Although Odo tried his best, he could not erase centuries of xenophobia and prejudice. Some listned, although most didn't. The Alpha Quadrant is falling into chaos, the allies are at each others throats and their militaries are still being rebuilt. It will not be long before the Alpha quadrant colapses in on itself, and when it does they will feel the full might of the Dominion. What the masters of the Dominon are unaware of, however, is that they are not alone in their plans of conquest...
The Lainath Imperium.
A young race, yet ambitous and advanced. If the Dominon war had been avoided it would be likely the Federation would have discovered this species, maybe they would have even joined peacefully. As it was, the ships exploring that area had been called home to serve in the fight against the Dominion, and the Lainath's first contact with an alien race would not be so peacefull...
Enslaved by another alien race for a few years, they quickly fought back against their oppresors. While the Alpha quadrant was fighting for freedom, so too were the insectoid Lainath. The war ended in the genocide of the race which had oppresed them, the orbital bombardmant of the aliens homeworld. Using stolen warships and weapons, the Lainath quickly built up a massive military and began conquering anyone and anything it found in its path.
Now, two decades after their enslavement, they have a powerful military and a determination to rule. Although their technology apears superficially to be primitive, still using projectile weapons for ground forces for example, they are more powerfull than many would immediately imagine, using their weapons to great effect. Long range scouts have detected a group of powerfull empires near their rapidly expanding border. Recon reports indicate one of these empires is currently in the grip of a massive civil war, they should be easy targets. Preparations for invasion has begun, the fleet has been readied, and they shall know victory...
The Federation.
After the Dominion war much criticism and controversy raged over Starfleets militarism and the actions of Section 31 (unknown to the public, who consider their actions to have been carried out by Starfleet forces). There is massive support to return to 'the old ways' of peace and exploration, although Starfleets admirals are wary of this, feeling it would leave them open to further attack by other, unknown, hostiles.
The Cardasians have joined the Federation for protection and aid, although many resent the fact that they are relying on former enemies to survive.
Meanwhile, Section 31's activities have been on the increase. Emboldened by their succeses during the war, they believe that they alone are all that stands between the Federation and destruction. Their actions become increasingly controversial, causing splits within the organisation, one of the largest acts of the new S31 is the creation of 'Shadow Fleets'. Fleets which do not officialy exist, using illegal or stolen technology to improve their power. These fleets engage in secretive raids and recon missions into the territories of other power, leading to increased tensions within the Alpha Quadrant as other races are convinced the Federation is preparing for another, final, war.
The Klingon Empire.
The Empire is in chaos. Atempts to join the Federation resulted in a mass uprising by conservative elements among the Empire. Martok, and indeed half the council, lie assasinated by these rebels. Although the military remains mostly on the side of the council they are powerless to stop the rate of defections growing every month. Some planets have even gone so far as to openly rebel, heedless of the fact they could not possibly stand before the Empire's military. Attempts to calm the conservative populace have been mostly unsucsessful, and the rebels activities grow more ambitious day by day. Elements of the military are also going missing and unconfirmed rumours say that they are defecting to the rebels. More worringly, however, are the ships which have not defected to the rebels but have also gone missing. The rebels have not yet been sucsessful in attempts to destroy warships, so why have dozens of ships simply dissapeared? Even more worringly, is the fact that most of these ships have gone missing near a previously unexplored are. Enveloped by civil war, and with the possibility of invasion, can the Empire hold itself together? Or is it destined to fall into chaos?
The Romulan Star Empire.
All diplomatic relations with the Federation and Klingons have ceased. Furious at the fact that they were tricked into the war, they have begun plotting their revenge. Several Federation ships have been sighted in Romulan space, some even attacked, yet Starfleet still stubournly denies any involvement. It is clear the Federation is arming for war, one which the RSE cannot hope to win. But the Romulans have far more power than the hated Federation could possibly imagine, one which would bring the humans and the Vulcans to their knees. And the traitor Shinzon's superweapon is very interesting indeed. The Federation is coming, likley the barbarian klingons will be alongside them too, but Romulus will not stand by and let their enemies take the initiative, the RSE will strike the first blow, and victory shall be theirs...
The Dominion.
Although Odo tried his best, he could not erase centuries of xenophobia and prejudice. Some listned, although most didn't. The Alpha Quadrant is falling into chaos, the allies are at each others throats and their militaries are still being rebuilt. It will not be long before the Alpha quadrant colapses in on itself, and when it does they will feel the full might of the Dominion. What the masters of the Dominon are unaware of, however, is that they are not alone in their plans of conquest...
The Lainath Imperium.
A young race, yet ambitous and advanced. If the Dominon war had been avoided it would be likely the Federation would have discovered this species, maybe they would have even joined peacefully. As it was, the ships exploring that area had been called home to serve in the fight against the Dominion, and the Lainath's first contact with an alien race would not be so peacefull...
Enslaved by another alien race for a few years, they quickly fought back against their oppresors. While the Alpha quadrant was fighting for freedom, so too were the insectoid Lainath. The war ended in the genocide of the race which had oppresed them, the orbital bombardmant of the aliens homeworld. Using stolen warships and weapons, the Lainath quickly built up a massive military and began conquering anyone and anything it found in its path.
Now, two decades after their enslavement, they have a powerful military and a determination to rule. Although their technology apears superficially to be primitive, still using projectile weapons for ground forces for example, they are more powerfull than many would immediately imagine, using their weapons to great effect. Long range scouts have detected a group of powerfull empires near their rapidly expanding border. Recon reports indicate one of these empires is currently in the grip of a massive civil war, they should be easy targets. Preparations for invasion has begun, the fleet has been readied, and they shall know victory...
Last edited by Sionnach Glic on Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:14 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
- 4 Star Admiral
- Posts: 26014
- Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:58 pm
- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath
Chapter 1 A New Threat
Flag-Admiral Ravesk stared at the tactical readouts, fixated on the mass of numbers and letters telling him how the battle was proceeding. He saw the low-quality representation of the alien vessel spin gracefully on its axis in an attempt to bring more of its weapons to bear, beside the icon representing the ship a jumble of numbers tracking the ship's speed and course changed rapidly.
'Change heading to one-oh-eight.' Ravesk snapped at the command crew. 'Bring starboard weapons to bear, lock on and fire at will. Load missile tubes seven through eight and launch when ready. Heavy cannon battery twelve; switch weapons to flak mode.'
Around him various officers scrambled to carry out his commands. Ravesk felt the subtle changes in the impulse engines that told him they were turning. Listening carefully, he could hear the thump of the Cathlong class battleship, the Desolator's, heavy cannons firing. A moment later, he felt the metal deck shudder under his hooves as the missile tubes fired. He stepped back from the display table, a hexagonal desk whose surface could display any necessary information, and looked around the control room of the Laithan battleship.
A vaguely circular room, the control centre was an armoured bunker, deep within the Desolator's hull. The room contained everything needed to run the ship and was staffed by a crew of thirty at all times. Turning his gaze towards the tactical station, currently crewed by seven people, he watched the results of his orders on the large tactical screen, which provided more information than the abbreviated version found on his display table. He watched the icons representing his ship's missiles streak towards their target and blink out after flashing red, confirming their detonation. The speed and power numbers next to the enemy ship's icon dropped significantly.
Ravesk suddenly noticed the ship's captain, Vosak, waiting politely beside him through his compound eyes.
'Report.' Ravesk hissed, turning.
'Admiral, the alien ship has lost all remaining shield power and we believe their hull has been breached on several decks. Also, their speed has dropped significantly; we may have damaged their reactor in that last strike.' The young Vosak reported briskly,
'We appear to have disabled most of them, Admiral.'
'Excellent.' Ravesk nodded, pleased with the outcome of the battle. It would be simple now to close with the enemy vessel and destroy it. 'Bring the ship round, aim our prow cannons at them, load armour piercing rounds, and blow that monstrosity out of-'
'Sir! Sensors detect another ship inbound, configuration matches the vessel we are currently engaged with.' One of the sensor operators cut across him quickly.
Ravesk swore and rounded on one of the communications officers, Branst.
'I thought I ordered you to jam all transmissions!'
'We did sir.' Branst replied nervously. 'They must have gotten a warning off as we first arrived in the area.'
Ravesk accepted this explanation and turned to the tactical lieutenant, Sovis.
'Your opinion?' he asked calmly. The usual murmur of the control rooms occupants relaying orders had quietened down slightly, evidently Ravesk wasn't the only one interested to hear what Sovis had to say.
'Judging from the previous vessels performance, we should have little problem dispatching this one. Recon suggests these 'Vor'cha' cruisers are about as effective as a cúrsóir class cruiser.'
Ravesk was sure the murmuring had just sounded a good deal more relieved. This was his ship's first action against these Klingon ships. So far, he was completely unimpressed by these aliens. He nodded and began issuing orders again.
'Helm, bring us about, put our port shields between us and them. Inform all gunnery captains to fire at will at the new ship. Inform heavy cannon battery twelve to load high explosive shells and finish off that first ship. And give me a visual display of the new ship.' He added as an after thought.
He turned back to the display table, and looked up at a bank of screens above the table which showed a mass of information about the ship's runnings. As he looked up one of the screens flickered, and was replaced by a view of the enemy ship from one of the external cameras. As with Sovis's report on the ships combat abilities, he was rather unimpressed.
'Ugly looking brute.' Ravesk heard Vosak mutter.
As he watched he felt the ships weapons firing again. Rapid fire weapons, normally used for point defence against fighters lashed out at the enemy ship's shields. Cannon fire struck out at the vessel, penetrating its shields and detonating on the hull. Heavy missiles flew onto the screen rapidly, and slammed into the Vor'cha's hull. When the massive flash from the explosion cleared, there was nothing left but mangled wreckage.
'Battery twelve reports target one eliminated, target two also confirmed destroyed.' Sovis called over from the tactical station.Ravesk smiled grimly and tuned back to the communications officer.
'What of the other ships?' he asked.
Branst paused before replying. 'Sir, seven of the twelve strike forces report they have engaged and destroyed enemy ships without them getting any message out. Basilisk reports that one of its targets got away but was badly damaged, he is in pursuit now and expects to catch them with ease.'
Ravesk nodded calmly. The fleet had been engaging in such raids for over a month now, and still these Klingons gave no major response, as if they didn't care about the Laithan invasion fleet parked mere light years from their borders. Didn't care, or couldn't spare ships to engage them? Ravesk wondered. Whichever it was, it did not matter. The Laithan Imperium would conquer this empire, and then move on to the next. They had been doing this for decades, and they had gotten very good at it. Ravesk, feeling more relieved, turned his multi-faceted gaze back to the view screen showing the wreckage of the alien ship and wondered when the order to invade would come.
Flag-Admiral Ravesk stared at the tactical readouts, fixated on the mass of numbers and letters telling him how the battle was proceeding. He saw the low-quality representation of the alien vessel spin gracefully on its axis in an attempt to bring more of its weapons to bear, beside the icon representing the ship a jumble of numbers tracking the ship's speed and course changed rapidly.
'Change heading to one-oh-eight.' Ravesk snapped at the command crew. 'Bring starboard weapons to bear, lock on and fire at will. Load missile tubes seven through eight and launch when ready. Heavy cannon battery twelve; switch weapons to flak mode.'
Around him various officers scrambled to carry out his commands. Ravesk felt the subtle changes in the impulse engines that told him they were turning. Listening carefully, he could hear the thump of the Cathlong class battleship, the Desolator's, heavy cannons firing. A moment later, he felt the metal deck shudder under his hooves as the missile tubes fired. He stepped back from the display table, a hexagonal desk whose surface could display any necessary information, and looked around the control room of the Laithan battleship.
A vaguely circular room, the control centre was an armoured bunker, deep within the Desolator's hull. The room contained everything needed to run the ship and was staffed by a crew of thirty at all times. Turning his gaze towards the tactical station, currently crewed by seven people, he watched the results of his orders on the large tactical screen, which provided more information than the abbreviated version found on his display table. He watched the icons representing his ship's missiles streak towards their target and blink out after flashing red, confirming their detonation. The speed and power numbers next to the enemy ship's icon dropped significantly.
Ravesk suddenly noticed the ship's captain, Vosak, waiting politely beside him through his compound eyes.
'Report.' Ravesk hissed, turning.
'Admiral, the alien ship has lost all remaining shield power and we believe their hull has been breached on several decks. Also, their speed has dropped significantly; we may have damaged their reactor in that last strike.' The young Vosak reported briskly,
'We appear to have disabled most of them, Admiral.'
'Excellent.' Ravesk nodded, pleased with the outcome of the battle. It would be simple now to close with the enemy vessel and destroy it. 'Bring the ship round, aim our prow cannons at them, load armour piercing rounds, and blow that monstrosity out of-'
'Sir! Sensors detect another ship inbound, configuration matches the vessel we are currently engaged with.' One of the sensor operators cut across him quickly.
Ravesk swore and rounded on one of the communications officers, Branst.
'I thought I ordered you to jam all transmissions!'
'We did sir.' Branst replied nervously. 'They must have gotten a warning off as we first arrived in the area.'
Ravesk accepted this explanation and turned to the tactical lieutenant, Sovis.
'Your opinion?' he asked calmly. The usual murmur of the control rooms occupants relaying orders had quietened down slightly, evidently Ravesk wasn't the only one interested to hear what Sovis had to say.
'Judging from the previous vessels performance, we should have little problem dispatching this one. Recon suggests these 'Vor'cha' cruisers are about as effective as a cúrsóir class cruiser.'
Ravesk was sure the murmuring had just sounded a good deal more relieved. This was his ship's first action against these Klingon ships. So far, he was completely unimpressed by these aliens. He nodded and began issuing orders again.
'Helm, bring us about, put our port shields between us and them. Inform all gunnery captains to fire at will at the new ship. Inform heavy cannon battery twelve to load high explosive shells and finish off that first ship. And give me a visual display of the new ship.' He added as an after thought.
He turned back to the display table, and looked up at a bank of screens above the table which showed a mass of information about the ship's runnings. As he looked up one of the screens flickered, and was replaced by a view of the enemy ship from one of the external cameras. As with Sovis's report on the ships combat abilities, he was rather unimpressed.
'Ugly looking brute.' Ravesk heard Vosak mutter.
As he watched he felt the ships weapons firing again. Rapid fire weapons, normally used for point defence against fighters lashed out at the enemy ship's shields. Cannon fire struck out at the vessel, penetrating its shields and detonating on the hull. Heavy missiles flew onto the screen rapidly, and slammed into the Vor'cha's hull. When the massive flash from the explosion cleared, there was nothing left but mangled wreckage.
'Battery twelve reports target one eliminated, target two also confirmed destroyed.' Sovis called over from the tactical station.Ravesk smiled grimly and tuned back to the communications officer.
'What of the other ships?' he asked.
Branst paused before replying. 'Sir, seven of the twelve strike forces report they have engaged and destroyed enemy ships without them getting any message out. Basilisk reports that one of its targets got away but was badly damaged, he is in pursuit now and expects to catch them with ease.'
Ravesk nodded calmly. The fleet had been engaging in such raids for over a month now, and still these Klingons gave no major response, as if they didn't care about the Laithan invasion fleet parked mere light years from their borders. Didn't care, or couldn't spare ships to engage them? Ravesk wondered. Whichever it was, it did not matter. The Laithan Imperium would conquer this empire, and then move on to the next. They had been doing this for decades, and they had gotten very good at it. Ravesk, feeling more relieved, turned his multi-faceted gaze back to the view screen showing the wreckage of the alien ship and wondered when the order to invade would come.
Last edited by Sionnach Glic on Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
- Teaos
- 4 Star Admiral
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- Joined: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:00 am
- Commendations: The Daystrom Award
- Location: Behind you!
Interesting put I am dubious about the effect of those weapons on a shieled ship ar even advanced metals. Also the fact that the ships appear to have little damage themselves strechs belief.
Unless you make this into another Borg were they seem super powerful at first then beatable I'd scale back their power.
Unless you make this into another Borg were they seem super powerful at first then beatable I'd scale back their power.
What does defeat mean to you?
Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
- 4 Star Admiral
- Posts: 26014
- Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:58 pm
- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath
1) Don't worry, they aren't an all powerfull race. They just have a large industrial base and some good technology.
2) And I deliberately made their weapons seem crude, mostly to point out that advanced=/=powerfull. You can still have a primitive weapon with one hell of a yield. In fact, I am planning on having one Federation captain discover this the hard way. The cannons they use have several different kinds of ammo, as I pointed out in that chapter, they will use various types acordingly.
3) The reason the ship sustained little damage is due to several reasons, firstly, this particular ship is the flagship of the Laithan Stellar Navy. So it has the best technology available, remember that I included a line pegging the Klingon ships strength as roughly equivelant to another Laithan vessel, the vessel I named is actually the most common ship in the LSN.
Secondly, the first Klingon ship was jumped on by surprise and the second ship was coming in completely clueless about the situation.
Thirdly, the Desolator is damned big, a full three kilometers long. To say that it's rather powerfull is putting it mildly.
Thanks for the feedback, and I will keep your concerns in mind.
2) And I deliberately made their weapons seem crude, mostly to point out that advanced=/=powerfull. You can still have a primitive weapon with one hell of a yield. In fact, I am planning on having one Federation captain discover this the hard way. The cannons they use have several different kinds of ammo, as I pointed out in that chapter, they will use various types acordingly.
3) The reason the ship sustained little damage is due to several reasons, firstly, this particular ship is the flagship of the Laithan Stellar Navy. So it has the best technology available, remember that I included a line pegging the Klingon ships strength as roughly equivelant to another Laithan vessel, the vessel I named is actually the most common ship in the LSN.
Secondly, the first Klingon ship was jumped on by surprise and the second ship was coming in completely clueless about the situation.
Thirdly, the Desolator is damned big, a full three kilometers long. To say that it's rather powerfull is putting it mildly.
Thanks for the feedback, and I will keep your concerns in mind.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
- 4 Star Admiral
- Posts: 26014
- Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:58 pm
- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath
Alright then, I got the first three chapters nearly done and am planning on posting the second today and the third tommorow. Depending on feedback, I may or may not continue writing.
Chapter 2 New Orders
Riots. Every day. That was all they ever spoke about, riots, riots, riots, riots, protest marches and more damned riots. Tim Hanley turned the news off in irritation and strode out into the corridor outside his quarters at Starfleet HQ. As he walked, he mentally cursed the entire Cardasian species. After the Dominion war had ended, the Cardasian race was left devastated and under the threat of invasion from the Klingons. They quickly applied for membership in the Federation, and were granted it. However, after they had leached as much aid and support they could get, they immediately decided that they wanted their independence after all. Hence the damn rioting.
Hanley walked into the conference room at Headquarters, a couple of guards saluting him as he passed, he acknowledged them briefly before taking a seat alongside the other high ranking officers of Starfleet. Fleet admiral Hanson was already loudly declaring his opinions on whatever matter had come up. Hanley checked the time and realised they had started early, without him.
'If you don't mind me interrupting' he said, stopping Hanson in mid flow. 'What, exactly, are we discussing?' Hanson looked like he minded very much that he had been interrupted, but said nothing.
'The Cardasians.' Another admiral, mcDonagh, replied wearily. 'What else? I take it you heard the news this morning?'
'I heard of more rioting, if that's what you mean.'
'Yes, that is the problem. What do you think we should do with them?'
Hanley had quite a strong opinion already of what they should do with them. A veteran of the Dominion war, Hanley remembered fighting against the Cardasian Union in his battered old Miranda class. That felt like an eternity ago, he'd come to appreciate all he'd taken for granted when he was a captain. Now, his life was dull and unexciting.
'I think we should just toss the lot of them to the Klingons, no great loss for us.' A few of the admirals nodded in agreement, but the vast majority just scowled at him.
'As prudent as that suggestion may be,' mcDonagh replied. 'the Klingons are in no fit state to do anything at the moment. Throwing the Cardasians to them may cause too many problems in the region. The Empire has, at best, a vague control over the military. They're completely open to invasion right now, and given that the Cardasians now have Federation technology they might try to pay the Klingons back for what happened during the war.' Some more nods, some more scowls.
'What does the president think?' Hanley asked.
'It is the presidents opinion' Hanson began. Hanley kicked himself, they'd be listening to Hanson drone on for an hour if someone didn't shut him up. 'that the Cardasians are within their rights to request independence. There is nothing in Federation law that prevents them doing so. In fact, he is considering granting the Cardasians their freedom, along with the territorial borders they had before the war started, and he-' Hanson's droning voice was, thankfully, drowned out by the many complaints and voices of outrage over his words. He struggled to be heard above the bickering but, realising a lost battle when he saw one, simply sat down again.
'Quiet, the lot of you.' A new voice, fleet admiral Quinn, snapped. 'Stop bickering like children, this is ridiculous. And besides, this is no matter for us. What we should be concentrating on is the Freedom'
Hanley nodded in agreement. The Cardasians were a problem for the politicians. Hanley shuffled through a pile of papers beside him and extracted the one in question. Skimming through it, Hanley gathered that some exploration ship called the Freedom had gone missing in unexplored space near the Klingon border.
'This seems a clear cut case.' mcDonagh commented, also skimming through the report. 'The ship was out exploring planets near the Klingon border and never reported back. It was likely targeted by rogue Klingon elements. They're all over the place lately, as I said earlier; the Empire is in the midst of one Hell of a civil war. Its likely they don't have control over half the military.'
Hanley shook his head. 'I don't think so. We know there have been mass rebellions on the ground, and even whole planets turned against the council, but we never got reports of rogue Klingon ships before.'
'It was only a matter of time before one did go rogue. And its not as if the Klingons would go around proclaiming how little control they have over their army.' mcDonagh reasoned.
'Maybe.' Hanley conceded slightly. 'But we should probably send someone to look for the Freedom, just in case it got into trouble not related to the Klingons. They may still be alive.' Most of the admirals nodded in agreement.
'Who should we send?' mcDonagh asked.
The various admirals began suggesting names they could remember off hand. Hanley realised that Hanson had just taken a deep breath, a clear warning of a long winded talk with no substance whatsoever. In desperation, Hanley said the first name that came to mind.
'Enterprise. We should send the Enterprise.'
The other admirals nodded in agreement. Hanson deflated, looking pleased with this suggestion, he was probably going to suggest the same thing, in about two hundred words.
'Well,' mcDonagh nodded in agreement. 'that ship's predecessors did have quite a reputation for solving problems and pulling miracles out of nowhere. Perhaps we should see if this new one will live up to the name. Where is it now?'
Another admiral, Hanley couldn't remember his name, pulled up the information on a computer screen.
'Starbase 74, being prepared for its maiden flight.'
'Perfect.' mcDonagh said. 'Enterprise sounds perfect for the job, I'll have the orders sent immediately.'
Chapter 2 New Orders
Riots. Every day. That was all they ever spoke about, riots, riots, riots, riots, protest marches and more damned riots. Tim Hanley turned the news off in irritation and strode out into the corridor outside his quarters at Starfleet HQ. As he walked, he mentally cursed the entire Cardasian species. After the Dominion war had ended, the Cardasian race was left devastated and under the threat of invasion from the Klingons. They quickly applied for membership in the Federation, and were granted it. However, after they had leached as much aid and support they could get, they immediately decided that they wanted their independence after all. Hence the damn rioting.
Hanley walked into the conference room at Headquarters, a couple of guards saluting him as he passed, he acknowledged them briefly before taking a seat alongside the other high ranking officers of Starfleet. Fleet admiral Hanson was already loudly declaring his opinions on whatever matter had come up. Hanley checked the time and realised they had started early, without him.
'If you don't mind me interrupting' he said, stopping Hanson in mid flow. 'What, exactly, are we discussing?' Hanson looked like he minded very much that he had been interrupted, but said nothing.
'The Cardasians.' Another admiral, mcDonagh, replied wearily. 'What else? I take it you heard the news this morning?'
'I heard of more rioting, if that's what you mean.'
'Yes, that is the problem. What do you think we should do with them?'
Hanley had quite a strong opinion already of what they should do with them. A veteran of the Dominion war, Hanley remembered fighting against the Cardasian Union in his battered old Miranda class. That felt like an eternity ago, he'd come to appreciate all he'd taken for granted when he was a captain. Now, his life was dull and unexciting.
'I think we should just toss the lot of them to the Klingons, no great loss for us.' A few of the admirals nodded in agreement, but the vast majority just scowled at him.
'As prudent as that suggestion may be,' mcDonagh replied. 'the Klingons are in no fit state to do anything at the moment. Throwing the Cardasians to them may cause too many problems in the region. The Empire has, at best, a vague control over the military. They're completely open to invasion right now, and given that the Cardasians now have Federation technology they might try to pay the Klingons back for what happened during the war.' Some more nods, some more scowls.
'What does the president think?' Hanley asked.
'It is the presidents opinion' Hanson began. Hanley kicked himself, they'd be listening to Hanson drone on for an hour if someone didn't shut him up. 'that the Cardasians are within their rights to request independence. There is nothing in Federation law that prevents them doing so. In fact, he is considering granting the Cardasians their freedom, along with the territorial borders they had before the war started, and he-' Hanson's droning voice was, thankfully, drowned out by the many complaints and voices of outrage over his words. He struggled to be heard above the bickering but, realising a lost battle when he saw one, simply sat down again.
'Quiet, the lot of you.' A new voice, fleet admiral Quinn, snapped. 'Stop bickering like children, this is ridiculous. And besides, this is no matter for us. What we should be concentrating on is the Freedom'
Hanley nodded in agreement. The Cardasians were a problem for the politicians. Hanley shuffled through a pile of papers beside him and extracted the one in question. Skimming through it, Hanley gathered that some exploration ship called the Freedom had gone missing in unexplored space near the Klingon border.
'This seems a clear cut case.' mcDonagh commented, also skimming through the report. 'The ship was out exploring planets near the Klingon border and never reported back. It was likely targeted by rogue Klingon elements. They're all over the place lately, as I said earlier; the Empire is in the midst of one Hell of a civil war. Its likely they don't have control over half the military.'
Hanley shook his head. 'I don't think so. We know there have been mass rebellions on the ground, and even whole planets turned against the council, but we never got reports of rogue Klingon ships before.'
'It was only a matter of time before one did go rogue. And its not as if the Klingons would go around proclaiming how little control they have over their army.' mcDonagh reasoned.
'Maybe.' Hanley conceded slightly. 'But we should probably send someone to look for the Freedom, just in case it got into trouble not related to the Klingons. They may still be alive.' Most of the admirals nodded in agreement.
'Who should we send?' mcDonagh asked.
The various admirals began suggesting names they could remember off hand. Hanley realised that Hanson had just taken a deep breath, a clear warning of a long winded talk with no substance whatsoever. In desperation, Hanley said the first name that came to mind.
'Enterprise. We should send the Enterprise.'
The other admirals nodded in agreement. Hanson deflated, looking pleased with this suggestion, he was probably going to suggest the same thing, in about two hundred words.
'Well,' mcDonagh nodded in agreement. 'that ship's predecessors did have quite a reputation for solving problems and pulling miracles out of nowhere. Perhaps we should see if this new one will live up to the name. Where is it now?'
Another admiral, Hanley couldn't remember his name, pulled up the information on a computer screen.
'Starbase 74, being prepared for its maiden flight.'
'Perfect.' mcDonagh said. 'Enterprise sounds perfect for the job, I'll have the orders sent immediately.'
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
- Teaos
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Nice to see the politics behind Starfleet. I wonder what class of ship the new Enterprise is. Is it the F or G?
If the ship is in starbase it would take ages to get the fringes were the ship disapeared.
If the ship is in starbase it would take ages to get the fringes were the ship disapeared.
What does defeat mean to you?
Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
Nothing it will never come. Death before defeat. I don’t bend or break. I end, if I meet a foe capable of it. Victory is in forcing the opponent to back down. I do not. There is no defeat.
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- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath
The Enterprise-F, an Eminence class starship.Teaos wrote:I wonder what class of ship the new Enterprise is. Is it the F or G?
Eminence design use with permission from DarkOmen.
I thought starbase 74 was near the border?If the ship is in starbase it would take ages to get the fringes were the ship disapeared.
If not, then screw it, I'll change the name.
Expect some of the guys from chapter 2 to feature several times throughout the story. They will make some decisions that turn out to be very important, for better or worse.Nice to see the politics behind Starfleet.
Thanks!Deepcrush wrote:I'm loving this.

Currently, Starfleet still has a large force at its command from the Dominion war. Several new types of ships have also been built, some of which were pure battleships. This caused widespread controversy, as many politicians felt Starfleet was becomming too militaristic.What is the state of Starfleets forces?
Currently, there is a major debate going on over wether or not to allow Starfleet to continue arming itself, or to force it to decommision its forces.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
YAY!!Rochey wrote:The Enterprise-F, an Eminence class starship.Teaos wrote:I wonder what class of ship the new Enterprise is. Is it the F or G?
Eminence design use with permission from DarkOmen.
Can't wait for Chapter 3... Good job Rochey!
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- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath
I should just warn people that chapter three is rather long compared to the first two.
Chapter one and two were basicaly 'test' chapters, to help me find out how to develope my writing style and to introduce a few important people (Ravesk and Starfleet's high command).
Chapter three will skip back and forth between different viewpoints and introduce a bunch of new people, who will mostly become important later on.
Chapter three will also feature my first space battles, so I hope I can do justice to it.

I should just warn people that chapter three is rather long compared to the first two.
Chapter one and two were basicaly 'test' chapters, to help me find out how to develope my writing style and to introduce a few important people (Ravesk and Starfleet's high command).
Chapter three will skip back and forth between different viewpoints and introduce a bunch of new people, who will mostly become important later on.
Chapter three will also feature my first space battles, so I hope I can do justice to it.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
- Granitehewer
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- 4 Star Admiral
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- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath
Why, thank you! Hopefully my first combat scenes will live up to your expectations.Rochey and DarkOmen, with your obvious talents,and i do not use that lightly at all, since your abilities are beyond my superlatives, it'll be an exciting ride!

I was planning on using Graham's estimates for the various fleets of the Alpha Quadrant. Maybe a bit bigger.Do you have fleet numbers or a more detail force list for the different factions, if you put those together first it might be easier to draw up a battle since you'll have an idea of what each side can bring to the table.
I also have a good layout of the composition of the Laithan Stellar Navy written down.
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
- 4 Star Admiral
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- Location: Poblacht na hÉireann, Baile Átha Cliath