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YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:51 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Lets say you got a writing and design job for Enterprise and Berman and Braga are distracted by a shiny piece of metal. You have full reign to create the ships and stats for Starfleet for a United Earth. The only limitation is that the NX-class is still to be used (didn't get hired fast enough to 'correct' that). So what would your ship classes be. Describe them fully, give them weapons, etc.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:05 pm
by Teaos
If I have to work in a universe where the NX is canon I tell them to go fuck themselves and I will have no part in such a retarded design team.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:09 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Blow it up in the pilot episode, and replace it with something more fitting.

Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:48 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Refit it in the second episode to a superior design.
I'd have the ships developed somewhat along the lines of those at the
Starfleet Museum.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:54 pm
by JudgeKing
I'd use several of the designs from the Ultimate Universe Mod from Star Trek: Legacy like the Yorktown, Confederation, Poseidon, and Minuteman. Most of the ships would be introduced in Season Four with the Confederation appearing in the last episode as Earth's first Warp Seven Capable Starship.
NX-class breakdown
-original (Original Configuration)
-Columbia refit (2153 to deal with the Xindi. Received Photonic Torpedoes)
-Discovery Refit (2155 because of increasing Romulan threat. Received major systems upgrade)
-Atlantis Refit (2156 after dissappearance of the Columbia Received major computer overhaul to neutralize threat of Romulan control)
NX-class Discovery Refit (Heavy Cruiser)
-Service Period: 2155-2245
-Crew: 96
-Length: 225 meters
-Width: 138.6 meters
-Height: 36 meters
-Decks: 8
-Armament: 16 Mark IV Pulsed Phase Cannons, 4 Photonic Torpedo Tubes: 64 rounds
-Defenses: Polarised Hull Armour
-Cruising Speed: Warp 4.5
-Maximum Warp: 5.6
-Note: Was given a major systems upgrade due to the rising threat of the Romulans. Replaced the grapplers with tractor beams
Yorktown-class (Battleship)
-Service Period: 2154-2247
-Crew: 110
-Length: 266 meters
-Width: 154 meters
-Height: 39.6 meters
-Decks: 9
-Armament: 18 Mark IV Pulsed Phase Cannons, 5 Photonic Torpedo Tubes: 95 rounds
-Defenses: Polarised Hull Armour.
-Cruising Speed: Warp 4.6
-Maximum Speed: 5.6
-Note: Constructed as a Battleship to provide heavier firepower to the fleet.
Confederation-class (Battleship)
-Service Period: 2159-2263
-Crew: 187
-Length: 279 meters
-Width: 150 meters
-Height: 67.7 meters
-Decks: 14
-Armament: 22 Mark V Pulsed Phase Cannons, 4 Photonic Torpedo Tubes: 110 rounds
-Defenses: Shields, Polarised Hull Armour
-Cruising Speed: Warp 5.6
-Maximum Speed: Warp 7
-Notes: Warp Seven Beauty
Daedalus-class (Light Cruiser)
-Service Period: 2145-2239
-Crew: 225
-Length: 225 meters
-Width: 89.26 meters
-Height: 74.38 meters
-Decks: 22
-Armament: 10 Mark IV Pulsed Phase Cannons, 4 Photonic Torpedo Tubes
-Cruising Speed: Warp 4.4
-Maximum Speed: Warp 5.3
-Notes: A little older, but can and will suffice with a proper refit.
Poseidon-class (Destroyer)
-Service Period: 2154-2247
-Crew: 80
-Length: 200 meters
-Width: 140 meters
-Height: 47 meters
-Decks: 8
-Armament: 12 Mark IV Pulsed Phase Cannons, 6 Photonic Torpedo Tubes: 120 rounds
-Defenses: Polarised Hull Armour
-Cruising Speed: 4.8
-Maximum Rated: 5.76
Minuteman-class (Frigate)
-Service Period: 2155-2231
-Crew: 40
-Length: 120 meters
-Width: 47 meters
-Height: 42 meters
-Decks: 10
-Armament: 12 Type IV Phase Cannons, 3 Photonic Torpedo Tubes: 36 rounds
-Defenses: Polarised Hull Plating
-Cruising Speed: Warp 4.5
-Maximum Speed: Warp 5.5
-Notes: A Frigate, nothing more, nothing less
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:01 pm
by Aaron
Err...what do we have to work with? What's the status of Earth's industry and resource base? Do I have access to resources and populations outside the system? Is there anything in system?
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:29 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Cpl Kendall wrote:Err...what do we have to work with? What's the status of Earth's industry and resource base? Do I have access to resources and populations outside the system? Is there anything in system?
Earth's Industry...20 times that of the current USA's. You do. There are 20 other planets (colonies) lending resources and everything.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:34 am
by Aaron
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Cpl Kendall wrote:Err...what do we have to work with? What's the status of Earth's industry and resource base? Do I have access to resources and populations outside the system? Is there anything in system?
Earth's Industry...20 times that of the current USA's. You do. There are 20 other planets (colonies) lending resources and everything.

Man, that's like a license to print cash. I gotta jot some stuff down.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:34 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
For extra-get the strength indices up.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:30 pm
by Graham Kennedy
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Lets say you got a writing and design job for Enterprise and Berman and Braga are distracted by a shiny piece of metal. You have full reign to create the ships and stats for Starfleet for a United Earth. The only limitation is that the NX-class is still to be used (didn't get hired fast enough to 'correct' that). So what would your ship classes be. Describe them fully, give them weapons, etc.
Stuck with the NX... okay.
Earth has at least 50 colony worlds, warp 3 ships are relatively common and travel from world to world in periods of months up to one year.
Starlfeet has a battlecruiser design which is warp 3 capable, about 2/3 the size of the NX in volume, superior armament - same tech as in the pilot, plasma cannon and spatial missiles, but more of them / more powerful versions of them. A destroyer class which is about a half the size, relatively weakly armed, warp 2.5 capable. A long range tender/support ship, also warp 2.5 capable. The fleet has about 20 battlecruisers, and about 60 destroyers.
Civilian ships range up in size to colony transports ten times the volume of the NX down to small independent trading vessels with just ten or fifteen crew. Larger civilian ships are warp 2 capable, though very new ones are warp 3 capable. There are several hundred of them tramping around.
The NX project woudl spin its technology off over the course of the first couple of seasons; Starfleet ships would be refitted with phase cannon, photonic torpedoes, and warp 5 engines. Most civilian ships would have their warp drive upgraded to warp 4 or 5 capability. It would spark a major wave of expansion and colonisation for Earth.
That's all spun off of the fact that we're stuck with the NX. If I can rule out the NX, I would do it quite differently.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:19 pm
by McAvoy
Well, I would have to think about it. For starters I would still keep the NX class, but if at all possible alter the design slightly. I would not design a whole fleet based off one ship that appeared a set decoration/Jefferies sketch/Chronology book. I mean anyone can look at the navies in 1870's and see there would be no need to maintain some sort of design lineage off of the Daedalus class.
..but I would still show the Daedalus.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:28 am
by Tsukiyumi
I've said before the NX's appearance would be tolerable if they'd just stuck with the plasma weapons and warheads from the first few episodes. Maybe introduce "plasma beam" weapons and the photonic torpedoes in season four or five.
*muttering* Damn "phase cannons".
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:51 pm
by McAvoy
I agree, but I still think they could have done away with that hanger looking thing in the front of the NX class. Though I always wondered what a ENT Daedalus would have looked like. I wished Coto would have shown it at least in the background.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:07 am
by Lt. Staplic
well, we're taking over in around season 1 I'm assuming since we can change anything but the I wouldn't allow it to get the Phase Cannons/food synthecisor, and I would make the transporter for object use only...not safe for live transport.
I would also increase the number of ships and ship classes around Earth. A battleship class, a Destroyer Class, and probably an earlier version of an explorer.
Enterprise would still be the first NX class ship, however Columbia would have been launched within season one, with many more to follow.
Re: YOUR Earth Starfleet (or United Earth Space Command)
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:48 am
by McAvoy
I am not entirely sure that I would make a Earth Starfleet big yet. Yeah, I would make a bigger fleet presence in the Sol System and show more freighters and transports going around dilivering supplies.
I would keep the Intrepid type and whatever that arrow shaped ship is. Maybe make something bigger and bulky as the earlier cruiser/explorer counterpart to the NX class. Probably maybe the size of the Constitution class and there are only a handful of them at best do like Warp 2.5.
The Daedalus would be a new ship, a Warp 5 ship introduced in Season 4 or 5. Probably do a episode centered around the USS Daedalus, more or less.
There would be fightersand shuttle carriers as well. Simply because this is right around when the transporters are being installed but not yet efficient. So these ships would still be around. The fighters would act as planetary defenses, since weapons and their targeting is not yet perfected.
There would be no such thing as a photonic torpedo as well. Maybe a antimatter missile that would show some sort of progression to the photon torpedo.