Reading back I remembered this and it rang that it was out of place and should have a space of its own.This brings up another point of the matter. The Dominion talked about attacking Earth but never mounted the plan. Even Martok couldn't believe that anyone was bold enough to do it and then... after reading the report... was even more shocked by how well earth handled the surprise attack. Though I think its really stupid that the Breen even got close to earth or Sol for that matter. The leader of the Klingon Empire (was he the leader at this point or just the Supreme Commander?) treats it as a major deal. Before the DW getting to Earth was pretty easy. The DW must have changed that a lot!
Pre-DW we have 3 unmanned probes defending earth. Plus Starbase 74 if it happens to be on the right side of the planet for the attack.
Enter-DW we have at least 30 ships in orbit of Earth (Voy Endgame) and more likely twice that on patrol and just outside the system. Say 100 ships to make it even.
Post-DW... What would you put in Sol and around Earth?
The overall question is this. "What would you do too protect Sol after the DW?" You are a Fleet Admiral commanding the new "Core Fleet" which is tasked to protecting the Core Worlds of the UFP. Sol, Vulcan, Andoria and Telarite. Your home base is Sol.