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Galaxy class
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:03 am
by Teaos
this is going to be such a controversial topic.
So the star of the TNG and the 5th Enterprise.
Some call it and explorer with teeth some a warship with science potential. A jack of all trades and a master of none.
The topic of civilians on a ship has already been debated a lot.
In my opinion on a purely visual bases it is not a particularly nice looking ship. It's not really bad but when I look at it I tend to think it's to fat.
Overall I don't mind the civilians on the ships and larger quarters. But I do agree it could be scaled back a bit.
It is suitably powerful being able to go toe to toe with other ships from the main power and win.
Also the first time we see the separation used although usually in a very poor manner.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:22 am
by Thorin
Well I'd definitely say it's an explorer/science vessel with teeth.
I didn't use to like the Galaxy aesthetically because as you said, it looks quite fat and the nacelles are pig ugly, but it's grown on me a lot, and I quite like the whole design, everything is very smooth.
I don't mind the large quarters or civilians, because as I said I believe it's an explorer ship; a city that flies.
Separation is definitely a very good idea. Best of Both Worlds used it will (albeit not for its intended use), and Generations used it for its proper purpose - half the ship remains in tact; and is really fully functional (even if it doesn't have warp). I also doubt that escape pods could have withstood a bang like that, considering the saucer section was hit by it and nearly destroyed.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:01 pm
by Teaos
Seperation would of been a better idea if it had mini nacelles like the Promethius.
Woot! someone who agrees with me about civilians on ship.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:14 pm
by Captain Seafort
I don't have a problem with civilians on ships per se - indeed for scientific vessels, or true city ships it's a great advantage. The problem I have is with civilians on warships, and like it or not the Galaxy-class is a warship. There would be less of a problem if they off-loaded the civilian complement if it were ordered into action, but with the exception of separating the saucer in "Farpoint" and "Arsenal of Fredom", and the unloading of the Odyssey's non-essential personel in "The Jem'Hadar" that wasn't even mentioned. Not when they were ordered to investigate a presumed Romulan attack in "The Neutral Zone". Not when they were sent to confront the Borg in "Best of Both Worlds". Not when they were sent to confront the Cardassians in "Chain of Command". Not when they went after the Borg again in "Descent".
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:20 pm
by Teaos
I agree they should be off loaded in situations like that. To save time they could make a section of the crew quartrs into a super life pod. When they are about to head to trouble the realise the giant pod with all the civilians on it. The pod can be used for normal living quarters in normal operations.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:52 pm
by Sionnach Glic
We already have a thread about civilians, do we really need another?
For now I'll simply restate my opinion that civies on a warship is stupid, we can continue it in the other thread.
Now, the
Galaxy class...
Simply, I hate it. Every little part of it. From the idioticaly exposed nacelles, to the powder keg warpcore, to the exposed bridge, to the ridiculously ugly shape, to the hotel sized quarters, to the carpeted halls, to the overused Jeffries tubes, to the aparantly fire-wall less computers, to the lack of redundancy, to the over reliance on active systems, to the living room bridge, to...I'll stop, shall I?
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:58 pm
by Teaos
So you dont like it then?
I think it makes a fine explorer class vessel. It has everything you ould need for a long mission on the fringes of the Federation but it doesnt seem to be used for that.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:05 pm
by Sionnach Glic
So you dont like it then?
You could say that.
I think it makes a fine explorer class vessel. It has everything you ould need for a long mission on the fringes of the Federation but it doesnt seem to be used for that.
Indeed. It would make a perfect exploration ship, I have no problem with that. What I
do have a problem with is the role it is actually used in.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:12 pm
by Captain Seafort
Rochey wrote:We already have a thread about civilians, do we really need another?
For now I'll simply restate my opinion that civies on a warship is stupid, we can continue it in the other thread.
Now, the
Galaxy class...
Simply, I hate it. Every little part of it. From the idioticaly exposed nacelles, to the powder keg warpcore, to the exposed bridge, to the ridiculously ugly shape, to the hotel sized quarters, to the carpeted halls, to the overused Jeffries tubes, to the aparantly fire-wall less computers, to the lack of redundancy, to the over reliance on active systems, to the living room bridge, to...I'll stop, shall I?
To be fair, the exposed nacelles and bridge were carried over from the basic Connie design. One thing that irritates me is the swiss-army-knife deflector dish. Is there anything they
didn't use it for?
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:15 pm
by Teaos
One of the main problems I have with calling it a warship or battleship is that is so underpowered.
It uses a very small percent of its total volume to house weapons systems. Look at the Enterprise D in the alternative universe. It dispatched a Neg'var class ship in a snap.
Also the fact that it is so heavily geared to science makes it impossible for me to consider it a warship.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:15 pm
by Sionnach Glic
To be fair, the exposed nacelles and bridge were carried over from the basic Connie design.
And they were stupid there. The difference is, the Connie was stupid
with style.
One thing that irritates me is the swiss-army-knife deflector dish. Is there anything they didn't use it for?
Don't remind me.
I was half expecting them to use it to cook a pizza.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:24 pm
by Captain Seafort
Rochey wrote:To be fair, the exposed nacelles and bridge were carried over from the basic Connie design.
And they were stupid there. The difference is, the Connie was stupid
with style.
The bridge placement is daft whatever way you look at it, though it does make swapping out different modules easier. The engines can be easilly rationalised as putting out a lot of harmful radiation, so it makes sense to put them as far way from the main hull as possible. The old-style nacelles were also a lot tougher - the Reliant's port nacelle got hammered with phaser fire in the Mutara Nebula battle and held together well enough that it took a torpedo to finally destroy it. Galaxy-class nacelles, well "Cause and Effect". 'Nuff said.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:26 pm
by Teaos
I was half expecting them to use it to cook a pizza.
Well with its curvature I think you could do that pretty easy.
The Bridge is the same everywhere. While it is stupid everywhere if everyone does it it becomes moot. Everyone has the same disadvantage.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:29 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The bridge placement is daft whatever way you look at it, though it does make swapping out different modules easier.
True, although if it was in a smart place (ie, inside the ship) you would need to swap them out less often.
The engines can be easilly rationalised as putting out a lot of harmful radiation, so it makes sense to put them as far way from the main hull as possible.
That's also my opinion on the matter, but its still highly unsafe. And don't they have some sort of radiation vacine, or something, anyway?
The old-style nacelles were also a lot tougher - the Reliant's port nacelle got hammered with phaser fire in the Mutara Nebula battle and held together well enough that it took a torpedo to finally destroy it.
I know, there's a reason the
Miranda class is my favourite ship.
Galaxy-class nacelles, well "Cause and Effect". 'Nuff said.
Don't remind me...
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:46 pm
by Captain Seafort
Rochey wrote: The engines can be easilly rationalised as putting out a lot of harmful radiation, so it makes sense to put them as far way from the main hull as possible.
That's also my opinion on the matter, but its still highly unsafe. And don't they have some sort of radiation vacine, or something, anyway?
I wouldn't say unsafe - simply accepting that it's a risk to having them easily damaged in battle, but putting them inside the hull is a greater risk to the crew's health.
Radiation vaccines are impossible - that's just Voyager stupidity. You might as well be vaccinated against a bullet through the head.