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And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:42 pm
by thelordharry
What say you, Guys?

For me, it has to be close run thing between Pine and Urban. Urban's McCoy was absolutely spot on with so many people saying it was head and shoulders above everyone else. However, I thought Pine was superb as Kirk, my favourite moment being right at the end when he's promoted to captain and takes the bridge for the first time, slapping Bones on the arm. I swear, he must have been possessed by the spirit if Shatner-Kirk in that scene :)

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:46 pm
by Tyyr
Any of the three mains could get it I think. They all did great. Pine and Quinto both played young versions of their characters perfectly. Urban delivered a spot on McCoy.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:51 am
by Graham Kennedy
That's a moment I absolutely adore. Just that one instant when Pine steps onto the bridge as Captain and goes "Bones!" - just that one word, his mannerism in pronouncing it is SO perfect a copy of Shatner's Kirk, it's actually eerie. And then he breaks it and reverts to his younger-Kirk mode and says "Buckle up!", which is just funny.

Urban did the best job of inhabiting the character and making it like the original actor's take. But to me that moment with Pine says he COULD have done that level of mimicry, but instead he chose to play a somewhat different version of Kirk. Kudos to him for that.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:11 am
by Captain Seafort
Has to be Karl Urban - it never came across as mimicry, but but he came across convincingly as McCoy right from the get go. Him confronting Spock with "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" is one of my favourite scenes in the entire film.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:23 am
by Tsukiyumi
Gotta vote for Karl Urban as well, though Zachary Quinto's Spock was excellent, IMO.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:30 am
by Teaos
Urban was just creepily good as Bones.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:39 am
by Reliant121
I have to go with Karl Urban. Even my dad, who believe me is more unforgiving of remakes than anyone else, thought he got it down perfect. Pine got Kirk down fairly well, but it wasn't quite same purely because of the age differencial. But Urban really got McCoy down to perfection, without taking the piss. "Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor not a physicist!" <-- that sold the movie for both me and dad.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:42 am
by LaughingCheese
Captain Seafort wrote:Has to be Karl Urban - it never came across as mimicry, but but he came across convincingly as McCoy right from the get go. Him confronting Spock with "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" is one of my favourite scenes in the entire film.
QFT. Urban was spot on.

Perhaps Quinto second, Pine third, or Quinto and Pine tied for runner up; not sure. :?

Oh, and I never realized Bones was older than Kirk for some reason.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:46 am
by Teaos
While Quinto was very good, and did a fantastic job of being a Spock, I never felt he was the Spock. Urban did pull that off IMO.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:54 am
by Reliant121
I think thats a great way of putting it. :wink:

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 9:48 am
by Sionnach Glic
Aye, Karl Urban for me, too.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:14 pm
by thelordharry
Yes, Karl Urban certainly had the sort of growly Bones drawl and almost tripping over his sentences....down to a T :)

I guess it depends what you're after really. If you can differentiate the original actor from the original character, leaving you with only the essense of the character and what they're all about, then Urban's Bones is the clear winner. However, for the point that GK mentioned earlier in the thread, in that one moment when Pine declares 'Bones' with the identical body language, tone inflection and swagger as Shatner played him (suggesting he could have played the whole film as a Shatner clone if he'd have wanted to) but then reverted back to his own version, to me, was almost Kirk-like in know, 'I'm just that good that I don't need to do that'.

My vote goes to old Zoe Sultana for being the actress with the most enjoyable cheekbones :)

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:20 pm
by Tyyr
Lemme disagree here.

Urban was McCoy. There is no doubt about that. The "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" got a fanboy squeal out of me and an elbow from my wife. However, he was McCoy, the TOS McCoy from the get go. No problem there, he looks to be old enough to be set in his ways in the movie. That's fine. Pine and Quinto though captured the essence of Kirk and Spock but played them as younger versions of themselves. Kirk, cocky to the point of arrogance but you still saw how he was going towards the great captain he'd eventually be. Quinto had Spock down at a much earlier time in his life, when he's still conflicted about his dual heritage.

Urban was McCoy to perfection, but Pine and Quinto took the essences of their characters, kept them as themselves but made them convincing as the younger versions of themselves. They didn't carbon copy Shatner or Nimoy and I think that makes their performances just a bit better than Urban's.

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:50 pm
by thelordharry
I know what you're saying, Tyrr. Urban's Bones was the most 'familiar' representation to us all I think.

Did anyone enjoy Simon Pegg's Scotty? I think what the directors and writers did was say to him 'you know what Mr Scott is all about..."she cannae tek nae more captain" etc etc but what we want you do is to give him a touch of 'Simon Pegg', which I think he did. Sure, he played him as the technical genius that IS Scotty but I bet at least a few of the lines that he delivered were ad-libbed by him "You could eat, like, a bean and you're done" :)

Re: And best actor award goes to...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:54 pm
by Tyyr
I loved him. I like Simon Pegg and while I was a bit worried about him I think he did just fine. I hope he has more of a role in XII.