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Romulan Valtac

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:22 pm
by D. Sergez
Class Name: Valtac
Affiliation: Romulan Star Empire
Notes: Designed as a Cousin to the Larger Valdore Type Warbird this ship is relatively new Utilizing Technology for the the Valdore Type Warbird
Unit Run: 1
IRW Valtak


Length: 450m
Height: 62.5m
Beam: 100m
Decks: 17

Beam Armament:

3 Heavy Disruper Cannons- 5000 TW Ea.

2 High Power Disrupter Bank- 10000 TW Ea.

Torpedo Armament

3 S3 Photon Torpedo Launchers with 250 Stock

Weapon Range/Accuracy


Sheild Capacity

2295000 TJ


Standard Duranium/Tritanium Single Hull
5.4 Cm high Density Armor
High Power Structural integerity Field


9.6 Normal Cruise
9.85 Maximum Sustained
9.95 Maximum Rated

Combat Manuverability


Working on a Scan of the iMage i Drew..

Overall Strength Index

1180- Rounded up

ill Get it up ASAP

EDIT: Here it is


Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:13 am
by Bryan Moore
Good attempt at finally drawing a new class of Romulan ship!!!! Crude, but I like the try, as we haven't really had one here. Moreover, I like the idea of smaller ships instead of massive battle wagons. I'd like to see more of it, as the sketch is sorta rough and I can't quite get what you're going at, save the nacelle (which does look distinctly Romulan!) Good job so far, though.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:39 am
by D. Sergez
Thank you... im going to be working on that but for now its all ive got...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:07 am
by Bernd
Hmm. It doesn't look particularly Romulan to me. Maybe this will change when it's colored. But in green it may remind me of the 22nd century Orion designs seen on Enterprise.

However, I take it that you intend the top view to be more reminiscent of either the Valdore or the D'deridex.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:48 am
by Granitehewer
its a good ship, remember serg,that not all vehicles produced have a distinct discernible design lineages, there are plenty of real-world examples and since we've not seen a plethora of romulan vessels, a real lineage for your class of ship would be pretty hard to determine, so your ship is just fine!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:50 am
by JudgeKing
Nice design, you should see my Romulan ship designs.