My E-Nill Caricature...
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:57 am
Wanted to try to learn modelling again, so I started a caricature of sorts in Blender:
(I call it a caricature because I just wanted to throw something together and have it resemble the ST XI E-Nill without having to be ultra precise )
So, look anything like it?
I know the pylons need curving, I forgot about that when I was throwing it together (although I prefer them uncurved).
Things to add:
-Deflecter dish
-saucer details
-torpedo tubes?
-nacelle frills
-bridge :p
-make the secondary hull a tad smaller?
(I call it a caricature because I just wanted to throw something together and have it resemble the ST XI E-Nill without having to be ultra precise )
So, look anything like it?
I know the pylons need curving, I forgot about that when I was throwing it together (although I prefer them uncurved).
Things to add:
-Deflecter dish
-saucer details
-torpedo tubes?
-nacelle frills
-bridge :p
-make the secondary hull a tad smaller?