What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

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What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Its supposed to be a sequel series. So what would you do regarding the NX-01 in design, weapons, etc. crew compliment, etc. The Klingons, would you even use them? How'd you write the Vulcans? Basically, Enterprise, your way.

Would this rejected design of the Enterprise had fit more for the era? : http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/artic ... enczli.jpg
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by stitch626 »

No image. They don't allow hotlinking.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

stitch626 wrote:No image. They don't allow hotlinking.
Oh come on!
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by Mikey »

SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Its supposed to be a sequel series.
No it isn't. It's a prequel. And the short answer to the question is: I wouldn't. The whole concept of a prequel in a universe as established and long-standing, with an audience as obssessive as we are, is almost doomed to the problems that ENT encountered - although, perhaps not to the same degree as what actually happened.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Mikey wrote:
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Its supposed to be a sequel series.
No it isn't. It's a prequel. And the short answer to the question is: I wouldn't. The whole concept of a prequel in a universe as established and long-standing, with an audience as obssessive as we are, is almost doomed to the problems that ENT encountered - although, perhaps not to the same degree as what actually happened.
I meant *prequel*. Sorry about that.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by Graham Kennedy »

I wouldn't have done a prequel. But assuming I did...

My NX-01 version went into the A&D forum ages ago :


Crew would carry laser weapons. No such thing as stun, I would treat their guns just like guns today - you shoot, you wound or kill. Crew compliment I thought they had about right at 80. I would have made a determined effort to have more recurring characters in the crew, like Cutler.

The Enterprise would not have been a revolutionary leap; Warp 3 and 4 ships would have been around for a long time, and UESPA (which I would use instead of Starfleet) would have a total fleet of 50 to 100 ships. Enterprise class ships (no bloody NX) would be rolling off at an ever increasing rate. 2 in the first season, then 4, then 6 a year or so.

Vulcans would have been more advanced than Humans, but not THAT much more advanced. And they wouldn't have been evil, but they would have been cold. Not "holding us back" at all, but not necessarily helping either. Allies, but in their own self interest.

Klingons I'd have held off on introducing.

I'd have introduced the Romulans though. A mysterious power, roughly equal to Earth in technology but bigger. I'd have geared up to the Earth-Romulan war almost from day one.

No bloody Suliban and no "Temporal Cold Farce".

As much as possible I'd have used existing TOS species. One thing Enterprise got dead right was the Andorians. I'd like to have seen more of that sort of thing. No Denobulans.

Humans would be brash, bold, take charge and kick ass kind of people. It would get them in trouble as much as it solved things, but they would rush in there and get to grips with the problem and DO stuff about it. And they'd kick ass and take names more than they got into trouble.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by Aaron »

SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:Its supposed to be a sequel series. So what would you do regarding the NX-01 in design, weapons, etc. crew compliment, etc. The Klingons, would you even use them? How'd you write the Vulcans? Basically, Enterprise, your way.

Would this rejected design of the Enterprise had fit more for the era? : http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/artic ... enczli.jpg
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by Teaos »

Cpl Kendall wrote: I take the cash they allocate for a budget, spend it on booze, hookers, blow and games. I stretch it out as long as humanly possible till they demand to see some examples of what I'm doing, then I bugger off to Venezuela.
Thats the DITL way!

But I mostly agree with GK apart from I would have held back introducing the Romulans until season 3, let humans be humans for awhile before throwning them in a war.

Also I would have ditched the 1 season = 1 year thing, to hard to pull of with the speed given.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by Coalition »

Assuming I have the authority to toss out Enterprise as it is, I'd go with the formation of the Federation as my overall theme.

No saucer or similar design, just a solid brick for the main hull, with warp nacelles attached. Purely functional, no beauty. The only compromises made are for scientific experimentation, not aesthetics. Vulcans raise an eyebrow at the ship, but they have to agree with the logic. Nuclear missiles and lasers are standard anti-shipping weaponry, and ground troops still pack shotguns.

For the first season, I'd have the Enterprise going around, poking their noses in everything, exploring according to a fixed schedule. They would basically be the new guy on the block, interested in everything, and acting like the curious kid that keeps asking "Why". Start where the humans think they are better, but refer to TOS planets that are really screwed up and Kirk has to go and fix. I.e. using a computer for annual wargames on Vendikar, instead of launching strikes. Final episode is Archer returning to Earth for repairs/refits/upgrades, and having to explain his prior actions. Archer actually says that he likely did not make the right choice in several fo the situations, but his actions at the time were necessary.

Second Season - have a few screwups, maybe have the Borg in here. The Borg would kill a main character. No immunity to nanoprobes, no radiation to reverse the effect, they are dead. The Borg would use a modified large fusion powered atmospheric plane to leave the atmosphere, and go to warp. The vessel taken over would be very dangerous, very powerful, and efficient (I.e. they only have enough power for three shots, and the first two shots cause a ripple effect along the pwoer grid, allowing the third shot to take out warp capability). The final battle would be Enterprise hammering the Borg ship, and towing the remains into a local star. All data on the Borg is taken to a research station in Miami. Basically Earth starts getting the impression that there are several rather aggressive empires out there, but earth canhandle them. Start a few treaties with neighboring empires, but as they explore towards one region, they notice the planets are either heavily defended and paranoid, or afraid of empty space. Have a shimmer in the last episode, thatshows the Romulans are watching.

Third Season - Expansion continuing, contacting other empires, and get first hints about a dangerous alien empire that strikes from ambush. initial combat studies from the Borg are applied to actual Warships, and the shipyards are slowly converted. Primary goal here will be balancing treaties, setting up trade agreements, and getting the other empires to stop fighting each other, and trying to convince them that a defensive agreement would be useful. First aquisition of hand-held energy weaponry that has more than ten shots per clip.

Fourth Season - Romulan War. The Romulans attack, and there is a map of the Federation in Archer's cabin, and you can see the steady losses of the Federation on that map. Season finale is Romulan ships over Earth, fighting the human warships. Enterprise is destroyed, archer is in an escape pod, and last scene is Archer looking out the window of an escape pod, at a Romulan ship powering up its weapon to kill him.

Fifth Season - First episode shows other alien ships suddenly arriving over Earth, and engaging the Romulan fleet. The Romulans have been fighting hard (humans were too stupid and full of hate to surrender), so their fuel and ammo supplies are low, and their ships need time to recover. The alien fleets never give them the chance. The fleet is fought off, but both sides know the Romulans can deliver another fleet soon. One scene would have the Captains of every ship that participated in the battle gathering in a room, and just nodding to one another. The aliens in the room were annoyed/hostile to each other a few years ago, but now that they have bled and died, they respect one another.

The push back occurs, with Archer in a new Enterprise, with hte map on his wall, as it shows the slow push back. They manage to enter Romulan space a few times, but cloaked bases and sensor systems allow the Romulans to ambush much more effectively. Both sides realize they cannot win without multiple decades of heavy war. First start of negotiations by drone. Both sides also have to deal with Klingon Raiders, and the Federation identifies them as another aggressive species, but much more up front. The Klingons manage to identify their main territory as farther from Earth, so the Federation will have to grab as much territory towards them as possible, and be ready for the inevitable war.

Final episode is the speech that makes the Federation, where the member races decide to work together to accomplish more than the separate races have when apart.

Just off the top of my head.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by katefan »

I thought the Conestoga design would have been perfect for a ship. I liked the sensor and communication antennae as well as the offset deflector dish. And the design ethic would have been in line with the Vulcans in a single narrow hull.


Later when we meet the Andorians we see they use saucers. Then with the vulcan primary hull, human warp nacelles and Andorian saucers we get the formation of the Starfleet design ethic.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Coalition wrote:Assuming I have the authority to toss out Enterprise as it is, I'd go with the formation of the Federation as my overall theme.

No saucer or similar design, just a solid brick for the main hull, with warp nacelles attached. Purely functional, no beauty. The only compromises made are for scientific experimentation, not aesthetics. Vulcans raise an eyebrow at the ship, but they have to agree with the logic. Nuclear missiles and lasers are standard anti-shipping weaponry, and ground troops still pack shotguns.

For the first season, I'd have the Enterprise going around, poking their noses in everything, exploring according to a fixed schedule. They would basically be the new guy on the block, interested in everything, and acting like the curious kid that keeps asking "Why". Start where the humans think they are better, but refer to TOS planets that are really screwed up and Kirk has to go and fix. I.e. using a computer for annual wargames on Vendikar, instead of launching strikes. Final episode is Archer returning to Earth for repairs/refits/upgrades, and having to explain his prior actions. Archer actually says that he likely did not make the right choice in several fo the situations, but his actions at the time were necessary.

Second Season - have a few screwups, maybe have the Borg in here. The Borg would kill a main character. No immunity to nanoprobes, no radiation to reverse the effect, they are dead. The Borg would use a modified large fusion powered atmospheric plane to leave the atmosphere, and go to warp. The vessel taken over would be very dangerous, very powerful, and efficient (I.e. they only have enough power for three shots, and the first two shots cause a ripple effect along the pwoer grid, allowing the third shot to take out warp capability). The final battle would be Enterprise hammering the Borg ship, and towing the remains into a local star. All data on the Borg is taken to a research station in Miami. Basically Earth starts getting the impression that there are several rather aggressive empires out there, but earth canhandle them. Start a few treaties with neighboring empires, but as they explore towards one region, they notice the planets are either heavily defended and paranoid, or afraid of empty space. Have a shimmer in the last episode, thatshows the Romulans are watching.

Third Season - Expansion continuing, contacting other empires, and get first hints about a dangerous alien empire that strikes from ambush. initial combat studies from the Borg are applied to actual Warships, and the shipyards are slowly converted. Primary goal here will be balancing treaties, setting up trade agreements, and getting the other empires to stop fighting each other, and trying to convince them that a defensive agreement would be useful. First aquisition of hand-held energy weaponry that has more than ten shots per clip.

Fourth Season - Romulan War. The Romulans attack, and there is a map of the Federation in Archer's cabin, and you can see the steady losses of the Federation on that map. Season finale is Romulan ships over Earth, fighting the human warships. Enterprise is destroyed, archer is in an escape pod, and last scene is Archer looking out the window of an escape pod, at a Romulan ship powering up its weapon to kill him.

Fifth Season - First episode shows other alien ships suddenly arriving over Earth, and engaging the Romulan fleet. The Romulans have been fighting hard (humans were too stupid and full of hate to surrender), so their fuel and ammo supplies are low, and their ships need time to recover. The alien fleets never give them the chance. The fleet is fought off, but both sides know the Romulans can deliver another fleet soon. One scene would have the Captains of every ship that participated in the battle gathering in a room, and just nodding to one another. The aliens in the room were annoyed/hostile to each other a few years ago, but now that they have bled and died, they respect one another.

The push back occurs, with Archer in a new Enterprise, with hte map on his wall, as it shows the slow push back. They manage to enter Romulan space a few times, but cloaked bases and sensor systems allow the Romulans to ambush much more effectively. Both sides realize they cannot win without multiple decades of heavy war. First start of negotiations by drone. Both sides also have to deal with Klingon Raiders, and the Federation identifies them as another aggressive species, but much more up front. The Klingons manage to identify their main territory as farther from Earth, so the Federation will have to grab as much territory towards them as possible, and be ready for the inevitable war.

Final episode is the speech that makes the Federation, where the member races decide to work together to accomplish more than the separate races have when apart.

Just off the top of my head.
God, but lets leave the Borg out of this. They are 24th Century's enemy and beyond, not 22nd Century.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by Coalition »

SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote:God, but lets leave the Borg out of this. They are 24th Century's enemy and beyond, not 22nd Century.
Exactly right. I wanted to show that Enterprise would be out of its depth engaging them. They are not engaging a Borg ship, they are engaging a modified 747. Anyone caught by the Borg is dead. Taking any of their technology on board would cause problems as well, so they have to literally dump everything in a star to hope they are safe (and if the material starts putting shields around itself as it is being dumped in, have the tactical officer reflexively shooting max yield torps out of fear).

Basically, before this point, Enterprise would run into rough threats, but they would be able to handle. This time they met a fraction of a threat, lost several crewmembers (including main characters), and it nearly killed the ship. I want the crew, and everyone watching to know they nearly got annihilated, by something that barely acknowledged their existence.

Of course, having the material get stored in Miami, get heavily classified, but having Miami take a hit during the Battle for Earth would explain why the information is not there.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Coalition wrote:Exactly right. I wanted to show that Enterprise would be out of its depth engaging them. They are not engaging a Borg ship, they are engaging a modified 747. Anyone caught by the Borg is dead. Taking any of their technology on board would cause problems as well, so they have to literally dump everything in a star to hope they are safe (and if the material starts putting shields around itself as it is being dumped in, have the tactical officer reflexively shooting max yield torps out of fear).
There are plenty of other threats besides the Borg (and they don't operate that way, they assimilate).
Basically, before this point, Enterprise would run into rough threats, but they would be able to handle. This time they met a fraction of a threat, lost several crewmembers (including main characters), and it nearly killed the ship. I want the crew, and everyone watching to know they nearly got annihilated, by something that barely acknowledged their existence.
Why not have a run in with another technologically advanced race? The Borg-first contact wasn't made until 2365. You should keep it that way because there are plenty of uber threats around.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by Deepcrush »

You do know that the Earth-Romulan war was only between Earth and Romulus right? No other races plus from what we know from TOS the war was a stalemate. Not a Romulan cake walk. This alone would cause cannon trouble for the show.

Even worse is the idea of the borg. There were no borg until TNG. Just leave that one alone.
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Re: What would YOU do to make Enterprise?

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Deepcrush wrote:You do know that the Earth-Romulan war was only between Earth and Romulus right? No other races plus from what we know from TOS the war was a stalemate. Not a Romulan cake walk. This alone would cause cannon trouble for the show.

Even worse is the idea of the borg. There were no borg until TNG. Just leave that one alone.
It could also be an Earth Led Coalition. The Romulans were a threat to all the major races of the region-the Andorians, the Vulcans, the Tellarites, etc.
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