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Here's another one.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:48 pm
by Deepcrush
Our bodies crashed together, thunder of flesh and metal. He fell to the ground, so did I! His spear was lost somewhere nearby but too far to see with all the souls battling about. The mass press of bodies on the grounds, some screaming and some looking like they had been screaming. My sword left my hands, my grip was weakened by the impact I hadn't seen coming. I felt pain in my chest, I grunted to refill my lungs with breath. My shield was still strapped to my arm, it had not yet seen fit to leave me. My head was ringing, more pain still, just more pain
I rolled to my knees trying to get back up, my muscle did not agree with my action. Nor did the enemy, he jumped on top of me. His left arm wrapped around my neck tight, or as tight as he could get. The neck guard on my chest plate was in his way. I was glad for that, he should have reached higher. I made to upright, his little body upon my own. His was not enough to weigh me down, I think he noticed.
He must not have like my plan and so repaid me by gracing my jaw with his armored fist! Once then twice more, cocked back and one last time with the fury of the first three combined. I tasted blood and I think part of a tooth! Then it hit me, not his fist again but the reason for my pain. My helm was gone, I didn't even notice. The muck in my eyes you see, I hadn't even bothered to open them yet. I felt I should return the favor. I throw myself in the air and angled to land on my back. I felt his grip tighten, I don't think he knew what was coming or he would have let go. Stupid bastard!
We landed heavy with me on top, the earth below and him between. I heard him gasp as air rushed from him. I drove my elbow against him, hit plate so aimed lower, this time hitting his hip. I hit hard, hard as I could, harder then I thought I could. This time he screamed, I heard something break. His grip went loose and I pulled my body away. Rolling off of him to the side I opened my eyes. The mud and dirt made my eyes burn. Burn, itch and sting, all at once no less. I saw him, for the first time, we saw each other.
His plate was painted black, mine was gray. His was lighter, meant for someone who had trouble carrying too much weight. Mine is heavy, thick and better for protection. He still had his helm, his face was still covered. No shield though, he might have been just a heavy spearmen. There to help stop our charge. They fought us like we were cavalry. That was smart though, we could move like it after all.
He sat up and tried to move but shook with pain and paused. He should have ignored it. I rushed him, drove my shoulder into his chest. He fell backwards back into the mud so I jumped on top of him. He tried to reach for me so I swung my shield arm, the shield struck the fool across his helm. The sound hurt my ears, that high pitch sting in my eardrums. Must have been a lot worse for him! I brought my shield back down into his arm, not much armor there. It bent straight up like an extra joint had been added. He screamed, more like cried out from him. Then he truly cried. Weak! I hated them for that. No honor, no pride, no justice and worst of all no heart!
I pushed down on my shield, he screamed more, screamed until there was not a tick of air left in him and then he tried to scream more. I balled my fist, felt the armor tighten. My fingers hurt from the pressure. I reached up behind me, reached up to God. Then brought down the wrath of heaven itself. I fist crashed to his helm. Not once, not four times like he did me. But many times, I don't know how many times. I screamed, yelled and huffed as I beat on him. I punched, hammer fisted and elbowed. His body bounced and shook as I hit him. It felt like an hour had gone by. He had hit me a few more times but not hard enough to get me off of him. I hit him ten, twenty times. He stopped moving, I stumbled off of him. Tried to stand, pain in my chest, the pain was still there. Like hell burning in my heart. I stood up! Then I yelled.
My sword was there, claymore of my father. A beautiful weapon with a hundred souls sent to the afterlife by it. I took up the blade in my hand and rushed to find a target. One enemy was kneeling on the ground by me. I took off his head. Most of it at least, I hit him about the jaw. The sword still went through, just with a few teeth in the way. This one didn't have time to scream. My chest, my pain, still hurt, I wanted to fall to my knees and weep. I ran forward. No more enemies, they were running or trying to run. Most were just dying.
No one left to fight. I fell, landed on my back. Tried to inhale but that wasn't as easy as I hoped. "Easy now friend" I heard someone say. Then he talked about a spear, they had to get it out of someone. Poor soul, spears hurt when they get pulled I'm told. "Lay back boy, this will hurt!" He said, so I looked down. There was a spear head, punched through my chest plate, right into my one of my lungs I think. Or it sure felt like it. "HOLD HIM!" the warrior said, OH GOD HELP ME! A strong hand gripped the spear shaft that showed about a foot long to where it had broken when I crashed into the spear wall. I never saw the spear that got me. I thought I had made it through, I hoped I had made it through. "Hold him and be ready" He said. NO WAIT I told him, he didn't hear me, or just didn't care. "NOW!" he yelled and the strong hand snapped the wooden spear shaft from the blade tip. I screamed, I shook, I flailed and I cried! "Poor kid" I heard one of them say. "He'll live well enough. First time is always the worst. At least he'll live" Said another one of the warriors. They let loose the straps to my chest plate and pulled my armor off of me. I looked down, blood, red blood, my blood and a lot of blood.
I woke up back at camp. It was night now even though it was morning what felt like only moments ago. How long was I sleeping? I tried to sit up, pain was still with me so I screamed. "Welcome boy, to the living." She was beautiful. I tried to speak but fell back to the matted roll. "Sleep now warrior. The morning is many hours away." So, I slept. I wasn't in the mood to argue.
I awoke to a calm and cool spring morning. The camp was being taken down. We were going home from what I could hear. The enemy army was running, more like a rout they say. Yesterday was my first battle against the demons. A field in Tunatha Banock with waist high wheat. I don't know why we were there, only that we had to be for something. Maybe it's just because that's where the enemy was. I killed two on my first day. In turn I was impaled by a spear and lost two teeth. I'm glad it's over with. I'm still very tired. Even when the warriors carried me back home all I could think about was that first time against them. I had seen them beg for mercy, even when they have never shown any. I saw them cry out in tears before dying in battle. Worst of all, I saw them run like the cowards that they are. Now I know why we kill them. It makes sense now to me. They think they are strong so they attack those who are weaker then them. Well, we are stronger and now they face their own actions in return. We'll give them what they give to others. Pain, and if they are lucky, we will let them die.
Since the day my father found me he's told me stories. Stories about them demon scum, about us and about the Beasts. He joked with me about them, said I had their eyes. He had never seen silver eyes before on anyone.